June 1, 2013, 12:26 p.m.
June 1, 2013, 12:26 p.m.
Kurt sucked in his breath sharply beside Blaine, and it was the only sound between them for several long moments. Finally, Blaine cleared his throat.
"Would you like to start with the things we like, or things we don't like?"
"Things we don't like?" Kurt suggested. "I mean, I guess those would be easier to come up with... although there are things out there that are so much out of the question that I feel ridiculous even mentioning them..."
"Yeah," Blaine said, sensing Kurt's hesitancy. "Maybe things we do like after all, then? Why don't we start with things we've already tried?"
"Sure," Kurt said. But then he fell silent.
"I'm guessing, I mean... you seemed to like last night? Me tying you up?" Blaine was beginning to see that if this conversation was going to happen, he was going to have to push a little.
Kurt blushed. "Yeah, I..."
"What? Kurt, you can tell me anything."
"It's something I've thought about before..." he confessed eventually, not meeting Blaine's eyes.
"Oh." Even though Kurt had already admitted to having some... kinkier fantasies, for lack of a better word, Blaine was still a little surprised by this admission. (And secretly so, so thrilled—he could literally feel a chill run through him the moment he processed Kurt's words). This was, after all, the boy who had been afraid to look at porn. Who still didn't particularly care to look at porn. "So that's something you've... been interested in?" he tried to choose his words carefully. "Even before me?"
Kurt looked down at his hands, distancing himself even further, but he nodded. "I... freaked out about it, for a long time. I wasn't that comfortable with myself sexually to begin with, and then when my thoughts would start to drift towards... that... I was so ashamed. I think I knew that it was related somehow, to the other stuff, and I didn't want it. I tried not to think about it. I tried not to masturbate at all, really, for the longest time, and then I would always give in and I would have to fight to keep my thoughts straight—" he broke off with a laugh, Blaine's own face lighting with a smile at the slip-up. "Well, maybe straight is not the best word for it, just... I tried not to think about those things, but my mind would go there anyway. And then when I did try to look at porn, and I stumbled across it, it was all wrong and it scared me even more..."
"Kurt, you know it doesn't have to be like that," Blaine assured him, taking Kurt's hand in both of his and squeezing it lightly, at last coaxing the other man to meet his eyes. "This doesn't have to be anything you, or we, don't want. This is a good thing, and we'll build it together into something that makes up both happy."
Kurt smiled at him, his eyes a little misty. "Why are you so sweet to me? I'm such a bitch sometimes; I don't deserve it."
"Hey now," Blaine stopped him. "You're hardly ever a bitch to me. And I think you deserve the world, because I love you."
"So you're admitting that you're biased?" Kurt taunted.
"Doesn't matter," Blaine answered amiably. "I'm the Dom, so I get to decide what you deserve."
They both froze, the meaning of Blaine's casual quip fully registering. Had he gone too far? "Kurt, I..."
"You're my Dom," Kurt said, tilting forward so their foreheads were pressed together, eyes locked and breath mingling.
Blaine blinked against the sudden, unexpected well of his own tears. "All yours," he promised.
They fell quiet, their eyes communicating everything that was too much to put into words.
"Well," Kurt said when the moment had passed, voice heavy with forced confidence, hand gripping Blaine's too tightly. "I do like it when my Dom ties me up. And I liked all the pet names you called me last night—but not in public, Blaine Anderson, or I'm putting you over my lap. I like being under you... just, you know, your weight on me," he shrugged, looking away now as his bravery began to falter. "I... I like being on my knees," he said more softly.
"That's good," Blaine squeezed his hand. "That's all good, Kurt, I like those things too."
"When you... restrain me," Kurt continued. "I like the scarves, I like... how the material feels. I don't think I'd like anything harsher. No... rope, or metal, or anything like that..."
"Okay," Blaine said, pulling his hands away to resume taking notes. When he was finished he looked up, finding Kurt's eyes once more. "That feels right for us, anyways. I've always thought you were more suited to... finer things. Pretty things."
"Yes," Kurt sounded breathless, his cheeks flushing for the umpteenth time. "I think we could try... more things like that."
Blaine felt his face heating up too, and he hoped he wasn't reading too much into things as he wrote 'lingerie' in the good column, but Kurt could see what he was doing and made no further comment.
"Is there anything else?" Blaine prompted after a few moments of silence.
"I don't really know about much else," Kurt confessed. "I haven't exactly been open to researching the more physical aspect of all of this."
Blaine nodded. It made sense. "I think we should definitely stick to the softer stuff for now. How do you feel about blindfolds? Or gags?"
Kurt swallowed audibly. "I, umm... I think blindfolds might be nice. Just, not leading me around a whole lot or anything crazy..."
"Of course not," Blaine interrupted.
"As for gags... I could be okay with it, but... nothing that affects my breathing. There was this time at the pool when I was around eleven, and my dad left to go to the restroom, and these boys from my class... they came out of nowhere all at once, and I thought they were going to drown me. The lifeguard either didn't notice or didn't care."
"Kurt, that's awful!" He began writing 'breathplay' in the no column, using all capitals.
Kurt shrugged. "It just scares me, not being able to breathe."
"No wonder," Blaine muttered, pressing his pencil so hard into the paper as he tried to finish the word that the tip broke off. "Damn it!"
"Do you think that's enough?" Kurt asked. "At least to start off with?"
"We can work a lot of it out as we go," Blaine told him. Kurt's hand was suddenly back in his, and Blaine smoothed his thumb over his fiancé's skin, so grateful to be here with him, talking like this. "I just want you to be comfortable, so I can be comfortable."
"Now why does that sound familiar..." Kurt's grin was impish, and Blaine couldn't help but smile in return.
"I've got an idea," he announced, tugging Kurt up off the couch with their joined hands and pulling him along as he headed for the bedroom.
"What?" Kurt questioned, confused but giggling. "Blaine!"
He stopped when they got there, wrapping his arms around Kurt as they stood beside the bed. "Now that we have this stuff worked out, why don't we practice?"
Kurt's face dipped into a frown of contemplation, clearly caught-off guard, but Blaine could feel his own eyes glittering. "Okay," Kurt said finally, sounding reluctant but content. "What do you want?"
Blaine took his mouth, lingering there briefly and then trailing kisses along Kurt's jaw and up to his ear, nibbling at Kurt's earlobe before breathing hot into it:
"Let me make love to you."
Kurt's smile lit up his face, and Blaine basked in the moment—marveling at the strength of their newfound connection, delighting in their shared joy.