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Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.

Chickenpox: Chapter 2

K - Words: 838 - Last Updated: Oct 20, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/10 - Created: Oct 20, 2011 - Updated: Oct 20, 2011
1,004 0 0 0 0

Burt and Carole were enjoying their weekly date night Breadstix, when Burt's phone rang, the smiling face of his only son flashed on his caller id. He quickly answered the phone "Hey bud, is everything ok?"

"Hi Mr. Hummel, this is actually Blaine. I am pretty sure Kurt is sick, he feels like he has a temperature. I just wanted to let you both know." Blaine's voice was full of concern even through the small phone speakers.

"Thanks Blaine, we will be home soon" Burt said as he hung up the phone, Carole looked across the table at her husband with a small frown.

"We better hurry home, Kurt needs us and I don't want Blaine to get whatever Kurt has." Carole says as she waves down the waitress for the check. Burt looked lovingly at his new bride, thanking who ever brought her into his life. She was so caring, even when she didn't have to be. The couple left the restaurant and drove as fast as they could home to Kurt and Blaine.

Kurt quickly fell asleep as Blaine held the feverish boy close. Blaine loved being the protector at the moment but hated that Kurt was feeling ill. As they waited for Burt and Carole, Blaine tried to focus on the rest of The Wizard of Oz but all he could really think about was how hot the porcelain skin of his boyfriend felt. He hoped that whatever Kurt had wasn't serious. As Blaine worried he felt himself becoming very tired. "I will just close my eyes for a minute", he thought to himself. As soon as Blaine shut his eyes he was out.

Burt and Carole quickly pulled into the driveway of the Hummel household. The couple hurried into the house and down into the basement. On the couch laid two young boys. The smaller but older one holding the younger one, Carole quickly notices that not only does Kurt have flushed features but Blaine's olive skin is also showing signs of fever. She makes her way over the couch and puts a hand on Kurt's forehead, "Kurt honey, we are home", she whispers. Kurt's eyes begin to flutter and he groans. As soon as Kurt stirs Blaine's eyes spring open. "Hi boys, how are you feeling?" Burt questions.

"Like death warmed over" Kurt replies weakly.

"You look like it too kid, Blaine you don't look so good either are you feeling alright?" Burt says as he turns his attention to his son's boyfriend.

"I am fine, just tired" Blaine replies, his voice sounding raspy. After he speaks Blaine feels a new soreness in his throat.

"Let me take your temperature" Carole says as she cleans off the thermometer. "Burt, can you take Kurt up to bed I have to make sure Blaine isn't sick."

"I am fine, Kurt is the sick one." Blaine says as Burt lifts Kurt off of the couch. Kurt barely notices the change in position and lays his head on his dad's shoulder.

"Even if you are fine, I am taking Kurt upstairs. Thanks for calling us Blaine, but right now you need to let Carole check your temperature." Burt says in a stern but kind voice. Blaine, unwilling to argue watches as Kurt is carried up to bed.

"Now open your mouth and put this underneath your tongue, and no talking. I am going to say goodnight to Kurt. I will be right back." And with that Carole leaves Blaine in the basement.

Blaine focuses on the plastic thermometer that is in his mouth, "I am not sick, I am not sick, I am not sick" He repeats this inner mantra until he hears the slow beeping of the device. As soon as it beeps Carole is back in the basement. She quickly checks the numbers on the screen, 101.8.

"Oh Blaine, you have a fever. I can't let you drive home in this condition you will have to stay here for the night." Carole says in a motherly tone.

"Mrs. Hummel, I am fine." Blaine says as he gets up quickly from the couch, as he does his head starts to spin and he quickly falls back in the cushions.

"Whoa, slow down there hun. You have a high fever, and you need to rest. I don't want you or Kurt to get any sicker than you already are. You will stay here tonight. I will go upstairs and get you some blankets and some pajamas. You stay here and don't try to get up. I will be right back." Carole fluffs the pillow behind Blaine's head before she heads up stairs. As much as Blaine wants to sleep in his own bed he is eternally grateful that Mrs. Hudson is letting him stay the night. His throat feels like sandpaper and his head feels like someone is drilling a hole into it. He allows his body to relax into the comforting cushions and begins to fall into a fever induced sleep. He barely remembers Mrs. Hummel coming down and tucking him in with blankets after giving him a Tylenol for his fever.


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