May 1, 2012, 7 p.m.
May 1, 2012, 7 p.m.
Doctor Baker turned around quickly trying to hide his shock from the Hummel’s. “Are you sure?” he asked quietly. The nurse nodded pursing her lips.
“We are sure.”
“Please excuse me.” The doctor said to the shaken Hummel clan before sprinting down the hall towards Kurt’s room.
Burt didn’t think twice before sprinting after him Carole close behind. Finn scrambled out of the plastic chair he was sitting in and started after his parents. “Blaine he’s awake! Kurt’s awake come on!” Finn said excitedly looking back at the smaller boy.
Blaine was still seated his face pale and his breathing erratic. Finn immediately hit his knees. “Blaine what’s wrong dude?”
Blaine looked up fear clearly evident in his hazel eyes. “Finn, what if he hates me. What if he remembers that I couldn’t save him? Or want if he doesn’t remember at all? Finn it was all my fault. What if he doesn’t make it out of the hospital? Or the surgeries don’t work…or…” Blaine’s words stopped as his lungs began to burn from lack of oxygen. He couldn’t breath! Blaine’s panic rose even higher as his body began to shake and tremble.
Finn put his hands on the boy’s shoulders. “Blaine, just breath! Ok focus on me and breath!” Finn said his voice steadier than he thought it would be. He started to exaggerate his own breaths in order to coach Blaine. “Just breathe with me Blaine, in and out. Its ok just breathe.”
Blaine’s breathing evened out and his shaking slowed. He looked up at Finn as tears formed in his eyes. “What if he hates me?”
Doctor Baker quickly walked into Kurt’s hospital room. The nurse was right the young boys piercing blue eyes were open and staring fearfully at the nurse by his bedside.
Doctor Baker approached the bed smiling comfortingly at Kurt. “Mr. Hummel, I am so glad to see you awake! Are you in any pain?”
Kurt shook his head slowly.
“Good, do you know where you are?”
Kurt nodded.
“Great, Kurt as you know you are in the hospital. You were in a car accident about a week ago and have been in a coma since then.”
Kurt looked up at the doctor slowly pointing to the ventilator that he was attached too.
“You have been attached to a ventilator due to some inhalation damage. I am going to run a few tests then maybe we can get it disconnected.”
Doctor Baker continued to run a few tests before speaking to Kurt again. “Ok Kurt, it seems like you lungs are healed enough to get you off the ventilator for now.”
Kurt nodded as the doctors and nurses took to work.
Soon after the ventilator was removed Kurt rasped out a single word. “Dad?”
“Your family is right outside Kurt, we will let them in a minute.” Doctor Baker said with a smile before leaving the room.
“Kurt isn’t going to hate you.” Finn said softly pulling Blaine into a hug. “He could never hate you dude. He never stops talking about you when you two aren’t together. You are his world Blaine.”
“He is my world.” Blaine said pulling back from the hug. “Without him I have nothing.”
“I know.” Finn replied. “But he is awake and they are taking him to Cleveland to get the best doctors. Kurt will make it through this. You both will. Now come on lets go see him.” Finn smiled pulling Blaine up slowly and helping him hobble down the hallway.
Finn and Blaine approached Burt and Carole just as Doctor Baker was coming out of the room.
“He is awake and breathing on his own; which is unexpected by great. Your son is a fighter Mr. Hummel. He will need to be transferred to Cleveland as soon as possible by Life Flight but I can let you and your wife see him for a few minutes while we prepare the transfer team.” Doctor Baker said motioning for Burt and Carole to enter the room.
Burt never felt so relieved to see his son’s blue eyes staring back at his.
“Kurt.” He said before dropping down at his son’s bed side onto a plastic chair. “Kurt we were so worried.” Tears were flowing down Burt’s cheeks as he looked at his son.
“Dad, what happened?” Kurt said softly his voice raspy from lack of use.
Burt looked up. The doctor hadn’t told him? Why didn’t the doctor tell him? Thankfully Carole stepped forward and sat down next to the bed as well.
“Kurt, honey you were in a car accident. And when the car crashed the gas line sprung a leak. The paramedics tried their best to get you out before the gas caught fire but they couldn’t. The car blew up and you were still in it. They, umm, they got you out soon afterward but you were burnt pretty badly. You have been unconscious since the accident but now that you are awake they want to transfer you by life flight to Cleveland so they can take care of you better. Do you understand honey?” Carole said putting her hand on Kurt’s leg.
Kurt nodded looking at Carole before rasping out another question. “Blaine?”
“Blaine is fine honey. He has a broken leg and a few bumps and bruises but he is ok. He is staying at our house for a while since his parents are out of town. He is so worried about you Kurt.”
“Can I see him?” Kurt asked his voice sore and weak.
Carole bit her lip. “Not right now honey. The transfer team is ready to take you to the hospital in Cleveland. But as soon as they give us the clear you can see Blaine, ok?”
Kurt nodded as the door to the room swung open and Doctor Baker came in with a team of paramedics.
“Are we ready?” he asked looking towards the Hummel family.
“Kurt, we will be there as soon as we can. We love you Buddy.” Burt said kneeling down and placing a light kiss on Kurt’s forehead.
Carole did the same, “Kurt don’t be afraid it will be ok.”
“I love you both. Tell Finn and Blaine I love them too.” Kurt said before Burt and Carole were ushered out of the room and out into the hallway.