My Caged Songbird
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Nov. 20, 2011, 3:15 p.m.

My Caged Songbird: Chapter 3

E - Words: 922 - Last Updated: Nov 20, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 17/17 - Created: Oct 20, 2011 - Updated: Nov 20, 2011
834 0 1 1 0

The bus pulled up to the stop that was closest to the Berry household, the boys quickly walked the few blocks that remained. As they approached the Berry home nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Kurt walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell. The two boys waited awkwardly on the stoop but no one came to answer the door. Kurt hesitantly placed a hand on the door knob and found the door to be unlocked, which was not uncommon in small town Ohio. Kurt pushed open the front door and walked into the meticulously decorated Berry home. "Rachel!" Kurt called out.

"Rachel, are you in here?" Blaine said poking his head into the kitchen. "Rachel, Kurt and I are worried about you. Please answer us."

"Blaine, I don't think she is here." Kurt said frowning. "Where could she be?" As soon as Kurt finished his question, Blaine's phone began to ring.


Rachel's captor sat close to Rachel as she sang a low and mournful song. It was the only song she could think of. Occasionally throughout the song "Sir" would stroke her check making her voice break in terror. When she had finished she broke down, unable to hold her emotions in. "You have a wonderful voice, I thank you for obliging me." Sir said as he stood and walked towards the weeping girl. He then did something that terrified Rachel beyond belief. He bent down to Rachel eye level and grabbed her chin and began to kiss her forcefully. Rachel tried in vain to escape the assault but was held in place by Sir's strong hand. The kiss seemed to go on forever as soon as her lips were set free Rachel went slack against her bonds. She could no longer control her own body as it broke down in a mess of tears and fear. "Now, I would love to continue our little interaction but I must restrain, for as much as I would love to ravish you that is not the true reason I brought you here, a perk yes but you have a higher purpose." Sir sneered as he walked towards the living room; he came back quickly with a cell phone in his hand. Rachel immediately recognized the pink sparkle cover, knowing the phone was hers. "I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your phone, I knew you would have the number I needed." Sir flipped opened the phone and began to scroll through Rachel's contacts. "Ah here we are Blaine Anderson, interesting I am surprise that his contact listing is so formal. But I guess the Andersons like to keep it classy."

"Why are you calling Blaine?" Rachel asked in a small voice.

"Well my dear, as you may or may not know the Andersons are a very wealthy family. They are also a family that has a murky past. The Andersons have wronged a lot of people, yours truly being one of them. Unfortunately being wealthy allows the Andersons certain protections. That is why you are here, since I can't touch Mr. Blaine Anderson the closest I can get is you." Sir finished explaining and hit the call button.


Blaine fumbled at his pocket and grabbed at his phone. "It's Rachel!" he exclaimed. He hurriedly flipped open his phone and answered the call. "RACHEL! Where are you everyone is worried sick!" A eerie laugh came from the phone's speaker.

"Ah, Blaine it's been a long time. Unfortunately, as you may have realized, this isn't your dear Rachel. But she is here, and if I were you Mr. Anderson I would come to her aid very quickly. I am not sure how long your girlfriend will last once I start having my fun. I am assuming you know where to find us." And with that threat the line went dead. Blaine dropped the phone on the ground as his eyes widened.

"What is it? Was that Rachel? Where is she?" Kurt asked anxiously. His blue eyes searched Blaine's golden ones. "Blaine, what is wrong?"

"He has Rachel, he thinks that we are dating and he is using her for leverage." Blaine said without emotion.

"What? Who has Rachel? And why the hell do they think you are dating her?" Kurt asked annoyance lacing his voice.

"Kurt, I will explain later is there a car we can use?" Blaine asked.

"A car? Blaine you don't have your licenses yet!"

"KURT! This is important! I need a car if you don't have one I will have to steal one, either way I will be driving to save Rachel from that psychopath." Blaine shouted. Kurt's eyes widened as he stepped back from Blaine. He had never seen the tenor like this. He was simultaneously terrified and turned on.

"We can use Finn's truck, he is at school." Kurt said. "We can walk over to my house and get it, I only live a few blocks from here."

"Thank you, Kurt I know this is might be asking too much of you but I need your help on this one. I am not sure what this guy is going to do to Rachel and I might need your help to get her out of there. I completely understand if you do not want to help and I will not hold it against you." Blaine said looking Kurt in the eyes.

"Of course I will help you." Kurt replied.

"Ok, I will explain everything in the car. We have to go now; I am not sure how long we have." Blaine said as he grabbed Kurt's hand as the boys left the empty Berry household.


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Hmmmm I don't think Sir knows Blaine's gay.