July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
The past year had been a whirlwind. He had moved in with the Hummel's and finished his junior year at home. Kurt had graduated that year and had left for New York in the fall. It had been hard on both of them but Kurt still helped to tutor Blaine via Skype.
Blaine returned to McKinley for his senior year. He had planned to lay low and focus on his studies but Tina had insisted that he come back to glee. He agreed and helped lead them to a National championship.
Tina was yelling something into Blaine's ear. Blaine smile and nodded unable to hear her over the ruckus.
"I will see you later, I have to find Kurt!" Blaine yelled back as he waved and pushed his way through the crowd.
He found Burt and Carole first.
Burt waved him over and pulled Blaine into a tight hug. "I am proud of you kid."
Carole nodded as she ran her hand down Blaine's arms. "You have done so well honey, we can't believe how much you have changed."
Blaine felt tears prick the back of his eyes. "Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you."
Blaine hugged them both as he thought back to where he would be without them. He shuddered slightly at the thought. He pulled back from the hug and offered the Hummel's a smile. "I can't thank you enough."
Burt smiled wide. "You don't need to kid."
Blaine nodded as he looked down at his feet.
Suddenly a warm hand intertwined with his.
"Kurt!" Blaine said as he looked up into Kurt's eyes.
"Blaine, I have never been more proud of you." Kurt said as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's shoulders.
That did it. Blaine's reserves broke and tears began to spill down his cheeks.
Kurt pulled back and laughed slightly wiping away the tears.
"Hey, stop it. No crying today. You did it Blaine. You did it!"
Blaine offered Kurt a watery smile. "I couldn't have do it without you."
"I know." Kurt smiled.
"How can I thank you?" Blaine asked as he searched Kurt's eyes.
"Oh I have something in mind." Kurt said as he put his hands on Blaine's chin and pulled his face up. He slowly placed his lips onto Blaine's and gave him a chaste kiss.
Blaine's body ignited with electricity as he deepened the kiss. Kurt hummed happily as the two embraced.
* disgusting squeal of happiness* followed by *disgusting squeal of "oh god it's over" sadness*