Nov. 20, 2011, 3:15 p.m.
Nov. 20, 2011, 3:15 p.m.
Blaine hurried into the bathroom of the Lima Bean, his heart thumping with joy. His insecurities about his sexuality were quickly dispelled with one swift kiss from the outgoing Rachel Berry. Blaine felt a little bad at making a quick exit from the scene but he didn't want to Kurt to see how flustered and overjoyed the kiss and his declaration of sexuality made him. He quickly calmed his overexcited nerves and walked out of the bathroom and back to the counter where Kurt was smiling smugly.
"Well Mr. Blaine Anderson that was quite an interesting way to end your little fling with Rachel." Kurt said as he nudged Blaine with his elbow. Blaine gave Kurt a shy smile as he placed his usual order.
"I will have a medium drip, and this fine gentleman over here will have a mocha latte." Blaine smiled a dazzling smile at the barista as she turned to make the drinks. "I feel bad for bolting after she kissed me, but I was a bit flustered, do you think she will be alright?" Blaine asked turning to Kurt.
"I think she will be just fine, she made a quick exit and said something about song writing gold before she left." Kurt said as the two got their drinks and sat down at their usual table. The two engaged in flirty banter as they sipped their coffee. Blaine was on cloud nine as he enjoyed spending time with Kurt. Kurt had the same feelings toward Blaine but neither of the boys had admitted their love for each other. The two finished off their coffees as Blaine checked his phone.
"Oh Kurt, we only have 15 minutes till the last bus back to Dalton leaves, we better get a move on." Blaine said as he stood up and pushed in his chair he grabbed his and Kurt' empty cups and walked them over to the trash can. Kurt stood up and bundled up in his designer coat and as he walked towards the coffee shop door and held it open for Blaine. Blaine smiled as he walked through as he pulled his scarf tighter around his neck. The pair trudged down the sidewalk as the sky quickly darkened. Kurt hated how quickly nightfall came during the winter time in Ohio. He checked his watch it was only 5:20 and the stars were beginning to shine brightly. The pair quickened their pace as the wind cut through their outerwear. They were almost to the bus stop when Blaine tripped slightly over a small lump on the sidewalk. He turned quickly and spotted the familiar pink hat. He stooped down to pink it up with a quizzical look. "Isn't this Rachel's hat?"
"Looks like it; it must have blown off in the wind. We can call her on the bus and let her know we found it. I am sure she is worried about it, I would be." Kurt said as the last bus pulled up to the stop. The two tenors hurried on and sat down. Kurt pulled out his phone and dialed Rachel's number; he turned his nose up in disgust as the Rachel's rignback tone rang shrilly in his ears. Blaine sent Kurt a questioning look as Kurt put the phone to his ear; Blaine stifled a laugh as he heard the song "Walking on Sunshine" come through the small speakers. Kurt pulled the phone back and held it at a distance as to not be assaulted by the song. The phone rang and went to voicemail. Kurt hung up and frowned. "She didn't answer; do you think we should try calling her house?"
"Ya, it wouldn't hurt." Blaine said sliding down in the bus seat and resting his head on the window. Kurt dialed the Berry's home number and bit his lip. The phone rang four times before and answering machine picked up, the loud voice of Rachel Berry came through the speaker signing a message informing the caller that the Berry's were not home, and that her two fathers would return in two weeks after their cruise. "Hi Rachel, this is Kurt we found your hat on the sidewalk walking to the bus stop from the coffee shop, if you could call me when you get this that would be great. Talk to you later." Kurt hung up the phone and put it back in his bag.
"She didn't answer" Blaine asked.
"No, but I wouldn't put it past her to be signing to loudly to hear the phone ring. I've been guilty of the same thing on multiple occasions." Kurt smiled.
"Ok, now I have a wonderful mental image every time you don't answer your phone." Blaine said with a smirk. The two boys spent the rest of the bus ride in silence as the caffeine wore off and tiredness set in. Twenty minutes later the bus pulled up to Dalton and the tired boys hurried into the warmth of the school. They both shook snow off their boots and headed upstairs to finish off some homework; the pink hat and the phone calls to Rachel were quickly forgotten.
Rachel's head pounded as she slowly opened her eyes. She shivered as she felt a cold concrete floor beneath her. She slowly began to sit up and her eyes saw a dark figure sitting in the corner of the room. As she sat up fully the figure began to walk towards her as they let out a small chuckle.
Intriguing. I like it!!!
Lovely. BWAHAHAHA! I'm so pumped to read, but I'm exhausted. Expect quite a lot of reading from me tomorrow. (Also, do you not hate when people poke holes in your story using information that came out AFTER you wrote it? People are dumb...)
haha no i don't hate it...i mean as long as they are reading it and enjoying it! i am glad you are pumped to read it!
This is SO FREAKY! Ohmahgosh I can't wait to see what happens!!