To Make You Feel My Love
Part Two Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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To Make You Feel My Love: Part Two

E - Words: 816 - Last Updated: Jun 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 29, 2013 - Updated: Jun 01, 2013
182 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review lovelies :-)

Blaine startled awake at the sound of keys jangling loudly as they were tossed onto the counter. Rolling over where he was sprawled on the couch, Blaine saw Kurt in the doorway, ripping off his coat and looking simultaneously pissed and close to tears.

Kurt wasn't one to cry when he was angry, so the affect was startling indeed.

"Baby?" Blaine cleared his throat against the sleep-rasp of his own voice. "Is something wrong?"

Kurt spun to look at him, making a strange sound that was almost a hiss. "When is something not wrong, Blaine?" he snapped.

Blaine merely blinked at him, irritation beginning to rise but he forced it down. His fiancé had a terrible habit of taking his frustrations out where they weren't earned, but he was usually easily redirected if Blaine could keep his own cool. "Unless I'm a part or a cause of the problem, I'd appreciate it if you dropped the attitude," he advised carefully.

Sure enough, Kurt seemed to almost deflate in front of him, his body sagging as if his anger had physically drained. He looked weary now—a familiar sight of late, Blaine thought sadly to himself. "I'm sorry," Kurt said quietly, and Blaine felt his heart swelling with concern and affection.

"Come here," he said, gesturing Kurt forward with his head and shifting into a sitting position on the couch to make room for the other man. "Tell me about it."

Kurt sighed as he approached the couch, dropping onto it and sinking against Blaine's body in one fluid motion. "It's nothing you haven't heard, only more of the same." He groaned, shifting his face so it was pressed into the crook of Blaine's arm. "Why didn't you tell me it would be this hard to juggle the musical and a full course load and my internship at Vogue?"

"Because it's what you wanted," Blaine answered immediately. "And just what part of that would you have given up?"

"I could have turned down the role," Kurt suggested half-heartedly.

"You couldn't. First of all, you're you. Second of all, it's a 'first positive step forward in my Broadway career,' as I recall you saying on multiple occasions to everyone who tried to warn you it would be too much."

Kurt huffed.

"Besides," Blaine continued, smiling in spite of the situation, "the irony of you playing an apostle to Webber's Christ was just too good to pass up."

"Shut up," Kurt said, face reappearing as he pulled back to slap Blaine's arm playfully. "You know Jesus is as gay as I am!"

"Yeah, but you said that Kevin's a Catholic, so that's got to be a little less blasphemous."

"Jesus Christ Superstar is blasphemous by definition, Blaine. Just ask any traditional Bible-thumping Christian."

"I've already had the misfortune of doing so, thanks," Blaine said, wincing as he remembered the time he'd accidently mentioned the play to Kelly, one of his friendlier co-workers. He'd been so desperate to get away after the first twenty minutes of her ranting that he had pleaded constipation, of all things, making a beeline for the bathroom and hiding out there for a good half an hour just to be sure she'd be otherwise occupied by the time he got out.

"So I heard," Kurt said wryly, laughing a little. It was quite a relief to Blaine, given Kurt's previous demeanor.

"I'm sorry things are so difficult for you right now," Blaine said sincerely, hugging Kurt closer to his side. "Why don't you rest for a little while instead of making dinner? I can get us some takeout instead."

Kurt's eyes lit up momentarily before fading again. "Thai would be great right now," he suggested. "But I really need to work on my screenplay. It's due in two days and I haven't started it yet. It might keep me up half the night."

"You need to rest," Blaine protested. "You only have one class tomorrow and rehearsal isn't until six; you'll have time to work on it. Go lay down and I'll wake you up when dinner gets here. You can start on schoolwork after we finish eating."

For a minute Kurt looked like he was gearing up to argue, but Blaine caught his eyes and held his gaze until he saw Kurt's resolve begin to melt away. "Okay," Kurt said finally. "A nap sounds really nice, actually." He smiled a little, leaned over to kiss Blaine quickly before standing up and heading for the bedroom, yawning notably on the way.

Blaine watched him until the door swung shut. Kurt had matured physically quite a bit since Blaine first met him, baby-faced prettiness giving way to a more refined, masculine beauty. But there were times when Kurt was sleepy or sad or vulnerable that he was still so overwhelmingly adorable, and Blaine couldn't help but smile in awe of that fact that he's mine.


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