A Place Called Home
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A Place Called Home: A Place Of Hope

T - Words: 2,506 - Last Updated: Jul 23, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 16, 2012 - Updated: Jul 23, 2012
897 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Well guys, I hope you like!The song is this is 'The Only Exception' by Paramore


Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand tighter when he felt the twitch. He let a tear fall from his now sore eyes. Blaine was going to come back to him. That twitch was Blaine's way of telling Kurt he was coming back, and that he still loved Kurt. Kurt had to believe it was true. But he knew it was, that twitch had happened, it was a sign.

Kurt sat up on the bed and looked down at Blaine's face. He began to mess with Blaine's curls and tried to drift off to sleep. He dreamt of Blaine that night, he dreamt of Blaine's lips on his, he dreamt of Blaine wrapping his arms around him from behind and kissing his neck, and he dreamt of falling asleep in Blaine's arms.




Kurt let his eyes open lazily. He glanced at the window and noticed it was still dark outside, the clock read 4:03 AM. He slumped back down into the hospital bed and slide onto his side to put an arm around Blaine. "Good morning Blaine." Kurt smiled and imagined Blaine replying with, "Good morning, Kurt. How did the love of my life sleep last night?" Kurt would chuckle and Blaine would maneuver his body so he could kiss Kurt and whisper, "I love you," into Kurt's ear. Kurt would reply with, "You love me, but not as much as I love you." Blaine would smile and say, "I love you just as much as you love me." Kurt would grin and nod and pull Blaine's head down to his, so their mouths would intertwine. Kurt fluttered his eyes open at the thought. How he wished he could actually have this conversation, not just talk to himself.

Kurt picked himself up and shook away the feeling, and looked down at Blaine. He looked at his lips, and he smiled. His head began to fill with memories of kissing Blaine. He remembered the last time they kissed, in that movie theater, the night those homophobes did this to Blaine. He still smiled at the thought of those kisses. He then remembered his actual last kiss with Blaine. Right after he had called 9-1-1, he held Blaine's hand and kissed him, and told him to stay with him. And that's when it hit Kurt. Blaine wasn't the last person he had kissed, as he had been since his junior year. No. The last person whose lips had been on his was Dr. Connolly's. The joy of remembering Blaine's kisses was replaced with disgust and sorrow and anger.

He picked himself off the bed and began to pace. This couldn't be happening. Blaine had to wake up now. Blaine had to kiss him now. Kurt looked over at Blaine and rushed to his bedside and held his hand. Kurt pressed his lips against Blaine's unmoving ones. He lifted his head up and smiled, why hadn't he kissed Blaine earlier? Maybe because Blaine was in a comma, Kurt, maybe that's why. Kurt pushed that thought aside and kissed Blaine again. He smiled, grabbed Blaine's hand and whispered aloud, "It's been three months now Blaine, and I'm still waiting. I would wait for you forever. But please don't make me."

That's when Kurt started crying.



Knock. Knock.

Kurt looked up from Blaine at the sound of the knock. He smiled and stood up when he saw the strikingly beautiful woman walk into the door.

"You must be the new doctor, uh-" Kurt said as he shook the woman's hand.

"Hello Mr. Hummel. I'm Dr. Brooke, but you can call me Alison." She smiled at Kurt.

"And you can call me Kurt." She smiled at that too. She turned toward Blaine and grabbed his chart that was hanging from the front of the bed.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to finally visit, but I was in surgery for the past few days and I just received the message that I was having a new patient today."

"Oh, well it's fine really. Blaine has stayed the same."

"Well, I beg to differ, but we'll get to that in a bit." Kurt's face rose in alarm but Alison continued, "So your last doctor was Dr. Connolly?"

Kurt gulped and tried to get rid of the disgusted look off his face, "Yeah, he was."

"And why did you decide to change doctors?"

"Dr. Connolly was less than satisfactory."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I want you to know Blaine is going to be in much better care under me. He will get better."

"That's good news." Kurt smiled; he could feel his eyes sparkle.

"So, I see that on this chart, your relation to Blaine is ‘friend.' I have a feeling it is a little more than that."

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, the nurses have told me that you haven't left the hospital really in the three months that Blaine has been here, and friends usually wouldn't stay."

"Does it matter to Blaine getting better?"

"Not really. I guess I was just being nosy. But it does help Blaine to have love around him, and I have a feeling that is what you surround him with." Kurt smiled again and nodded. He decided to just tell the woman, he wasn't ashamed so why keep silent?

"Blaine is my boyfriend."

Alison smiled. She began to look back at the chart but replied with, "Really? I thought you two were more than that."

Kurt's smile faded and he slipped back into his chair.

Alison's smile also faded, "Mr. Hummel, I'm so sorry if I said something that offended you, it's just you seem so attached." She drifted off.

"I told you to call me Kurt." He smiled, "I'm sorry to have freaked out, it's just I was going to propose to Blaine the night of the accident." Kurt barely got the words out before a tear slipped down his face.

Alison frowned. "I'm so sorry, Kurt. I truly am, I know what it's like to feel like you've lost someone due to a sickness of the sort. But I promise you that Blaine will be feeling better. I was looking at test results and such, and I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I came in here last night when you were sleeping and did some routine checks. Blaine seems to be getting a lot better. I felt him twitch last night, a few times. But, as I look at the charts, I'm confused by his progress."

"I'm confused, Alison."

"You're previous doctor mis-marked this charts, I'm afraid. From what I have seen and from what the nurses who have been with Blaine since he checked in, have told me, Blaine should be waking up soon. Very soon."

Kurt smiled and he could feel his eyes sparking. "My Blaine is going to wake up? Soon? How long is soon?"

"I define soon as less than a month, but complications may arrive and he could stay in this comma for up to another three months."

"But, Blaine will be up by then?"

"Yes, Kurt." Alison grinned. But her face suddenly turned grave as she flipped the page on the chart. She walked up to Blaine quickly and checked him monitor and checked Blaine breathing and such. She then looked up and Kurt and excused herself from the room, telling Kurt she would be back soon.

This whole thing was confusing Kurt. What was going on? Was Blaine coming back to him or not?


Alison didn't come back soon, or at least not according to Kurt's definition of the word. Kurt was anxiously awaiting the return of Blaine's doctor for 3 hours and 35 minutes.

When she finally did come back with a mouthful of apologizes, Kurt noticed that she looked slightly relieved.

"Well?" Kurt couldn't help that he sounded annoyed.

"I'm sorry. It's just I thought I saw something alarming on Blaine's chart, so I went and checked on Blaine, and I thought I noticed something, so I talked to the nurses about Blaine's progress and checked the reports they have kept."

"And..?" Kurt was confused at what was happening. Was something even worse happening to Blaine?

"Well, from what I have noticed on Blaine's charts, the nurses chart, and actual Blaine, is that the doctor who was marking Blaine's chart was completely off base. I remembered you talking about Dr. Connolly not being satisfactory, so I checked up on him. He had kept Blaine's real charts in his office. Anyways to make a long story short, Dr. Connolly deliberately messed with Blaine's charts, so that Blaine would be put on more meds, now if Blaine had actually had the problem Dr. Connolly had marked, the meds he assigned to put him on would of just made it worse, thus me freaking out a bit."

"So, Dr. Connolly put Blaine on meds that he didn't need."

"Yes. But since Blaine didn't actually have the problem so the meds didn't make a bigger problem, but they perhaps stalled Blaine's recovery." Kurt gasped and fell back into his chair.

"Alison. Are you saying that Blaine could be up right now if not for Dr. Connolly?"

"Yes. That could very well be the case. Kurt I truly am sorry, but I took him off the meds, he will no longer be receiving that, and I will be putting him on antibiotics to reverse the affect of those meds and to speed up his recovery."

"So, Blaine is okay?"

Alison smiled and nodded. "Blaine will be back to you just as soon as I had promised earlier. I am truly sorry for Dr. Connolly's mistake and I fully intend on telling the hospital staff, and gettting them to look into Dr. Connolly. I fully believe that he should be fired. I know he deliberately messed up Blaine's charts." She looked up at Kurt and continued, "Kurt. If you have any idea why he did this, or if he did anything to you while he was Blaine's doctor, I need you to tell me."

Kurt sighed and nodded, "Well," he began to tell the story of Dr. Connolly and his unwelcome advancements towards Kurt.



Another week had passed. Kurt found out Dr. Connolly had be temporarily fired as they looked into his case, and that made a stress lift off of Kurt's shoulders. Alison had also made Kurt leave the hospital more often. Usually he would just go home to take a shower grab some clothes and head back, but one day Alison had made him stay out for a few hours, and told him to have some "me" time. Unfortunately Kurt didn't understand the definition of that since the accident. So he invited Rachel along for a lunch at a diner near Times Square.

"Kurt! Darling!" Rachel screamed as he hugged Kurt ferociously. Kurt laughed and pushed back, "How's Finn?"

"He's fine. But you should know that! We just visited Blaine and you like five days ago!"

"I know. I was just wondering, he is my brother after all."

"I know." Rachel's smile turned serious as she asked, "How's Blaine since I saw him?"

"He's getting better, trust me. If he were getting worse I wouldn't be here. Truthfully, I don't want to be here right now."

"Hey!" Rachel laughed as she swatted Kurt's arm.

"Oh, Rachel. It's not that! It's just he is getting better, and I want to be there when he wakes up!"

"You will be! Blaine will wait to wake up for you! He wants you to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up. He is probably dreaming off you as we speak."

"I dream off him when I sleep." Rachel aww'ed and then asked the question again, "Well, how is he?"

"He's good! Truly! Yesterday his hand twitched quite a few times, and one of his hands moved around my hand."

"Ohmygoodness! Kurt! He is going to wake up before you know it! He is probably waiting for you right now!"

Kurt laughed, "His foot twitched a few times this morning, Alison said that, that was even a better sign than his hand moving."

"Why are you here with me!?"

"Alison practically forced me out."

"Well, I don't blame her. You've been cooped up in that hospital for over three months. You look even paler than normal, and that's saying a lot." She smirked.

"Hey!" Kurt giggled and this time it was him smacking Rachel's arm.

"Kurt?" Rachel's tone suddenly sounded serious.

"What is it, Rachel?"

"What are you going to do about school? You've practically missed the first quarter of the semester. They aren't going to let you back in this semester."

Kurt frowned, "I know. But don't worry Rachel. I've called and visited NYADA, multiple times. They have told me that Blaine and I are welcome to rejoin in the fall. And I think that's perfect, it gives Blaine plenty of time to wake up and get resituated with his life."

"I'm happy you have it figured out."

"I'll be happy when Blaine wakes up."

And you are the only exception, you are the only exception.

Kurt looked up alarmed.

"What is it Kurt? Whose calling you? And why is "The Only Exception" their ring tone?"

And I'm on my way to believing.

"That's Blaine ring tone." Kurt sounded zoned out.


Kurt picked up the phone, "Hello?" His voice was barely a whisper.

"Hey, Kurt. I'm sorry to call on Blaine's phone, but I thought you would defiantly answer it, if it was him."

"Alison, is everything okay?"

"Everything is perfect. Get to the hospital, quick."

"Blaine, he is going to-?"

"Yes." Kurt could hear the smile on Alison's face, "Blaine is going to wake up any minute."

Kurt hung up the phone and picked up his things, "I have to go, Rachel. Blaine is going to wake up any minute!"

"Wait!" Rachel called and Kurt began to run, "I'm coming with!"



"Blaine! Blaine!" Kurt came running into the hospital room with tears on his face. He couldn't believe his Blaine was finally coming back to him.

Alison was waiting over Blaine's bedside and smiled over at Kurt. Rachel was holding onto Kurt's hand, but he let it go to grab Blaine's.

Kurt could feel Blaine's hand grab a hold of his and the tears began to flow even more.

"Kurt, I hate to do this, but I have to ask you to take a seat, as soon as Blaine is fully awake you can hold him as much as you want." Alison said. Kurt nodded and took a seat at his usual chair next to Blaine's bedside.

Kurt watched as Blaine slowly began to wake up, his legs moving, his arms twitching, and slowly his back pushing up against the headboard, with Alison's help. Finally, Blaine's eyes opened. And that's when Kurt's tears really began to flow, he had to use all his might not to go over there and kiss him, to hold his hand. His Blaine was finally coming back to him.

Kurt smiled under his tears as Blaine sleepily and hazily tried to keep his eyes open. He finally managed to, and when he did he looked around the room, he glanced first at Kurt.

Kurt hoped to see a huge smile, but Blaine just looked confused. He looked around at the three faces in the room and just looked really confused.

Oh, no. Kurt thought, what if he can't remember.

Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled. He turned to Alison and Rachel and mumbled his first words in over three months, "Why is that beautiful boy crying?"





End Notes: Review please!? Update soon!


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Oh, no. Oh, nononononononononono. Oh no. Please, please update soon!

oh my goddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddoh my godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddYOU HAVE TO UPDATE IM A CRYING MESS YOUJUST HAVE TO OMG OMG PLEASE YOU HAVE TO UPDATE FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE