Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
"Blaine, I'm not going to say goodbye to you."
"But Kurt..."
"Blaine stop." Kurt said putting a finger to Blaine's lips. "Let me just say something, ok?"
Blaine nodded as Kurt took a deep breath.
"I'm not going to say goodbye, because it's not goodbye. I'll see you in a few weeks when you come back to visit and I'll be home in about a month for my dad's birthday. So we will see each other. So this isn't goodbye. So no crying, ok? Because we aren't leaving each other forever."
Blaine nodded and despite Kurt warning against tears he felt a few slide down his cheek.
"So no goodbyes."
Kurt shook his head as the sound of the train approaching invaded the terminal
"I guess this is it." Blaine said as he picked up his duffel. "Kurt, I love you so much." He sobbed before collapsing into his boyfriend's arms one last time.
"I love you too, Blaine. I'll see you soon." Kurt promised as the boys allowed themselves another kiss.
The train wheels screeched as they pulled into the station the doors opened and Blaine pulled out of Kurt's hold.
"See you soon." Blaine said as he carefully stepped inside the car. The doors closed and the train began to pick up speed. Blaine stayed glued to the window until he could no longer see Kurt. Once the station had disappeared he sat down and pulled out his iPod. Maybe Kurt was right, maybe this year wouldn't be so bad.
The train ride went quickly enough and soon Blaine was approaching security at the airport. He made one last mental check of his belongings before getting into the queue. As he made his way through the line his thoughts made their way back to Kurt. How he was probably sitting in the middle of his dorm room floor, going through the massive amounts of clothing that he insisted on bringing. "Blaine I have said it before and I will say it again, every moment is a moment for fashion. And that holds particularly true for someone who is living in New York City." He laughed as he heard his boyfriend's voice in his head. In that moment Blaine pictured himself sitting on that same floor. Laughing with Kurt as Blaine tried on his clothes, fighting over what stayed and what goes. He saw them waking up late for class and running to get there. He saw them passing notes during lectures. His heart ached as he made his way up to the metal detector. And for a brief second he thought of turning around and running back to Kurt's dorm. Blaine shook his head. He could do this. He could make it through his last year of high school without Kurt, and sooner than not he would be on the other side of this security gate heading to his and Kurt's new apartment. He could do this.
The plane made it back to Ohio safe and sound. Blaine quickly made his way to his car and loaded his duffel bag into the backseat. As he was pulling out of the airport his phone started to play an all too familiar tune. Blaine smiled as he fished the phone out of his pocket and brought it to his ear.
"Kurt, I miss you!" he said happily into the phone.
Kurt let out a laugh on the other end..."Blaine you've been gone for like three hours, I was just calling to make sure you got back to Ohio safe and sound."
"I'm currently driving back to Lima." Blaine said a smile in his voice.
"Good, I'm currently trying to figure out how to fit my clothes in the insanely small wardrobe that they gave me." Kurt said with a sigh.
"I am sure you will figure out something." Blaine teased.
"I'm going to have to or I'll be making an unwanted trip to Goodwill." Kurt said with a huff.
Blaine laughed as he pictured Kurt at Goodwill. "I'm sure that will never happen, but I'm going to hang up, Cleveland traffic is not the best to drive in while distracted."
"Ok, be safe. Call me later?" Kurt asked.
"Of course. I love you." Blaine replied while making a kissing noise into the phone.
Kurt laughed heartily on the other end. "Oh god, on second thought if you're going to make bad kissy noises don't call me."
"You love me." Blaine laughed.
"I do, now drive safe I'll talk to you later." The phone clicked as Kurt hung up and Blaine slid the phone into the cup holder. He turned on the radio and tried not to think of the increasing amount of miles he was putting between him and Kurt.
When Blaine reached the outskirts of Lima his phone rang once again. He pulled it out of the cup holder and answered brightly.
"Blaine, its Burt did you make it back ok?" Burt voice came through the line.
"Yes sir, thanks for asking." Blaine replied politely.
Burt sighed at the word sir but continued the conversation; "Did Kurt get settled alright?"
"Yes sir, I think he even managed to fit most of his clothes into the wardrobe." Blaine said with a smile.
Burt let out a laugh; "Well good, I'm still sorry that I had to miss out on his move in weekend."
"He missed you but he's looking forward to seeing you next weekend. I think he already has a list of places he wants to show you and Mrs. Hummel."
"I'm sure he does, but Blaine I wasn't calling about Kurt." Burt said his tone changing.
"No?" Blaine questioned.
"No, Blaine I know with Kurt being gone this year is going to be tough."
"Yes sir." Blaine said quietly.
" But I want to know that even if Kurt isn't around you're welcome at our house anytime Blaine." Burt said concern in his voice.
Blaine felt the tears catch in his throat. "Thank you sir. I'll keep that in mind." He said as he held back his emotions.
"No problem, kiddo. I'll talk to you later. Be sure to stop by sometime this week. I know Carole would love to have you for dinner."
"Yes sir. Thank you once again."
"Have a nice night Blaine." Burt said as the line went dead.
Blaine sighed. He loved the Hummel's and Burt and Carole were so welcoming, but going there without Kurt would feel wrong, out of place. He knew the Hummel's meant well but he knew he could make it on his own.
As the phone call ended Blaine pulled it his driveway. He immediately noticed that both his parents' cars were parked in the drive. It was a Sunday evening; usually his parents were on their way to whatever town they had business in that week. Blaine carefully parked his car in the usual spot before grabbing his bag and heading up the walk. He pulled out his keys from his satchel and started to unlock the door. The key fit in the hole like normal but for some reason it wouldn't turn. Blaine set down his bag and double checked the key. He was using the right one. He tried once again with no luck. Blaine's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure out why his key wasn't working. He put the key back in his pocket before knocking on the large wooden door. A minute later the door opened and Blaine father looked down at his son with a frown.