Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Blaine groaned as he walked out of school to find that the sky had finally broke and it was snowing steadily. It was already hard enough to sleep, but with the snow came even colder temperatures. Blaine felt his body shiver at the thought. He trudged through the slush on the sidewalk to his car. As he slid into the driver's seat his phone buzzed in his pant pocket.
"Hello?" Blaine answered not looking at the caller id.
"Blaine!" Kurt's voice rang through the speaker.
"Kurt, is everything ok?" Blaine asked. Kurt never called in the middle of the day.
"What? Oh yeah, everything is fine. I just...it's snowing here and I was thinking about you and I thought I'd call. I'm sorry if I interrupted something."
"No, you aren't interrupting. You just never call this early. I just got out of school." Blaine replied.
"Oh...how was school? Are you looking forward to break?" Kurt asked.
Blaine thought about his morning meeting with Miss Pillsbury but decided against telling Kurt. "School was fine, it's just not the same without you there. And yeah...break..." He had forgotten about Thanksgiving break. Five days of no school. Five days of pretty much every place being closed for the holiday.
"Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?" Kurt asked, breaking the silence.
Blaine thought for a moment. "No...my parents are out of town."
"Oh..." Kurt said his voice sad. "Wait, you should come here! It would be perfect! We can go to the parade and use the dorms kitchen to make our own little Thanksgiving feast. You haven't come to visit me since I moved in, I have so much to show you and so many people for you to meet." Kurt gushed.
Blaine smiled at the thought. Walking around New York, gloved hands clasped together, watching the parade, seeing the Christmas lights just starting to be lit. His heart sank as he realized that there was no way he could make it to New York. He was already low on funds and a trip to the city would nearly deplete his bank account.
"Oh Kurt, that sounds wonderful, but..." Blaine's voice faltered.
"But what, Blaine?"
"I can't. I have finals coming up and my grades have already been suffering because of Glee and other things. I wish I could, baby, but I can't." Blaine said, his heart breaking.
"Blaine, you always say you can't. Why don't you want to come see me?" Kurt asked.
"Kurt, you know it's not like that. I want to see you. I want to come to New York. I want to be with you, but I just can't right now." Blaine said, his voice watery.
"Why, Blaine? What's so important that you can't take a few days off and come enjoy a holiday with me?"
"I have school, and Glee, and..."
"That's bullshit, Blaine!" Kurt shouted.
Blaine shook as he heard Kurt swear. This was not good. "Kurt, please don't be mad. If I could be there right now I would be."
"Yeah, but you're not. I just feel like you always find something more important than me." Kurt sobbed.
Blaine felt his chest ache. "Baby, there is nothing more important in my life than you. I promise I would be there I could, but I just can't."
Kurt sniffed loudly. "I understand. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving. I'll talk to you later, Blaine."
With that, the line went dead. No goodbye, no talk of when they would talk next, no " I love you's". Blaine stared blankly at the phone before letting out a scream. He threw the phone into the backseat of the car before bursting into angry tears.
The week before Thanksgiving went by in a blur. Blaine hadn't spoken to Kurt since their fight and every day that passed without them talking made Blaine's heart crumble even more.
On Tuesday everyone was buzzing about the upcoming break from school. Tina and Sugar were talking about their Black Friday strategy, Sam and Artie were taking bets on which teams would win the Thanksgiving day games, and everyone else in Glee were talking about seeing their families. Blaine sat in the back as usual and tried to focus on his reading assignment for English.
"Blaine, what are your plans for the holiday?" Tina turned around in her chair to face Blaine.
"I...I'm going to have dinner with the Hummels. Nothing special." Blaine lied.
"Well if you aren't busy you should join Sugar and me for Black Friday shopping." Tina said with a smile. Sugar turned and nodded vigorously toward Blaine.
"Umm, yeah, maybe." Blaine replied, forcing a smile.
The bell finally rang and Blaine slipped out of the classroom. He had five days of break and nowhere to go.
Thanksgiving morning dawned with a fresh coat of snow on the frozen ground. Blaine huddled underneath his few blankets as he tried to hold onto the last tendrils of sleep.
Blaine spent the day in his car, trying to stay warm as he read for his classes. By 6pm his stomach was protesting the lack of food. Blaine pulled his backpack onto his lap and searched through it. He was down to a few granola bars and a badly bruised apple.
"So much for a Thanksgiving feast." Blaine muttered. He knew his meager rations would not satisfy his hunger so he pulled himself to the front seat of his car and started the engine.
He arrived at the local Denny's a while later. The lights were on but only a few cars sat parked in the lot. He walked in and immediately felt the depression that came with being forced to eat alone on a holiday.
"How many, hun?" An older waitress asked as she grabbed some menus.
"Just one." Blaine replied sheepishly.
"Alright, this way." She said leading Blaine to the back of the restaurant. There were a handful of people scattered through the the tables and booths. Blaine offered them small smiles as he passed.
"Just let me know when you're ready to order." The waitress said, handing him a menu.
Blaine quietly thanked her as she left. He stared at the menu for a while. He couldn't believe he was alone at a rundown Denny's on Thanksgiving while he could be strolling hand in hand through the streets of New York with Kurt. Instead Kurt was probably enjoying the holiday with friends and not giving him even one thought.
OMG He needs to tell someone already. I can't stand it....my heart aches for Blaine. He better not let his pride keep him from teling Kurt to the point that he loses Kurt forever.