June 1, 2013, 12:26 p.m.
June 1, 2013, 12:26 p.m.
"So," Kurt said casually over dinner one evening. For once he was fairly relaxed; one of his more difficult professors had caught the flu and canceled class for an entire week. "You haven't said yet what you want for your birthday."
Blaine couldn't help but grin down into his plate, hoping Kurt didn't see. "That's because I want something really simple this year, and it won't take much at all for you to find it."
Kurt scoffed. "Really, Blaine? You expect me to buy that from you? Something must be off, because usually you're dropping hints for months in advance about this bowtie or that sweater vest. You'd better spill, or I'm going to get you a scarf. A pretty, silk scarf. With flowers."
Blaine almost closed his eyes at the sudden vision appearing in his head—all the things he could do with a black silk scarf. How the fabric would contrast so sweetly with Kurt's pale skin, and perhaps one of vibrant flowers imprinted on it would match Kurt's eyes, or his blush...
He cleared his plate quickly, stealing glances at Kurt and pleased to note that his attention was still fixed on Blaine. Kurt looked irritable, clearly desperate to know what was on Blaine's mind but too stubbornly prideful to push. When Blaine got up to carry his plate to the sink, Kurt's eyes followed him, and it amused Blaine to no end because Kurt probably thought he was being subtle.
Stepping up behind him, Blaine slid his hands over Kurt's shoulders and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "All I really want for my birthday... is you."
"What a line, Blaine Anderson!" Kurt said indignantly, but Blaine could see the smile he was trying to hide.
"Completely serious," Blaine countered, making his way around the table with his palms held up in mock defeat. "Did you clear the day?"
"Of course," Kurt said dismissively. "It wasn't easy—the director threatened my part, but it's too late in the game for them to find a replacement. I'm all yours."
"Great," Blaine smiled at him, this time genuine and open. "We've got plans."
Kurt lifted an eyebrow. "Shouldn't I be the one secretly plotting your big day?"
"Yes, well," Blaine fought to keep a straight face, "maybe I just like it when you let me run the show."
"I'm still getting you a scarf," Kurt said obstinately.
Blaine met his eyes, still smiling. "Make it black."
Hmmm, a black scarf sounds very interesting. And the plot thickens!