Like a Ticking Time Bomb
Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.

Like a Ticking Time Bomb: Chapter 18

M - Words: 1,169 - Last Updated: Jul 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Nov 16, 2011 - Updated: Jul 01, 2012
504 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry for the long wait but we have 3 chapters to go and I plan to update weekly from here on out!
Blaine wasn’t sure what had happened. His whole body ached with a radiating pain. He heard voices around him, and felt someone holding his hand. He slowly pried his eyes open and let out a groan as the harsh lights hit him.

“Blaine?” A soft voice asked as the owner squeezed Blaine’s hand tighter.

Blaine knew that voice…”Kurt?” He asked his voice raw and weak.

“Blaine, open your eyes. Please?” Kurt pleaded as he kept a hold on Blaine’s hand.

Blaine opened his eyes once more and found Kurt sitting by his bedside. Next to him was an older man wearing a ball cap.

“Where…where am I?” Blaine asked.

Kurt looked at his dad and bit his lip.

“Blaine you are in the hospital. The ambulance brought you in a couple of days ago. Do you remember?” The man and the ball cap asked as he placed a hand on Kurt’s shoulder.

Blaine shook his head. “Why?”

Kurt took in a harsh breath of air…”Blaine do you remember anything?”

Blaine furrowed his brow as he tried to remember. “I remember the slushy.” Blaine’s eyes widened with fear. “Oh god, Kurt I threw you against the lockers. Oh god are you ok? I’m sorry. I am so sorry!” Blaine’s breathing picked up in pace as he started to sob.

“Shh, Blaine calm down. I’m fine. I am ok. Just shh, you are going to hurt yourself more if you don’t calm down.” Kurt said as he placed a soothing hand on Blaine’s cheek.

“Kurt, I’m so sorry I lost my temper. I hurt you. I am so sorry. I can’t believe I hurt you.” Blaine said gently knocked away Kurt’s hands and hid his face.

“Dad, can you give us a minute alone?” Kurt asked quietly.
Burt eyed his son but nodded. “I will be right out side if you need me.”

“Thanks.” Kurt murmured as Burt left the room.

Blaine sat on the bed his shoulder’s shaking with sobs and his face in his hands.

“Blaine, I promise I am ok. You are the one I am worried about.” Kurt said softly as he gently took Blaine’s hands in his own.

“Kurt, I was so afraid that I had hurt you. I snapped, and I hurt you. Finn was right. I am a freak.” Blaine said without looking up.

Kurt had been sure that his heart had already been broken after finding Blaine beaten his room, but now as Blaine sat on the hospital bed Kurt felt the shards of his heart being ground to dust.

“Blaine, you are not a freak. You are perfect. And I am fine. You didn’t hurt me. I am more worried about you.”

“Kurt, you don’t understand! I am a freak. People always get hurt. I always hurt them!” Blaine sobbed.

“Blaine, what do you mean?” Kurt asked softly.

“Carson.” Blaine whispered.

“Wait who is Carson…” Kurt began to ask but quickly remembered.

“Carson, that was the name you were yelling out when I first came to your house.”
Blaine nodded.

“Blaine?” Kurt asked willing the small boy to answer.

“Carson was my only friend after…well after I started to go crazy. But Kurt you don’t understand I used to be normal. And then everything fell to shit. And Carson, Carson was so great. He helped me. But then…people always get hurt. I always hurt people.”

“Blaine, I don’t understand. But I want you to know that I am fine.”

“No Kurt! I am a screw up. You…you should just leave.” Blaine said, pulling his hands from Kurt’s and looking away.

“I am not leaving. I promised I wouldn’t leave. And Blaine right now you need me.”

Blaine sniffed and tried to ignore Kurt’s words, but he knew Kurt was right. Blaine was in the hospital and he wasn’t even sure why.

“Why am I in the hospital?” He asked, still keeping his head turned away from Kurt.

“I found you in your room, a couple of days ago. You had a fever and you were beaten up pretty bad.”

Blaine quickly turned back to Kurt as his brain pieced together what had happened. “I skipped school, because I was afraid that I had lost you. My dad found out that I had skipped and…”

Kurt stood up quickly from the chair. “Your dad did this?” he yelled.

Blaine flinched back from Kurt’s anger. “Kurt, stop!” Blaine sobbed.

Kurt felt the rage boil in his veins but quickly sat back down on the bed next to Blaine. “Blaine, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. I just can’t believe that your dad, or that anyone would do this to you.”

“It’s happened before. I deserved it. I had one more shot and I screwed up.” Blaine said as he wiped angrily as his tears.

“Blaine you don’t deserve to be beaten by your parents, or by anyone. And what do you mean you had one more shot?” Kurt asked as he scooted closer to Blaine’s side.

Blaine breathing hitched as he looked into Kurt’s eyes.
“I came to McKinley after…well after Carson. And my dad said if I screwed up one more time I would be sent back to my old school. I am a pretty sure I have been suspended or maybe even expelled from McKinley so it’s back to Glenview for me.”

“Blaine, something bad happened at Glenview…besides Carson getting hurt didn’t it?” Kurt asked knowing that Blaine was hiding something.

Blaine nodded. “After I came out, I started to get bullied. Carson helped a lot but…after the Sadie Hawkins dance. We got beat up. Carson was hurt really bad, we both were. I missed school that is why I am year behind. Carson, well I don’t know what happened to him.”

“Your parents are sending you back to that school?” Kurt asked his voice high with disbelief.

“I have no where else to go.” Blaine replied quietly.

“Blaine, I don’t care what it takes. You are not going back there. I promise.”

“Kurt, you can’t promise shit like that! My parents are the ones who are in charge. They are sending me back to Glenview!” Blaine yelled.

“Blaine, your parents are assholes. Your dad beat you so badly that you are in the hospital. You have been unconscious for two days! This is not ok. We are going to call the police and get this fixed. You are not going back to your parents and you are for sure not going back to Glenview!” Kurt said.

“Kurt if I don’t go back to my parents I have no where else to go. I will get sent to a metal hospital or some home. I have to go back to them!” Blaine yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Kurt started to respond but was interrupted by voices yelling out in the hallway. He quickly stood up from the bed and walked towards the door.
His heart sank as he saw his father and who he assumed was Mr. Anderson in a heated argument out in the hall.


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