July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
July 1, 2012, 3:07 p.m.
“Why would you think that?” his father asked.
“Because when it comes to extracurricular activities I am woefully lacking. They aren’t going to accept someone who has spent three out of four of his high school years in a mediocre glee club.”
“Hey now, you love glee. That club has done so much for you.” Burt said as he folded his paper and laid it on the table.
“I know dad, but in the scheme of things, especially when it comes to NYADA, the only thing that would be impressive about three years of glee club is if we had some competition wins under our belts. But seeing how that hasn’t happened yet my chances of getting into NYADA, or any college are slim to none.”
“Kurt I am not going to partake in your little pity party.” Burt said standing up from the kitchen table. “If you need more extra curriculars then go do some volunteer work or something, you are resourceful. I am sure you can figure something out.” Burt patted his son on his shoulder and walked out of the kitchen. Kurt sighed again but knew his dad was right. Tomorrow he would go to Principle Figgins and see if there was any opportunity for extra curricular involvement.
The next day at school Kurt made his way through the crowded hallways of McKinley. He was almost to the office when he was stopped by none other than Rachel Berry. “KURT! I was just coming to find you. I am sure that you are as concerned as I am about the NYADA application. Now I for one am pretty set when it comes to extra curricular activities but I know that you are not so fortunate. So I was hoping that you would accept my offer to start a PFLAG group here at school, I of course would be the leader of the group, but I would love to offer the job of vice president to you in order for to you to add it to your list of activities on your application.” Rachel smiled up at Kurt as she finished her spiel.
Kurt took a step back. He couldn’t believe his ears. One of his biggest competitions at this school had just asked him to start a club. In his mind Kurt switched quickly from being offended to being grateful. Kurt decided that he would deal with Rachel and her schemes later. “Well, thank you for the offer Miss Berry, but can I get back to you I have a meeting with Principle Figgins that I don’t want to be late for.” And with that Kurt turned into the school office and left Rachel standing in the hallway looking a bit confused. Kurt shrugged it off and went up to the door to Figgins office and knocked tentatively. “Come in.” A thick accented voice said from the other side of the door. Kurt opened the door slowly. “Principle Figgins.” Kurt said offering a nod in greeting. “Ah, Mr. Hummel what do I owe this visit. No more bullying trouble I assume?”
“No sir, things are going quite well on that front. I did have a question tough. I was wondering if there was any opportunity for me to be involved in any extra curricular activities.”
“I thought you were in glee club? Are things not going well?” Figgens asked as he laid his hands on his desk.
“No, it’s nothing like that I love glee and am still a very active member. I am just trying to enhance my college application. So I was wondering if you knew of anything I could do to help me increase my chances of getting accepted to a good college.”
“Well, Mr. Hummel our school has a myriad of social clubs and activities as you well know, but nothing looks quite as good as being involved in service learning.”
“Service learning?” Kurt asked.
“Yes, you spend some of your school day, possibly during your study hall or lunch period helping other students. And you are in luck the special education department is looking for some peer tutors.”
Kurt raised his eyebrow. He hadn’t thought of doing service projects in order to pad his application, but it is something that Rachel hasn’t done, at least yet. And it would give him a leg up. “Ok, I will do it.” He said excitedly.
“Fantastic. You will report to room 248 during your 7th period study hall. Mrs. Raine will be there to get you started.” Figgens said as he ushered Kurt out of his office.
Kurt smiled as he eagerly waited to add this new activity to his list. He was so happy he didn’t hear Rachel calling his name from across the hallway. Instead Kurt continued on his way to his French class.
The bell signaling the end 6th period sounded. Kurt quickly threw his books into his satchel and began to head up to the second floor. As he was going up the steps he heard a familiar voice call his name. He turned around to see his step-brother Finn standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Kurt where are you going, don’t you have study hall this period?”
“Hey Finn, ya I do but I signed up to be a peer tutor for the special education department. So I have to go to room 248 and see Mrs. Raine.”
“Woah, special ed kids? Are you sure you can handle that. I have heard there are some crazy people in that room.” Finn said his eyes wide.
“Finn, that is rude. I am sure the kids in that room are very nice. Now if you excuse me I have to go I don’t want to be late.” With that Kurt turned quickly and walked down the upstairs hallway to the far end of the hallway. Kurt ended up at room number 248, it looked like any other room. But he could hear the distinct sounds of muffled yelling come from the other side of the door. Kurt bit his lip, unsure of whether he should turn around and just forget the whole thing. As he was debating the door swung open and a short curly boy with piercing hazel eyes ran out the door and straight into Kurt causing them both to fall to the floor.
“OW FUCK! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!” The boy yelled loudly as he stood up quickly, not offering an apology for knocking the taller boy over. As Kurt stared up at the boy in shock a frazzled looking middle-aged woman ran of the classroom. “Blaine, please come back in here.” She said sounding extremely exasperated. “NO, YOU BITCH. YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!” Blaine said as he sprinted down the hallway and towards the stairs. Mrs. Raine grabbed quickly at a walkie-talkie that was attached to her hip, and pressed the call button. “Code R, Blaine Anderson. He is headed down the 2nd floor hallway and towards the stairs. I need backup.” A crackly voice sounded through the speaker, “Alright I will be right there.” Mrs. Raine sighed and looked down at the floor at Kurt. “I am sorry, Blaine is our ticking time bomb. We really can’t do much about it.” She said as he offered her hand to the confused boy. “Did Figgins send you up here for peer tutoring?” Kurt looked up at the frazzled woman.
“Yes, my name is Kurt Hummel. Aren’t you going to go get, umm…” Kurt said forgetting the name of the curly haired boy.
“Blaine? No Mr. Jones and Coach Beiste have to handle him when he gets this bad. Come inside and we will talk I can’t leave the other kids alone for too long.”
Kurt followed the teacher in the room but his thoughts remained on Blaine.
Oh no, Kurt forgot Blaine! Please update soon!!!