Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
The clear blue sky and sun quickly became overshadowed by dark clouds. Lightning began to streak across the sky. A loud crash of thunder made Blaine’s heart jump in his chest as a torrent of rain started to pound down upon his car. Blaine could barely see between his own tears and the sheets of rain outside so when a flash of lightning illuminated a small doe in front of him. Blaine let out yelp before swerving off the road. His brakes screeched as his car slid on the wet pavement and off the road and into a shallow ditch. The doe scampered away, unscathed by Blaine’s car.
Blaine could hear his heartbeat in his ears as he tried to calm his breathing. His head was pounding from the amount of crying he had done over the past few hours. He was so tired. Blaine quickly shut the car engine off and curled himself over the steering wheel as he closed his eyes to rest.
A small tapping noise began to invade Blaine’s dream. He let out a low groan as he willed his body to stay in dream world. He was with Kurt here; they were in Blaine’s bed, curled up in each other’s embrace. Blaine smiled as he felt Kurt’s skin beneath his fingertips.
Tap, tap, tap.
Blaine scrunched his nose as the noise got louder. He slowly opened his eyes. His back ached and his head was still pounding. He could feel the stiffness in his limbs from being hunched over a steering wheel all night long.
“Hey kid, you alright?” A loud voice came through the window.
Blaine sat up quickly. His car was still in the ditch, the storm had cleared and the sun was just coming up over the horizon.
“Kid, you ok?” The voice asked again.
Blaine turned quickly and saw an older man with a baseball cap standing outside of his car. Blaine quickly rolled down the window and offered the man a sheepish grin.
“Yes sir, I’m sorry. I was driving late last night when the storm hit and I decided to pull over. I must have fallen asleep. I’m sorry I worried you.”
The man nodded, “Well, I don’t see much traffic out on these back roads, what are you doing all the way out here?”
Blaine ran a hand through his hair. “Ummm, I just like to take drives and I guess I ended up going farther than normal.”
“Do you know how to get back to where you came from?” The man asked.
Blaine nodded. “Yes sir, and once again I’m sorry for making you worry.”
The man eyed Blaine curiously, “You sure you’re ok, kid?”
“I’m fine, thank you.” Blaine said.
The main continued to stare at Blaine for a few seconds. “Well alright then. Drive safe, ok?”
“I will. Thank you, once again.” Blaine said with a smile as he began to roll up his window. He carefully turned the ignition and drove his car out of the ditch. He waved as he passed the man and his truck.
Blaine drove towards the center of town. His head swam. He truly had nowhere to go. As he drove, his body began to wake up. His stomach growled and his bladder was full. Blaine sighed as he quickly pulled into a McDonalds on the outskirts of town; he parked his car and slowly walked into the restaurant.
Blaine headed towards the bathroom first, silently thanking whatever powers may be that it was a single. He locked the door behind him and quickly used the toilet.
After he had finished, Blaine faced himself in the mirror. His eyes were bloodshot and his five o’clock shadow was quickly coming in. He turned on the tap and began to splash the lukewarm water onto his face. The water didn’t do much to help his appearance, but it was all he had.
Blaine stood and stared at himself in the dirty bathroom mirror. Less than twenty-four hours ago he was in the shower with Kurt in New York. What was he going to do? Blaine buried his face in his hands. He stayed lost in his thoughts before his growling stomach forced him to exit the bathroom.
Blaine walked up to the counter and ordered a McMuffin and a coffee. He quickly shoveled the food into his mouth as he walked out to his car. Instead of going to the front seat he opened the back door and began to sort through the bags he had grabbed last night. He saw that he had managed to grab most of his toiletries as well as his computer and phone charger. He then examined the mishmash of clothes he had thrown into his bag. As he dug through his bag his phone began to buzz in his pocket.
Blaine answered without looking at the caller id.
“Hello?” he said, his voice tired.
“Blaine?” A familiar voice came through the line. “Are you ok?”
It was Tina.
Blaine quickly brightened his voice. “Ya, I’m great. How are you Tina?”
Blaine could sense the disbelief in her voice. “I’m good, are you back from NYC?”
“Ya, I got back yesterday.”
“Oh, good I was wondering if you would want to meet up at the Lima Bean. School starts tomorrow and I really want to talk about glee club. Mike seems to think that we will be the top dogs this year.”
Blaine let out a laugh, “Kurt thinks the same thing.”
“Boyfriends.” Tina said with a giggle. “So would you wanna get coffee in about an hour?”
Blaine bit his lip; he really didn’t want to face Tina or anyone else until he figured out how the hell he was going to live without a place to call home. He also knew that he needed to start watching his money. “I don’t know Tina; I have some school supply shopping to do.”
“Oh come on Blaine, we can get coffee then go to Target, I’ll buy the coffee?” Tina said.
Blaine sighed. “Ok, see you in an hour.”