A Place Called Home
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A Place Called Home: A Place Called Fear

T - Words: 825 - Last Updated: Jul 23, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 16, 2012 - Updated: Jul 23, 2012
1,025 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Angst. But I think it's pretty good. :)


Kurt couldn't stop crying. He was waiting in the hospital, waiting for the doctors to come and tell him how Blaine was doing. How could this night turn out this way? This was supposed to be the most perfect night ever, and now it had all gone to ruin.               

The doctors had asked Kurt if he wanted to get a hospital room too, to check out his bruises and cuts. Kurt had refused; he wanted all attention to be on Blaine. Blaine. The love of his life. Oh how he hoped he was okay. Kurt had know idea to live without Blaine, and for over four years he hadn't had to. He hoped he never would have too. But he knew what happened, he saw those, those -Neanderthals- beat up Blaine, as he laid helplessly on the ground. He kept flashing back to those moments, the moments where Blaine was gasping for air, saying Kurt's name, confessing his love for him as his last words before blacking out. Kurt wished he could of done more than cried over him. Blaine was his life. He couldn't live without him.

The doctor interrupted Kurt at this time. He placed his hand on Kurt's shoulder as Kurt paced across the floor, crying. Kurt swung around, tears streaming down his face, and managed to mumble, "Yes?"

"Hi. Mr. Hummel is it?"
            "Yeah. That's me."

"Can I ask you what your relation to Blaine Anderson is?"
            "He's... He's my roommate."
            "Is that all?"

"He's my boyfriend too."

"I see. I knew you were more than roommates." Awkward pause. "Well Mr. Hummel, I'm Dr. Connolly."

"Can you just tell me how Blaine is doing? Is he alive? Is he up? Is he okay?" Kurt sobbed.

"Mr. Hummel."

"You can call me Kurt."
"Kurt. You're boyfriend is in critical condition."
"What... What does that mean?" Kurt spoke softly.

"Well, it means Blaine is in, and I regret having to inform you of this, but Blaine

is in a coma. Now we do not know weather this is permanent or if it's just temporary, but I can promise you Blaine is in good hands."

            "Can I- Can I see him?"
            "Of course. Follow me." Kurt followed Dr. Connolly as he led him through twists and turns of the hospital. Finally they arrived at room 123. Dr. Connolly nodded towards the door, smiled at Kurt, and slowly walked away, saying he'd be back shortly. Kurt walked into the room, and gasped. His beautiful boyfriend, whom Kurt was glad to say, still looked beautiful, lay motionless of the hospital bed. Kurt sobbed and walked towards the chair on the other side of the room. He dragged the chair to Blaine's bedside, and sat down. He grabbed Blaine's hand, and began to sob. How could this happen to someone as perfect as Blaine? Why? Why not Kurt?

            Kurt knew what he had to do as he grabbed Blaine's hand, what he had to do when his dad was sick, motionless in the hospital. He prayed. Yes, it took him a while to pray while his dad was sick, but God had helped him then, he could help him now. He had to. What else did he have to believe in?

            He leaned over Blaine and bowed his head. ‘God, if you can hear me, please listen. It's Kurt. I know it has been a while, and I'm sorry. But God, can I ask you something? Please help me. Please help my Blaine. Please bring him back to me God. He is everything that is good in this stinking world, and I can't live without him. Please let him wake, and please bring him back into my arms. God please. Please. Please bring Blaine back to me.' He cried over Blaine. He looked at Blaine, with scars on his face, on his neck, on his arms. He looked at Blaine's scar, from where that stupid guy had stabbed him. He pressed a kiss to his lips and pressed his fingers to Blaine's cut. He then kissed Blaine's cheek and whispered into his ear, "I love you, Blaine. Blaine I love you so much. Please come back to me. Please. Please. Blaine." 

            "Kurt." The voice sounded hesitant.

            "Dr. Connolly." Kurt said as he spun towards the voice.

            "You can call me David if you want too."

            "Okay, David?"

            "I received Blaine's test results."

            "Please tell me it's good news."

            "Well, the test has told us the comma will be temporary. You're. Um. Blaine. Well, we don't know."

            "Doctor? Isn't being temporary a very good thing?" Kurt finally felt hope.

            "Yes, of course." David smiled. "But, temporary could be anything from an hour to fifty years. And on top of that, when he does wake up, it's not for sure if his memory will still be intact. He could be a completely different person."

            Kurt frowned. Just like that all of that newfound hope had disappeared for the second time that night.    


End Notes: Update soon! Review please :) Tell me your thoughts :)


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