Chapter 1 : Have We Met Before? Next Chapter Story
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April 27, 2012, 10:29 p.m.

Borrowed.: Chapter 1 : Have We Met Before?

T - Words: 1,213 - Last Updated: Apr 27, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Apr 21, 2012 - Updated: Apr 27, 2012
827 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: So this is my first fic, mind dropping by my tumblr and share your thoughts? Pretty please? :)


September 9, 2010 8:16PM

Blaine loves the wind in his hair. The feel of the track beneath his feet. The sweat beads that run through his entire body. He loves every bit of it. He has been running ever since he started high school. Never imagined he’d bag seven gold medals when he graduated. Now, Blaine runs for the sake of running. He could think of everything when he’s running, peaceful and gives the jolt of adrenaline rush at the same time. And when he sprints for the final lap, it almost feels like he’s flying.

Out of breath, he heads to his bag and grabs his towel. Sweat dripping all over his face and arms. But as he wipes his  face, he feels a sudden thump in his chest. With that, Blaine Anderson falls to the ground, gasping for air, and.. everything goes dark.

“Blaine! ”

                The sound of wheels, people communicating words he can’t comprehend, his father’s voice. Everything was a blur. Blaine wanted to open his eyes, to tell his dad that he was fine. But he can’t. The throbbing in his chest forces him to lie still. The pain? Excruciating.

                “Blaine.. son. We got a donor. You’re going to be fine, you hear me? Make it out of the surgery. You will have a strong heart soon. I love you.”


A year later.

                At  the Smythe’s residence.

                “Quinn! Stop playing and go help set the table. We’re having guests over!” yelled Diana. Looking at Diana, you’ll never realize she’s already in her late 40s, and mother of 2. “I’m coming mom!” the seven year old Quinn, with her locks of lush blonde hair came to her mother’s side. Kissed her mother and smiled as she went to get the spoons and forks from the drawer.

                After setting up the table, Quinn looks at her mom with her innocent emerald eyes and says.. “Mom.. should I call him?” Diana takes a moment and nods. Quinn playfully runs out the kitchen, towards the backyard where she saw him sitting on a chair thinking of something. The sad look in his eyes never left ever since a year ago. Quinn hesitates for a moment, bites her lip and finally approaches this depressed person she has known to come and love. “Kurtie!” she says with a smile and sits on his lap.  Kurt Hummel smiles at little Quinn. He strokes her blonde curly hair and sighs. “Kurtie, you’re thinking of him again aren’t you?” Quinn looks up. Kurt sighs. “I just miss your brother so much Quinnie.” Quinn takes Kurt’s hand and squeezes it and whispers. “I miss him too Kurtie.”               Quinn jumps off Kurt’s knee and heads to the kitchen and comes back smiling. “Mommy says he’s coming today!”

                Kurt raises an eyebrow. Confused. “Who?”

                “You know that guy! He’s coming today! He’s almost here!” Quinn delighted so much by the news. She takes Kurt’s hand and tugs him. “Come on, you have to meet him when he arrives Kurtie! Maybe he’s like Sebastian! ” Kurt lets go of little Quinn. To Kurt’s realization and dismay, He didn’t expect him coming today. He really didn’t want to meet him,  but Sebastian’s family was too open to not say Yes when he called the other day. Kurt takes a deep breath and follows Quinn to the kitchen.

                “I didn’t know he was coming today. ” Kurt says to Diana. Diana looks at Kurt with hopeful eyes. “Me neither honey, but he called this morning and said he had to meet us today.” Quinn was jumping up and down. “I’m so excited mommy! I wonder what he’s like!”

                Kurt doesn’t know what to feel about this, He’s not ready to meet him yet! Maybe he doesn’t want to! Kurt wants to go home, before he arrives. He wants nothing to do with him. As Kurt gets up from his chair, The doorbell rings.

                Quinn, Diana and Kurt look at each other. “I’ll go get your father upstairs.” Diana says to Quinn as she walked out of the kitchen. Quinn nods and grabs Kurt’s hand. “Do you think we’ll like him Kurtie?” Quinn looks at Kurt, with her eyes full of questions. “I don’t know Quinnie, we haven’t even met him yet.” Kurt answers. “What if he doesn’t like us? What if he doesn’t come after today?” Quinn asks with a very worried expression on her face. “Well, if there was ever a person that doesn’t like this little angel..” says Kurt pinching Quinn on the nose. “.. That person doesn’t deserve to know this perfect little girl!” Quinn gives a big hug to Kurt and sits on his lap again. The doorbell rings again.

                Diana and Mark came down the stairs. They looked at each other for one more time, before finally opening the door and letting the stranger in. “Hello.” says the smiling stranger. “I’m Blaine Anderson.” As he offers his hand to shake Diana’s. Diana and Mark can’t help but be awestruck. This person standing in front of them has their late son’s heart. Diana fights the urge to cry. Blaine’s presence reminds her so much of Sebastian. Mark shakes Blaine’s hand, speechless. Diana shakes his hand as well, and goes in for a hug. It felt like she was hugging her baby. Tears rolling in her eyes. “Thank you for coming. I can’t tell you how much this means to us.” Diana says. Oblivious to how awkward Blaine feels.

                “Mommy?” Quinn’s voice echoes from inside the house, curious as to why her mother was hugging a complete stranger. Diana lets go of Blaine, wipes her tears and walks to her daughter. “Honey, meet Blaine.” Quinn stares up the stranger. It only takes a second for her to run and hug his knees. “Sebastian, I missed you!” Quinn cries.  Blaine, still confused, didn’t know what to do.

                Quinn then lets go and grabs Blaine’s hand. “I want you to meet somebody.” She says with the brightest smile. They walk to the kitchen but Kurt wasn’t there. Where could he be? Then Quinn gets an idea, “Come on Sebastian, I know where he is!”  

                Quinn runs to the backyard, and there sitting on the white chair, is Kurt. Quinn hurries to Kurt, with Blaine on hold. “Kurt, look it’s Sebastian!”Quinn says with delight. Kurt looks at the stranger,  he dresses nice, gelled hair, and a bowtie? Definitely not Sebastian. Kurt stands up, hesitates for a bit but finally offers a hand. Blaine takes it, and as soon as their hands touch. Kurt draws his hand back. This can’t be. Why does holding this stranger’s hand feels like holding Sebastian’s?

                “Uhm, I think we got off the wrong track. I’m Blaine Anderson. The one who received Sebastian’s heart. And you are?  ” Blaine says with a cheerful smile. “I.. I’m..” Kurt is speechless. What Blaine just said, it’s just too.. unreal. Quinn speaks up, “Oh.. I’m sorry I called you Sebastian. I’m Quinn! Sebastian’s little sister.” Quinn offers her tiny hand and Blaine shakes it. “Nice to meet you Quinn.” Blaine turns back to Kurt. “And you must be..” “Kurt Hummel. Sebastian’s ex fiancé.”       



End Notes: I got the idea of this fic when I read this. My English teacher also discussed it in class. :)


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Ooooooh, excited for more!

I'm glad you liked it, will update it within the week Thank you! :)