Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
Oct. 25, 2012, 11:57 a.m.
“Blaine, I have made it to probably the tiniest dorm room in all of New York City, it’s not really a thing to put in the scrapbook.” Kurt laughed as he untangled himself from Blaine and grabbed his suitcase from the hall. Blaine followed suit and grabbed a large box.
Kurt dropped the suitcase on the bed and looked around the sparse room. “Wow, this is really tiny. I couldn’t imagine sharing a room this small with someone.”
“Oh I think we could make it work.” Blaine smirked as he pulled in for a kiss.
“Of course we could, and next year we will.” Kurt said sadly.
Blaine sighed as he nuzzled against Kurt’s neck. “Promise that being away from you for a year won’t be as hard as I think it’s going to be.”
“Oh Blaine…” Kurt cooed as he began to rub circles on Blaine’s back. “It won’t be that bad, we have skype and we already have plans for you to come back to New York in a few weeks. I’ll be home as much as possible.”
“I know, it’s just... I’m going to miss you so much.” Blaine said as tears began pool in his eyes.
Kurt quickly pulled back from the hug. “Hey, no crying! We have the weekend to spend together- just us. And I’ll be so mad if you make me sit in the dorm room and cry with you the whole weekend.” Kurt scolded.
Blaine let out a weak laugh. “You’re right. Let’s go explore your city, Mr. Hummel.” Blaine smiled as he offered his arm to Kurt.
“Why thank you, Mr. Anderson.” Kurt giggled.
The two boys left the small dorm room and walked out onto the busy New York streets.
“Where to first?” Blaine asked as he looked up at the buildings that towered overhead.
“Central Park.” Kurt said with a nod.
“Sounds perfect.” Blaine replied as Kurt began to lead the way to the park.
As they walked towards the park Blaine smiled as he listened to Kurt chatter away. But as he listened his heart still ached at the thought of Kurt being in New York while he was stuck in Lima, but he knew that soon enough he too would be able to call New York home.
Blaine’s eyes fluttered open he breathed deeply as he held Kurt close. He loved the way that Kurt’s body seemed to mold up against his own. As he cuddled Kurt he sighed; he couldn’t believe that it was already Sunday, he stared at the clock that sat beside Kurt’s bed.
11:36 a.m.
Blaine knew he had to wake Kurt soon or Blaine would miss his train to the airport. But he knew that once Kurt was awake it would mean that the weekend was over. Blaine held back tears as he looked back on the weekend.
They had done so much, but Blaine knew that they hadn’t even made a dent in all that New York had to offer. Sure, they had seen the big stuff; Central Park, Time Square, 5th Avenue. They had even gotten to see a performance of Wicked thanks to a graduation present from Tina and Mike. Blaine pulled Kurt even tighter against him, never wanting to let go of this moment. He slowly began to kiss down Kurt’s bare back as he pulled him closer. Kurt gently stirred beneath Blaine’s hold as his eyes fluttered open.
“Mmm, good morning.” Kurt smiled as he wiggled in closer against Blaine’s chest.
“Morning, beautiful.”
“What time is it?” Kurt asked sleepily.
Kurt gasped as he shot up out of bed. “Blaine, we have to hurry or you’ll miss your train!”
Blaine pouted and started to pull Kurt back down into a cuddle. “Please don’t make me go.”
Kurt slowly lay back down on the bed, but this time he curled himself around Blaine. “Blaine, I wish with all my heart that you could stay here with me. But a year isn’t that long, and we will see each other more often than you think. And hey, you still have Tina, and Brit, and Sugar, and Artie. They’re going to need their leading man.”
“Leading man?” Blaine questioned as he snuggled against Kurt’s chest. “Do you really think Mr. Shue will put me in charge of glee club?”
“Blaine, are you kidding me? Of course you’ll be lead; you’re amazing. And you’re going to have a great senior year. You probably won’t even miss me.”
Blaine turned quickly to face Kurt. “Kurt, do you have any idea how much I will miss you? “You’re my life Kurt….” Blaine paused as all the words and all of the feelings rushed around inside his head. Kurt was his everything. Blaine wasn’t sure how to explain it but he knew a life without Kurt was not really life at all. Blaine looked into Kurt’s eyes, eyes that seemed to hold every color, and whispered before closing the gap between them. “I love you.”
Kurt hummed as the boys slowly kissed. Blaine swiped his tongue against Kurt’s lips and Kurt gladly let him in. Blaine deepened the kiss as Kurt slowly fisted his hand through his curls.
“Blaine, we can’t, you’ll miss your train.” Kurt breathed as Blaine began to suck a hickey onto his neck.
“Shh, we have time. Train doesn’t leave till 2.” Blaine murmured as he began to kiss a trail down Kurt’s chest.
“Blaine, I have to shower, and so do you.” Kurt whined as Blaine began to palm his growing erection.
“Fuck, Blaine.” Kurt cried as Blaine quickly pulled down Kurt’s boxers.
Blaine smiled as Kurt’s erection sprung free from the cotton. Blaine quickly kissed over Kurt’s hip bones before making his way to his cock.
“No, wait stop.” Kurt called out breathlessly. “Shower, we have to go. Shower.” Kurt said his voice low with lust.
Blaine sat up and gave Kurt his best set of puppy dog eyes. “Kurt...are you going to deny your boyfriend one last romp before he leaves?”
Kurt sat up and pulled himself close to Blaine’s ear;
“Who says that you can’t join me in the shower?” He whispered. Blaine shivered as his eyes widened. He quickly pulled Kurt off the bed and into the small en suite bathroom. Blaine nearly tripped over his own boxers as he quickly turned the water on in the shower and hopped in.
“Oww, hot oww!” Blaine screamed as the hot water hit his back.
Kurt laughed as his boyfriend tried to escape the steady stream of water. He carefully adjusted the taps until the water was just right and gingerly stepped in the stall next to Blaine.
“You ok?” Kurt asked.
Blaine nodded, “I’m perfect.”
Kurt nodded before grabbing Blaine’s chin and pulling him in for a kiss. The boys embraced under the steady stream of water, their bodies hot and slippery against each other.
Blaine pulled away from Kurt and lowered himself down to his knees. Kurt backed up against the wall as Blaine took him inside of his mouth. Kurt moaned with pleasure as Blaine hummed around his dick. His hands fisted through Blaine’s wet curls and his head tilted back against the tile of the shower wall.
“Fuck, Blaine, I’m so close.” Kurt whined as his hips began to thrust into Blaine’s mouth.
Blaine closed his eyes and sunk deeper down onto Kurt’s cock.
Kurt bucked his hips a few more times before coming heatedly down Blaine’s throat. Blaine swallowed before rising off his knees and falling against Kurt’s heaving chest. Kurt once again pulled Blaine’s chin up and swiped his tongue inside, tasting his own cum on Blaine’s lips and tongue.
As they kissed Kurt began to tangle his hands through Blaine’s wet curls. He gently pulled and Blaine moaned into the kiss. He felt Blaine’s erection grind against his thigh as he pulled harder on his curls. The shorter boy let out a cry as Kurt dropped the kiss and started to suck and bite at his exposed neck. Blaine sought friction as he bucked his hips against Kurt. Kurt bit down and pulled again at Blaine’s curls. Blaine let out a strangled sound as he hit his orgasm. Kurt held him close as Blaine rode it out. After a minute Blaine collapsed slightly onto Kurt with a sigh.
“God, you are beautiful.” Kurt sighed as he dropped his head onto Blaine’s shoulder.
Blaine grabbed Kurt’s waist and pulled them back underneath the stream of water. The two held each other in silence as the water cascaded around them. As Blaine held Kurt he let a few tears fall down his cheeks. This was the last time he would hold Kurt like this, in just a short while he would be boarding a train that would take him to the airport. Away from New York, away to Ohio. Blaine breathed deeply as he held back more tears. Kurt pulled back from the embrace and offered Blaine another kiss.
“We should probably start to get cleaned up; we have to leave soon.”
Blaine nodded as Kurt made a reach for the shampoo.
A few minutes later the boys stepped out of the shower, Blaine carefully grabbed the large towel that was hung on the rack and wrapped them both up in it.
“Promise that when I graduate and move here we can do this everyday.”
“I would be insulted if we didn’t.” Kurt replied.
Blaine let out a small laugh as he let his head rest in the dip of Kurt’s shoulder.
Suddenly Kurt’s phone started to ring and he pulled himself out of the towel.
“Oh my gosh, Blaine. It’s 12:30, we have to go now!”
“Shit!” Blaine yelped as he threw the towel on the bathroom floor and began to run around the room gathering clothes and other items while throwing them into his empty duffle bag.
Kurt ducked into the bathroom and quickly fixed his hair while brushing his teeth. Blaine hurried into a pair of sweats and a brand new NYADA hoodie Kurt had bought him.
Ten minutes later Kurt was rushing Blaine out of the door despite his boyfriend’s pleas to allow Kurt to let him fix his hair.
“Shh, Blaine your hair looks great and if we don’t leave now you’re going to miss that train.”
“But Kurt, they’re going to think I’m a crazy person with hair like this.” Blaine whined as the elevator doors opened.
“You look adorable.” Kurt smiled as he looped his arm around Blaine’s waist.
“You have to say that, you’re my boyfriend.” Blaine pouted.
“I love you.” Kurt laughed as he guided Blaine down the New York streets.
Oh! I missed the whole chapter LOL Not sure how.