Two Words to Hide the Lie
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.

Two Words to Hide the Lie : Chapter 12

E - Words: 1,309 - Last Updated: Oct 25, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Sep 21, 2012 - Updated: Oct 25, 2012
634 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter we go back to our regularly scheduled angst! Thanks so much for all the reviews they are all amazing. I have been getting a lot of questions about when Kurt is going to find out, I am not going to tell you but just so you all know this story will be 20 chapters long plus an epilogue. How you continue to enjoy the story and thanks for reading!
Blaine awoke first, sighing contentedly as he gazed upon the sleeping form of his boyfriend. For the first time since coming back from New York, Blaine felt like everything was ok. Blaine snuggled deeper into Kurt's side and tried to preserve the moment in his mind forever. His body had just relaxed into the soft mattress when Kurt's phone began to vibrate on the bedside table.

Blaine quickly reached out for the phone, not wanting it to wake Kurt. He looked at the caller ID and answered softly.

"Hello, Rachel."

"BLAINE!" a shrill voice screamed through the speakers. "Oh I should have known you'd be with Kurt!"

"Well, we are dating." Blaine smiled into the phone.

"Of course you are." Rachel said with a giggle. "But anyway. As you well know I'm also back in Lima for the weekend. And since others are back as well I'm throwing a party. "

Blaine's stomach twisted a bit as he remembered the last party that Rachel Berry had hosted.
"Well...umm" Blaine started. He knew he would have to share Kurt with his family throughout the weekend and he was unsure if he wanted to commit to sharing him with their friends.

"Blaine Thomas Anderson!" Rachel shrieked. "You and Kurt will be at my house tonight at 9pm or else!"

Blaine made an attempt to reply but the line went dead as Rachel hung up the phone. Clearly she wasn't taking no as an answer.
Blaine sighed as he set the phone back down. He started to curl up against Kurt when the taller boy stirred beneath his touch.

"Who was on the phone?" Kurt mumbled sleepily.

Blaine pressed a kiss to Kurt's neck before answering; "Rachel, who apparently is in Lima as well."

Kurt let out a groan as he stretched his limbs; "I should've warned you, NYC has made Rachel a bit more aggressive."

Blaine laughed, "I noticed, but I think if we don't show up for her party tonight she will come drag us by our ears and force us to come."

Kurt sighed he was fully awake now and looked at Blaine apologetically. "We don't have to go if you don't want to. I am sure I can calm the wrath of Rachel."

Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes. He desperately wanted to have Kurt to himself for just a few days. To be able to pretend everything was alright, if only for a weekend.

"Do you want to go?" Blaine asked, unwilling to express his feelings to Kurt.

"It would be fun to see everyone again." Kurt mused.

"Then we'll go. But you have to promise me to let me take you out for breakfast before we do anything else." Blaine said, forcing a smile.

"You drive a hard bargain Mister Anderson, but I agree to your terms." Kurt said before placing a kiss onto Blaine's lips.

Blaine smiled into the kiss as Kurt deepened it. The two let their tongues swirl together for a few moments before the slight sound of Blaine's stomach grumbling ruined the moment.

Kurt pulled back from the kiss and laughed. "Seems like your stomach is insisting that we take a break."

Blaine pouted a bit but his stomach continued to protest the lack of food. "I think you are right. Do you need to shower before we go?"

Kurt stared at Blaine; "Blaine, I have only been away for a few months and my morning routine has not changed. So yes, I'll be showering and you are welcome to as well. You can use the guest bathroom." With that Kurt scurried into the bathroom.

Blaine hurried to take a shower of his own and emerged just as he heard Kurt shut the water off of his own shower.
He knew he had a few extra minutes ahead of Kurt. He quickly threw on a fresh pair of clothes before heading back into Kurt's room.
Blaine sighed as he walked back into Kurt's room and smelled the sweet perfume of Kurt's body wash and shampoo as Kurt sat at his vanity. He stood in the doorway and just watched Kurt get ready. His heart swelled a bit as he realized that soon this wouldn't be a once in awhile pleasure. But soon he would be able to watch Kurt get ready every morning. Blaine sighed contently.

Kurt turned around at Blaine's sigh. "Stalker much?" He teased. "I'll be ready in a minute. Where do you want to go for breakfast?"

"It's your choice." Blaine smiled.

Kurt pursed his lips as he thought, "How about our favorite coffee shop?"

Blaine was a bit surprised that Kurt wanted to go to a small town coffee shop for breakfast. "Are you sure? I know that it won't compare to your fancy New York coffee shops.""I'm sure, I miss the Lima Bean." Kurt smiled as he looped his arm into Blaine's as the pair walked down the stairs.

The boys arrived at the small coffee shop after a few minutes of driving. As they exited the car, Kurt stopped and looked at the familiar building.

Blaine turned back to look at his boyfriend. "Is the fabulous Kurt Hummel feeling sentimental?" he asked as he saw Kurt's eyes mist up.

Kurt jutted out his chin a bit in response, "So what if I'm glad to come back to the place where the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with first said 'I love you'?"

Blaine blushed, "And I thought you were just using me for free coffee."

"Well, that too." Kurt smiled as he grabbed Blaine's hand and led him into the shop.

The barista smiled at the two boys as they walked up to the counter. "Haven't seen you two around in awhile. What can I get you?
Blaine spoke first. "We'll have a medium drip and a non-fat mocha."

Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand as he ordered for him.

"That will be $8.25".

Blaine reached for his wallet. His stomach dropped as he found it empty. He had forgotten to get cash out for the week and he no longer had a debit card.

"I...I uh." He stammered.

Kurt noticed and quickly pulled out his own wallet. He paid the cashier without hesitation.

Blaine forced a smile before mumbling something about the bathroom and running off.

He made it to the bathroom just in time to feel the hot tears spill down his cheeks.

How was he supposed to pretend like everything was ok when he couldn't even afford a cup of coffee?
Blaine wanted to yell, but he knew he couldn't. He had to keep it together. If only for the weekend. He just had to get through the weekend, to make sure Kurt was happy. To maybe just for one weekend pretend he was happy. He turned on the sink and splashed his face with cool water hoping to calm his reddened cheeks. He took a deep breath before heading out to sit with Kurt.

As he sat down Kurt eyed him curiously. "Everything ok?"

Blaine nodded as he took a sip of his coffee. "Everything is perfect. How's the coffee?"

"It's fine, but Blaine I'm afraid you aren't."

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked.

"Well for one you practically disintegrated when you saw you didn't have any money and that isn't like you."

"I...I just really wanted to pay for your coffee, I feel like I haven't had the chance to woo you since you have been in New York and..."

"Blaine, stop." Kurt pleaded as he grabbed for Blaine's hand across the table. "You woo me just by being here, not being able paying for my coffee isn't going to change a damn thing between us. Are you sure that is the only reason you got upset?"

Blaine could hear his heartbeat in his ears as he felt his secret trying to burst out of him. "I'm sure. Can we be happy now? I want this weekend to be perfect."

Kurt took a deep breath before nodding. "Of course. What do you think will make this weekend perfect?"

"Everything is already perfect." Blaine said as he reached across the table and intertwined his fingers with Kurt's.


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I squealed when I saw the update :) I don't mind that Blaine keeps hiding it for a while longer. I LOVE angst and hurt/comfort, so I'm all for dragging it out deliciously :)