March 11, 2012, 3:32 p.m.
March 11, 2012, 3:32 p.m.
Chapter 2
"Kurt…" Blaine sighed out as soon as I uttered the word 'hello.'
"Blaine!" I cried out. "Oh, Baby, I'm so sorry! I should have never said those things, I can't believe "
"Kurt," Blaine said into my ear.
"I tried to force you to stay…it wasn't right of me. I just love you "
"so much! Please don't break up with me, I can't lose you, Blaine. I don't want to lose you I-"
"Kurt!" I was cut off suddenly by Blaine's laugh. "Sweetheart, please stop. I love you, okay? I could never leave you…I was just calling to beg you back, but I guess you already beat me to it."
"Oh," I chuckled nervously. At least I can stop bawling my eyes out now…
"Are you embarrassed?"
"Yes, Blaine, quite embarrassed," I answered, my face surly turning pink.
"Don't be," Blaine laughed again. God, I love his laugh. It's like music, only better.
"Blaine…" I started timidly, "what are we going to do?"
"We're going to ask our parents if I can stay with you," he answered simply.
"You…you're going to do that…?"
"Yes, Kurt. I just hope they understand my love for you. Although, I don't know how far that will go, you know they might think we're going to get out of hand…"
"Out of hand…?" I said slowly. "What? Blaine are you talking about sex?" I shouted. I heard a thump against my bedroom door and Finn's voice cursing.
"Finn, leave me alone and go find someone else to spy on!" I demanded loudly, covering the phone so Blaine's eardrum didn't get blasted out. I heard Blaine laughing on the other side when I put the phone back up to my ear.
"Well…yes, I am," he said when he finally calmed down. "Your dad already knows we do it, but I don't think he's allowing it. Think about it, are Finn and Rachel allowed to have sleepovers?"
"Finn and Rachel are heterosexual! We, are homosexual! Big difference in body parts Blaine!"
"But he knows if he puts those two together in a room, they'd probably do it…and I don't think Burt and Carole want a grandchild…"
"Okay, when did this become a conversation about Finn and Rachel?"
"When I brought it up as an example of why parents don't like their kids living in the same house as their significant others and having sex."
"Ughhh! Why does everyone think just because I bottom, I'm a girl and can get pregnant! I have a penis, you've seen it, right? I am not a woman!"
"Kurt," Blaine laughed loudly, for about 5 minutes while I sat in bed and scowled. "Yes, I've seen it, and I know you can't get pregnant, I didn't mean it like that, you dork! And whose everyone?"
"Finn said something along the lines of that earlier," I sighed, picking at the threads on my quilt my Nana sewed me.
"You told him about our sex life?" Blaine whisper-shouted, so his parents didn't hear. They don't know a thing about us being…um…very active in…that part of our relationship…
"No, he guessed…" I tried to lie, feeling myself blush. I knew I couldn't lie to my boyfriend, so I just gave in and told him the truth anyway.
"Well, at least he's just your brother, and he was grossed out by it," was all Blaine said.
"I don't think I'll be able to look at you naked again for a week without thinking of these two conversations…" I mumbled.
"Me either…" Blaine agreed. "Hey, want me to sneak over tonight?"
"Hey, calm down, I was just kidding!" he laughed again.
I would really miss him if he left…
"Blaine, can we ask them tonight? I can't stand the thought of not knowing if I'll be able to see you everyday," I said quietly.
"It's almost midnight, my family is all asleep, and I'm guessing yours is too."
"Yeah, I bet they are…except for Finn," I reached over and turned off my bedside lamp, so I was now sitting in the dark.
"I'm so glad my brother isn't Finn's age," Blaine chuckled. "I have to go now, I need some sleep, and we've got a date tomorrow, remember?"
'Of course I do, Blaine!" I smiled, but sadly, he couldn't see it. "Well, goodnight then."
"Goodnight, Kurt, I love you so much, I'll see you tomorrow," Blaine said softly in my ear as I lay back down in my bed and covered up with my blankets.
"Goodnight, Blaine. I love you too, so so much," I whispered. And it was very true.
"Dad," I said quietly the next morning at breakfast. I knew if I asked him now, Carole would hear, and perhaps would have a hand in this predicament going in my favor.
"Kurt," dad grunted as he shoved a piece of toast in his mouth. I nervously pushed the remaining bits of my waffle around my plate.
"Is there….well…Blaine, his father is switching jobs…" I stuttered. I was always so confident towards my dad, until Blaine started coming around more often, and he got to know him quite well.
"Oh, that's, uh, that's too bad. How far away? Will he still be at McKinley?"
"No…that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about," I mumbled, hopefully loud enough for him to hear. "Is there anyway he can live…here?" I blushed, and looked at my plate. Surely he'd say no, just like both Blaine and Finn told me the night before.
"Here? As in, this house?"
"I…see, I was thinking maybe he could stay in the old office downstairs. Of course we wouldn't be living in the same room, I need my privacy," I laughed, trying to ease the tension I was beginning to acquire.
"I don't know, Kurt. It's one thing letting him stay over every couple of weekends when his parents are out of town, but for over a year?" Carole and Finn stayed silent, pretending to eat their breakfast slowly.
"It wouldn't be that long, dad, I promise. It's just until I leave for NYDA, then we can find another arrangement, please, New Directions cannot perform at Regionals in February without Blaine!"
"Wait a minute, Kurt," my dad held his hand up to silence me. "is this about New Directions or about you and Blaine's relationship?"
I sat in silence, not sure what to say. It was about the two of us, even though it was true New Directions needed him.
"I thought so," my dad smirked. "Tell you what, Carole and I will talk about it, and we'll let you know what we decide."
"That…that's great!" I exclaimed. Then I realized it wasn't exactly a yes, it was just a 'we'll think about it' but nonetheless, it was a start. "I mean, thanks, dad, I'm just going to get ready for my date with Blaine now, if that's ok." I stood from my seat at the table.
"Blaine's parents know about this, right?" my dad spoke before I could even push my chair in.
"I…they might have. He was going to talk to them later today, if he hasn't already talked to them." dad nodded and I turned and raced up to my bedroom.
"ughhh! There is nothing to wear!" I exclaimed to myself over my music. My bed was covered in fashionable clothes, but none seemed right. I have no idea what Blaine has planned for tonight, so how am I supposed to choose the right outfit? Ohh, what do I wear?
No, I'll save that for the gay bar.
Simple suit and tie? Perfectly coordinated and of course highly fashionable.
But what if Blaine has coffee and a walk planned?
It all depends on the place.
What about a white button down shirt, black vest, and a scarf?
Hmm…yes that could work, if I paired it with my black slacks.
It's dressed up, but not too dressed up. Blaine will love it!
I gently laid my clothes out on my bed, and busied myself with the task of putting the rest of my clothes back into their respective place in my closet.
From inside my closet I heard a muffled voice and my door open. I slid out and reached over to turn my music down to see Mercedes standing in the doorway.
"Carole said you're buried in clothes," Mercedes laughed, "but I see you've taken care of that."
I looked at Mercedes and grinned. "I've got to get the perfect outfit for my date with Blaine tonight," I gushed and hugged her.
I skipped over to my bed and gestured to my outfit. "What do you think?"
"You don't like it…" I put my head down and sighed. "I thought for sure Blaine would love it."
"Oh no, Kurt, It's not that. It's just," she sighed with a smile. "Blaine sent me to make sure you were dressed appropriately for tonight. That outfit would be nice if you were going to dinner…"
"We're….not going to dinner…?" I drawled. "What'd he say we were doing?"
"Oh no you're not. He wants you in something more comfortable," Mercedes ignored my question and giggled. She held up my red sweatshirt. I gasped and covered my eyes. How'd she get that!
"Something like this. I believe this is yours."
"W-what? No it isn't," I stuttered out, trying to remain calm. No one knows I have a sweatshirt. What would they think if they knew Kurt Hummel owned a sweatshirt?
"Blaine gave it to me, he said you left it at his house last time you were over. I've never seen this before…"
"Alright, fine!" I burst, "It's mine." I mumbled.
"Why was it at Blaine's?"
"I must have left there last week," I said quickly. "Anyway, why do I need to wear this?"
"Because you and Blaine, are having a night in. I'll get your clothes ready for tonight and you just go pack your bag," Mercedes smiled and winked. What? Pack my bag…?
"What? Why?" surely, he could not be asking me to spend the night.
"You're staying the night at Blaine's." it's like she read my mind!
"My dad-"
"Burt think's you're staying at my place. My parents are out of town, so no one will know the difference."
"Okay," I breathed in relief. Thank god, I can get ready in peace now that I know my dad won't know. Happily, I skipped over to my movie collection and picked out my favorites.
"So what are you guys gonna do tonight?" Mercedes wiggled her hips suggestively. I blushed furiously.
"Shut up, Mercedes! That is not any of your business," I turned back to my movie shelf.
"So you are!" she drawled. Oh god, why can't everyone just leave our private life, private?
"No," I replied tersely, still facing the long row of musicals.
"I bet Blaine's a great kisser. What do you think, Kurty?" Mercedes teased. Ok, enough is enough. I whirled around to face Mercedes and reached for the closest thing possible to chuck at her. It happened to be a piece of wadded up sheet music. It didn't hit her, of course.
"Ha! You missed!" she put her hands on her hips and laughed.
"Unfortunately," I remarked dryly.