You Will Always Be Perfect
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Will Always Be Perfect : Chapter 8

T - Words: 1,360 - Last Updated: May 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Nov 30, 2011 - Updated: May 01, 2012
1,224 0 0 0 0

Blaine and Finn stood anxiously outside of Kurt’s hospital room while Burt and Carole were allowed in. “Why can’t we see him?” Finn asked loudly.

Blaine didn’t respond but instead sank down against the wall. Kurt was on the other side of that thin plaster wall, the boy that he loved more than anything in the world was so close but so far. Blaine thought that he had dried himself of tears, but instead he found himself sobbing once again. Blaine cried for what seemed like hours, it wasn’t until he felt a familiar embrace. Blaine looked up and sniffled. Carole was there on the floor next to him.

“Carole, can I see him please?” Blaine asked, his voice thick with tears.

Carole shook her head, “No, they need to get him to Cleveland as soon as possible. We were only allowed in for a few minutes. But I promise as soon as we get the ok to see him in Cleveland I will make sure you are allowed in.”

Blaine closed his eyes and scrunched his face as tears slid down his checks. It hurt so much to know he had to wait to see Kurt.

“Hey, shh. Blaine, Kurt did ask about you.” Carole said grabbing Blaine’s face gently and wiping his tears.

Blaine’s eyes widened. “Is he mad at me?”

“No, of course not. He told me to tell you that he loved you.”

Blaine couldn’t believe his ears. Kurt didn’t hate him, he wasn’t mad for Blaine not being able to get him out of the car. Blaine wasn’t sure if he should be grateful or hate himself even more. The boy he left for dead in a burning car still loved him. Once again he slumped against Carole in a heap of tears.

Blaine didn’t remember Finn picking him off the hospital floor. Nor did he remember the ride back to the Hummel’s house.

The Hummel’s drove home quickly partly because Blaine was in no shape to be out of the house and also because Burt and Carole needed to get packed quickly in order to drive to Cleveland to be with Kurt.

As they pulled into the driveway Carole turned back to look at Finn who was cradling Blaine in the backseat.

“Finn, why don’t you take him up to bed?” She said softly.
Finn nodded as he carefully lifted Blaine out of the car and headed into the house.
Carole and Burt followed them in.

“We should start packing.” Burt said as he pulled off his jacket.

Carole pursed her lips and nodded. “Burt, I am worried about Blaine. I am not sure he will do well being left alone.”

“I know how you feel Carole. But he can’t come to Cleveland with us; at least right now. Both he and Finn have school and even if they did come to Cleveland they wouldn’t be able to see Kurt right away.” Burt said with a shrug.

“I know. I just hate to leave them alone. Finn is angry and confused and Blaine can barely function.” Carole said as she hung up her own coat.

“Carole, you know I love Finn and Blaine as much as I love Kurt. But my boy needs me more than they do. I hate to leave them as much as you do. But it has to happen.” Burt said pulling his wife into a hug.

“We will have them come up as soon as we can.” Carole resolved.

“Of course, but for now we have to pack. They will be expecting us in Cleveland by this evening.” Burt said as he went into the hall closet and pulled out a large suitcase.

Carole nodded as she went up the stairs to begin packing.
Blaine woke up to a soft knocking. “Come in.” he mumbled.

“Blaine, sweetie are you awake?” Carole’s soft voice asked she poked her head into the room.

Blaine sat up slightly in bed. His eyes were once again red rimmed and his face was blotchy. “Are we going to Cleveland?” he asked his voice was raspy.

Carole pursed her lips as she sat down on the bed.
“Blaine, Burt and I think it would be best if you and Finn stay here.”

Blaine face took on a pained looked. “Carole, I have to see him. Please let me come with you.”

“I am sorry honey. But it will at least be a few days before Kurt is allowed any visitors besides his family. And you and Finn both have school. I promise that as soon we get the word that you are allowed to see Kurt I will tell you.”

Blaine nodded. He knew Carole was right. “Carole can you do me a favor.” Blaine asked as Carole stood up from the bed.

“Of course honey.”

“If I write a letter to Kurt can you give it to him?” Blaine said looking up.

“Of course I will.” Carole said patting Blaine’s hand. “I have to go pack I will be back in soon.”

Carole left the room as Blaine pulled himself out of the bed. He stuck his head out into the hallway before hobbling into Kurt’s bedroom.
Once again the scent of Kurt threatened to break Blaine’s down once again. Blaine quickly headed towards Kurt’s desk and pulled out a piece of Kurt’s favorite stationary.

Blaine, despite his better judgment, brought the heavy paper up to his nose. He smiled as the scent took him back to the many letter that Kurt had sent him throughout their relationship. Blaine quickly pulled out a pen from Kurt’s desk drawer and bent over the paper.

Carole and Burt finished their packing in record time and before they knew it the car was packed and they were ready to drive to Cleveland.
Finn stood awkwardly in the door as he watched his parents go over last minute checklists.

Carole looked up from her purse and smiled at her eldest before placing a hand on his cheek. “Finn, I left all the emergency numbers you would need on the fridge. I also left some extra cash in the drawer under the microwave. There is enough food in the fridge to last a few days so you and Blaine should be fine. Speaking of where is Blaine?”

“I can go find him?” Finn volunteered.

“Please do, Burt and I need to get going if we are going to make it to Cleveland before dark.”

Finn hurried into the house and bounded up the stairs. “Blaine? My mom and Burt are leaving. Do you want to say goodbye?” He yelled as he reached the second floor.
Blaine emerged from Kurt’s bedroom wiping his face and carrying a neatly folded envelope. He smiled weakly at Finn.

“Who is the letter for?” Finn asked while he helped Blaine down the stairs.

“Kurt.” Blaine said quietly.

“I am sure he will really appreciate that.” Finn replied with a smile.

“Blaine sweetie, are you ok?” Carole asked as the boys made their way outside.

“I am fine; will you give this letter to Kurt?” Blaine asked.

“Yes, of course.” Carole said before placing the letter carefully in her purse. “I already told Finn about the emergency numbers and such. Our phones will both be on, and we will call when we get settled in Cleveland. Take care of each other boys.” Carole said as she hugged them both.

The two boys watched as Burt’s old truck pulled away from the house. Finn shuffled his feet awkwardly before turning towards Blaine…”Do you want pizza for dinner, mom left some cash in the drawer.”

Blaine shook his head. “No, I think I am just going to head up to bed.”

“Alright, goodnight.” Finn said before disappearing into the kitchen.
Blaine slowly made his way up the stairs but instead of heading into the guest room he once again ventured into Kurt’s bedroom.
Blaine carefully opened Kurt’s closet and pulled out his favorite pair of silk pajamas. As Blaine slid them onto his body he inhaled deeply; as much as the smell of Kurt made his heart break even more it also brought comfort. Blaine quickly buried himself under the covers of Kurt’s bed as he cried himself to sleep once more.


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