And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 6, 2013, 6:52 a.m.

And The Walls Kept Tumbling Down : Chapter 14

E - Words: 1,146 - Last Updated: Sep 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Sep 06, 2013
122 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: AN: So so so sorry for the long wait for an update. I got a full time teaching job and life has been crazy, good, but crazy. Here is the next chapter I hope you all like it and can forgive me for not updating sooner!
"Jordan's First 48 Hours Bring Promised Changes"

Upon entering the office President Gabriel Jordan wasted no time in enacting the new laws he outlined in his post-election address. The laws went into effect last night at midnight and retract both the voting laws and rights to speak without permission of all submissives. Jordan also presented a full list of employment opportunities submissives are allowed to take part in. This plan is known as the "Bottom Arts Initiative" and include a wide range of non-speaking jobs that span both blue-white collar positions. Jordan provided a statement on the job list "We are not trying to stifle the submissives work ethic and job status we are just revamping the opportunities to better serve the submissives temperament and place in the D/s society." For more information on the "Bottom Arts Initiative" and Jordan's other policies feel free to check out Jordan's official website.

Kurt folded up the newspaper and tossed it into the trashcan next to the counter. It had only been two days but he was already sick of hearing about Jordan and even more sick of the new restrictions on submissives. He finished his coffee and shuffled over to the fridge. He opened it with the false hope of having food for breakfast. He sighed as the empty shelves greeted him. He or Blaine hadn't been out to the store in over a week and there was little left in the Anderson-Hummel household.

"Blaine!" Kurt called as he walked back to the bedroom. Kurt opened the door to find Blaine still curled underneath the covers. As he neared the bed a slight but unpleasant odor coming that only came from a few days of not showering met his nostrils.

"Blaine, baby?" Kurt said as he pulled the covers back from Blaine's body.

"Mphmm" Blaine mumbled into the pillow.

Kurt sighed. Blaine had barely left the bed since Jordan's unexpected. And while Kurt understood his sub's melancholy he knew he had to pull Blaine out of this slump. "Blaine get up." Kurt's voice shifted into a command.

Blaine shifted and sat up slightly.

"I said up Blaine." Kurt reprimanded.

"Sorry Sir." Blaine hurried as he practically fell out of bed bringing a tangle of sheets with him.

"Good. Now I want you to shower and get dressed. I will lay out your clothes. We are going out today."

"But...." Blaine started to protest but Kurt gave him a glare.

"Are you questioning a command Blaine?" Kurt asked.

"No Sir." Blaine replied as he bent his head.

"Good, now repeat my commands so I know you understood." Kurt said crossing his arms in front of him.

"I am to shower and get dress. You will choose my outfit. Then we are going out." Blaine answered.

"Good boy." Kurt saw the small curve of a smile on Blaine's lips at the praise. "Now go." Kurt offered a soft swat to Blaine's butt before the sub hurried into their bathroom.

Kurt opened up the closet as he heard the shower turn on. He knew today was going to be hard on Blaine but he knew his sub needed it. He carefully picked out one of Blaine's favorite outfits; mustard-colored pants, a grey striped sweater and a bowtie to match. Before closing the closet doors he reached up to a maghanoy box that sat on the top shelf. In it were old-collars of Blaine and a few old cuffs of Kurt's. Kurt pulled out the newer of the cuffs it was thick black leather, the same material as Blaine's collar, and featured an intricate silver clasp that added just the right amount of flair. Usually Kurt didn't wear a cuff out in public but today he wanted to be connected to Blaine more than ever and him wearing his matching cuff would only help.

Kurt exited the closet just as Blaine was coming out of the bathroom.

Blaine's eye caught the outfit in Kurt's hands and let out a small smile. "Thank you Sir."

"You're welcome baby. I am going to jump in the shower while you get dressed. Feel free to read or watch TV until I am ready to go." Kurt suggested.

"Thank you Sir." Blaine answered.

Kurt smiled as he gave Blaine a small kiss and headed to get ready.

It wasn't long before the two were pulling on coats and putting on shoes before heading out the door.

"You ready?" Kurt asked turing to Blaine.

Blaine's fingers were nervously struggling to button up his coat but he gave Kurt a small nod.

Kurt stepped closer to Blaine and gently lifted the sub's chin. "Blaine you're going to be ok. I am going to be with you."

"I..I know Sir. I just I am afraid I am going to break the law and..." Kurt stopped Blaine's words with a kiss.

"Blaine, you have your collar on and I have my cuff. You will be with me the entire time. And I am giving you permission to speak all you want while we are out."

"But what if they see me talking and don't know that I have permission." Blaine asked.

"I don't know who "they" are Blaine. I am sure there are no men in black wandering around New York trying to catch subs who are talking. But if you are unsure about my permission I will give it as many times as it takes." Kurt reassured.

"Thank you Sir." Blaine sighed.

"You're welcome baby. Now let's go get some food. I am starving."

"Yes Sir." Blaine answered as he intertwined his finger with Kurt's.

Kurt gently led his sub out the door and onto the sidewalk. "Where would you like to go for breakfast?" Kurt asked.

"Is San's open?" Blaine asked quietly.

"I actually don't know. But we can go check it out." Kurt smiled as he turned towards their favorite coffee shop.

As they walked Kurt couldn't help but notice the empty streets. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in the city and hardly anyone was out enjoying it. Kurt knew why but he shook those thoughts out of his head as they neared the coffee shop.

As the approached the small brick building a large hand-written sign on the door greeted them.

Closed until the jackasses in the government fix this shit. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The sign was also decorated with several small animals who all seemed to be frowning.

Kurt looked at Blaine before pulling out his phone.

"Kurt what are you doing?" Blaine asked.

"I am going to call Santana, her shop may be closed but that doesn't mean we can't go see our friends." Kurt said as he unlocked his phone.

"Kurt," Blaine said putting his hand over Kurt's. "I think this is a bad omen or something. Can't we just go home?"

Kurt pulled Blaine closer with his free arm; "Blaine, if Santana being a bitch and Brittany drawing animals was a bad omen we would have been in trouble years ago."

Blaine gave Kurt an odd look before laughing slightly.

Kurt smiled and looked back at the phone; "So can I call them?"

"Yes Sir." Blaine agreed.


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