You Will Always Be Perfect
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You Will Always Be Perfect : Chapter 5

T - Words: 1,126 - Last Updated: May 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Nov 30, 2011 - Updated: May 01, 2012
1,522 0 1 0 0

“Ready to go kiddo?” Burt asked as he signed the final papers for Blaine’s hospital release. Blaine shrugged. He hated to be leaving with out Kurt. Kurt who was still in ICU. Kurt who Blaine hadn’t seen since the accident. Blaine felt like he was dying inside.

“Alright lets get you home.” Burt said as he began to push the wheelchair Blaine was situated in due to his broken leg. Burt had the car waiting near the main entrance to the hospital allowing Blaine to hobble into the car without much difficulty. As Burt pulled out of the hospital he cleared his throat. “Carole has made up the spare bedroom for you so you won’t have to sleep on the couch.”

“Thank you Mr. Hummel.” Blaine said softly as he stared out the car window.

“Blaine, we have been through a lot and we still have a hell of a lot more to go through. So please call me Burt.” Burt said looking over at the small boy.

“Ok, thank you Burt.” Blaine said forcing a smile.
The rest of the ride was spent in silence. As the Burt’s old pickup truck pulled into the drive Blaine noticed Carole standing in the door way with misty eyes. Burt turned off the engine and headed over to help Blaine into the house.

“Blaine I am so glad you are home. Are you hungry?” Carole asked ushering Blaine in the house.

“No thank you Carole, I am really tried is it ok if I just go get ready for bed?”

“Of course, honey. I can bring some soup up if you would like me to in a little while?” Carole replied.

Blaine really didn’t feel like eating but knew that Carole wouldn’t drop the issue until he agreed to at least eat something before bed. “That would be lovely. Thank you very much.” Blaine smiled as he started towards the stairs.

“Here let me help you bud.” Burt said rising from his chair. He helped Blaine up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. “If you need anymore help just holler.” Burt said patting Blaine on the back and heading back downstairs to the kitchen.

“How is he doing?” Carole asked as she stood by the oven stirring a pot of soup.

“I don’t know Carole. He has barely said two words since we left the hospital, I think it was really hard for him to leave without Kurt.” Burt said slumping into a chair.

“I am sure it was, did the doctor say anything before you left?”

“Kurt’s condition is the same not bad but not good. They are hoping to schedule his surgery for next week if his vitals improve.” Burt said wearily.

“Kurt will pull through; he is the strongest boy I know.” Carole said bending down and giving Burt a peck on the check.

Blaine looked around the guest room. It was simple and plain, so much different that the room that was across the hall. Blaine’s heart constricted as he limped across to the closed door that belonged to Kurt’s bedroom. He slowly pushed the door open and was immediately surrounded by the scent of Kurt. Blaine ventured farther into the all too familiar room. He took a deep breath, smiling as the scent of honey, lavender and something that was distinctly Kurt filled his lungs. He loved that smell. He began to make his way through the room, reverently taking it all in. The stack of novels by Kurt’s bedside, his satchel slung across the back of his desk chair, the closet filled to brim with Kurt’s collection of clothes. Blaine stopped to look at the slew of pictures that Kurt has hung so carefully above his desk. There was the group photo of the New Directions in New York, a picture of himself and Kurt at the park after a romantic picnic, a picture of him and his mom from when Kurt was just a child. Blaine smiled as his boyfriends beautiful face shone with happiness in every picture. The smile began to fade as Blaine remembered the pain and fear in Kurt’s eyes the last time he saw him. Would Blaine ever get to see that smile again? Would he ever get to see Kurt sing with the New Directions again? Would Blaine ever get to hold his perfect boyfriend in his arms, or was Blaine only left with memories to get him through? Blaine heart seemed to breaking in two as the thoughts ran through his head, his breath came in short gasps and tears began to run down his checks. He fell into a heap on Kurt’s floor as sobs began to rack his body.

Carole returned to the stove and began to ladle the soup into a bowl. As she did, she heard the front door of the house open. “Oh, Finn must be home.”

“Hey mom, hi Burt.” Finn said.

"Hi honey, how was school?” Carole asked as she began to arrange the bowl of soup and a plate of crackers onto a tray.

"Its fine, everyone is kinda out of it because they are all worried about Kurt and Blaine.” Finn said with a shrug.

“Oh bless their hearts; well the good news is Blaine has been released from the hospital, so that should give them some piece of mind.” Carole said with a smile.

“He is! Where is he?” Finn asked perking up.

“He is upstairs in the spare bedroom, actually why don’t you take this soup up to him. I am sure he would love to see you.”

“Ok.” Finn said standing up and taking the tray from his mother. Finn walked carefully up the stairs being wary of the bowl of soup. He knocked on the door to the guest bedroom and poked his head in. “Blaine, you in here?” Finn asked walking to set the tray down on the bedside table. Finn walked into the hallway to see if Blaine was possibly in the bathroom. But what Finn heard as he entered the hallway made him stop in his tracks. The unmistakable sound of crying was coming from Kurt’s bedroom. Finn nudged the door open with his foot and saw the crumpled mess of Blaine lying in the middle of the floor.

“Shit, Blaine did you fall or something are you ok?” Finn asked as he hit his knees next to smaller boy.

Blaine sniffed and looked up at Finn before throwing his arms around the tall boy and weeping into his shirt. “What if he never comes back Finn? What if he doesn’t make it? What if I never see him again?” Blaine sobbed.

Finn couldn’t answer but instead wrapped his arms around Blaine and began to rub his back in an awkward attempt at comforting the broken boy.


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