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Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.

Chickenpox: Chapter 4

K - Words: 1,159 - Last Updated: Oct 20, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/10 - Created: Oct 20, 2011 - Updated: Oct 20, 2011
1,246 0 0 0 0

As Carole shut the door, Blaine stirred and let out a small whimper. His head ached, his stomach hurt and he was itchy. Very itchy. He unconsciously started to scratch at his torso trying to calm the irritated skin. A pair of soft hands grabbed his own; "Hey wake up sweetie you can't scratch, I know it itches just wake up and we will get something to stop the itching." Carole's soothing voice coaxed Blaine into a wakeful state.

"Where am I? And why am I so itchy?" Blaine asked in a childlike voice.

"You are in Kurt's room honey; I think you came up here last night. And you seem to have chickenpox." Carole responded. As she answered Blaine, Kurt woke up with a moan. "Oh Kurt!" Carole exclaimed as her younger son poked his head out from underneath the mounds of covers. His face was whiter than the sheets that covered him and his neck, face, and arms were covered in red spots. Kurt opened his sleepy eyes and saw Carole's shocked expression.

"I know I missed my moisturizing routine last night but I can't look that bad?" He said in a week voice. He then proceeded to look down at his porcelain arms and let out a shocked yelp. "What is on me? What's going on?"

"You got sick last night Kurt, and then while Blaine was playing nurse he caught you sickness as well, you both have chickenpox" Carole explained as she brushed Kurt's chestnut hair out of his pale face. At the mention of Blaine Kurt turned his eyes onto his boyfriend who was visibly trying not to scratch at his polka dotted skin. Even with paler skin and red dots Blaine still looked gorgeous…it wasn't fair. Kurt wasn't distracted by his boyfriend's unchanging good looks for long because soon his red dotted skin began to itch, the feeling took his focus and all he wanted to do was scratch. He quickly began to use his well groomed nails to scratch at his unbearably itchy arms. Carole's hands quickly meet his and held them still.

"Boys I know it is hard but you can't scratch it will only make it worse. I am going to call the doctor to make an appointment and then see if I can get off work to take care of you both. You two be good and don't scratch! I will be right back." Carole quickly left the room leaving the two very sick, very itchy boys to themselves.

The two boys struggled against their feverish heads and itchy skin as they snuggled closer together underneath the covers. Kurt was the one to speak first.

"I am sorry I got you sick, I didn't mean to."

"Kurt, I am not blaming you. I am surprised you didn't have chickenpox as a kid, most people do." Blaine said as he looked into Kurt green eyes which stood out amongst the red spots on his eyelids.

"I feel so bad, in more than one sense of the word. I am so itchy and I am cold. I feel like I am falling apart, also I am in no condition to be seen, I am sure I look horrendous" Kurt whined as he turned his body away from Blaine's.

"Babe, I am sure we look the same, we are both sick, we both itchy and both cold. But no matter what condition you or I are in I am going to be there for you." Blaine said as he pulled Kurt into a light spoon. Kurt relaxed his warm frame into Blaine's chest; once again making full use of his favorite human pillow.

"Thank you, can you do me a favor and scratch my back, I am so itchy." Kurt asked in a tone that was hard to deny.

"Are you trying to get me in trouble with Carole? We are not supposed to scratch." Blaine said in a sorrowful voice.

"Well, then I need something to distract me from this incessant itching." Kurt said in a pout. Blaine pulled his sulky boyfriend closer and began to sing into his ear.

I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...

As Blaine sang Kurt's heavy eyes began to droop and he began to sink into the sweetness of Blaine voice. The boys barely heard the bedroom door open and Carole entering with a tray carrying 7UP, a container of Tylenol, and a pink bottle of Calamine lotion.

"Alright boys, I need you to take this medicine and drink a glass of 7UP you need fluids. I called the doctor and he says you two don't need to come in, which is good news. But I also have bad news; you both will have to be quarantined for at least five days. Neither Burt nor Finn has had chickenpox and I don't need you two to give it to them. Also Blaine I tired to get a hold of your parents but the call went directly to voicemail."

"They are out of town on business." Blaine said wearily, "But its ok I can go home and take care of my self. I will be fine.", he said as he began to get up from the bed. As he stepped out of bed he swayed on his feet and nearly collapsed onto the floor.

"Whoa there, slow down." Carole said as she grabbed Blaine by the waist and sat him back down in bed. "You are not going home to an empty house in this condition. You will stay here at least until your fever goes away, which might be a few days." Carole said in a motherly tone.

Blaine's head swam and he felt dizzy. He slowly lay back down next to a concerned Kurt. Kurt sat up on his elbow and felt his boyfriend's forehead. He was burning up.

"I have another bit of bad news." Carole said as she poured two large glasses of pop and shook out four pills from the Tylenol bottle. "I called work and they said I can't take off another day because I used up all my vacation time for the honeymoon, so that means I am going to have to find someone to take care of you." Carole said as he handed the boys the glasses of pop and instructed them to take the medicine. "You two try to go back to sleep, I am going to call around and try to find someone to take care of you while I am gone." And with that Carole left the sick patients.

The two boys had no strength to argue with Carole. And they both knew they were unable to fend for themselves due to their illness. Both the boys quickly swallowed the pills and sank once again beneath the covers of Kurt's bed.


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