Fight To Restore
Should I Be Afraid? Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Fight To Restore: Should I Be Afraid?

E - Words: 2,557 - Last Updated: Feb 02, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: May 17, 2014 - Updated: May 17, 2014
245 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Not much to say, PG-13 this chapter mostly for language and allusions to teenage boys being teenage boys with raging hormones. I hope you enjoy and heck, itd be nice if you reviewed and told me your thoughts :)

Luckily, Kurts house was only a few blocks away and it wasnt too long before he was unlocking the door. Nick entered without a second thought but Blaine just stood awkwardly on the porch.


"Well?" he asked suspiciously as he stood by the doorway and waited for the other Slayer to pass the threshold. Why didnt he just walk in? Had he misread him? No one was getting an invitation into his home after dark, that much Kurt had learned over the past two years.


"Nothing, its just... this is so nice," Blaine mumbled and walked past Kurt into the hallway, who let out an involuntary sigh of relief. The sound, unfortunately, didnt go unnoticed and Blaine smirked.


"Did you think I was some Oscar-winning vampire waiting for his invite?"


Kurt chuckled breathlessly and nodded. "Actually, yeah. It wouldnt be the first time I unintentionally invited one in." His admission was met by a wide, toothy grin and crinkled eyes and he hurriedly changed the subject before he could be mocked. "I believe you said something about coffee and a shower? You can use the one in my bedroom, Ill take the one that belongs with the master bedroom. NICK!", he added in a shout, "CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE SOME COFFEE? WERE GONNA TAKE A SHOWER!"


Blaine started snickering and Nick outright laughed from the kitchen.


"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! SEPARATE ONES! Assholes," Kurt cursed under his breath as he led the boy upstairs. He stopped in front of his bedroom door and swallowed.


A guy who wasnt his step-brother or Watcher was going into his room. Which has his bed in it. An, apparently, gay and extremely attractive guy.


"Kurt? Not that I dont like admiring the intricate patterns of your door, artfully hidden away by what I think is sheet music to every song from Wicked, but Id really like to take these off. Fuck if I wasnt rather naked than wearing this crap." Blaine pointed at his attire. And then Kurt registered what he had said.


He was going to take his clothes off. He was going to be naked. In his room. The bearer of a penis that wasnt his own.


He let out a very unmanly squeak at the thought, at which Blaine started laughing again.


"Youre fucking adorable, do you know that?" he said in a low voice and leaned against the door-frame, looking up at Kurt with a knowing grin. "Mind telling me where your mind wandered off to?"


The taller boy just shook his head like a wet dog to clear his mind. "No, really, nothing to tell, I just zone out sometimes," he explained nervously. "Uhh, yeah, thats a thing I totally do," he added upon seeing the skepticism in Blaines features, and then proceeded to curse himself immediately after for that. Nice, tell the hot guy you seem to be crushing on and with whom you might stand a chance that youre a Class-A-weirdo. That wont scare him off.


Blaine pursed his lips, but the corners of his mouth twitched in what was undoubtedly another suppressed laugh. He cleared his throat and stepped into Kurts personal space, crowding him against the wall.


"You know, the showers dont have to be separate. Save water, shower with a friend, all that crap?" he said in a sultry voice, his lips barely an inch from Kurts ear. The latter shivered at the hot breath ghosting across his skin, and hated himself a little more for even considering for a second as he was assaulted by images; delicious, so delicious images, of the other boys naked, olive skin, glistening as water cascaded down on them, in such stark contrast to his own milky white complexion.


"Uh, I-I dont know, m-m-maybe s-some other time," he stuttered and laughed nervously, moving to the side to go around the other boy.


"Alright. Ill hold you to that," Kurt heard Blaine tease before he shut the door behind him and made his way to his parents bedroom to clean up as well.


He finished quickly so as not to let his mind wander back to the hazel-eyed teen and the suggestions his voice had held. He had to adjust the spray to the coldest setting as it was, and he didnt think he could look him in the eye ever again if he took care of his... arising problem, let alone focus enough to fight the forces of evil alongside him. He toweled himself off, rubbing his skin rigorously in an attempt to get some warmth back in case Blaine or Nick decided to touch him and find him ice cold, which, in his book, was a dead giveaway for “I just had to kill a particularly stubborn boner”. Then he cursed himself again because he noticed he had forgotten to bring any clothes, at all, in his haste to escape the stirrings the other boy had caused in his belly. Hoping Blaine would try to enjoy a hot non-motel room bath for as long as he could, he knocked timidly before entering with the towel wrapped around his waist.


And almost let it fall.


Blaine was standing there looking through one of Kurts drawers, his back to the door and humming quietly as he was looking for whatever. His hair was dripping wet and he was clad only in white boxer-briefs, which hugged his ass just so and damn what did I just torture myself for, body? Control your urges!


Kurt gulped loudly and thats when Blaine became aware of his presence, turning around unashamedly to smirk at him. “W-why are you going through my dresser?” the tall teen stammered and felt his self-loathing flare just a little more because of it.


I was borrowing a shirt, forgot to pack one when I planned my excursion to the cemetery after that ridiculous club thing. I wasnt going to get teased by a fucking bloodsucker for what I was wearing there.”


Kurt stared incredulously, having all but forgotten his and Blaines state of undress. “Are you serious right now? You care about what vampires think of your clothing?” Not even Kurt had quite reached that level of vanity yet. “And why didnt you just ask?!”


Blaine, in turn, was looking at Kurt like he was slow on the uptake. “Yes? Of course I care. I want them to know Im the biggest, baddest... anything in town. I want their hearts to beat out of their chests in fear when they think of me.”


Theyre dead. They dont even have a heartbeat anymore!” Kurt snapped back indignantly, the sound of which made Blaine smirk once again.


Exactly. Thats how scared I want them to be of me.”


Kurt had nothing to retaliate with for the second time that day, so he just huffed and walked over to the dresser, pulling out boxers, sweatpants, and two soft cotton shirts, throwing Blaine one of them wordlessly. When he moved to return to the other bathroom once more to get dressed, he felt a hand curling around his hip before it trailed to his lower back, the fingertips trying to edge their way under the towel covering Kurts privates. He jumped and yelped and turned his head to glare at Blaine. “What the fuck do you think youre doing?” he hissed. He was already sick of that arrogant bastard. And hed seemed so nice at first, too.


I was going to thank you. Oh well, if you dont want to...” The curly-haired teen mock-pouted and then resolved into laughter once more, surely at least partially induced by Kurts flabbergasted and enraged facial expression. The taller teen just stormed out of the room and pulled on his clothes quickly, making his way downstairs to meet Nick in the kitchen. Thankfully, Blaine hadnt made it down yet, though Kurt couldnt shake the feeling that it was due to the fact that he was snooping some more.


He needs to live at your place,” Kurt announced without preamble, while Nick just eyed him like he was completely off his hanger.


Uh, why?”


Hes going to need a place to stay other than some ratty motel, and food, and clothes, and you have a house completely funded by the Council. Besides, I can hardly go up to my Dad and tell him were going to be housing a complete stranger who fights evil, which, by the way, is what I do every night he catches me out of bed, and oh yeah, Im a Slayer.” Kurt crossed his arms, daring Nick to argue with his reasoning because he knew it was flawless. They had a staring match until the Watcher gave in with a sigh.


Fine, he can move in with me.”


Sweet!” they heard a voice call from the doorway, causing Kurt to have to resort to his Slayer strength in order to not roll his eyes. “Do you get cable? I havent watched TV in ages.”


Hate to burst your bubble, honey, but he doesnt even own a TV,” Kurt replied in a sickeningly sweet voice in lieu of Nick, who in turn shuffled awkwardly in his seat. The pale Slayer gasped in fake horror. “Nooo... No, Nick! No way! It cant be! Youre shallow like the rest of us!”


Its just... Just for educational purposes... The news... And so I know what the hell youre talking about most of the time.”


Blaine plopped down, hard, in one of the kitchen chairs then. “This is all very sweet,” he drawled, “you two make a very cute couple.” His words caused Nick to choke on the sip of tea hed just taken, and Kurt to emit a strangled, drawn-out “eurgh” sound.


Ew, Blaine! Thats like... That would be like incest.”


Really? Wouldnt have pegged you for the type, but whatever floats your boat, man.”


Oh haha, did you come up with that all on your own or did your great-great-grandmother, the Wicked Witch of the West, help you?”


The Wicked Witch of the West is dead, Kurt, and she didnt leave behind any heirs,” Nick cut in seriously, causing the other two boys to look at him, dumbfounded.


Wait – shes real?” Blaine looked stunned. It suited him much better than that smug, arrogant, sexy little grin he sported when he teased him, Kurt thought, and then backtracked. Sexy? Sure, hes attractive, but personality is important to you, his conscience reminded him.


She is. So Im assuming youre fine staying at my house? I get the first shower, though,” Nick quickly added, causing Blaine to groan.


Man, you better not use up all the hot water, or I will use my divine... chosen... whatever powers to kick your ass to warm up afterward. Doubt itll be enough of a fight for me to actually warm up, but you get the gist.”


Ill have you know Im highly trained in all martial arts as well as-”


Okay!” Kurt cut in. “So, what are we going to tell people who Blaine is? Your little brother is a little far off, you dont look remotely the same...”


Thank God,” Blaine muttered under his breath, causing both Nick and Kurt to glare at him. He had the decency to fake a sheepish look, at least. “Why do we need to tell people anything at all?” he inquired, instead of staying on the topic.


Because theyre gonna ask. This isnt the biggest town, and while theres always a few new transfers every year, youve already established that you just love to pull focus,” Kurt remarked drily, causing Nick to chuckle.


Transfer? New year? You dont expect me to-”


Enroll and go to high school? Well, its the best way to blend in. Besides, how old are you?” Kurt was curious now. He expected Blaine was probably older than him, but a year or two at most, so he could easily fit in at school.


What he didnt expect was Blaine awkwardly shuffling his feet and looking down at the ground when faced with the simple question.


Sixteen,” he finally provided. “Seventeen in February.” Kurt tried hard not to gape. He looked so... mature. Not old or anything, but like he was well on his way to becoming a man, unlike him with his pudgy, red baby cheeks and freckles and high-pitched voice.


Then you should be in school anyway,” Nick piped up. “Youre younger than Kurt. You havent visited a classroom in a while, I presume, based on your reaction?”


I have. I didnt run away until a few weeks ago, after school let out in L.A., but... I wasnt really planning on wasting my time with academics anymore.” The curly-haired teen sighed in surrender. “Ill be a Junior come September, I guess,” he relented.


Kurt groaned internally and sent a silent prayer to whomever was listening that they wouldnt end up sharing any classes. As if reading his thoughts, Nick spoke up again.


Chin up, now! You might even share a few classes with Kurt! And Im the librarian, so if theres anything you need, you can come see me anytime. Its not like a lot of students ever come in there.” Kurt would have laughed at his sour tone if he hadnt already had to suffer through so many tirades about young adults not nearly reading enough.


Alright. Look, can we talk about this tomorrow?” Blaine was clearly still uncomfortable. It didnt do anything to keep Kurts curiosity from piquing. What was so bad about school? Sure, it was boring and didnt challenge him in the least, and before he became the Slayer, he was bullied a lot at his old school, and again once he transferred to McKinley, but once people realized he could knock them out with one punch after a nasty run-in with a jock twice his size named Karofsky, theyd generally left him alone.


Of course. I should get going anyway. Do you want to stay here tonight or come to my house already?” Blaine glanced at Kurt quickly. “Ill stay for the night.”


You should, too,” the pale boy advised Nick. “I dont want you out there alone at night. Its been ugly with the bumpies lately. You can take Dads and Caroles room down here, as usual, Blaine can go into Finns, Ill stay in my own bed.” Kurt was deliberately placing Blaine in his step-brothers room, because he knew how much it stank of unwashed laundry and football equipment. It was mean, but he was convinced after earlier, the boy deserved to be punished just a little, and possibly put in his place, if such a thing were possible.


Nick agreed and shuffled off to get ready for bed, getting a change of clothes from Kurt as well while the boy in question showed his new coworker to Finns room. As soon as he opened the door, the taller teen expected Blaine to start coughing and retching, but it didnt happen. Instead, he smirked, whispered a “good night, sweetcheeks” that shouldnt have sounded sultry, but did, and went to bed. Kurt assumed he had been toughened up by being on the run for so long. It didnt occur to him until he was lying in his own bed, all warm and snug, that he didnt know what Blaine was on the run from.


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