Coming Home
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Jan. 18, 2012, 4:25 a.m.

Coming Home: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,578 - Last Updated: Jan 18, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/7 - Created: Jan 14, 2012 - Updated: Jan 18, 2012
905 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: The Morning After...
Blaine awoke with a start. His eyes opened quickly as he remembered the previous night. He was alone on the bed, but he could hear Kurt rattling around jars of facial product in the bathroom. That must have been what woke him. He stretched out his arms and yawned. He couldn’t keep a big goofy grin from spreading across his face. He couldn’t believe how perfect his reunion with Kurt had been. They had drifted apart in that year in different countries and agreed to see other people. Blaine had no idea what to expect so he tried to expect the worst, but this? This was better than his wildest fantasy.

He could hear Kurt humming happily now. Blaine slid out of bed and padded to the bathroom.

“Good morning, sleepyhead. How did you sleep?” Kurt greeted.

“Mmmm, really good. You?”

“I think I’m not as over my jet lag as I’d hoped. I’m sure I’ll be exhausted by lunchtime.”

“What are the plans for today?” Blaine asked.

“I need to look for a place to live. That is my top priority for this weekend. I don’t want to live in a hotel any longer than absolutely necessary.”

“Great. Do you want some company?”

“I’d love some!” Kurt replied.

Blaine got in the shower and took his time enjoying the different sprays from the showerhead. It was so much nicer than his shower at home which sometimes didn’t have enough water pressure making it difficult to get the shampoo out of his hair. During his shower he could hear Kurt finish his skincare routine and leave the bathroom. Blaine got out of the shower and toweled off. That was when he remembered he didn’t have clean clothes to put on.

He walked back in to the room with the towel around his waist only to find Kurt missing. He picked up his clothes from off the floor and put them on. Yuck. They would have to make a detour to his place so he could change before they went apartment hunting. His stomach twisted uncomfortably. He really didn’t want Kurt to see how he was living. Kurt wouldn't care, but Blaine did.

He heard the door open and looked over to see Kurt holding a cup tray with two coffee cups and a small bag on it.

“I got us breakfast,” Kurt said happily. Blaine wondered if Kurt was as happy with their reunion as he was. It was times like these that he wished he could know what Kurt was thinking.

Blaine took a sip of his medium drip and said, “We need to stop by my place so I can change. Do you have a list of apartments to check out?”

“Yeah, I’ve got 5 or 6 places I want to try and see today. “

They finished off breakfast and headed for Blaine’s apartment. Kurt regaled Blaine with tales from Paris. Blaine loved how Kurt would slip into French during the stories and mimic all the different characters from his adventures. When they arrived at Blaine’s place his sides hurt from laughing so hard.

“Come on in.” Blaine’s studio was no more than a small square room with a bathroom, tiny efficiency kitchen and wall of storage. The room was filled with a bed, nightstand, a stuffed chair and a TV. At least it was clean. The room was too small for clutter.

He grabbed his clothes while Kurt looked around the room. Suddenly Blaine felt nervous and unsure. He didn’t know if it would be better to change in the bathroom or right there in front of Kurt. This was ridiculous. He was just naked with Kurt a couple hours ago. He took off his shirt and watched as Kurt licked his lips before turning to look at the photographs on the wall.

“I remember when these were taken,” Kurt said affectionately. When Blaine had moved in he had put up photographs from his life with Kurt. He hadn’t put up any new pictures since then. The last year of his life hadn’t produced any pictures worthy of the wall.

Blaine buttoned his jeans and sat on the bed to put on his socks and shoes while Kurt continued his self-guided tour of the room.

“I’m ready, let’s go,” Blaine said. Kurt turned around and smiled at him, his gaze flicking up and down obviously.

“Very nice, Mr. Anderson, I approve.” If Kurt was trying to make Blaine blush he succeeded.

Blaine grabbed Kurt by the hand and tugged him out the door. They took the subway to the first apartment. It was clean and had two bedrooms and a bathroom. The kitchen was small and open to the living and dining area. Blaine could probably fit his tiny studio in the place four times.

“Blaine, what do you think?” Kurt asked.

“It’s great. You don’t have far to walk for the subway. It’s a nice, clean neighborhood. The building isn’t ancient. We have nothing to compare it to, yet, but I would say this one has potential.” If Blaine was being brutally honest he would have added that he would move in to a place like this in a heartbeat.

They looked at two more places before getting hungry and tired. Both were very similar to the first. It was clear that Kurt had already narrowed his choices down to 2 bedroom apartments in the same neighborhood.

They stopped at the neighborhood deli for lunch. Blaine ordered and Kurt got them a table in the corner. When Blaine brought the tray of food to the table Kurt was already sound asleep with his head buried in his arms. He only hesitated for a moment before gently nudging Kurt awake. Kurt would not be pleased to be left sleeping in public.

“Hey, Kurt, food’s here.”

Kurt blinked his eyes open and wiped at his mouth. He groaned and sat up straight in his seat. Blaine set out their sandwiches and drinks.

“I’m going to need a nap before seeing any more apartments,” Kurt said stifling a yawn.

“Well, eat first. Maybe that will give you enough energy to make it back to your hotel.” Blaine couldn’t help laughing. Kurt was adorable when he was sleepy.


“What is it?”

“Um, I’m going to be looking for a roommate. I was wondering…I was wondering if you would maybe want to be my roommate.” Kurt was blushing, but looking Blaine right in the eyes. Kurt had always had a way of putting himself out there. Because of that they had always had a very honest relationship.

Blaine was speechless. A million thoughts flew through his head. Was it too soon? Did Kurt pity him? What did it mean for their relationship?

“Kurt, wow, thank you for asking. I think this is something we need to discuss to make sure it’s what we want.” Blaine was trying to be rational and calm but it was hard when he could hear his pulse in his ears. He finished the last couple bites of his food and sat quietly while Kurt finished his.

They headed back to the hotel hand in hand, both lost in their own thoughts. Blaine hadn’t even noticed they were at the hotel until Kurt pulled him through the glass double doors and passed the front desk.

Back in the room the young men stripped down to their underwear, shut out all the light and snuggled under the covers together.

“I guess I’ll start.” Kurt broke the silence. “I dated a few guys in Paris, nothing serious. It was hard not to compare everyone to you. I had a lot of fun and got to see and try new things. I’m so glad I went. I’m glad we got to see what it was like to be apart. But I know that I want to be with you, Blaine.”

Blaine kissed Kurt gently on the lips.

“I want to be with you, too, Kurt. I’m glad you feel the same.” Blaine sighed. “I mostly worked while you were away. I mean, I hung out with friends when I could, but I didn’t have the time or energy to cultivate new relationships. I can count the number of dates I’ve had in the past year on one hand. It was really hard when your emails got less frequent. I figured you were moving on.”

“I think I just needed some space so I could figure some things out on my own. You’re the only boyfriend I’ve ever had and I needed to be sure... I didn’t want either of us to have regrets.”

“Kurt, I get it. We both agreed this was important before you left. It was just a really rough year for me. I missed you.”

Blaine pulled Kurt on top of himself so he could feel the heat and the weight of him. Kurt cupped his face with his hands and kissed him long and deep. They wiggled out of their underwear and Blaine thrust his hips up against Kurt. They rocked against each other, the sound of their soft grunts and the squeak of the bed filling the room. Blaine groaned at the heat building inside him and quickened the pace of his thrusts. He felt the warm, wet, stickiness between them as he came. He continued to thrust against Kurt until Kurt reached his own orgasm repeating Blaine’s name reverently until he went limp.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt and peppered his face with sloppy kisses. After cleaning up, Kurt spooned up behind him and promptly fell asleep. Blaine set the alarm to go off an hour later and shut his eyes.


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I don't know which to say first: YAAAAAAY! or awwww....