Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
The drivers side door flew open. Blaine froze as he looked up and saw Burt standing above him.
"Mr. Hummel...I...I.." Blaine stammered his voice shaking with the cold and fear.
"It's ok, kiddo. I'm here. You're ok. Can you get out?"
Blaine looked down at his numb hands and shook his head.
"Ok, I am going to help you with the seat beat ok?"
Blaine nodded shakily as Burt reached over the small boy and unbuckled him. He gently lifted him out of the car.
"Come on, let's get you inside before you freeze to death." Burt said as he practically carried the shaking boy through the snow and into the house.
He sat Blaine on the couch and called for Carole as he hurried to the hall closet and got a handful of blankets.
Carole bustled in from the kitchen and gasped as she saw the small boy shaken and bleeding on the couch. She didn't even ask before hurrying upstairs for the first aid kit.
Soon Blaine was wrapped up in about five blankets and Carole was covering his cut with a clean piece of gauze. Blaine hadn't said a word since Burt had brought him into the house and both he and Carole were worried if the head injury was worse than it looked. Carole carefully set the first aid kit aside and sat down next to the still shivering boy.
"Blaine, do you know where you are?" It was a basic question but Carole knew if something was wrong Blaine wouldn't know the answer.
"I'm at your house." Blaine said his voice low and his eyes downcast.
"Why were you driving in this storm?" Carole asked placing a gentle hand around Blaine's shoulders.
Blaine looked up at Carole with moist eyes. "I...I had to get to school.
"You didn't hear it was a snow day?"
Blaine shook his head.
"Honey, you know when the weather is bad you should always look at the news before driving. It's very dangerous. You could've gotten seriously hurt or worse." Carole said, her voice firm but gentle.
"I know...I just wasn't paying attention. I had to get to school early to work on homework." Blaine said as he turned his eyes back towards the floor.
Burt and Carole both looked at each other nervously. Something wasn't adding up.
The room was quiet for a moment, the only sound came from the harsh winds still blowing outside. Burt knew something was up but he also knew they weren't going to get much out of Blaine in his current state. He sighed before speaking again.
"Alright, kiddo. Since you don't have school and Carole and I aren't going into work today why don't you head upstairs and try to get some rest. We'll figure out everything once you've gotten some sleep and the storm has died down."
Blaine's head shot up at the suggestion, suddenly his expression changed and he looked up at the Hummels with a plastered on smile. "I am sorry for causing you both trouble. But I think I can handle things from here on out." Blaine quickly stood up from the couch causing the blankets to slip off his shoulders.
Carole stood up and gave Blaine a confused look; "Blaine, the roads are a mess and the storm hasn't died down. You need to stay here."
Blaine face faltered for a half a second before stealing once again. "No, I will be fine. I have to get back to my house anyway." The boy then turned quickly and practically ran out the door.
Burt and Carole let out a yell behind him but Blaine kept running towards his wrecked car. Blaine's head was a mess of thoughts but the loudest one was screaming at him to leave. The Hummels couldn't find out that he had been living in his car for the past three months.
Blaine made it to the station wagon well before the Hummel's caught up to him. He practically fell into the drivers seat and forcefully turned the ignition. The car sputtered weakly but refused to turn over. Blaine tried again with no luck. After a few times of trying Blaine let out a frustrated yell.
"Blaine?" A gruff voice sounded outside his window.
Burt and Carole were standing looking into Blaine's car with looks of disbelief. Blaine knew what they were seeing. A pile of blankets in the front seat. A smattering of books and toiletries in the back. Piles of food wrappers. A stack of clothes. There was no denying that Blaine was living out of his car.
There was no escaping it. Blaine's chest tightened as he slowly exited the car.
Burt took his eyes away from car to look at Blaine. His eyes were filled with both horror and sympathy.
He didn't even say a word but turned to head back into the house. Carole and Blaine followed behind.
When they had gotten into the house, Carol guided Blaine to the couch while Burt sat in his recliner. A few minutes of silence passed before Burt sat up in his chair.
"Wanna tell me what's going on, kid?" Burt asked sitting forward in his chair.
Blaine sat silently as he felt himself breaking from the inside out. His knew his secret was out but he still tried to force it back down, even as it desperately tried to claw its way to the surface. Burt watched as Blaine sat silently on the couch. "Blaine, we can't help you if we don't know what is wrong." Burt said, his voice desperate.
Blaine didn't want things to end like this. Yes, his homelessness was getting harder to handle by the day but he didn't want Burt and Carole to have to carry the weight of his troubles. So once again Blaine shoved his secret deeper into himself.
"I...I've been living in my car for a couple of days."
This is gonna be interesting...
ugh...this boy needs to share his secret. We adults aren't all bad you know :D I hope he gets some help. My heart is breaking for him.
So, I absolutely love this fic. It's angsty but so perfect. I can't wait for the Hummel's reaction. Then Kurt's when he finds out.