My Caged Songbird
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Nov. 20, 2011, 3:15 p.m.

My Caged Songbird: Chapter 4

E - Words: 1,115 - Last Updated: Nov 20, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 17/17 - Created: Oct 20, 2011 - Updated: Nov 20, 2011
751 0 1 1 0

"Ah, Blaine it's been a long time. Unfortunately, as you may have realized, this isn't your dear Rachel. But she is here, and if I were you Mr. Anderson I would come to her aid very quickly. I am not sure how long your girlfriend will last once I start having my fun. I am assuming you know where to find us." Sir quickly closed the phone while Rachel stared at him with wide eyes.

"No, no, no….you have it all wrong I am not the person you want. I am not Blaine's girlfriend." She said as she began to struggle against her bonds.

"Nice try Miss Berry but I must say that your acting needs work. I've had my eye on you the past few days. You and Mr. Anderson have been getting pretty close and that kiss at the Lima Bean sealed the deal." Sir said with a smile.

"Oh no! Blaine is gay! He is interested in dating Kurt!" As soon as Rachel said it she regretted the words she just spoke.

"Well this just got very interesting." Sir said as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a small but sharp knife.

Blaine and Kurt ran the few blocks over to the Hummel household. Kurt instantly went into the open garage and found the set of keys to Finn's truck. He quickly unlocked the doors of Finn's truck and the two boys hoped into the cab. Blaine turned the key and the engine roared to life. As he began to pull out of the Hummel's driveway, Kurt was already impressed by Blaine's driving skills despite not having a license. As the truck sped down the street Kurt looked at Blaine steadily, waiting for the explanation that was promised him. Blaine turned to Kurt and gave him a wary smile.

"I am sorry that you have been pulled into this."

"Blaine, I agreed to help you. Now please tell me what's going on!" Kurt said squeezing Blaine's hand.

"I have a sorted past. My parents dabble in some illegal trading and such, I am not sure of all the specifics since they try to keep me out of the loop for safety reasons. A few years ago before I transferred to Dalton I got caught in the crossfire of one of my parents illegal dealings and I was kidnapped by a man who we only know as Sir. My parents eventually made him a deal and I was let go. But due to my parents dealings the cops were never called so Sir was never punished. For extra precaution my parents and I moved here. And I was sent to Dalton. There hasn't been another incident until now. And from what I can gather Sir knows better than to kidnap me again, I put up quite a fight, so he kidnapped someone he believed to be close to me." Blaine said as he directed the car unto the highway.

Kurt stared wide-eyed at Blaine. He couldn't believe that Mr. Blaine "Dapper" Anderson had such a dark past. As Kurt tried to contemplate the information that Blaine has just dumped on him, Blaine looked over at him with concern. "Kurt, are you ok?"

"Ya, just trying to process. Why does this Sir guy think you are dating Rachel, doesn't he know you are gay?" Kurt asked.

"Obviously not, I think he has been watching me and my interactions for a little while, and since I have been hanging with Rachel for a little bit he assumed she was someone special in my life. And I guess the kiss at the Lima Bean confirmed his suspicions. Now I am pretty sure I know where this guy is hiding out. We have a little bit of a drive. I would suggest getting some shut-eye while we drive I can't guarantee what will happen when we get there." Blaine said with a grimace.

"Blaine should I be scared?" Kurt asked hesitantly.

"Kurt I promise no matter what happens I will keep you safe. You mean a lot to me. I am going to get you and Rachel back home to Lima safe and sound." Blaine said as he reached for Kurt's hand and gave it a squeeze. The two boys sat in silence for a while and soon Kurt drifted off to sleep, his hand still intertwined with Blaine's.

Sir walked towards Rachel with the knife in hand. Rachel tensed against the chair and took in a sharp breath. Sir walked behind the terrified girl and held the blade against her smooth neck. "Now Miss Berry you have just given me some very valuable information and I would save you deserve a reward." Sir tightened his grip on the girl and pressed the knife closer to her skin, causing Rachel to struggle slightly in her breathing. "But unfortunately I think your definition of reward might be slightly different than mine." Sir quickly removed the knife from Rachel's throat and cut the rope that bound her to the chair. Rachel fell limply to the floor letting out a small sob. She wasn't left for long as Sir quickly grabbed her by the hair and forced her down the hallway into a darkly lit room. Sir shoved the girl into the room with enough force to knock her of her feet. Rachel put out her hands to break her fall but heard sicken crack as her body weight landed on her wrist. She cried out in pain but before Rachel could nurse her wound she felt a swift kick to her ribs. She curled into herself out of instinct and let out another sharp cry. More hits were aimed at her exposed face and back as she tried to protect herself. She heard Sir laughing in the background "Ha, the songbird even has a lovely voice when its being beaten!" He exclaimed excitedly. When Rachel heard this she bit down on her lip willing herself not to make another sound. The blows still came fast and quick it wasn't till a heavy foot came towards her face that Rachel screamed the loudest scream of all before falling into unconsciousness.

Kurt was shaken awake as the truck drove onto a very bumpy dirt road. Blaine's face was screwed up in concentration as he steered the car around the various pot holes and ditches. The road ended at a small house. The house was set in front of a large wood and was the only house within seeing distance. Blaine turned to Kurt and met his eyes. "Kurt I want you to stay in the car while I go check things out. Is that ok?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded in reply. Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand once more and hesitantly got of the truck.


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