You Will Always Be Perfect
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You Will Always Be Perfect : Chapter 12

T - Words: 1,506 - Last Updated: May 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Nov 30, 2011 - Updated: May 01, 2012
1,028 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: last chapter besides epilogue
Kurt didn’t sleep that night. The excitement of seeing Blaine in a few short hours kept him awake most of the night. Kurt sighed contently when he finally saw the sun peek over the horizon.

Nurse Claire came in with a bright smile. “Hi Kurt.”

“Good morning!” Kurt said with a wide smile.

“Wow, we are in a good mood aren’t we?” Claire said surprised at Kurt’s smile.

“I couldn’t sleep last night; I get to see Blaine today. Claire, you don’t know how happy I am.” Kurt said clasping his hands together.

“Well, then why don’t we take you into the bathroom and get you cleaned up for your man?” Claire said with a wink.

“Wait, the bathroom?” Kurt questioned. The past few weeks in the hospital he had been resigned to sponge baths and bed pans. Both of which still grossed out Kurt immensely. He had yet to even see the ensuite bathroom that was connected to his room.

“Yepp, you are getting really good at getting around and I figured taking a real shower would make you feel extra sexy for Blaine. We still have to be careful of your stiches and grafts but I will be there to help you.” Claire said as she began to unhook Kurt from the various machines.
Kurt stood up from the bed with a bit of help from Claire and headed into the bathroom.

Claire carefully sat Kurt on the toilet as she readied the shower.
It didn’t take long for Kurt to get cleaned up, and soon he was dressed in a fresh gown and Claire was towel drying his hair.

“Mmmm, so handsome.” Claire said with a smile as she stood back and looked at Kurt. “Ready to get back to bed?”

Kurt smiled and gave Claire a nod, the lack of sleep and the shower had zapped him of his energy. Maybe he could get a nap in before Blaine got in.

“Alright, I am going to put this towel away. You just sit tight and I will be right back.” Claire said as she exited the bathroom.

Kurt sighed, he didn’t need Claire’s help to get back to the hospital bed he stood up slowly and turned towards the door. As he did he caught a flash of light in the corner of his eye. His eyes widened as he realized what it was. The bathroom had a mirror. He hadn’t noticed it when Claire first brought him in. Kurt turned slowly and faced the reflective surface. He nearly screamed in shock when he saw his reflection.
He had seen the scaring on his arms, legs, and torso. Angry red and white scars in odd patterns and shapes. But all of those would heal and could be easily covered up. He hadn’t seen the damage the fire had done to his face. The right side of his face was full of burns and scars. His once perfect hairline was now jagged and misshapen where the fire had signed his hair off. He couldn’t believe what he saw in the mirror. Kurt watched as tears fell from his eyes. He watched the reflection mirror his movements, but he still couldn’t believe that this was him. This was his face. He couldn’t believe he could look so ugly.

Claire came bustling back into the room as Kurt stared into the mirror;
“Sorry, it took so long they needed me in…” she stopped short as she saw Kurt standing in the bathroom.

“Kurt?” She asked placing a gentle hand on his arm.

Kurt didn’t look away from the mirror, “He is going to be terrified.” He said his voice barely above a whisper.

“Kurt, lets get you back to bed.” Claire said grabbing Kurt’s shoulders and attempting to steer him away from the mirror.

“No!” Kurt yelled his voice cracking. “I haven’t seen my face in four weeks, and now on the day that my boyfriend is coming I see it. I see that I am not me anymore. That I look like a monster.” Kurt said as more tears streamed down his cheeks.

“Oh, Kurt.” Claire cooed. “You’re scars will heal, it will just take time.”

“I don’t have time! Blaine is coming today. He hasn’t seen me since the accident. He probably hates me for making him sing that stupid song, and for not paying attention to the road, and now. Look at me, he isn’t going to want me if I look like this.” Kurt was beginning to tremble as he continued to stare at himself in the mirror.

“Kurt, we need to get you back to bed.” Claire said her voice insistent.

“He isn’t going to love me anymore.” Kurt said one last time before his legs collapsed beneath him and he heard Claire call for help.

Finn awoke to the sound of his alarm he groaned as the bright light of his phone shone in his eyes. Normally he would press the snooze button till the last possible second but a text from Blaine caught his eye. He opened it and read it with sleep filled eyes.

::Finn, I can’t go to Cleveland with you this weekend. I have a lot of homework to catch up on.::

Finn shot out of bed and reread the text a few times. He knew that Blaine didn’t have homework, something else was going on. He quickly put the phone down and started to get ready. He was going to go find Blaine and figure out what was wrong.

Blaine woke up to the sound of his parents shouting. He didn’t sleep much after the confrontation with his father and his head hurt a bit from crying. He slowly pulled himself out of bed and trudged towards the shower. As he was getting out he heard the door bell ring. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. It was still quite early and he couldn’t think of who might be at his house at this hour. He quickly pulled a pair of sweats and a t-shirt before slowly heading down the stairs. He opened the door and found Finn standing awkwardly on the doorstep.

“Finn, what are you doing here?”

“Umm, well I got you text dude. And I know you wouldn’t choose homework over Kurt so I came to see what was up.” Finn said as he peered over Blaine’s head and into the large foyer of the Anderson household.

“Everything is fine, Finn.” Blaine said his voice tight.

“Dude, you haven’t seen Kurt in four weeks. I know something is up…what is it? Your parents?” Finn asked.

Blaine took in a sharp breath of air and nodded.

“Wait, your parents won’t let you go to see Kurt?” Finn balked.

Blaine shook his head unable to speak as tears welled up in his eyes.


“I don’t know, they caught me as I was starting to pack last night and said I couldn’t go.”

“That is bullshit.” Finn yelled causing Blaine to jump a little. “How long will it take for you to pack?”

“Wait, what? My parents won’t let me go.” Blaine said looking up at Finn.

“Who care what they say, we are going to see Kurt no matter what.” Finn said as he pushed past Blaine and into the house. “Are your parent’s here?”

“Ya, but they are in their room so I don’t think they know you are here.” Blaine said as he looked up the stairs.

“Can you be ready to go in five minutes?”

Blaine bit his lip but nodded.

“Awesome, let me help you up the stairs.” Finn said as he acted as Blaine’s crutch.

Five minutes later Blaine’s duffle was packed and he was dressed in jeans and a cardigan. The two boys hurried out of Blaine’s room and down the stairs. As they reached the door Mr. Anderson came out of the kitchen and stared at his son.

“Where do you think you are going?” He asked as he eyed Finn.

Blaine began to speak when Finn spoke up. “He is coming with me to see Kurt. I am Finn Hudson, I am Kurt’s step brother.”

“I am sorry Finn, but Blaine is not allowed to go. He can make it a few more weeks with out his…without Kurt.” Mr. Anderson replied stumbling over the word boyfriend.

“Mr. Anderson, Blaine nor I haven't seen Kurt for four weeks. I am taking Blaine to see his boyfriend!” Finn said as he began to lead Blaine out of the door.

“Blaine Thomas Anderson if you step one foot out of this house you will regret the consequences.” His father yelled.
Blaine didn’t reply but instead turned away from his father and slowly made his way out of the house and towards Finn’s truck.
Finn hurried to the truck and started the engine, “Dude, are you sure this is ok?” he asked as he began to pull out of the driveway.
Blaine nodded his eyes set on the road, “I need to see Kurt, nothing else matters. I just know I need to see Kurt.”


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