And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 6, 2013, 6:52 a.m.

And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down : Chapter 3

E - Words: 1,218 - Last Updated: Sep 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Sep 06, 2013
132 0 0 1 0

The next day at school Blaine was glad to have a few free periods. There was an assembly in the afternoon so his classes were postponed. He was just about to sit down at his laptop when Sam poked his head into the classroom.
"Blaine, are you coming to the assembly?" He asked with a grin.
"Umm no, I have some papers to grade." Blaine said as he began to shuffle some random pages on his desk.
Sam came into the room and gave Blaine a disapproving look. "Blaine, you're horrible at lying."
Blaine looked up and let out a small laugh. "I know I am."
"So why are you playing hookey? Sam asked as he jumped to sit on top of one of the desks.
"I was going to do some research about the election. Kurt and I talked last night and he agreed I should do some searching of my own before I vote." Blaine answered.
Sam nodded. "Kurt's a smart Dom. I think it's great he is letting you make up your own mind."
Blaine nodded. "Will you cover for me at the assembly?"
Sam slid off the desk and smiled. "Of course, but you owe me for next time." He said pointing at Blaine as he hurried out the door.
Blaine smiled as he turned his attention back to the computer.
He quickly pulled up Google and typed in the name of Gabriel Jordan. It took less than a second before thousands upon thousands of web page popped up.
Blaine looked at the list of find and breathed out a slow breath. This was going to take a while.
He clicked the first link, a news article posted earlier that day.
Presidential Candidate Gabriel Jordan Releases New Campaign Video.
Blaine scanned the article. It gave a bit of background about Jordan and his rise to office. He grew up in upstate New York, privately educated at a Dominate boarding school, and went to college at Harvard. He had held office as a member of the Senate for the past few years and now was running for president. Blaine frowned slightly. So far nothing seemed to far off base with this guy.
Blaine scrolled down the page further to where a video was embedded. He clicked play and turned up his speakers.
The screen opened up to an American flag and the sound of vaguely patriotic music played. A young man stepped onto the screen, he had a large smile on his face and he was wearing a nicely tailored suit. Blaine could only guess this was Gabriel Jordan.
"America, the land of the strong and brave. The country known for its power and superiority. A land created by a dominant race and a land that used to be run by such a race. I am Gabriel Jordan and I believe our country needs to regain its dominant power. Please vote for me as your next President and I will ensure our country and our people will be back on top."
The screen faded to black before showing large white letters scroll across the screen.
Gabriel Jordan, a Dominate candidate for a Dominate world.
Blaine sat and stared at the screen, he wasn't sure what he had just watched but he knew it wasn't good.
"Kurt!" Kurt looked up from his desk at the sound of his name. Tina bustled into the room with a frown on her face.
"Yes?" Kurt drawled.
"We have to redesign the Enjolras costume, the director wants it to be more 'revolutionary'." Tina said, forming her fingers into air quotes.
"Revolutionary?" Kurt sighed. This was the third sketch the director had turned down and while Kurt loved designing the costumes for such an iconic show but the work for Les Mis was effecting the release of his fall collection.
"Your guess as good as mine as to what that might mean." Tina said setting the rejected designs on the desk and plopping into a chair.
Kurt shook his head and pulled the designs closer, there were red marks and notes all over. He began to rub his fingers against his temples, this was the last thing he wanted to worry about.
"Kurt?" Tina prompted. "Everything ok?"
Kurt looked up and gave Tina a weak smile, "Yeah I'm fine, just a lot on my mind."
Tina nodded and stood up, "I know, but the director wants finished products by the end of the week and it will take me at least two days to sew a whole new costume."
Kurt shook his head resolutely. "It will get done, I promise."
"I can't thank you enough Kurt!" Tina squealed hurrying over to give Kurt a kiss on his cheek.
Kurt laughed as Tina stepped away. "Ok, I'll leave you to it. Thanks so much Kurt."
"Anytime." Kurt smiled as Tina turned to leave. "Tina, wait. Can I ask you a question?"
Tina turned around and nodded. "Of course what do you need?"
"Are you letting Mike vote in the election this year?" Kurt asked.
Tina eyed him curiously. "Kurt, what kind of Domme do you think I am?"
"No, no you're right, of course you are." Kurt said putting his head in his hands.
"Why? Are you not letting Blaine?" Tina asked.
"No, of course I am. I... I'm just worried." Kurt sighed.
"This election seems a lot different from past years." Tina said making her way to sit across from Kurt.
"It is and I'm just worried because Blaine and I have never really talked politics."
Tina bit her lip. "Everything just seems more intense now, like this Jordan guy has some pretty crazy ideas for how to run things."
Kurt nodded remembering Blaine's bruised and bloodied knees. "Has Mike ran into any trouble when he is on his own in the city, like on his way to work?"
Tina shook her head; "No, but one of his castmates lives in our apartment they go to work together every morning. He is a Dom so he told me he would watch over Mike. Why do you ask?"
"Blaine was harassed by a Dom yesterday." Kurt said his voice low.
"What! Where?" Tina exclaimed, sitting up in the chair.
"On his way home from school, on the subway." Kurt said, a mix of sadness and anger rising in his chest.
"What happened?" Tina asked.
"I..don't really know. Blaine said the Dom pushed him down and called him a...umm a bottom."
Tina let out a deep breath. "Did you call the DDSR?"
Kurt shook his head, "No, Blaine convinced me not to. Since we didn't know who harassed him there was no point."
Tina bit her lip and looked up at Kurt with wide eyes. "But why would a Dom do that?"
Kurt gave Tina a solemn look; "I think the ideals of this Jordan guy are seeping into the public more than we think they are."
Tina's eyes were glassy with unshed tears, "I can't believe that. Blaine is so sweet, I don't understand why anyone would hurt him."
"He is fine, Tina. I think I'm more shaken up by it than he is, but maybe because I know what this all means."
"I don't understand." Tina said.
"I'm don't know if what happened to Blaine was a one time thing, or a sign of worse things to come."


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