Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.
Oct. 20, 2011, 9:36 a.m.
"I think I'm bleeding" Kurt said not looking up.
Blaine looked at his boyfriend shaking frame as his eyes widened in horror. "Kurt, I am so sorry." His own hazel eyes brimming with tears…"Let me go get Rachel!" Blaine said slightly tripping as he stood up quickly. He started down the stairs when he hurt Kurt let out a giggle. He turned around to see Kurt smiling widely with no damage to his perfect nose.
"Kurt! You are so mean!" Blaine said pouting out his lip.
"I am sorry but you stole my scare from earlier with the fort so I had to get you back." Kurt replied.
"You get me back by pretending you have a broken nose!" Blaine said raising his voice.
"What's this I hear about a broken nose" Rachel said as she entered the room carrying a tray of food.
"I hit Kurt with a pillow and he acted like I had broken his nose." Blaine said in a huff.
"I am sorry, it was funny tough" Kurt said picking up the dropped sheets and blankets.
"It was not funny, I felt horrible." Blaine said still in a pout.
"Alright boys time for lunch" said Rachel as she set down the tray of soup on the bedside table. Blaine sulked over to the tray and grabbed a bowl of chicken noodle soup. He then proceeded to sit on the arm chair in the corner.
"Blaine come eat lunch in the fort with me" Kurt said batting his eyes.
"I am fine right here" Blaine said as he sipped his soup.
"Are you seriously gunna pout for the rest of the day" Kurt said putting his hands on his hips.
"Maybe, what you did was dumb and mean" Blaine said turning up his nose in a dramatic fashion.
"Fine be that way I am going to eat my soup in the fort." Kurt said as he crawled underneath the blankets.
"I think you guys have been spending too much time together" Rachel said as she poured 7UP into glasses for the boys. "Maybe tomorrow Carole will lift your quarantine so you can have some distance." Blaine just let out a huff as Rachel handed him a glass. Rachel gave him a disapproving look as she joined Kurt in the fort. Blaine could hear muffled voices as he finished his soup and began to put the clean sheets on the bed. When he had finished making the bed he sunk beneath the covers and tried to fall asleep, the anger he had for Kurt and his practical joke clouded his thoughts.
Blaine awoke to a warm body encasing him in a hug. Kurt had joined Blaine in bed and was gently playing with Blaine's hair.
"I am still mad at you" Blaine said coolly.
"I'm sorry baby that was a jerk move on my part. I am sorry I scared you like that" Kurt said pulling Blaine closer.
Blaine turned over and faced Kurt. His blue eyes were full of sincerity as he apologized.
"I am sorry too, I shouldn't have pouted for this long" Blaine said as he leaned in a lightly gave Kurt a kiss.
"Oh I forgot to tell you. Carole came home early so Rachel left about an hour ago. But also she said that we should be able to break our quarantine tomorrow!" Kurt said excitedly.
"Thank goodness, I am so tired of being sick" Blaine said as the two boys snuggled closer together and whispered the plans they would have for the next day's adventures.