Camping Anyone?
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Camping Anyone?: Chapter 1

M - Words: 3,775 - Last Updated: Apr 19, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Mar 11, 2012 - Updated: Apr 19, 2012
992 0 1 0 0

Night One—

“Blaine, camping? Really?” Kurt whined to his boyfriend for the millionth time since the members of New Directions, along with Blaine‘s friends, Wes and David, from Dalton,  started the hour long drive to the secluded camp site. Blaine was certainly dressed for camping, in his long-sleeved red-plaid flannel, hair loose from the jel. His curls were showing, and as much as Kurt wanted to hate it, Blaine did look pretty good. Kurt did not do camping; the mosquitoes, the knats, the giant spiders, the snakes, and grizzlies did not sound like a good time to him. But he was going, for Blaine. But, of course, he didn’t make any promises not to complain.
“Yes, Kurt,” Blaine lifted two sleeping bags out of the trunk of his car and leaned over to Kurt, kissing him on the cheek. “And we’ve got our own tent.” he whispered in his boyfriends ear, before standing up straight again. Kurt didn’t even want to start to think about the possibilities of a weekend in their very own tent; The thought of it made him feel giddy and a little aroused. Cuddling with Blaine, all cozy in their zipped together sleeping bags, kissing his lips good night, kissing other parts of Blaine’s body…
Kurt would not go there. Not here, not now. Not yet.

With a slight grin, Kurt lifted their two backpacks, and his skin-care tote, and took off after his boyfriend, who was carrying their sleeping bags to a flat, grassy area where the tent was laying on the ground, waiting to be set up.
“Our own tent, huh?” he said seductively when he finally appeared next to Blaine. Blaine turned toward him, with a wink, and pulled him into a kiss.
“Yes, our very own tent,” he grinned, kissing Kurt’s lips again, cupping his face in his hand.
“As much as I love seeing you two make out over there, I’d like to keep the campsite PG-13 outside the tents,” Mercedes’ voice dripped sarcasm, but her face held a smile. The two boys broke apart, Kurt fixing his designer vest and pulling down his shirt, in case it had ridden up at all. Blaine smiled up at Kurt for a second, before turning towards the tent, bending down to pick it up off the ground.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,“ he giggled, and turned back to Kurt. Do you wanna help me with our tent, Kurt?”
 Kurt grinned, and helped Blaine unpack the tent. Looking at the folded poles and sheet of vinyl and mesh that was supposed to be their tent, Kurt grimaced.
“How is this supposed to become a tent?”  he held up his hands in mock surrender, looking at Blaine with a pleading look that said ’can you please please please, put up the tent yourself?’
 Blaine stared back, eyes softened, but firm, no doubt saying ‘No’
“Alright, I’ll help,” Kurt grumbled, picking up the poles, and looking at them with visible confusion. These must go into the tent somehow. Burt took Kurt camping a few times when he was younger, just him and his son. He stopped when he realized Kurt was more into shopping…
Think! How did dad put up that tent? Kurt thought to himself, while he studied the pole in his hand. Blaine was unfolding the pole in his hands and connecting them to each other. Kurt began unfolding and trying to do the same thing. So far so good. Until he pinched his finger.
“Dammit, Ow!” he cursed under his breath, but his boyfriend heard him. Blaine rushed over and took the pole from his hand.
“Are you okay?” he kissed Kurt’s finger and held it in his hand.
“Yes, I’m fine. I just can’t figure out these damn poles!” He sighed angrily.
“I guess that butch faze you went through didn’t do much for teaching you how to put up tents,” Blaine teased, nudging Kurt lightly. How did he know about that? Kurt never told him…
“How’d you know about that? I never told you that!” he pulled his finger away from Blaine and pushed him playfully. Sure he was mad, but not that mad.
“You’re dad showed me pictures the other day. You didn’t bring that vest, did you?” he laughed, holding his stomach. Kurt slapped him lightly on the arm.
“Shut up, Blaine!” it took a few more seconds before Blaine calmed down.
“Okay, okay, I’m good now,” he smiled. “You should have seen your face. It was so funny!”
“Okay, it probably was, because I didn’t even know he took pictures!” he frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. There were pictures? Did his dad stalk him or something?
“Yes, there were a few. New Directions pictures. Rachel took some of the two of you together, and of course, the one he found on your camera from the first day.”
Oh yeah…those pictures…
“Alright, alright, it’s not that funny!” he tried not to smile as Blaine broke into a fit of laughter again. He couldn’t help but laugh with him after a while. When they finally caught their breath, Blaine leaned his head on Kurt’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Kurt, but I have to admit, you did look pretty cute in that hat and vest,” Blaine admitted with a smile, kissing Kurt’s cheek and turning back toward the tent.
Kurt winked, picking up the tent poles again. “Well, you’re in luck. I brought the vest, just in case.”
The smiled at each other, before starting back on the tent. Blaine did most of the work, with Kurt holding things steady when necessary, and even helping to pound a few posts into the ground. The sun was setting low in the sky when they finished, but they stood back to admire it in the low lighting.
“I think we did a pretty good job, Blaine,” Kurt kissed him slowly with a smile.
“Yes I did,” he teased, poking Kurt in the side. Kurt giggled, because he was ticklish.
“Hey, I helped!”
“Alright, we did a good job,” Blaine threw his arm around Kurt’s shoulder, pulling him into his side and kissing his temple.
“Hey, lovers! Did you finally finish putting that tent up yet?” Wes called, causing the rest of the group who were sitting around the campfire to laugh joyously. The two lovers grinned at each other, sharing one last quick kiss before taking off toward their friends.
“Glad to see you got your tent set up okay,” David teased as they sat down. Kurt blushed, but Blaine just laughed along with the group.
“So, since we all love my voice, I think I am going to lead everyone in a campfire song!” Rachel announced when a lull in the conversation had set in.
“I’m not in the mood for a Rachel Berry show today,” Santana snapped, and pulled Brittany closer to her, putting her arm around her waist. “But I’m up to singing a song with the rest of you.”
“Definitely, Wes, Blaine and I can sing acapella, and you guys can sing along,” David suggested, clapping his hands together. Everyone agrees, clapping as Wes takes out his stereo. “Gotta have some background music! Blaine, start us off.”
The first cords of “When I get you Alone” started with Wes and David backing Blaine’s voice, along with the music on the stereo.

Baby girl, where you at?
Got no strings, got men attached

Blaine flipped his hands up, belting out the first two lines.

Can’t stop that feelin’ for long no

Blaine grins and Kurt and winks, then stands up, and lifts him up along with him. Kurt and Blaine twirl around each other, as Kurt starts singing along with Blaine, their two voices mixing together in a perfect harmony.

You makin’ dogs wanna beg
Breaking them off your fancy legs
But they make you feel right at home, now


The 3 warblers sing out, while Kurt starts to sing his solo. He lets go of his boyfriend, dancing over to where Mercedes sits, urging her to stand up with him and Blaine.

See all these illusions just take us too long
And I want it bad..
Because you walk pretty,
Because you talk pretty,
‘Cause you make me sick
And I’m not leavin’, till you’re leavin’

Mercedes smiles and dances along with Kurt as he sings, bumping their hips together. The others are clapping along, dancing in their chairs.

Oh I swear there’s something when she’s pumpin’,
Asking for a raise
 Well does she want me to carry her home now?
So does she want me to buy her things?
On my house, on my job
On my loot, shoes, my shirt,
My crew, my mind, my father’s last name?

Mercedes bounces over to Rachel and Finn, who are sitting on the other side of the fire, clapping and laughing along. She pulls them up and twirls around them, letting them take the lead while Mercedes dances along back to Kurt and Blaine.

When I get you alone (‘lone)

Finn belts out loudly.

When I get you you’ll know baby (know)

Rachel sings back, leaning into Finn, who leans backwards.

When I get you alone (‘lone)

Finn leans back toward Rachel, but she leans away from him. He pulls her by the waist, as they both sing the next line.

When I get you alone now (it’s all mine)

By now, all the members have stood up, and are dancing around each other. The 3 warblers sing their acapella.

Come on
Oh yeah-yeah

Santana starts in on the next verse, in her strong sultry voice toward Brittany. 

Baby girl you da shit
That makes you my equivalent

She and Brittany walk around each other like their about to duel.

Well you can keep your toys in the drawer tonight,
All right

Brittany sings back to her girlfriend, letting her slip her hands around her waist, as they dance together.

All my dawgs talkin’ fast-
Aint you got some photographs?

They finish their solo with the last two lines sung together, and a short kiss, taking off in opposite directions.

‘Cause you shook that room like a star, now
Yes you did, oh

Puck takes off in the next part, along with his good buddy Artie, who’s clapping along side him, dancing furiously in his wheelchair.

All these intrusions just take us too long
 And I want you so bad..

Puck sings his solo, strong and proud, placing a hand on his chest while he lets the other raise up toward the dark sky.

Because you walk city,
Because you talk city,
‘Cause you make me sick

Artie cuts in, even stronger and louder than Puck.

And I’m not leavin’, till you’re leavin’

All of the members sing loud and proud, belting it out all in their different voices, somehow making it sound amazing.

So I pray to something she aint bluffin’,
Rubbin’ up on me
 Well does she want me to make a vow?
Check it
Well does she want me to make it now?
On my house, on my job
On my loot, shoes, my voice,
My crew, my mind, my father’s last name?

Mike sings next, dancing crazy, and making silly faces, along side his girlfriend, Tina.
When I get you alone (‘lone)

Tina cuts in, with a big smile singing back to Mike.

When I get you you’ll know baby (know)

Mike takes over, picking up Tina and spinning her around.

When I get you alone (‘lone)
When I get you alone now (it’s all mine)

Blaine sings the next part, along with Wes and David. Blaine’s twirling Kurt around and around, grinning and loving the biggest smile on his boyfriend’s face.

Oh no
Get you alone baby
That a girl!
You get some
Quinn finishes it off, slowing it down a bit, and taking pride in how she’s the last one standing, as everyone else plops down.
When I get you alone (‘lone)
When I get you you’ll know girl (know)
When I get you alone (‘lone)
When I get you alone now (it’s all mine)
(Lyrics from here

Everyone is sitting back down and breathing heavy, but they all manage to cheer and clap.
“Fantastic, guys, that was awesome!” Wes laughed and fist bumped Puck who was sitting on one side of him.
“I agree, we should sing with the Warblers more often!” Tina high-fived Mike, smiling over at Wes and David.
“Imagine if all of us were here, it would have been even more epic!” David added. Everyone laughed and then someone started up another conversation. Kurt crossed his arms, keeping himself warm through Blaine’s sweatshirt he was wearing. This wasn’t too bad…only…
Kurt really had to pee. Like really had to pee. He held it in through the whole song, and it wasn’t a problem until he sat back down and gained his breath back. But he didn’t think there was a bathroom out here…
“I need to use the restroom,” Kurt whispered, touching Blaine’s arm and leaning over his chair.
“Do you want me to walk with you or do you just want the flashlight?” he whispered, holding the hand-held flashlight up into Kurt’s view. It had gotten pitch black out, but he didn’t want to take Blaine with him. Blaine watching him pee in the middle of the woods? Not the most romantic thing. So Kurt shook his head and took the flashlight from Blaine’s hands, kissing him on the cheek.
“Don’t go to far, I don’t want you getting lost,” Blaine grabbed Kurt’s arm as he started to walk away.
“I won’t. Now let me go, I really have to go,” Kurt whispered, trying not to dance around too much. Blaine giggled softly and let his boyfriend walk alone towards the wooded area behind their tents.
“Where’s Kurt going?” Mercedes, who was sitting next to Kurt, asked Blaine.
“Bathroom. I don’t think he was too happy about going outside.”
Puck overheard and laughed, which caused everyone else to look at Blaine, who blushed.
“So what’s the deal with you two? Why do you get a tent to yourselves anyway?” Puck questioned, nudging Artie who sat beside him getting him to agree. The others all had to group up, 3 or 4 to a tent, while Kurt and Blaine got one to themselves.
“It was the only way I could get Kurt to come. He hates camping, and the outdoors, unless you count central park in New York city,” Blaine blushed, and looked down at his lap.
“So you promised him sex? Dude, that is awesome!” Puck laughed, holding his hand up for anyone around him to high five. Only Artie and Santana obliged. The rest of them laughed.
“No!” Blaine practically shouted, embarrassed. That was not the reason he promised him and Kurt their own tent. Well, not exactly. “I promised alone time. I told him it’d be fun.”
“Well that makes sense, Kurt doesn’t really want to be out here. I mean, sure he’s having a great time with us, but camping is just not for him. Of course he’d want alone time with Blaine to make up for it,” Quinn reasoned, trying to save Blaine the embarrassment. He smiled at Quinn, silently thanking her for saving him.
“I still say it’s for sex,” Puck blurted. Everyone burst out laughing, even Blaine. Kurt ran up then, with a disgusted look on his face.
“What happened Kurt?” Blaine stood up and let Kurt run into his arms and bury himself into his shoulder. Blaine immediately knew something had happened.
“Oh my gosh, I hate spiders. I hate them, I hate them!” Kurt shivered, still pressed against Blaine’s shoulder. He rubbed his back soothingly, until Kurt pulled away to look at him.
“What happened?” Blaine had to laugh a little, as silly as Kurt looked right now, he was adorable.
“Try having a spider crawl up your leg while you’re trying to empty your bladder!” everyone laughed at Kurt’s hysterics, even Blaine who didn’t quite laugh, but smiled with a raised eyebrow.
“It’s not funny! I crawled right up onto my…ugh it was so so nasty!” he buried his face into Blaine’s neck, hands wrapped around his waist. The girls laughed, but all the boys kind of shuttered.
“Imagine having eight little legs crawling all over it,” David wiggled his fingers at the group. “So not arousing!”
“Dude, you’re definitely not getting any of Hummel’s dick tonight, Blainers,” Puck teased, making Blaine blush furiously and Kurt to mumble something incoherent into his chest, no doubt feeling mortified.
“Yeah, sweetheart, I’ll take you back to our tent,” Blaine said quietly and nuzzled Kurt’s cheek affectionately, wrapping his arms tighter around his waist.
“Oh-ho-ho!” the group roared, laughing again.
“Have a nice night boys,” Mercedes said, sweetly, not teasing, as she snuggled up to Sam. He kissed her on the cheek, Blaine saw, before turning back to his shaking, embarrassed boyfriend.
“Thanks, Mercedes, see you guys in the morning,” Blaine called back, carefully guiding Kurt with one arm, holding the flashlight with the other. When they reached the tent, he sent Kurt in first, while he toed off his shoes and set them inside the tent in the corner. He zipped up the tent flap and pointed the flashlight toward Kurt, who was sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest on the set of sleeping bags they had zipped together.
“You okay?” Blaine crawled towards his boyfriend and touched his cheek lovingly. He flipped off the flashlight, so the tent was dark except for the faint glow of the campfire.
“I’m fine. But can we stay here for the rest of the night? I don’t want to go back out there. I am so embarrassed.” Kurt smiled a little, blushing. Blaine lifted his chin up to look him in the eyes. Kissing him softly, he whispered against Kurt’s lips. “That’s fine, we can have an early night if that’s what you want.”
“That’s what I want,” Kurt said softly, leaning up to kiss Blaine again. He brought his hands up to rest on Blaine’s cheeks, as Blaine pulled him closer by his waist. Not breaking the kiss, they eased backwards, so Kurt was laying on his back, Blaine on halfway on top of him. They kiss softly for a while, until Kurt pulls down on Blaine’s head, forcing a passionate kiss. His tongue slides across Blaine’s lips, and he opens his mouth to let Kurt in. Slowly, Blaine crawls completely on top of his boyfriend, cupping his face in his hands. They kiss again, more passionately each time, settling small pecks in between. Kurt’s hands slide down Blaine’s side, tugging at his shirt.
“It’s cold, Kurt,” he whispered, rolling off of his boyfriend and sliding inside the sleeping bag. “Now come here,” Kurt’s frown faded as he crawled in next to Blaine, pressed up against his chest as they lay side by side. Blaine shed his shirt, going to Kurt’s next. Once both boys were unclothed on the top half, Blaine lay over Kurt again. He moved down to Kurt’s ear, nipping at it softly, and hearing a moan from the boy beneath him. “Blaine,” Kurt panted out, running his hands down his back and grabbing his butt as Blaine kissed his neck.
“Off? Blaine smiled, lifting his head from his boyfriend’s neck. Kurt nodded. Sitting up, straddling Kurt’s thighs, he unbuttoned his jeans. He had to break away from Kurt to get them off, but finally he was down to his boxers. The cool breeze in the summer night felt a little chilly against his bare skin, but he ignored it. Kurt had taken the time to get his pants off too, now only clad in his boxers which were covered in little music notes. Blaine giggled, kissing Kurt’s cheek and playing with the waistband of his underwear.
“I love those,” he murmured, kissing Kurt’s shoulder, then his lips. Kurt smiled, and pulled his boyfriend back down on top of him. The sudden contact of their erections brushing each other’s made them both moan simultaneously. Kurt’s hands found their way up to the back of Blaine’s boxers, slipping his hand inside to caress his skin. They kissed that way, only clad in their underwear for a few minutes.
There was some muffled sounds from outside and a tent zipper being pulled down. They wondered if the rest of the group was going to bed. The two lovers heard, but continued to kiss passionately anyway.
“ughh, Kurt,” Blaine moaned against Kurt’s neck as someone’s voice broke through their tent.
“Kurt, we were just coming to see if-” Rachel started. Both boys froze, Blaine’s lips on Kurt’s neck and Kurt’s hands down the back of Blaine’s underwear, which were halfway down his butt by now, urging him to rub against him.
“Oh my god,” Kurt breathed, reaching above his boyfriend to yank the sleeping bag, which had fallen during their antics, up over them as Blaine rolled off and cuddled against Kurt.
“Dude, I did not just see my brother and his boyfriend about to…” Finn shivered, shielding his face with his hands. That’s when Kurt buried his face amongst the pillows and Blaine’s neck and groaned.
“We’re just gonna…we are so sorry.” Rachel stuttered, pushing Finn back and quickly zipping back up the tent. “Night Kurt, night Blaine!” she called, her voice shaking a little.
holding each other and feeling very embarrassed, they waited to speak until they were sure no one was outside their tent.
“Your brother saw my naked ass!” Blaine groaned out as soon as they left.
“At least he isn’t your brother! Finn didn’t just see your butt, Blaine, he saw my hand down your pants!” Kurt shot back, feeling mortified. What if he told their parents? He didn’t think he would, but what if he did anyway? The boys lay in silence for a while, still buried in each other’s skin.
“I hate camping.” Kurt announced finally, breaking their silence. Blaine brushed his cheek lightly.
“I’m sorry I made you come. I‘ll take you home tomorrow morning.” he said quietly, kissing Kurt on the cheek and turning to face the opposite direction. Kurt sighed, wanting to cry after all the embarrassment he’d endured today. But it wasn’t Blaine’s fault; He just wanted to enjoy the time they had together and if what Blaine wanted happened to be sleeping outside in a tent, then he’d do it for Blaine. He slid over, wrapping his arms around his stiff boyfriend.
“It’s not your fault I’m prone to embarrassment.” he whispered in Blaine’s ear, nuzzling his neck with his nose and lips. Blaine turned halfway to look into his lover’s eyes, tired smile on his face.
“So you’ll stay?”
“I’ll stay.” he murmured, kissing Blaine’s lips.
“Come on, let’s go to bed.” he laughed quietly, holding Kurt’s hand across his own waist, settling into his pillow.
“I love you, Blaine.” Kurt said quietly, feeling himself drift off to sleep.
“I love you too, Kurt.”
The two boys snuggled together in their double sleeping bag, drifting embarrassed, but happily, off to sleep.


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please carry this on, it's such a good story so far...