Like a Ticking Time Bomb
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.

Like a Ticking Time Bomb: Chapter 13

M - Words: 1,386 - Last Updated: Jul 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Nov 16, 2011 - Updated: Jul 01, 2012
589 0 1 0 0

Blaine woke up in a cold sweat on Monday morning. He quickly threw off the damp sheets and padded towards the bathroom to take a shower. As he stood against the steady stream of water, he thought about the weekend.

He had gotten his new schedule on Friday after rushing out of tutoring with Kurt. Blaine was surprised when upon arriving home his mother was there.

“Mom? You’re home early?” Blaine asked as he slung his back pack off his shoulders.

"The school called me at work Blaine.” She said not looking up from her phone.

Blaine’s heart started to race. “Mom, I haven’t done
anything wrong! I have been doing good!”

“Oh Blaine you really need to stop being so dramatic. Apparently you have been doing so well in your classes that they have decided to allow you to attend classes like the regular students.” Mrs. Anderson replied.

Blaine nodded unsure how to respond.

Mrs. Anderson narrowed her eyes staring down her son. “What brought about this change Blaine?”

Blaine swallowed thickly. “I…I have tutor now.”

“A tutor?” Mrs. Anderson said her eyebrows rising.

“He is a senior. He needed college credit or something so he is helping me.” Blaine replied.

“What is this tutor’s name?”

“Kurt Hummel.” Blaine answered as his heart skipped a beat at the name.

“Kurt Hummel, the son of the new congressman Burt Hummel?” his mother asked her eyes narrowing.

“Ya, I guess so.” Blaine shrugged.

Mrs. Anderson took in a sharp breath before slapping Blaine across the face. “What the hell are you doing with that fag?” she shrieked.

“Mom, what are you talking about!” Blaine said cradling his cheek.

“Kurt Hummel is a stupid fag that is all his father could take about during his campaign. Is that why you are doing so well? Are you fucking him up the ass in exchange for good grades?” Mrs. Anderson yelled as she cornered her son.

“No, mom! I am doing well. Kurt is tutoring me that’s it. I didn’t even know he was gay!” Blaine said, hoping that his lie would calm his mother’s temper.

“Don’t fucking lie to me. You fags like are like magnets you find each other, you can’t resist. I can’t believe you Blaine.” She spat.

“Mom, please believe me….” Blaine began to plead.

“Just go up to your room Blaine.” his mother said throwing up her hands.


“GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM!” his mother yelled as grabbed a nearby dish and chucked it at Blaine’s head.
Blaine bolted up the stairs away from his mother’s rage.

He slammed the door breathing heavily.
That night Blaine’s father had forced himself into Blaine’s room. Luckily the only thing he hit Blaine with was harsh words. His father had yelled at Blaine for an hour straight. Telling him that if he didn’t keep his grades up and his faggy instincts hidden he would be shipped off so fast his head would spin.
Blaine hid away from his parents for the remainder of the weekend, only coming out after they had gone to bed to stock up on food.

Blaine stood in the shower lost in his thoughts until the water ran cold. He quickly got dressed and tamed his curls. His stomach was churning with nerves but he forced some Cheerios down, before beginning his walk to school.
Blaine’s heart was racing as he entered his first classroom. The teacher was nice enough but the rest of the students wouldn’t stop staring. Blaine did his best to hide away in the back. By the middle of the day Blaine’s nerves were on edge and he was exhausted. As the bell rang for seventh period he trudged up the stairs finally glad to not be in a room with people who thought he was a freak. Blaine came into the room ignoring the greeting from Mrs. Raine as he sat down as him and Kurt’s usual table.

Blaine pulled out his books and looked at the clock. Kurt was five minutes late. Blaine began to worry, as he began to flip through his class notes. Soon enough Blaine looked up at the clock and 7th period was halfway over. His thoughts began to race…”Kurt had forgotten about him. Kurt left him. Kurt promised. Blaine had pushed Kurt away. It was all his fault.”

Mrs. Raine had noticed Blaine’s breathing speed up and calming walked towards his table. “Blaine, honey. Are you ok?”

Blaine looked at his teacher with wide eyes; “He forgot me.”

“Oh Kurt? Blaine, I am sure he didn’t forget you, he probably got caught up in another class. I am sure he will be here soon.” Mrs. Raine said patting one of Blaine’s hands.

Blaine’s blood boiled, he hated that Mrs. Raine was trying to calm him like a child. Blaine had spent the entire day being coddled by his teacher, being judged by his peers, and now his only friend had forgotten about him. Blaine let out a yell before shooting up out of his chair and running out of the room.

He continued to run despite Mrs. Raine calling after him.
Blaine didn’t stop running until he got into his house and allowed himself to collapse onto his bed.

Kurt swore at himself as he rushed out of the cafeteria, ignoring the questioning look from Rachel Berry. How could he forget Blaine, especially today! Kurt knew this was Blaine’s first day back in regular classes and he had promised Blaine he would be there for him. But this whole mess with glee club had gotten Kurt all mixed up. Kurt continued to run down the hall before bursting into the special ed room.

“Blaine!” He panted looking around the room.

Mrs. Raine came out of her office wringing her hands. “Oh Kurt, thank goodness you are here. Blaine thought you forgot him and just ran off. We can’t find him anywhere.”

“He ran off?” Kurt said.

“I tried to comfort him but instead he just yelled and ran away. He was gone before I could call for back up.” Mrs. Raine replied.

“I have to go find him.” Kurt said turning away before sprinting out of the classroom.

Kurt left school early once again. The usual fifteen minute drive to Blaine’s house took about eight thanks to Kurt’s excessive speeding. Kurt pulled hastily into the large circular driveway and burst into the Anderson house.

“Blaine!” Kurt yelled as he began to run up the stairs. Kurt paused at the top of the stairs before running into Blaine’s room.

“Blaine I am so sorry….” Kurt stopped short when he saw Blaine sitting on the edge of his bed, guitar in hand and a well-used notebook open at his side.

“You forgot me.” Blaine said quietly, not looking up from his guitar.

“Blaine, I am so sorry. I know have I have no excuse for forgetting you.” Kurt said letting his satchel fall to the ground.

Blaine just shrugged and went back to strumming on his guitar.

Kurt sighed as he approached Blaine cautiously sitting on the other side of the bed.

“When did you learn how to play guitar?” Kurt asked, trying his best to break the tension that filled the room.

“An old friend taught me before I transferred to McKinley. It helps when I am feeling depressed. It’s a better outlet than…” Blaine said trailing off at the end of his sentence.

“Music is awesome that way. I know I find so much comfort when I am singing.” Kurt said scooting closer to Blaine.

“Kurt you promised you would be there today.” Blaine said looking at Kurt.

“I know and I know there is no excuse, but the shit has hit the fan at glee club and we were down three members, and we need twelve to compete and we need one more, and if we don’t compete than my chances at getting into NYADA are down the tubes…” Kurt said with a sigh.

“I don’t understand.” Blaine said setting his guitar down.

“I spent all day looking for people to join glee club. We have two people but we need at least one more to get our group back to twelve members….” Kurt paused turning towards Blaine. “Wait, you like music!” he exclaimed.

“Ya.” Blaine said confusedly.

“Blaine, I know I don’t deserve to be asking this but will you join glee club?”


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love this story. i just started reading it today, so firgive me for not reviewing and previous chapters. please update soon!!