Aug. 3, 2013, 9:26 a.m.
Aug. 3, 2013, 9:26 a.m.
Kurt sat at the kitchen table, spearing a piece of chicken onto his fork and then stuffing it into his mouth. While his family sat talking about their days his mind was wondering to a certain conversation and a pair of amber eyes. He hadn't been able to drop the thought of Blaine all day. He wanted to know more, to learn the man inside and out. He was intrigued to say the least.
He wondered why Blaine was there in the first place. His dad hadn't mentioned needing more help - he would have just asked Finn or himself. This had him even more interested in Blaine. But when Burt had stepped out of his office, he completely melted away, a look in his eyes that looked like he was shutting himself off and going into autopilot. Kurt didn't like that Blaine; surprisingly he was drawn to Blaine's forwardness. He took another bite of chicken before he made himself a promise; he was going to talk to Blaine no matter what.
He knew that having Blaine work at the auto shop wasn't his best idea. But he also knew that it was doing him good. He looked... happier every day. Maybe happier wasn't the right word but he was definitely changing. Burt didn't know what was going on in the kids' life, but whatever it was couldn't be good. Maybe that was why he took him ‘in' someway. Now however, Burt was regretting the decision as he sat in his desk, looking out the blinds of his office to see Kurt's back turned to him; talking and laughing with the other shorter man.
Burt groaned internally as he watched the two teens flirt. He was irritated to watch as Blaine disobeyed him. Kurt seemed happy though, he hadn't seen the kid smile in a long time. He groaned again as he realized Blaine was the one making his kid smile. The older man fought with himself on if he was or wasn't happy about this newfound friendship. Burt decided he'd let it play out for a little while first before addressing them. He watched until he saw Kurt give Blaine a short but strong hug before smiling at him again and then walking off towards the front door to his car. Burt opened the door and made his way to the curly haired teen who was leaned over a car hood.
"Hey kid, we need to talk." Burt said, patting him on the back.
Blaine sat up immediately and looked at Burt with wide eyes. "Uhm, yea?"
"I thought I told you not to talk to my son."
Blaine searched Burt's face for any sign of anger before responding. "He - uh - came and talked to me first sir."
"And what did you two talk about? Are you trying to de-virginze my son?"
Blaine looked horrified at Burt's comment. "No!! No sir, I would n-never do that."
"Are you trying to say that my son isn't good enough for you?"
Blaine finally caught onto the sarcastic tone in Burt's voice and cracked a smile. "Trust me I would bend Kurt over a counter any day but I figured it would be nice to take him to dinner first before I take him to bed."
Burt didn't smile; he just stood, staring at Blaine. "You better take my son to the alter before taking him to bed." Burt laughed as Blaine stood stalk still, looking shocked. He clapped Blaine on the shoulder and started walking away but not before turning around and smiling at him. "You can talk to him; just make sure there's a ring before you take that final step. And that's even if he lets you."
Blaine was still immobile and shocked as Burt re-entered his office. He was pulled out of his stupor as his phone vibrated in his pocket.
Kurt entered the shop with one thought on his mind. Find Blaine and get his number. He was happily satisfied to see Blaine's firm ass turned towards him, as Blaine was bent over examining an old truck. He gave himself a pep talk before strutting over, clearing his throat loud enough for Blaine to hear. Blaine looked up with a sexy smirk, looking him up and down before returning to work.
"Hey Blaine." He said, flashing a smile, trying to make it as sexy as he could.
"Hi Kurt." Blaine replied, still looking into the engine.
"Does this happen to be a 1937 Chevy?"
Blaine looked up in surprise. "You know cars?"
Kurt smiled. "Duh, I grew up around them."
"I just didn't think someone like you would actually know a thing or two about them." Blaine said with a smirk.
"Someone like me?"
"Yea someone who looks like he knows more about fashion than anything else."
Kurt blushed. "Uhm - thanks? I know a lot more than you think."
Blaine grinned and turned back to the engine, but not before murmuring an ‘I bet you do' and giving Kurt a wink.
"I'm sorry what was that?" Kurt said in a knowing tone.
Blaine stood back up and looked him straight in the eyes. "I bet you do know more than you let on." Kurt blushed again. "That looks cute on you. Your blush."
Blaine laughed again and looked at Kurt. "So, you wanna give me your number, so we can get started on you getting in my bed."
Kurt rolled his eyes. "I thought we talked about this. Dinner first."
Blaine cracked a smile. "Does it have to be dinner?"
"Uhm, well what else would it be?"
Blaine shuffled his weight between his two feet. "Every year, my family throws this July Fourth Party, and it's usually just a bunch of old people, and uhm well I guess I was wondering if you wanted to uh, join me?"
"Uh, yea sure, well actually I need to ask but give me your number and I'll let you know."
They exchanged numbers and Kurt took the chance and hugged Blaine shortly before smiling at him one last time and walking out the door. Mission Accomplished.
The first thing he did once he got back home was text Blaine. His plan was working after all.
All Burt wanted to do when he got home was eat dinner and sleep. Instead he found himself seated the kitchen table, Kurt sitting opposite of him.
He sighed. "Just spit it out kid."
"Okay - well you know Blaine, obviously because you hired him, which you never told me why you did, but that doesn't matter, anyway we were talking today and I know we don't have anything planned for the fourth, well, uh, Blaine invited me to his family's party, and I was wondering if I could go?"
Burt let out another sigh and ran his hands down his face. He should have been expecting this. "I don't know, you don't really know him."
Kurt's smile faltered. "This is to get to know him dad."
Burt sat a moment, letting his mind work. "Fine, I guess you can go -," Kurt squealed. "- But no staying the night and home before midnight. And I want you to check in every hour."
"Yes! Yes dad okay thank you!"
He watched Kurt smile and run up the stairs, and hearing the door slam.
Kurt fell back onto his bed and pulled out his phone. He sent a quick message to Blaine.
To: Blaine
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I can go to the July Fourth Party with you.
He rolled over and screamed into his pillow as he read the reply from Blaine.
From: Blaine
Great. Can't wait to see you...in my bed ;)
This was awesome. It was so much fun to see Blaine and Kurt interact a little more and to actually begin to build something. I think my favorite part was Blaine and Burt's conversation, it is so great to see Blaine all shocked by something Burt says. I can't wait to see what happens next.
This is so good, I love it so much!
omg im so excited!!! loving it!!