July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
“Kurt buddy, you awake?”
Kurt opened his eyes to find his dad sitting next to his bed.
“What happened?”
“Oh thank goodness, buddy you have been out for a while.” Burt said as he gently brushed Kurt’s bangs off his forehead.
“Dad, where am I?” Kurt looked towards his dad confusion on his face.
“You are at the hospital kiddo, umm there was a fight at your school and you got thrown against the lockers. You cut you head pretty bad. They had to give you some stitches.”
Kurt furrowed his brow as he tried to remember the incident. He remembered walking down the hall with Blaine, he remembered hearing the familiar laugh of the jocks as they approached him and Blaine. Kurt gasped as he remembered the thick syrupy liquid of a slushy being thrown into Blaine’s face.
“Blaine was slushied, by Karofsky, oh god dad, is Blaine ok?”
Burt’s face became hot as he balled his fists. Kurt didn’t remember that Blaine was the reason he was here in the hospital. “Kurt” Burt said through gritted teeth. “Blaine hasn’t been seen since he was slushied, and I say good riddance. He pushed you into the lockers. He is why you are here with stitches in the back of your head!”
Kurt recoiled in his bed. It had been awhile since he had seen his dad so mad. “I’m…I’m sure Blaine didn’t mean to.” Kurt whispered.
“I don’t give a damn if he meant to or not! Kurt the boy hurt you. He put you in the hospital. That kid is messed up. I should have listened to Finn. He knew that Blaine was bad news.”
“Dad! You don’t even know Blaine! He has been doing so well, he just slipped up. I know he didn’t mean to hurt anybody!” Kurt protested.
“Kurt! Don’t you understand, the boy is dangerous. He pushed you into the lockers because of a damn slushy!” Burt said as he stood up from the chair.
“DAD! You don’t understand I was trying to stop him from beating up Karofsky. I got in the way! It’s my fault.” Kurt sobbed.
Burt’s face faltered, Kurt had stepping in to break up a fight…“You did what?” he asked quietly.
“I…got in the way dad. Blaine didn’t mean to push me. Don’t blame him. This is my fault. Please don’t blame Blaine.” Kurt pleaded.
Burt rubbed his hands over his head. He was conflicted. Burt didn’t care how Kurt got hurt, all he knew is that this Blaine kid had landed Kurt in the hospital with twenty stitches in the back of his head. Burt sighed as he sat back down next to the hospital bed.
“Kurt, I don’t want you seeing that Blaine kid anymore. He is dangerous, and I can’t let you be around him.” Burt said as he made a grab for his son’s hand.
Kurt pulled back quickly…”No! You can’t stop me from seeing Blaine. I am his tutor he needs me.”
“Kurt, I don’t care if you are the boy’s god damn boyfriend. You won’t be seeing him anymore!” Burt yelled.
“DAD!” Kurt began to yell…
“NO! End of discussion! Now I am going to find the nurse and get your discharge papers.” With that Burt left the room.
Kurt stared at the door as tears ran down his cheeks. What would Blaine do without him? What would he do without Blaine?
The next few days were a blur to Kurt. He was forced to stay home from school due to a concussion so he spent his days trying to distract himself with bad daytime TV and naps. It didn’t work he couldn’t stop thinking about Blaine. Finn had given him little information about Blaine, other than the fact that he ran after Finn had yelled at him. Burt had apologized to Kurt after the blow up at the hospital but still held firm on his decision to not let Kurt see Blaine anymore. Kurt had accepted his dad’s apology but knew he wouldn’t head Burt’s new rule. Kurt had to see Blaine, to make sure that he was ok.
Finally after two days at home Kurt was allowed to go back to school. As he was gathering his books Kurt heard a knock on his bedroom door.
“Come in.”
Burt poked his head in and let out a small smile. “Getting ready for school?”
“Ya, I am glad to go back. Your brain starts to turn to mush after extended exposure to daytime media.” Kurt quipped.
"Well, I am glad you are feeling better. Just Kurt…be careful ok kid?”
“Ya, dad. I will.” Kurt said as he flung his satchel over his shoulder. “I better get going, I don’t want to be late. I’ll see you later.”
“Be good kiddo, I love you.” Burt said as Kurt slid past him.
“Love you too dad.” Kurt said as he rushed out the door. Sure he was leaving a good fifteen minutes before school but he needed to get there early to find Blaine.
When Kurt got to school he headed straight to the special ed room. He saw Mrs. Raine setting up a new display as he walked in the room.
“Mrs. Raine?”
The teacher turned around quickly, “Kurt! I am glad to see you are ok!”
“Thank you Mrs. Raine…umm I am here about Blaine.”
Mrs. Raine nodded. “I figured you would be. But I have bad news Kurt. Blaine has been expelled for truancy. He hasn’t shown up for school since the fight.”
“He was what?” Kurt asked, his eyebrow furrowing.
“Nobody has seen Blaine since he was slushied. We tried calling his house when he didn’t show up the day after but nobody answered. He has missed too many days of school and he hasn’t had any note to excuse him. We sent a letter to his house informing him and his parents of his expulsion. I am sorry Kurt. I knew you were his tutor, maybe we can find another way for you to help out?” Mrs.Raine asked with a forced smile.
“No, I don’t want another way. I want to help Blaine!” Kurt yelled.
Mrs. Raine stepped back. “Kurt, I know you and Blaine were getting close, but I think its best if you just forget about him. We can find you another student to tutor.”
“No, I am sorry Mrs. Raine, but I only want Blaine. He needs me and…and I need him.” With that Kurt rushed out of the room and back into the parking lot. He started his car and once again made the trip to Blaine’s house.