Two Words to Hide the Lie
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.

Two Words to Hide the Lie : Chapter 13

E - Words: 928 - Last Updated: Oct 25, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Sep 21, 2012 - Updated: Oct 25, 2012
588 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: There is some angst fueled smut in this chapter just so you all know
"What do you think of this?" Kurt asked as he twirled showing off his outfit. Blaine's jaw dropped to the floor when he saw that Kurt was wearing a tight black button down with a white corset tied up around his waist.

"I…I uh." Blaine said as he tried to keep from drooling over the sight of his boyfriend.

"I don't speak caveman, Blaine." Kurt teased as he stepped closer to his boyfriend. "But I take your speechlessness as an approval." Kurt quickly pulled Blaine towards him and caught his lips in a kiss.

The kiss ended too soon and Blaine whimpered as Kurt pulled away. Kurt laughed as he turned towards the door.

"Come on. We're going to be late for the party!"

Blaine sighed as he followed Kurt down the stairs.

It was 10pm by the time the boys arrived at the party and most of the glee club was already there.

"Blaine! Kurt!" Rachel shrieked as she opened the door to her house. She already had a colorful mixed drink in her hand.
The small girl rushed forward and threw herself into Blaine's arms.

Blaine let out a sound of surprise; "Rachel, hi!"

"Oh Blainey, I've missed you so much. I can't wait to tell you all about New York!" She shrieked as she pulled Blaine towards the makeshift bar.
Blaine turned around and shot Kurt a frightened look. Kurt shook his head and laughed as he watched his boyfriend being pulled away by a very drunk Rachel Berry.

Kurt started to walk over to get a drink for himself when Tina walked up.

"Kurt!" She beamed. "It's so good to see you." She was sipping on what seemed to be a glass of cheap wine.

"It's good to see you as well. I am sad that I didn't get to see you when you came to visit Mike last month."

"You talking about me behind my back, Hummel?" Mike teased as he joined in on Tina and Kurt's conversation.

Kurt laughed as Mike handed him a drink. "Only telling your girlfriend about how you're taking New York by storm."

The boys shared a laugh and continued to catch each other up on their lives.

After a few drinks and what seemed to be an endless strain of stories, Blaine broke eye contact with Rachel for just a moment to look over at Kurt. He was laughing with Tina and Mike. He watched for a bit as Rachel continued to ramble about her upcoming cabaret at NYADA.
Suddenly, Tina pulled Kurt close and her face became serious. Blaine furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He began to completely ignore Rachel as he tried to focus in on Kurt and Tina's conversation.

He watched as Kurt's expression changed from happy to confused then to something that resembled anger. Blaine quickly slid off the stool and hurried over to Kurt, ignoring Rachel's protests behind him.

Blaine heard Tina's voice first; "I just want to make sure Blaine is ok."

"Of course Blaine is ok! Why wouldn't he be?" Kurt asked his voice full of annoyance.

"Well because of everything and because he is living with..." Tina began before Blaine rushed between them.

"KURT!" Blaine yelped.

Kurt reeled back in surprise; "Blaine what on earth..."

"Blaine, I was just asking Kurt how you were." Tina said sheepishly.

"I know what you were doing." Blaine sneered before pulling Kurt out of the room and down the hallway.

As they stumbled into the Berry's guest room Kurt spun around and glared at Blaine.

"Blaine, what the hell was that!?" He began before Blaine stopped him with a kiss.

Kurt stumbled back onto the bed and let out a squeak of surprise. The kiss was forceful and made his head spin but he knew he needed to focus. Blaine was not ok and Kurt needed to figure out why.

"Blaine, stop. We need to talk." Kurt breathed as Blaine moved from his lips to his neck.

Blaine's head was spinning, he couldn't let Kurt find out that he was homeless. He need to distract him and right now Blaine was doing that by sucking a large hickey onto Kurt's pale neck.

"No talking, more kissing." Blaine said as he once again pulled Kurt's lips into a kiss.

Soon enough clothes were discarded on the floor beside the bed. Kurt was squirming beneath Blaine as the smaller boy sucked greedily on his nipples.

"Blaine, oh god." Kurt moaned as Blaine sunk his teeth around the hardened bud.

Blaine didn't say a word as he got off the bed and pulled out a small bottle of lube from his jean pocket.

"I came prepared." Blaine smiled as he quickly began to coat Kurt's hardened dick with the lube.

Kurt was panting hard as Blaine straddled his hips. Kurt knew that the alcohol was affecting his libido. He knew this wasn't the time or place to have sex but right now his penis wasn't getting the message. He whined as Blaine began to lower himself onto his aching dick.

"Blaine, please just..." Kurt begged.

Blaine obliged and sunk down fully onto Kurt's shaft. Both boys cried out from the sensations.
Blaine continued to run his hands up and down Kurt's bare chest as he slid on and off Kurt's cock.

"Kurt, you are so damn beautiful. I love you so much." Blaine breathed as Kurt threw his head back on the pillow.

Blaine circled his hips a few times before he felt his thighs tighten and his orgasm crash around him. Kurt followed soon after as Blaine collapsed onto his chest.

Blaine rolled onto his side and pulled Kurt into his arms. He placed soft kisses to the back of Kurt's neck.
Kurt fell asleep but Blaine lay awake wondering if he was able to keep this up much longer.


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God, poor Blainers...why does he have to be so proud and scared to share his pain? Blaine is trying to protect everyone but himself.

My poor Blainers :(