Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.
Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.
Blaine felt a pair of soft small hands brush against his forehead; he smiled a bit as he imagined Kurt stroking his curls. He slowly opened his eyes as a plastic rod was put into his mouth. His eyes widened as he saw Rachel Berry standing by his bedside, her hand brushing his check. He had a quick flashback to the infamous drunken kiss the two shared at the "Rachel Berry Houseparty Trainwreck Extravaganza". He squirmed underneath her touch unwilling to relive that experience.
"Hey shhhh, I am just taking your temperature." Rachel said as the familiar beep sounded. "Wow, Blaine you are burning up, even with the medicine in your system, 101.5". She said wiping of the tip of the thermometer. "Are you itchy?" She asks in a surprisingly concerned tone.
"Very" Blaine replies meekly.
"Ok, I am going to set you up a nice oatmeal bath." Rachel says getting up and heading to the kitchen to grab her container of oats. As she leaves Blaine shakes his head in confusion, "An oatmeal bath?" he wonders out loud. As he speaks the young boy beside him pokes his head out from the covers once again.
"Did you say oatmeal?" Kurt asks his voice a little hoarse. The only colors in his face are his flushed checks and the massive amount of red spots.
"I think I did…" Blaine said as he scratched at the dots on his stomach.
"No scratching!" Rachel said as she came back in the room carry a large bag.
"Why is Rachel here?" Kurt whispered. Blaine looked as his boyfriend and just shrugged.
"I am here to take care of you why Carole is at work. She kicked Burt and Finn out of the house so you don't infect them. You two are lucky that I have already been through the trials of the chickenpox and am fully prepared to care for you both." Rachel said as she went into Kurt's bathroom and began to fill the tub. The two boys looked at each other with confusion and a slight bit of fear. "Blaine! Come in here to take your oatmeal bath, Kurt you will go after Blaine." Rachel said as she poured a bit of milk into the warm water and threw in a small bag filled with oatmeal in also. "Blaine come on, or do you need help out of bed?" Rachel said coming back into the main part of the room.
"Umm, I am not so comfortable with the idea of taking a bath in oatmeal not to mention the fact that I am very uncomfortable with you being the one to help me with such adventure." Blaine said wishing he was in his own bed.
"The bath will help with the itching. And I am not going to stand over you while you are in there, I will be out here with Kurt." Rachel said as she pulled the covers off of Blaine. "Now I won't say it again, go in there and take a bath or I will be forced to help you." This threat got Blaine to stand up and walk slowly into the bathroom. He gave a weak smile to Kurt and closed the bathroom door.
Kurt who was still delirious from fever couldn't quite comprehend the exchanged that just happened before him. His mind was clouded with fever and all he could focus on was the intense itchiness that radiated throughout his body. Rachel came over to his side of the bed and placed a soft hand on his forehead. "You are pretty warm, but not as bad as Blaine." She said.
"I am so itchy." He said in a small voice.
"I know hun, after Blaine is done with his bath you will be able to have one two. But for now I have a few methods of distraction we can try." As she said this Rachel skipped over to her bag of goodies, she picked it up and carried it over to Kurt's beside. "I have copies of all the recent gossip magazines, the DVD collection of Say Yes to the Dress, Disney movies and some princess coloring books." She said smiling.
"Coloring books?" Kurt asked.
"Yes, it's a sure fire way to distract you from being sick." She reached into her bag and pulled a 120 pack of crayons. Kurt let out a small giggle and started to flip through the coloring book. He settled on a picture of Belle, only picking her because that was Blaine's favorite princess, well besides himself.
"Ok, Miss Berry I agree with your methods of distractions." He said reaching to the box of crayons and pulling out a fresh yellow crayon.
I just love how maternal Rachel is being. Kurt and Blaine are in good hand.