Dec. 14, 2013, 6 p.m.
Dec. 14, 2013, 6 p.m.
So, I chose to do H2$ because I did crew for my schools production of it last year. So, I know quite a few things about it and how backstage looked during everything. Im pretty much going to base the set off of the one that I helped build/paint last year. More to come lovies. Let me know what you thought.
“And don't forget,” says Mr. Shuester at the end of Glee, “the interest meeting is tomorrow. Any of you who want to do pit, stage crew, or even audition should be there if you can make. Just a reminder, the show this spring is How to Succeed in Business Without Really trying.” He informs the group before clapping his hands together. “Alright, you're dismissed.”
As the members start to trickle out, Kurt is still finishing putting his stuff away when Finn comes running back him. “Hey. Uhm, Kurt,” He to get his attention. When Kurt looks up from his bag with an eyebrow cocked, Finn continues on. “I'm going to Rachel's house with a couple of other people. Would you tell Burt and my mom that I won't be there for dinner?”
“Oh,” Kurt nods his head and picks up his bag, “yeah. That's no problem.” He smiles as he makes his way over to the door. “Are you going to the interest meeting tomorrow?”
Finn nods his head with a big smile on his face. “Yeah. I thought I would give it a try. But I think I wanna see if I can do pit.” He chuckles a bit before speaking what he was thinking. “I'm not to sure if Rachel will be too happy about it. Speaking of which, I gotta go, Bro. See you later tonight.” He waves before rushing off.
Kurt just shakes his head at his step-brother's antics. Kurt finally exists the choir room and heads over to his locker. When he turns the corner, he hears foot steps running over towards him and a voice that makes his heart speed up. “Kurt! Hey, Kurt! Wait up!”
Kurt stops in the middle of the hallway with a smirk quickly growing on his face. “Yes, Blaine?” He asks as he turns around.
"Hi." Blaine says breathlessly, his hazel eyes shining. "Are you going to your locker? Ill walk with you."
"Whatever you want to do, Anderson." Kurt shrugs and continues to walk, trying to slow his heart beat a little.
The two boys walk down the rest of the hall silently, not knowing what to say. Well, until they reach Kurt's locker. “Are you going to the meeting tomorrow?” Blaine asks, leaning against the locker next to Kurt as the other boys puts the combo into his lock.
“Yeah.” Kurt nods as he finally opens his locker. “And I assume you are?”
“That I am.” His smile grows some more at the mention of the interest meeting. But in actuality, it's because of the fact that Kurt's also going to the interest meeting. Maybe we can sit with each other. He thinks as his smile somehow continues to grow. “I think I'm going to audition for Bigley.” He informs Kurt.
“You should audition for Finch.” Kurt suggests. “You seem more like him than J.B.” He shrugs as he switches out his books.
“I just might.” Blaine chuckles. “What about you?” When Kurt gives him a strange look, the other boy clarifies. “Are you going to audition?”
Kurt gives a blank stare at Blaine until he finally speaks. “Are you serious?” When Blaine looks hurt, Kurt quickly tries to make up for it. “That came out really harsh, didn't it? “ He curses under his breath before continuing. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I meant that my voice doesn't exactly...how do I say explain this.” He thinks for a moment then answers himself. “It doesn't exactly fit this musical.” He shrugs before closing his locker. “I think I'm going to do crew.”
“You should audition!” Blaine encourages with his eyes sparkling. “Your voice is perfectly fine for anything. Really.”
“I'll think about it, Anderson.” Kurt says honestly. “Now, did you drive or…?”
“I, uhm, I drove.” Blaine takes ahold of the strap of his messenger bag with a tight grip. “My parents left one of the cars this time. I'll walk with you to the parking lot. Y'know, if you want me to.” He adds.
Is it physically this possible for one to be this cute? Kurt wonders. "You can as long as you continue telling me how perfect my voice is." He jokes as he and Blaine start to make their way towards the front if the school.
"I did not say that your voice is perfect." Blaine whines as his cheeks start to pink.
"Oh but it was so implied." Kurt chuckles as his stomach starts to fluffer at the fact that he was able to make Blaine blush. "Now speak. Flattery will get you everywhere."
"Boy," Mercedes says on her line of the phone, "youve got it bad."
Kurt flips onto his stomach on his bed and groans into the pillow. "We barely talk."
"Im sorry. I dont speak pillow talk." Mercedes teases. "And do you really have me on speaker phone?"
Kurt sighs as he picks his face off the pillow. "I said, We barely talk. Which is the total truth. And I dont mean a quick hi as we pass each other in the halls or asking what the homework is for our classes. I mean an actual conversation. And yes, you are on speaker. I really dont feel like holding my phone against my face right now." He informs her before plopping his face back down on the pillow.
"Oh, Boo." Mercedes coos. "How can we fix this?" She asks herself aloud, trying to come up with a plan.
"Oh no." Kurt groans again. "Please do not come up with something."
"Excuse you?" Kurt can tell by her tone that everything about her screams, "sass." "I make wonderful plans."
"For going out and sleep overs and gatherings? Yes. For trying to get two people together? No, not so much." Kurt tells her truthfully.
After a moment of silence, Mercedes all but screams into the phone, "Thats it!" startling Kurt, making him jump on his bed.
"Whats it?" Kurt asks nervously.
"We throw a party for New Directions." When theres no response from Kurt, Mercedes goes on and explains her plan. "I mean, it would be more of a gathering than a party. I promise to talk Puck and Tana out of getting drinks...or going through the drinks at whomevers house. But pretty much we just have fun. Dancing, singing, some games. Then you and Blaine can talk and-"
"Mercedes!" Kurt interrupts so the girl can take a breath. "Youre sounding like Rachel. Take a breath." He chuckles as she takes a few deep breaths. "Now continue."
"We can have a little gathering and you two can be all cute and flirty." She says, seeing it in her head. “As Rachel tries to convince us to do karaoke, you will probably be in the kitchen or in a corner and he'll come over and you'll start talking and getting to know each other. It's perfect!”
“Uhm, ‘Cedes?” Kurt finally answers. “What about the fact that auditions and everything are coming up and all of that?”
“Then we'll do it to celebrate whoever gets a part!” She reasons.
“Fine,” Kurt sighs, “do whatever. I'm pretty sure they'll come. But I honestly don't think that you can stop Puck or Santana from bringing alcohol.” He tells her before he hears the door closing downstairs. “Hey, ‘Cedes, I've gotta go. My dad just came in. I'll talk to you later.”
“Bye, Boo.” She says before Kurt hangs up on her. He lifts himself off the bed and makes his way over to his door. Not before fixing his hair, of course.
“Hey, Dad.” Kurt yells as he walks down the stairs. “Really?” He questions when he stands in the doorframe of the kitchen, literally catching Burt with his hand in the cookie jar.
“What?” Burt asks when he takes two out. “These are your healthy crap. You even told me so.” He tries to counter as he takes a large bite of one of them. “So,” He says around his mouthful, “don't get mad at me.”
Kurt shakes his head at his dad as he walks into the kitchen and grabs a water bottle from the fridge. “Finn wanted me to let you know that he's at Rachel's with a few other people so he won't be here for dinner. But I'm gonna put food for him later because I know it's hard for him to eat the same thing as Rachel.” He informs Burt. “Although vegan food is actually okay.” He adds offhandedly.
Burt hums in agreement, remembering the few times he's gone over to dinner at the Berry's house. “Not a problem. Speaking of dinner, what are you going to make?”
“Dad, have you seen the amount of left-overs we have?” Kurt questions. When he doesn't get an answer, he says, “I'm taking that as a no. Well, I'll just make something out of them then.” He shrugs as he opens the refrigerator and starts to take note of what's in it. He starts to mutter different things that he can make, not noticing that Burt had left. His phone going off is what made him look away from the food.
He looks at his screen to see what his phone was trying to notify him about. A smile starts to grow on his face when he sees the little icon for Facebook. He unlocks his phone and plays with it before locking it again.
Kurt Hummel is now friends with Blaine Anderson