Jan. 18, 2012, 4:25 a.m.
Jan. 18, 2012, 4:25 a.m.
After his shift ended at 10 p.m. he headed to the bar at the corner of his street. It wasn’t a habit, but he always went there after a bad day. He walked in the door with a plan to drown his sorrows in a bottle of scotch. Plans have a funny way of changing when you least expect it.
He scanned the room and felt his heart leap into his throat as they came to rest on a familiar face.
“Kurt,” Blaine whispered.
It had been over a year since he’d seen that beautiful, porcelain face. After graduation Kurt had landed an internship in Paris with Vogue magazine. Blaine had gotten an internship of his own here in New York with a small, prestigious law firm. So they had parted ways.
There had been a plan then, too. The plan was to get together when Kurt returned home and see if there was still a spark. Judging by the butterflies in Blaine’s stomach there was still a spark on his end. He hadn’t felt this alive in a year.
He was trying to decide how to approach Kurt when their eyes met. A smile played at the corners of Kurt’s lips and he held out his hand. Blaine walked over and gave Kurt a quick embrace.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Kurt said brightly.
“Kurt, when did you get back?”
“Two days ago. I think the jet lag is finally wearing off,” he said with a nervous laugh.
“Well, you look good, Kurt.”
“Thank you. You look tired!” Kurt tilted his head and curved his lips into a frown.
“Just got done with a long, terrible shift.” Blaine sighed. He felt lighter even though he was exhausted.
Kurt gave him a commiserating glance.
“Let’s get you a drink.” Kurt waved over the bartender. “My friend will have a scotch.”
Kurt still remembered what he orders on bad days. Blaine warmed at the thought.
“So catch me up, Kurt. It’s been awhile since your last email.”
“I am happy to announce that I did get the position with Vogue here in New York. It’s a dream come true!” Kurt looked like he was about to get up and bounce around the bar. His excitement was contagious making Blaine laugh.
“That’s so amazing! I always knew you’d make it.”
“Tell me about you, Blaine. I want all the news.”
“Not much to tell. By the time my internship came to an end the economy had tanked and there was a hiring freeze at the firm. I’m a dishwasher with a really expensive education.” Blaine downed the rest of his drink. He didn’t want to think about his depressing life right now. He wanted to celebrate the return of his best friend and first love.
“Let’s go dancing.” Blaine didn’t know he had spoken the words out loud until Kurt responded.
“Excuse me?”
“Dancing. We should celebrate.” Blaine held his breath. He loved dancing with Kurt. He loved holding him close and singing softly in his ear. He knew Kurt had loved it, too.
There was a nervous tension in his voice as Kurt replied, “Okay, let’s go. I haven’t been dancing in ages.”
Kurt paid for their drinks and Blaine grabbed his hand pulling him out into the cool night air. They went to their favorite club. So many good memories were there. Blaine let the nostalgia wash over him as his eyes adjusted to the scene. He led Kurt through the crowd and on to the dance floor feeling the music pulse through him. They danced until they were shiny with sweat. Blaine loved watching Kurt’s hips swivel and move to the dance music.
Kurt collapsed into Blaine’s arms as they tried to catch their breath. They swayed to the music, holding each other tight. Blaine looked into Kurt’s blue eyes and felt an electric jolt course through his body. Kurt must have felt it because in the next moment his lips were covering Blaine’s. Oh my god! Blaine felt heat coiling low in his stomach. He pulled back and took a ragged breath.
“Let’s go. You’re exhausted and so am I,” Kurt said into his ear to be heard over the music.
Blaine hesitated as he felt the disappointment envelope him. He wasn’t ready to say goodnight.
“I’m staying in a really nice hotel,” Kurt said with a shy smile. As understanding dawned on him, he found himself being pulled towards the exit. Damn, he loved how his hand felt in Kurt’s. It had hurt so much to say goodbye to him. Now it all felt like it had been a dream, no, a nightmare. He was startled. What if this was just a dream?
“Pinch me,” Blaine said with a deep laugh.
“What?” They were standing out on the sidewalk waiting for a cab.
“Pinch me, Kurt.”
Kurt’s eyes went wide as a grin stole across his face.
“I’ll do you one better.”
He lifted his hand to Blaine’s cheek and dipped down to place a soft kiss on his lips.
A cab stopped in front of them and they hopped in. Kurt told the driver where to take them and settled back into his seat. Blaine couldn’t take his eyes off him. Kurt noticed and blushed prettily under the attention. Blaine threaded his fingers through Kurt’s, but he couldn’t hold them still. His fingers kept moving. He rubbed against Kurt’s fingers and the palm of his hand. Kurt’s eyes fluttered shut. Kurt looked so angelic Blaine thought he would cry. He took a deep, shaky breath and brought Kurt’s hand to his lips. Kurt smiled and leaned his head sideways until it was resting on Blaine’s shoulder.
This felt so normal. It was comfortable. Like they were just picking up where they had left off. It was like coming home.
They remained silent in the cab and all the way to the door of the hotel room. There was nothing awkward in the silence, just palpable sexual tension.
Kurt had the door open and was walking through it. Blaine followed quickly pushing Kurt up against the wall as the door clicked shut behind them. A little gasp escaped Kurt’s mouth right before Blaine claimed it hungrily with his own. Blaine pushed his body against Kurt and felt their bodies melt into each other. It had been too long. He pulled back to catch his breath.
“I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you so much,” Kurt whispered fiercely, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. Blaine responded by unbuttoning Kurt’s shirt. His fingers fumbled they were trembling so badly now. Kurt undid the bottom one as Blaine finished the button above it. Finally, Blaine pushed the shirt off his shoulders.
“You still wear too many layers,” He growled.
“Fashion, Blaine,” Kurt whined with need as Blaine lifted the undershirt up and over his head. Blaine swiftly shucked off his own shirt and let it fall to the floor. Once again their bodies met as Blaine pressed his lover against the wall. He used one arm to brace himself up leaving the other hand free to stroke the soft skin of Kurt’s side. He felt Kurt’s breath hitch from underneath him. Then, he found himself being pushed back against the bathroom door as the roles were reversed. Oh god, how he’d missed this! He threaded his hands through the short hair on the back of Kurt’s head. Blaine moaned as their mouths crashed together, tongues sliding hotly against each other.
He felt Kurt’s hand slide down his chest, not stopping until it rested at the top of his waistband. His breath caught when the hand continued its path south and cupped him firmly. His knees went weak, the door and Kurt were the only things keeping him upright.
“Let’s rinse off.”
Blaine was conflicted. It was such a good idea, but he had so many other equally good ideas in mind right now.
Kurt quickly undid Blaine’s pants and then got to work on his own. While Kurt finished undressing, Blaine turned on the shower. It was a really nice shower, too. He made a mental note to enjoy it in the morning. There wasn’t time now.
He felt a naked Kurt press up behind him. He backed into him and was rewarded by Kurt grinding his erection against his ass. His skin tingled as Kurt placed a kiss to the skin behind his ear.
The shower was supposed to be quick, but the two men got sidetracked while lathering up. It seemed like a much better idea to take their time lovingly cleaning every square inch of the other. Blaine smiled as his eyes skimmed over all the travel bottles of toiletries. Kurt had always been very picky about what products he used on his pale, sensitive skin. Blaine picked up the small bottle of shower gel and squeezed a small amount onto the hotel washcloth. He created a nice lather on the cloth and inhaled deeply at the familiar scent of rosemary and mint. Blaine dragged the cloth across Kurt’s chest and around each shoulder, taking a trip down and back up each arm. Blaine couldn’t resist placing a kiss on Kurt’s red, glistening lips as he snaked his arms around to wash his back.
Blaine fell to his knees and murmured, “You’re so beautiful,” as he washed down and back up each leg. He took a deep breath and pressed a firm kiss at the juncture between thigh and groin causing Kurt to rock back. Blaine grabbed his hips to steady him and pressed a kiss below his bellybutton. He felt Kurt’s hands curl into his dark, curly hair and smelled the apple scented shampoo that was being massaged into his scalp. Blaine felt gentle tugs to his hair as he slid the soapy cloth along the length of Kurt’s cock teasingly. The tugs became incessant pulling Blaine up to stand. Kurt took the washcloth and slapped Blaine on the arm with it playfully. Blaine watched with eager eyes as Kurt reapplied soap to the cloth and took his time working up a lather. Blaine closed his eyes and shuddered at the fantastic feeling of the slightly rough, sudsy cloth moving across his skin. As he felt Kurt moving further south, he grabbed the small plastic bottle of shampoo and squeezed a small amount into the palm of his hand. After rubbing his hands together he pushed them through Kurt’s wet, chestnut colored hair. He could feel Kurt vibrate with a groan under his hands.
They took turns rinsing off all the soap under the shower head. Blaine enjoyed watching the water run down Kurt’s body in squiggly rivulets. Once they were rinsed they embraced. Their hearts beat together as they clung to each other only pulling apart when Blaine felt Kurt shiver in his arms. Giggling, they toweled off and left the warm, steamy bathroom.
Blaine followed Kurt’s graceful form to the bed. They turned back the crisp white sheets and climbed in. Desire clutched him causing him to groan quietly. Without another thought, he pounced on top of Kurt burying his face in the crook of his lover’s neck. A short, loud laugh burst from Kurt’s lips. Blaine nibbled and sucked and kissed until he began to squirm and whine under him.
“Blaine, please, oh god.”
Blaine kissed his way down Kurt’s body stopping to nibble on the tender skin of his inner thigh. Kurt tensed in anticipation. Blaine reached a hand out to cup Kurt’s balls. Kurt gasped as Blaine began to massage them gently and kiss a trail over to his cock.
“You came home to me.” And with that Blaine sunk his mouth over Kurt’s erection. He felt Kurt buck below him and smiled. He gently licked and explored until his own cock was aching with need.
Carefully, he swung his body around so he was straddling Kurt’s face. Blaine felt hands come up to grab his ass and a warm mouth accept his cock. Oh god, oh god, oh god.
The world fell away as they settled into a perfect rhythm. It was just the two of them. Nothing else existed.
Blaine felt like a fire had been built low in his belly. This was going to be over far too soon. The warm wetness of Kurt’s mouth around him was overwhelming his senses. He felt one of the hands on his ass slide towards the middle and begin to explore there. Blaine wanted so bad to be able to copy what Kurt was doing, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to from his position. Instead he began to suck Kurt’s cock with renewed vigor. He swirled his tongue around the tip and hummed. Kurt chose that moment to push his finger gently into Blaine.
That was all it took to send them both over the edge. Blaine’s toes curled as he felt melted heat flow through his body. They were coming hard together, sucking and swallowing through it.
Blaine fell off to the side of Kurt wanting desperately to scoot around so he could be face to face with his best friend, but he just lay there panting. He felt a shifting on the bed and soon Kurt’s face was inches from his. They grinned and clasped hands.
“I never stopped loving you,” Blaine said.
“I know.” Kurt smiled into the kiss he gave Blaine. Blaine felt Kurt push his tongue between his lips and he opened to grant access. They tangled together as the kiss deepened and Blaine could taste himself in Kurt’s mouth.
“Blaine, I think I’ve loved you forever.”
They scooted back around to the head of the bed and Blaine pulled Kurt close as they drifted contentedly off to sleep.
You had me scared for a minute when you said there was nervous tension in Kurt's voice when he agreed to go dancing....
Oh, God. Sorry if I sounded patronizing. You don't seem upset, but...I'm so, so sorry.
Not at all! I am happy you felt comfortable to point out the mistake! I appreciated all our comments. Thank you so much. *grin*
You're welcome. I wish everyone felt the way you do. :(