A Place Called Home
A Place Of Talking Previous Chapter Story
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A Place Called Home: A Place Of Talking

T - Words: 1,223 - Last Updated: Jul 23, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 16, 2012 - Updated: Jul 23, 2012
642 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Mostly dialouge, though most of mine are mostly dialouge.Anyway, I will be trying to update at least once a week until this is done, which I'm thinking like ten new installments after this?Thanks for reading lovelies! :D



"Hmmm." Blaine sighed as he awakened from his sleep by the angelic voice he heard.

"Baby, can you wake up? I need to talk to you about something."

"I love hearing you talk, Kurt. Really, I do. But I'm sleepy." Blaine mumbled as he shoved the back of his head into the pillow. He heard Kurt laugh and gently shake his shoulders. Blaine hissed at the touch and tried to push Kurt away. Kurt then giggled, and Blaine felt Kurt's weight on the bed. Kurt began to straddle Blaine, as he kissed his forehead, cheeks, eyelids, nose, and finally his lips. Blaine groaned out of pleasure and bucked his hips up. Kurt giggled against Blaine's lips and picked himself up and got off the bed.

"Okay, Kurt. I'm up, I'm up. Come back here please." Blaine sat up and stretched his arms out, in an attempt to find Kurt, because he eyes were still very heavily sleep-laden. He heard Kurt snicker to the right of him. Blaine took his fists and began to rub at his eyes, "Kurt, you aren't being fair."

"Why would you say that?" Kurt said innocently.

"You can't kiss me like that, and leave!" 

"I can so. And you think it's hard on you!? I've been in a fully conscious dryspell for three months! No Blaine loving for me for three months!" Kurt joked.

Blaine groaned, "Well I'm up now! Come on! Let's end the dryspell baby!

Kurt laughed as he shook his head, "You have no idea how much I would like to take you up on that offer, but Alison said no sex for a few weeks."

"That's not fair! You're too good looking! No sex for a few weeks! We haven't not had sex for a few weeks since before we even started having sex!"

"That's not true. I'm almost four months with no sex, so are you."

"That's not the same. This isn't fair."

"I know, baby. But we have to make sure you're compleltely healthy before any funny business happens."

Blaine groaned and decided to switch the subject "What time is it anyway?"

"It's five in the morning."

"Why in the world did you wake me up if it wasn't to have sex?"

"I told you silly, I need to talk to you!" Kurt laughed as he leaned over to kiss the tip of Blaine's nose.

"Are you going to tell me why I can't remember?" Kurt's laughing halted, and he answered in a almost hushed tone.

"Alison has to be here when I tell you."

"I just want you to tell me."

"I don't want, ugh, just trust me on this okay, Bla?"

"Whatever you say." Blaine said sarcastically as he fluttered his eyelashes, making Kurt's heart skip a beat.

"I've missed you so much, Blaine."

"I'm here now."

"You were always here." Kurt whispered.

"Not mentally." Blaine mumbled as he looked down at his hands.

"Don't you dare do that, Blaine. Don't you dare." Kurt scolded at Blaine.

"Do what?" Blaine tried to feign his innocence.

"You know exactly what mister. We've been together for four years, and you don't think I know when you feel guilty?" Blaine miserably shook his head, "I'm sure whatever happened to get me in here was my fault. It's always my fault."

Kurt shook his head and leaned in to Blaine and whispered, "You're only fault is loving me too much."

Blaine snickered and shook his head, "That's not a fault, Kurt. But, what do you mean?"

"Remember the last time you were in the hospital?"

"You mean senior year? When I jumped in front of the tainted slushie?"

"That would be the time." Kurt nodded sadly.

"What's that got to do with this? Did Sebastian come back?"

"Oh, no, no." Kurt paused and bit his lower lip.

Oh what Blaine wouldn't do to be the one biting Kurt's lower lip right now, he is trying to listen to Kurt but, come on. Kurt woke him up my friggen' straddling him, and he is only twenty, so of course it's normal for him to wake up with an erection, that only grew with that straddle. Damn it Blaine. Listen to Kurt.  

"Wait. Can you repeat that?" Kurt nodded, apparently too distracted by what he was saying, to hear the desire in Blaine's voice.

"I said, You jumped in the front of the tainted slushie to protect me."

"Am I here because I tried to protect you again?"

"Yeah."  Even with just the one word, Blaine could hear, see, hell, he could even taste the guilt that Kurt was conveying.

"This is NOT your fault, Kurt. I don't know what happened, but This. Is. Not. Your. Fault." Kurt nodded. "Repeat it, Kurt. Say, this is not my fault, Blaine."

"This is not my fault, Blaine."

"Good." Blaine smiled, "Now, kiss me." Kurt giggled and leaned over and kissed him. Blaine hummed in contentment, but leaned back and asked Kurt the question he'd been wondering since he found out it was five in the morning.

"Kurt, why are YOU here at five in the morning? Shouldn't you be home, you know, sleeping?" The smile faded from Kurt's lips as he shook his head. Blaine saw a tear fall begin to form on his left eye.

"Babe? What's wrong? Please, Kurt. Please tell me you've been sleeping. I know how you worry sometimes, but please tell me you've still been living since I've been here."

Kurt smiled as he said, "How could I live, when my reason for living was stuck in here?" Blaine just had to, he had to, grin at that.

"Kurt. Tell me."

"I haven't really slept at our apartment since the accident, it was just too much."

Blaine nodded as he asked, "Where have you been sleeping?"

"Here. But sometimes Alison would make me go home, so I would grab some clothes from the apartment and stay with Finn and Rachel."

"How about since I've woken up?"

"It's been two days Blaine. And yesterday, you were screaming at me that I was cheating on you. I don't even know where you got that idea."

"I was just confused, I'm still confused. And I'll take that as a no?"

"It'll make sense soon, I promise." He reached out and grabbed Blaine's hand, and interlocked their fingers. They both smiled at the sight, "And no, I haven't been to the apartment. I sleep here.

"How have I not noticed that?"

"It's been two nights Blaine, and one you spent confused that I was cheating on you."

"Shut up." Blaine huffed. Kurt snickered and placed a kiss on Blaine's cheek.

"I've missed you so much, Blaine."

"I know. I love you."

"I love you, too." Kurt smiled.


"What?" Kurt asked apparently confused.

"What was it you were going to tell me?"

"Oh! Yeah, right. Well uh, Finn and Rachel are coming to visit tomorrow."

"I was wondering when Rachel was coming back. And I'll be happy to see Finn, it might trigger some memory." Kurt smiled and sat on the hospital bed that Blaine was still forced to stay in for three more days. He cuddled up next to Blaine and whispered, "Kiss me." Blaine of course complied happily.

"I know that's not what you woke me up at five in the morning to tell me."

"You know me too well." Kurt nuzzled his face into Blaine's neck and sighed contently.

"Tell me."

"My dad and Carol are coming up to visit you too, I hope that's okay."

"Of course it is." Blaine smiled, and waited for the next part, the actual news, which he was sure, he wouldn't be too happy about.

"I called your parents."

Blaine took a deep breath to calm himself before he spoke.





End Notes: Review? I'll love you forever if you do! :)


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I haven't reviewed in a bit, but I'm so glad you're going to be updating weekly :)Anyway, GREAT chapter. I love that even after all this Kurt still jokes around with him, I can't wait to see them figure everything out.Great Chapter! Thank you! :)