June 1, 2013, 12:26 p.m.
June 1, 2013, 12:26 p.m.
The jumbled pleas that poured from Kurt's mouth were shocking—Blaine had heard a lot from him before while in the throes of desire, but nothing like this. Kurt had never been quite this far gone.
Moving back, he hastened the movement of his fingers, slipping in a fourth with only the slightest bit of resistance.
"Look at you take it," Blaine muttered more to himself, watching in awe as Kurt's opening expanded and contracted with each slide of his hand. Even after years together, the intimacy of Kurt's body spreading for Blaine still captivated him every time. "But this isn't what you want, is it?"
"Please..." the word was forced and distinct.
"Tell me, Kurt. I want to hear you say it."
"Want your cock," Kurt mumbled. "Please, Blaine. Fuck me..."
"God, baby," Blaine moaned, pulling away completely and reaching to hastily untie Kurt's hands. "You okay?" he whispered into Kurt's ear when they were free, massaging his arms clumsily.
Kurt flexed, twisting out of Blaine's grip. "Yes."
"Could you hold on to the headboard for me? Yeah, sweetheart... just like that. So good for me."
He was on Kurt now, careful to support most of his own weight, tasting the sweat of Kurt's neck and trailing his mouth and fingers across the pale expanse of his back.
"Don't make me wait," Kurt pleaded. "I can't..."
"Shhh, I've got you..."
Hands caressing Kurt's hips and then gripping too tight, Blaine thrust in hard.
"Kurt," he groaned, head hung and pounding his fiancé's ass. This wasn't going to last long at all and Blaine really didn't care. They almost never started out so forcefully, but this was different, this was new. This time, Blaine wasn't holding back.
"Tell me," he said with some difficulty. "Tell me if it's too much."
Kurt was writhing and making the most animalistic of noises, his hips trying to work back in spite of Blaine's vice-like grip, his knuckles white where he clutched the headboard like an anchor. Blaine knew that it wasn't.
"Fuck, baby..." he was inching closer every second, even more rapidly than he had predicted. Kurt was tight and hot and perfect but Blaine wanted—needed—to feel the other man clenching around him when he came.
Reluctantly relinquishing his hold on one hip (he thrilled inside, because it was obvious there would be marks there—an imprint of Blaine himself, dark and beautiful against the white of Kurt's skin), Blaine reached around to pet at Kurt's stomach. He could feel Kurt's muscles quake, was tempted for a moment to stay there, wait for Kurt to come from the practiced angle of his cock alone.
But patience, at this point, was an impossibility.
Taking a moment to slick his hand in the sweat of Kurt's chest, he finally closed it around the other man's shaft, stroking steady and sure. "Come on, Kurt."
It only took a few moments, Kurt was so strung out—he sobbed as he came, Blaine releasing his hips to allow them to move, frantic and helpless under Blaine's command of his body.
One more hard push into Kurt's heat and Blaine was gone, following Kurt down as he collapsed beneath him, biting into the pale flesh of Kurt's shoulder in the daze of his orgasm. Kurt didn't seem to notice, panting and completely still now save for each desperate intake of breath. As soon as Blaine was aware enough he rolled off of him, shucking the shirt that he was somehow still wearing before twining their hands together between them as their breathing began to slow.
After a time Kurt turned towards Blaine, seeking him out with eyes that were still a little glazed and scooting over to burrow against his body. Blaine held him there, whispering words of praise and peppering his face with kisses as his hand smoothed soothingly through Kurt's hair, down over his back and lower.
"Baby, we should really get you cleaned up..." he told Kurt gently, reluctant to abandon him in this state even long enough for Blaine to grab a damp washcloth.
Kurt whined his protest, clutching feebly at Blaine's shoulders and arms.
"Shhh, it's okay. I'm coming right back, alright?" Pressing one last kiss to Kurt's forehead, Blaine pulled away to hurriedly gather the necessary supplies, returning to find Kurt curled into himself, hugging his knees against his chest.
"Hey, I'm back! It's okay." Kurt latched onto Blaine's left arm while he did his best to clean them, wincing at the damp spot on the bed and deciding to pull the sheet up to cover it for the time being. There was no way he was getting Kurt to move—not even long enough to change the sheets.
Finally, exhausted himself, Blaine turned off the lights and got them settled into bed, the space between their bodies nearly non-existent. "You were wonderful tonight, sweetheart," he said into Kurt's hair, kissing the tip of his nose. "Best birthday ever. I love you so much."
Kurt would have answered, Blaine knew, but he was already fast asleep.