Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.
Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.
Kurt awoke as he felt the warmth of his boyfriends body leave the bed. He kept his eyes closed till he heard the bathroom door close. Kurt, like Blaine, was feeling a lot better; even the itching had gotten a tad bit better. Kurt quickly stripped the bed of its dirty sheets and linens. He wanted to get them in the wash and get rid of the germs. But first he had a plan.
Rachel walked in the room as Kurt was arranging the various chairs and other items in the room into a kind of circle. "Kurt, what are you doing?" Rachel asked.
"Shhh, I am surprising Blaine with a fort! Come help me we only have a little bit till he gets out of the bathroom." Kurt said as he began to drape the various sheets over the chairs.
"Clearly you have been in this room to long, you are going a bit stir crazy" Rachel said as she began to arrange pillows inside the fort. Kurt giggled as he threw more pillows in. He then proceeded to pop in yet another movie. This time it was one from his personal collection. He beckoned for Rachel to come in the fort as he pressed play on the remote. The pair heard the bathroom door open and Kurt put a finger to his lips signaling Rachel to be quiet.
Blaine looked at the stripped down bed before his eyes traveled to a large blanket fort in the middle of the room. He snuck around to the back of the fort and threw up the blankets: "BOO!" he yelled causing both Kurt and Rachel to jump.
"Blaine!" Kurt squealed. "No fair we were supposed to scare you! Kurt said hitting his boyfriends shoulder.
"Sorry couldn't resist" Blaine said smiling his infamous smile that immediately melted away Kurt's fake anger. "So what are we doing inside this epic fort?" Blaine asked crawling into the tent.
"We are going to watch Swiss Family Robinson, which has an epic fort of its own in it." Kurt said snuggling up to Blaine.
"Sounds perfect" Blaine said allowing himself once again to be Kurt's human pillow.
The three snuggled within the fort enjoying the cheesiness that was Swiss Family Robinson. As the movie ended a low growl could be heard from the stomach of both the sick boys.
"Sounds like your appetites are back" Rachel said crawling out of the fort. "I will go downstairs and make you boys some soup. Why don't you start cleaning up and put new sheets on the bed?" Rachel said as she walked downstairs.
"Lets start with the bed; I want to keep the fort up" Kurt said as he went to the hall closet to get new sheets and blankets. Blaine got up and went to the trunk that was at the foot of Kurt's bed and grabbed two fluffy pillows. He heard the soft padding of Kurt's feet coming back into the room. Blaine quickly ran to the side of the door and flung a pillow at Kurt's face as he walked into the room. Kurt let out a muffled yelp and dropped the sheets and blankets as he fell to his knees.