Feb. 29, 2016, 6 p.m.
Feb. 29, 2016, 6 p.m.
Ok, so I have nothing written really past this chapter. I built some things to be worked out in the next chapter and ideas for the end, but the story is unfolding to me as I write and get feedback.
Id love you hear your thoughts as I write the final chapters.
The plan is to have the story finished this weekend. Not sure quite yet, but trying to keep to the pace of at least one chapter a day.
Whoops, forgot the songs earlier. Songs featured in this chapter are:
"Like I Can" by Sam Smoth
"Same Old Love" by Selena Gomez
"Hello" by Adele
It was the day before the wedding and everyone was busy. Kurt spent last week staying busy with the wedding and showing Elliot around town. As much as Kurt tried to avoid his Dad and Rachel, they seemed to be around enough to both give their opinions about him and Elliots relationship in subtle annoying ways. Rachel with her disapproving looks and pouting face and his Dad with the obnoxiously pleasant and welcoming attitude. Every time he patted Elliot on his back, he could practically hear the words in his Dads head say "Enjoy things while they last kid" or "Too bad it wont work out pal." Its like they both were just waiting for the other shoe to drop and declare they were right. He was glad for the lack of privacy though that prevented him and Elliot from being more intimate. He could not get the last night with Blaine out of his mind. The memory of it was ingrained in his very being. He would wake up from dreaming about it with a feeling of utter bliss and then have it quickly slip away into a cold, sinking feeling with the realization that he probably will never feel that complete and happy again. He figured that when they got back to NY he would finally be able to let go and embrace being with Elliot. Being with Elliot definitely took the sting away from missing Blaine, but being in Ohio, with Blaine so near, felt like the ghost of him haunted him at every turn.
Kurt walked into Scandals alone. He was to meet everyone there. Rachel and Elliot were coming together. Kurt came early with the rainbow cupcakes that Brittany requested for the night. The first thing he saw was Blaine sitting with his guitar on stage. Kurts heart ached to go over and just touch him and kiss his soft lips and try to make it all better, but instead he just took a seat near and waited like everyone else for Blaine start.
Like I Can
(Blaine begins to sing and he focuses on the guitar)
He could be a sinner, or a gentleman
He could be your preacher, when your soul is down
He could be your lawyer on a witness stand
But hell never love you like I can, can
He could be a stranger you gave a second glance
He could be a trophy of a one night stand
He could have your humour, but I dont understand
Hell never love you like I can, can, can
(Blaine looks up, sees Kurt and sings directly to the man that this song was for)
Why are you looking down all the wrong roads?
Mine is the heart, the soul for your soul
There may be lovers who hold out their hands
But theyll never love you like I can, can, can
Hell never love you like I can, can
(Blaine continues to looks into Kurts eyes and the words of the song gets his heart pumping faster as Blaine slows his voice and sings achingly)
We both have demons that we cant stand
I love your demons, like devils can
If youre still seeking an honest man
Then stop deceiving, Lord please
Why are you looking down only one roads
Mine is the heart, the soul for your soul
There may be lovers who hold out their hands but
Hell never love you like I can, can, can
As Blaine sings the last line, Kurt resists the urge to run over, grab him and kiss him fiercely. He didnt understand what Blaine was doing, but he was not going to let him break his resolve. They both made a decision and they had to stick to it, right?
He notices Rachel and Elliot walk in and he wipes his eyes fast and puts on a fake smile. Blaine notices Kurts actions and takes down the shot of whiskey he had by his chair and singles to the waitress for another.
Rachel walks over with her arm linked with Elliot and he gave her a questioning look. "Since when did she get chummy with him," he thought to himself. He would have to be sure to pull her aside later. The last time she looked that content is when she deviously sent her competition at Glee, Sunshine Corazon, to that crack house.
"Hey El, I hope Rachel hasnt fed you any poison apples or anything," he says as he gives him hug.
Elliot give him a small smile and holds his hand.
"Believe me she tried, but the Queen has bigger plans."
Kurt gives him an inquisitive look, but he just squeeze his hand and shake his head to tell him to forget about it.
Santana and Brittany come in and the party begins. The drinks start to flow and a few of them get up to dance. Elliot grabs Kurts hand during a fast song and take him to the floor to dance. Blaine sits back and watches them. He takes in how great they seem to move together and notices when Elliot kisses Kurts neck. He takes down another shot.
"So what are you New Yorkers planning to do when you return to NY?" Brittany asks when they are all back at the table as she sits on Santanas lap feeding her a cupcake.
"Well, Im going back for another week to clear out what I have left from the apartment and then I am back onset in Los Angeles. Kurt, we never talked about what you were going to do after your lease is up at the end of the month," Rachel says as if she just remembered the fact.
"Hell move in with me" Elliot says with a big smile.
"Wouldnt you like that baby," Elliot says as he reaches for his hand. Kurt freezes as the blood from his face drains.
Kurt had no idea where this was coming from. Elliot seemed to be extra affectionate all night and now this. He really did not know what to say. He really did not have a plan and guessed if he was trying to make it work with Elliot that maybe this was the right next step.
"I guess," he says tentatively. He nervously glances over at Blaine. "Maybe we can talk about it later," he says in a lower voice, hoping to put an end to the conversation.
"Well, I think you have been running away from me too long. Id like to see you try when I get you all to myself," he says as he leans in and gives a seductive a kiss.
Kurt notices Rachel cover a giggle behind her napkin and wonders what the hell is wrong with her. He was definitely going to have to kill her if he survives this night.
Blaine is now seething in his seat. He gets up and request a song from the band and begins to sing. By this time he is a little tipsy and a little uncoordinated.
Same Old Love
(Blaine looks directly at Kurt)
Take away your things and go
You cant take back what you said, I know
I dont believe, I dont believe it
You left in peace, left me in in pieces
Too hard to breath, Im on my knee
Right now, ‘ow
(Blaine walks to the table and dance around each person as he sings)
Im sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me up
Im so sick of that same old love, my bodys had enough
Oh, (that same old love)
Oh, (that same old love)
Im so sick of that same old love, feels like Ive blown apart
Im so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heart
Oh, (that same old love)
Oh, (that same old love)
(When Blaine gets in front of Kurt he stops and looks at him at he sings. Theres no question to the room who the song is directed to)
Im not spending any time, wasting tonight on you
I know, Ive heard it all
So dont try to change your mind
‘Cause I wont be changing too, you know
Blaine continues his song and move back towards the stage. He finishes the song and drops the mike in true diva fashion. He returns to the table that is filled with shocked faces and waves to the waitress for another shot. It is quiet until Santana finally breaks the silence.
"Oh snap, well, you do you Blainey" and clinks her glass with his.
Kurts had enough. Hes not sure what the hell is wrong with everyone tonight, but Blaine, hes not sure what game he is playing but if he thinks he is the only one who can sing their heart out hes got another thing coming to him. He was done hiding his feelings, damn it whoever was around. Kurt marched to the band and made a request. As the song begins, he stands with determination and fire in his eyes.
The piano start to play and the song that begins seems to sober Blaine up in an instant. He whispers to himself, "No, he wouldnt, not Adele, that son of a bitch."
(Kurt looks at Blaine and sings with as much passion as he ever did)
Hello, its me, I was wondering
If after all these years youd like to meet to go over everything
They say that times supposed to heal, yeah
But I aint done much healing
Hello, can you hear me?
Im in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
Ive forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet
Theres such a difference between us
And a million miles
(Kurt channeled all his power and feeling to his voice as he can and leaves chills on everyones skin. He grips the mic like its a lifeline)
Hello from the other side
I mustve called a thousand times
To tell you Im sorry, for everything that Ive done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that Ive tried
To tell you Im sorry, for breaking your heart
But it dont matter, it clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore
Hello, how are you?
Its so typical of me to talk about myself, Im sorry
I hope that youre well
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened?
Its no secret
That the both of us are running out of time
So hello from the other side
I mustve called a thousand times
To tell you Im sorry, for everything that Ive done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that Ive tried
To tell you Im sorry, for breaking your heart
But it dont matter, it clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore
Ooh, anymore
Ooh, anymore
Ooh, anymore
(Tears were falling from Blaines eyes by now and he was not the only one. Rachel was particularly bawling, even Santana wipes a tear or two from her eyes. It was all like High School again when Kurt sang Whitneys "Nothing, if I dont have you." Everyone looked at Blaine like he should do something and he just sat there crying as Kurts words melted his heart)
Hello from the other side
I mustve called a thousand times
To tell you Im sorry, for everything that Ive done
But when I call you never seem to be home
(Kurts tears could now be seen as he sang his heart out, just to Blaine. His shining blue eye looks like blue fire. His hands gestures would put Copper Anderson to shame)
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that Ive tried
To tell you Im sorry, for breaking your heart
But it dont matter, it clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore
Kurt lets go of the mic stand and there was a brief moment of silence, until the whole bar erupts in applause. Kurt walks out of the bar without looking at anyone. Blaine gets up and races after him.
Kurt walks out to the parking lot. He has his back to Blaine as he approaches.
Kurt turns around when he notices him.
"Blaine, look..." Before he gets to finish Blaine grabs him and kisses him fiercely almost in desperation. Kurt kisses him back equally as passionate, until they both come up for air.
Blaine steps back and looks at Kurt, before he speaks, they both look over as Elliot appears at the door.
Kurt looks between the two men and doesnt know what to say.
Blaine cant take the silence and the look of conflict in Kurts eye. He turns and takes off down the street and faintly hears Kurt calling after him as makes his way out of sight.