June 1, 2013, 12:26 p.m.
June 1, 2013, 12:26 p.m.
He guided Kurt to the bed, settling him on his stomach and giving him a moment to wriggle around until he was comfortable. Blaine climbed up to sit next to him, slid his fingers under the scarf and tugged a little.
"This still feel okay?" he asked, pausing a moment when Kurt didn't respond. "I need an answer baby."
"Yes," Kurt said finally, simple and quiet and sounding not quite like himself, but it was the response Blaine needed.
"Good. Are you comfortable?"
Another yes, and Blaine smoothed his hands up and down the backs of Kurt's thighs, up over the smooth curve of Kurt's ass and down again. "Can you put that pretty ass up for me, spread your legs?" he said, accompanying his words with a gentle smack to Kurt's hip.
Kurt didn't answer, but his hips rose immediately, knees shuffling as his weight shifted into place.
"Good boy," Blaine said, pleased with his quick compliance. Kurt whimpered.
Blaine took a moment to take in the sight of him, bared and spread, displayed and waiting there like an offering. Just as he'd imagined, the black silk was a lovely contrast to Kurt's skin, pale but flushed, drawing out the color of a few of the ornate flowers.
Slowly, Blaine drug a hand between Kurt's legs, up to grasp and stoke his cock a few times then back down, groaning at the smoothness and weight of Kurt's balls in his hand as Kurt wriggled and shuddered. It thrilled him, the tease of all this, knowing how needy Kurt was and making him wait, letting the anticipation build.
Finally, he ran a finger between Kurt's crack, the pucker of his hole soft and wrinkled and twitching at Blaine's touch. He paused there, maintaining only the barest of contact.
"Is this what you want baby?" He asked, loving Kurt's desperate keen when he pulled his hand away almost immediately.
Kurt was squirming now. "Please..." he breathed out, the sound barely there and taking Blaine by surprise.
"Shhh, no speaking. Not yet. Can you hold still for me, babe?"
This time Kurt didn't answer, but his movement halted, only the slightest tremble remaining as evidence of his effort.
"Thank you," Blaine smiled, bent over to kiss the small of Kurt's back before pulling away completely and forcing himself to wait.
It was as if time itself had stilled with Kurt's body, there were no more sounds aside from the faintest intakes, outtakes of breath. Seconds may have passed or minutes, Blaine wasn't sure, but he knew it didn't matter because he would be the one who decided when it would start again.
Eventually his impatience grew too great, and Blaine leaned forward again, a gentle grasp on Kurt's hip the only warning before he licked.
Kurt came alive in that moment, hips baring back to press himself further against Blaine's mouth, breathless, desperate whining once more leaving his mouth to be partially muffled by his pillow.
Blaine thought about it for a moment, thought about teasing him with little kitten licks, light and fleeting and all over the place and never quite right.
Then he went all out.
He licked deep and long and hard, tongue flat and sloppily. He stiffened the muscle as much as possible, fucking in and out of Kurt's tight, clenching hole, working it open little by little while Kurt all but screamed, his hands twisting and clawing helplessly within the confines of the scarf.
Panting, Blaine pulled away after what must have been several long minutes, blew cold against the wet of Kurt's ass when he could catch enough breath to do it.
"You doing alright, sweetheart?"
Kurt moaned and nodded, a dazed gesture with his face half-pressed into the damp material below.
Blaine smiled at the sight of him, leaning up to sweep sweaty strings of hair back from his face and press a gentle kiss to his cheek before falling back to his knees behind where Kurt's own had slid out a little, still trembling and looking close to a complete collapse.
In one smooth movement, Blaine sunk his middle finger deep.
It took no time at all to work Kurt up to two, but Blaine grabbed the lube at three just to be safe. Kurt was groaning softly, meeting his every thrust greedily, and it was exactly what Blaine had wanted, what he had pictured happening tonight. He knew if he moved just right—if he merely said the words—Kurt would be coming for him in an instant.
He hadn't planned for the flare-up of his own arousal, hadn't thought to consider that he was only twenty, after all, but his body knew better and now it, too, selfishly wanted more attention.
"Do you want more, Kurt?" Blaine asked, purposely sweet and tentative.
Kurt whined, shifting his hips back even harder to meet the next thrust—sweet and perfect and Blaine's, Blaine's to have and take.
He scooted forward and around Kurt's body on the bed, resting his head next to Kurt's and inching close enough to kiss him long and deep. Pulling back, he waited for Kurt's eyes to flutter open—they were almost more green than blue in his haze of lust, speaking volumes of the simplest language of all when they locked on Blaine's own.
And when Blaine had him...