A Place Called Home
A Place Where It Hurts Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Place Called Home: A Place Where It Hurts

T - Words: 1,382 - Last Updated: Jul 23, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 16, 2012 - Updated: Jul 23, 2012
1,148 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: This on has serious angst. There is homophobic slurs in this chapter, so just be aware of that. Thanks for reading though! :)


             "Blaineeee." Kurt quietly moaned as he pushed Blaine back.

             "Yeah, babe?" Blaine mumbled as he kissed Kurt's neck.

             "Maybe we should watch the movie."

             "What, why? I'm having too much fun."
             "I know. I am too. Trust me. I am really enjoying this."
            "Then what's the problem?" Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear. He began to nibble on it and Kurt quietly moaned again.



             "There is a group of guys over there, I doubt they want to see this."
             "Since when did we start caring about what other people think of us?" Blaine had pushed back from Kurt. He had managed to keep his voice at a whispered level, but the tension and hurt was evident in his voice. "If you don't want to make out, all you have to do is say so, Kurt. You know that."
             "Blaine!" Kurt struggled keeping his voice down. "I love you, and I want to do that with you. But, those guys keep looking. I don't think they like it. I don't want to cause anything."
             "Kurt, babe. You have to get over it. Face it, people do not care as much as we think they do."
             "I hope you're right Blaine." Kurt whispered as he leaned into Blaine and gently pressed his lips against his boyfriend's (maybe soon to be fiancé's).

"Oh by the way I love you too." Blaine whispered as he kissed Kurt again. "More than you know."



"Well that was a pretty good movie." Blaine smiled as he winked at Kurt.

"Yeah I would have to agree." They were just exiting the theater, the movie hadn't actually ended yet, but Kurt and Blaine had decided to get out before so they could avoid the group of guys and get to dinner at a reasonable time.


             "I love you."

             "Ha." Kurt smiled. "What brought that on?"

             "You're just too perfect, I can't believe you are all mine."
             "Well you best believe it, because I'm yours for life."
              "Really?" Blaine snickered. Kurt's face froze. Not because he was afraid that Blaine had caught on to his plan to propose later tonight, but because the group of guys had followed Kurt and Blaine out of the theater.

"Kurt? What-." Blaine looked over his shoulder and saw the group. "Oh. Kurt don't worry. You just need to stop worrying." Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and squeezed it as they began to walk to their car.

As they were walking down the oddly deserted street, shouting from behind them began to emerge. Kurt's head flung around as he heard men voices shout "Fags," Over and over again.

           "Just ignore them Kurt. We're almost to the car." Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand again, but he himself began to walk a lot faster to the car. But it was too late. The group of guys had already begun to run towards them. There was no way to escape and Blaine knew. Kurt was shaking and froze. Blaine tried to get him to move, but Kurt stayed. He was frozen in fear. Blaine decided he had to do something when the group was merely ten feet from him and his boyfriend.

          "Hey guys." Blaine said. "Did you like that movie?"
           "Shut up fag." The blond in the middle said this, but the others were adding their own homophobic slurs.

           "Well," Blaine began, "It was nice meeting you, but we should probably be going." He grabbed Kurt's hand and began to tug him towards the car. The brunette boy next to the blond grabbed Kurt's wrist and pulled them back.

"You're not going anywhere," the brunette snickered, "at least not till we teach you a lesson."

            "For what?" Blaine asked. "What have we done to offend you?"
            "Shut up homo." This time the blond talked. "See we would expect a guy like this," the blond continued and pointed to Kurt, "to be a fag, but see you here you have too much of a straight face to be gay."

            "Too much of a straight face?" Blaine questioned as he tried to walk away, but the brunette had a tight grip on Kurt's wrist. Kurt was paralyzed in fear, and Blaine was pretty sure Kurt couldn't leave right now even if they guy wasn't holding his wrist.

            "Yeah. See guys like this one are destined to be gay. But you, you must of chosen to be gay. You like being a fag. And we don't like that. So we should probably teach you a little lesson." As the blond finished he grabbed something out of his pocket. Blaine saw it glimmer in the moonlight and realized it was a knife. Blaine gulped.

            "Please just let us go." Blaine said, "We're sorry if we offended you."

            "Offended us? You're an abomination. You two fags were going at it," he looked disgusted by the mere thought, "while we were just trying to watch a movie. You two asked for it." The blond walked up to Blaine and slide the knife up and down his face.

            Kurt couldn't take it anymore, he had to do something. "Stop! Please just let us go."

            "You should of thought of that before lady-face." The brunette holding Kurt's wrist let go of it and kneed Kurt in the groin.

            "No!" Blaine shouted as tried to fight off the brunette, who had begun to kick Kurt in the stomach, as he lay limp on the floor.

            "SHUT UP!" The blond said as he pushed Blaine to the floor. Blaine tried to fight but he was fighting alone again five angry, homophobic guys. He didn't stand a chance. He was just a little guy, and even if Kurt wasn't lying on the ground, he wouldn't want Kurt to try to save him, he would just get hurt. He never wanted Kurt to get hurt. Oh to think that this was going to be the night Blaine was going to ask Kurt to marry him. Yeah, he wanted to stay at the apartment to ask Kurt, but Kurt wanted to go out. This whole thing was his fault though, he should have listened to Kurt, and he should of stopped fooling around with him. All he could think of was Kurt, and he was getting the crap beat out of him, and how he hoped the guys would not touch Kurt again. Just beat him, leave the perfect boy alone. He was going places.

            The sound of Kurt moaning out of sheer pain made Blaine want to fight again. Made him want to try to save Kurt. But there was no hope. The blond stabbed Blaine by his rib and Blaine became limp on the floor.
            "Shit man. What did you do?" The brunette asked the blond.

            "It had to be done." The others nodded in agreement.

            "Whatever." The brunette replied, "Let's get out of here before the cops show up." Blaine could hear the sound of the guys footsteps run away, and all he could think of was Kurt. Kurt, was he okay? He couldn't barely breath but he managed to whisper, "Kurt. Kurt."

            "Blaine!" Kurt cried as he crawled over to where Blaine was. "Oh Blaine, Blaine."

            "Is it bad?" Blaine gasped.

            "I'm calling 911 Blaine. Just please stay with me, okay? Please try, please Blaine. I can't live without you, I need you."
            "911, what's your emergency?"
            "I was just attacked, and my boyfriend, he got stabbed. I think he is going to loose consciousness, please, please help." Kurt cried.

            "What's your location?"

            "We are on the street right next to the theater in downtown."

            "Authorities are on their way. Just try to keep him talking, don't let him slip into unconsciousness."
            "I'm trying." Kurt pleaded.

            "They're getting there as fast as they can"
            "I know." Kurt hung up and began to cry over Blaine. "Blaine. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry. Please stay with me. I love you so much Blaine. I can't live in a world without you. Please stay here with me. I need you." Kurt sobbed.

            Blaine gasped, "Kurt."

            "Blaine?" Kurt sobbed.

            "I." Gasp. "Love," gasp. "You."

            "I love you too Blaine."
            Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand as he lost consciousness.     


End Notes: New chapter soon! Review please!


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Wow, great chapter. Can't wait for a new one. :)