Jan. 25, 2013, 4:09 p.m.
Jan. 25, 2013, 4:09 p.m.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…"
"What are you doing?" Kurt asked rolling onto his back and turning his head so he was looking at Blaine as he lay next to him. The soft grass underneath Kurt tickled his face and he smiled softly breathing in the fresh night air of the meadow and the sycamore tree.
"Counting the stars," Blaine said with a soft smile. His tongue poked out of the side of his mouth as he stared intently at the star ridden night sky.
"Why?" Kurt asked with an endearing smile at his boyfriend. He was too adorable for words, and it made Kurt want to kiss him. Blaine didn't answer, but continued staring at the sky, obviously switching from counting out loud to inside his head. Kurt sighed softly and turned his gaze from Blaine up to the sky, reveling in its star blazed completeness.
There was so much out there, it made Kurt feel as small as it did large. Earth was but a small planet among billions of flaming suns, but at the same time, none were as unique as this small bundle of dirt. And none of them had Blaine Anderson on them.
"I count to help me organize my thoughts," Blaine finally answered. "It's a technique Cooper showed me when I was younger. When the world gets too much turn your heart to the stars, they'll always help you find your way again."
"Then why count them?" Kurt asked with interest. "Why not just pour your heart out?"
"Because you don't need to," Blaine said with affirmation. "Counting helps make order in whatever chaos is going on in your life right now. Emotions are confusing and voicing them, it just adds more confusion to the mix. Stars bring order to an order-less world."
"Huh…" Kurt said thoughtfully.
"You don't agree," Blaine said. It wasn't a question; he could feel the contradiction rolling off of Kurt on waves.
"It's not that I don't agree, I mean if it works for you it works."
"I just don't think ignoring your emotions is a good way to deal with them," Kurt said shrugging as much as he could with his back on the ground. "I mean we were given them for a reason right? Why suppress such beautiful things?"
"I envy you if you think emotions are beautiful," Blaine said, his gaze never leaving the heavens. Kurt paused, swallowing thickly around the sudden lump in his throat.
"You don't think emotions are beautiful?" He asked in a strange mix between weak hurt and angry.
"They can be," Blaine answered seemingly oblivious to Kurt's sudden meltdown. "But more times than not they just hurt and cause unnecessary problems."
"What…what about love?" Kurt asked quietly turning to look back at Blaine. "Is love worth the trouble to you?"
"I… love is a dangerous thing." Blaine said in reply shaking his head in an almost imperceptible movement.
"That didn't answer my question," Kurt replied rising off of his back onto his left arm so that he could properly face Blaine from above. "Is love worth the trouble to you?"
Kurt and Blaine locked eyes. Blaine's were almost unreadable and it was throwing Kurt off since Blaine had eyes like a puppy. Big, brown, and could communicate paragraphs without saying a word. The stoniness was unexpected and if Blaine didn't answer how he needed him to, Kurt wasn't sure how he'd handle it.
Blaine blinked as he stared into Kurt's deep blue eyes, not understanding the swirl of emotions there. Was he trying to say what he thought he was trying to say?
"Love is many things," Blaine started, staring into Kurt's eyes. "But the one thing it always is, no matter what, is worth the trouble."
A small smile spread across Kurt's face and he leaned in and kissed Blaine's lips tenderly. "I glad you think that," he said softly, lips brushing against Blaine's. "Because I think I might be—"
"Wait," Blaine interrupted suddenly, sitting upright and holding Kurt's shoulders, keeping the pale boy at an arms distance away. "Don't…are you…don't finish that sentence unless you are one hundred percent sure."
"Blaine?" Kurt reached out a hand slowly, and cupped Blaine's face. The shorter boy was breathing heavily and was avoiding Kurt's gaze like he had a weeping angel in his eyes.
"I...I just…" he started stumbling over his words. The usual dapperness was gone, replaced by a crippling uncertainty. "Do you mean it?"
Kurt's eyes searched Blaine's face carefully before answering. "Yes," he said unable to help the grin that started to spread across his face. Gripping Blaine's face so that he was forced to look at him, Kurt said with supreme and total honesty; "Blaine Anderson, I love you."
Blaine's lips were suddenly on Kurt's as he pulled the pale boy into a deep and passionate kiss. His hands wove around Kurt's shoulder and rested on the back of his head, getting tangled in his soft caramel locks. Kurt, surprised by the sudden barrage on his face, breathed out into Blaine's mouth. But Blaine seemed to inhale Kurt's breath, pulling him in even deeper. Kurt couldn't help but melt into the kiss and wound his arms around Blaine's waist pulling him closer. Blaine gave in to the unsaid command, slowly lowering Kurt to the ground without breaking the kiss. He laid half on top of him, their legs tangled and half their chests touching before he finally broke the kiss, panting heavily. He didn't move far, his mouth was mere millimetres from Kurt who was trying to catch his breath.
Blaine looked up at Kurt with hooded eyes, amazed that he had earned the love of somebody so beautiful inside and out. Kurt felt Blaine's gaze on him and he looked down to meet it. A soft smirk played on the corners of his now kiss swollen lips.
"So I should take that as an 'I love you too' right?"
Quick as a whistle Blaine straddled Kurt who looked surprised at the sudden turn of events. "Kurt Elizabeth Hummel," Blaine said. "I love you more than anything in the world." Kurt smile shone brightly, and he wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck pulling him in for another, more chaste kiss.
"You don't know how much it means for me to hear you say that," Kurt said when they parted, biting his bottom lip. "I…God I love you Blaine."
Blaine smiled sweetly, kissing Kurt's nose. "I love you," he said kissing Kurt's forehead. "You beautiful," he kissed his left cheek. "Sweet," he kissed his right cheek.
"Compassionate," he kissed his chin. "Gorgeous," Blaine unwound Kurt's hands from behind his neck and kissed the underside of his right wrist. "Enchanting," his left wrist, "Man."
A tingle of pure bliss filled Kurt's entire person and he was sure he'd never felt happier than he had in this single moment.
Blaine took Kurt's hands and kissed each of his fingers softly. "Do know," he said his voice alive with pure unadulterated honesty. "That I will be yours for as long as you will have me."
"I hope forever isn't too long for you," Kurt said with a sly smile. "Because I plan on keeping you around for a very long time."
Blaine smiled and slid his fingers in between Kurt's so that their hands were intertwined. He rested their hands on the ground as he leaned in to kiss Kurt again basking in the feel of his soft lips, in his scent, in the feeling of his presence. Blaine was so far gone. He loved Kurt to the point that it physically hurts to think about. It was true that he had only known the boy for a month and a few weeks, but when they spent basically every single day together it felt like so much more than that. He had showed all of himself to Kurt, and he hadn't run away scared at the broken mess he was. Kurt had embraced him, and cared for him, and loved him like nobody in his life had. Kurt was everything, and that was a scary thought. With a content sigh, Blaine rested his head against Kurt's chest, un-straddling him, but tangling their legs together again as he lay down next to the porcelain boy, every part of him touching a part of Kurt.
"I love you," he breathed happily.
Kurt giggled. "I don't think I'll get tired of hearing that," he said with a smile.
"Good," Blaine said nodding. "Because I won't get tired of saying it."
Kurt wound his arm around Blaine's waist and the other played lazily with his hair, twirling the curly strands around his slender fingers. Blaine listened to Kurt's gentle heartbeat as they both lapsed into silence, not needing to say anymore.
Both boys knew they were loved, they could feel it in the air, see it in each other's eyes. Blaine looked up at the night sky and at the star's twinkling down at him, and for the first time since he was nine years old, Blaine didn't feel the need to count them.
Stacey paced the kitchen. Her hands were fervently rubbing together as her head shook slightly. If Kurt didn't know better he was sure she was mumbling to herself as well. Her tears had subsided, but she hadn't said a word for half-an-hour, and yes, the pizza guy still hadn't come yet.
Kurt was waiting for her to speak, giving her time. But her pacing was starting to make his head spin. He opened his mouth to speak but cut off by Stacey whirling around, her eyes bright with determination.
"Ssh," she said. "It's okay…I'm okay. I'm done with…this." She gestured to her entire being. "I'm not a pussy, we know this. So I need to man up and face my fears."
"Which are…?" Kurt said after a slight pause.
"The truth," Stacey said hopping back up onto the counter. Her legs dangled softly in the air, and her arms gripped the edge of the counter, giving her stress something to hold on to while also keeping her balance.
Kurt watched her carefully. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them. "Cooper," she said without a shake in her voice. "For lack of better word, was my ex-fianc�."
"When is the damn pizza getting here?" Santana grumbled about half-way through the movie. She had gotten off the phone with Wes about twenty minutes ago and she was still pissed. Fucking boys, they couldn't do anything right.
"I don't know," Brittany said sadly from where she was curled up next to the Latina. "But I hope it gets here soon. The magical elves that live in my stomach are starving. Soon the children will die."
"I know baby," Santana said kissing the blonde's forehead softly. She looked to the door that leads to the hallway with contempt. Stacey and the smurf where taking their sweet time too. She had heard that door ring. Maybe they were hiding the food. Santana mentally face-palmed. That was a ridiculous thought. Fuck she was hungry.
Turning awkwardly on the couch, she looked behind her to see outside the massive windows that overlooked the porch. Maybe she would be able to see the pizza guy, open the door, take the pizza, and then beat the jack-ass up for taking so long.
What she saw instead was surprising. There was a man lying down on the porch. She was sure of it. It was dark so all she could see was his silhouette, bet she knew what men looked like.
What the actual fuck?
Brittany felt Santana tense up and looked up at her with her big blue eyes. "Are you okay?" she asked.
"I don't know." Carefully unfolding herself from Brittany, she stood. Everybody looked at her but she just waved her hand in dismissal. "I'm going to take a piss."
She was met with rounds of too much information, and you nasty, and by Brittany she was given a sceptical look. "Don't worry," Santana said with a smile. "I'll be back soon." Brittany's scepticism didn't fade but she leaned back into the couch, watching Santana with uncertainty. Santana blew her a kiss, touched by how well she knew her, before she snapped back to reality and left the room turning left towards the door instead right towards the bathroom. She walked silently, like all her cheerleading had forced her to be able to do. She unlocked the door quietly and debated between leaving it unlocked so that she could get back inside, and locking it behind her. She didn't know who this guy was, so she would keep everybody as safe as possible. Opening it and stepping out, she locked the door behind her. She knew what was doing was slightly stupid but she had razorblades in her hair, plus she had years of cheerleading and kick boxing behind her.
She'd be okay.
Creeping silently up to the man, she stopped at his feet and looked down at the body. He was asleep. Interesting, that means he wasn't a rapist or killer then. They were much too careful to fall asleep on the job. Unless he was faking it to lure her out here. Ignoring the last thought she continued on, thankful that she watched so much Criminal Minds. Was he a hobo? No, he was wearing a Marc Jacobs suit, and considering how easily he slept on the floor in it he must come from money, or he wouldn't disrespect such an expensive suit. Not when there was a swing on the other end of the deck. Who was he then?
Walking over to his head, she looked at his face. He was young, no more than five or six years her senior. He had thick black hair, and stubble littered his strong jaw. He had long black eyelashes that fluttered slightly; he was probably having a nightmare.
Santana stepped back when he opened his eyes. She froze, and he jumped up in alarm, arms out in a defensive stance. Their eyes met and he relaxed almost instantly, Santana was still tense, though she didn't take a fighting stance. If he tried to attack her, she'd surprise him.
"Who are you?" he asked sounding slightly breathless. His heart was still racing.
Santana scoffed. "Who am I?" she asked. "I should be asking you that. Actually, I am. Who the hell are you?"
"I asked you first," the man said with a small smirk.
Santana rolled her eyes; Men. "I'm not going to play games with you," she said with an aggressive smile. "So let's try this again. Answer all my questions before I call the cops on you."
The man's eyes widened for a split second, before he sighed and crossed his legs outing his hands in his pocket. "Okay fine. Whatever. Do I at least get to know your name?"
Santana scoffed again. "No."
"Okay…" the man said shrugging again. "I guess I'll just call you Blaze, because your blazing fire of a personality is scaring the shit out of me."
Santana gave him a weird look and the man just gave a small smile. Damn it all to hell. He was hot. Thank god for Brittany or Santana was sure she'd say or do something stupid.
"So…" the man continued when Santana didn't say anything, "What do you want to know?"
"Who are you?" she asked almost instantly. The man raised a black brow, and held out a hand, taunting her to take it. "Hi," he said with a cocky smile, which really was the only way to explain it. A smile fuelled by confidence that was built on arrogance and a sureness of something inside himself. It was confusing and slightly unsettling; Santana didn't take the outstretched hand and eyed it with contempt. "I'm Cooper Anderson."
"Is that supposed to mean anything to me?"
"I don't know," Cooper said taking back his unshaken head. "Does it?"
"Not really, no."
"Then I guess it isn't."
"Okay then, next question." Cooper nodded in agreement. "Why are you here?"
"Well," he said looking up at the stars for a brief second before looking back at her. "That's a complicated question."
"Which means it probably has an uncomplicated answer."
Cooper laughed at 'Blaze's' answer nodding his head in agreement. "Fair enough," he said racing a hand through his hair. "I guess…I came here to help save my brother."
Cooper sighed. "But shit got complicated."
Santana rolled her eyes at Cooper readjusting the hands on her hips. "Are you really going to make me ask?"
It was Cooper's turn to roll his eyes. He looked Santana up and down before sitting back down again. "Come lay with me," he said stroking the deck beside him.
Santana's eyebrows shot up to her hair. "Bitch puh-lease," she said. "I'm not stupid."
Cooper chuckled. "Right, Blaze still thinks I'm a rapist." Santana's steely gaze didn't waver. "Suit yourself," he said maintaining eye contact as he lay back down. "But I should warn you, with all the questions you enjoy asking, you're going to make this a long story."
Santana rolled her eyes. "I've had to be on my feet throwing girls into the air for ten hours straight. I think I'll be okay unless you bore me to death."
"Ooh," Cooper said with interest. "A cheerleader…" he cocked his head, "or a gymnast." Santana didn't answer. "Okay well then…where was I?"
"You were about to explain why shit got complicated before you tried to seduce me."
"Right," Cooper nodded. "Well one, I wasn't trying to seduce you, and two, things got complicated because of Stacey."
Santana crossed her arm. "What do you know about Stacey?"
Cooper shrugged from the floor, folding his arms under his head. "A lot I suppose, considering I was going to ask her to marry me."
"I'm confused," Kurt said because there was truly nothing else to say. Stacey and marriage did not compute. At all.
"Well we weren't fianc�'s yet," she said as if that clarified anything. "But I found the ring so I knew he was going to ask me."
Kurt just stared at Stacey. She had to be lying, pulling his leg, trying to distract him from who Cooper really was. He wasn't her ex-fianc�; she would have told him that she was almost married once.
"You look angry and confused," Stacey said looking at Kurt who sat with his slender legs crossed in the wooden dining room chair. His expression was nearly unreadable but Stacey had had a lot of practice in uncovering the enigma that was Kurt Hummel.
"You don't think I have a right to be?" he retorted.
"I don't know," Stacey shrugged. "Do you? Because I know I do."
"You need to explain everything. Right now." Kurt ordered. "I…I thought I knew everything about you," he continued sounding bitter and hurt. "But I guess I was wrong."
"Everyone has their secrets," Stacey said with no apology in her voice. "And everybody has their demons. Don't be mad because I've had to uncover mine."
"You should have told me," Kurt shrugged. "That's all."
Stacey rolled her eyes. "Sorry that this wasn't something I wanted to talk about, and I didn't want to add to the weight that was already on your shoulders. It hurts to think about it, saying it out loud only reinforces the fact that it actually happened, and if you can't tell, I prefer to live in denial."
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Friends help friends," he said. "And they listen to friends, and they know friends. If you wanted to tell me you should have, don't worry about if would have affected me. I'm strong, remember?"
It was Stacey's turn to roll her eyes. "Let it go Hun, I didn't tell you. I have my reasons. Don't feel guilty like I know you are. It's not your fault."
"Whatever," Kurt said not believing her at all. He felt like he was being blamed for something he didn't know about, and he felt guilty about not knowing it. He always whined and bitched to Stacey, he was her venting system. Why didn't she think he was hers? Shaking his head Kurt brought his thoughts back to the present. He needed to focus. "Cooper, explain."
Stacey fell silent.
"I will pry this information from your dead hands," Kurt warned.
The southern girl huffed. "I don't know where to start."
"The beginning sounds good," he said. "You already said it would be a long story, I may as well get the extended version."
"Fine…." Stacey closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "As ironic as it seems, I actually met him outside the Lima Bean."
Santana burst out laughing. Like deep, abs inducing, tear jerking, soul laughter. This guy could not be serious.
Cooper sat up looking slightly startled. "Why are you laughing?" he asked. His bewildered expression made Santana laugh even harder.
"Oh my god," she said between gasps for air. "Either you have the wrong Stacey or you are bat shit crazy."
Santana finally stopped and looked at Cooper with dawning realization. "Wait…you're serious?"
"Uh, yeah," he said with sass.
Santana's mouth fell. "Holy shit." She looked back at the door before making the decision to move and sit beside Cooper. "Okay," she said with a small lick of her lips. "You have my attention."
"I'm glad." The sarcasm was thick but Santana ignored it hungry for more information. She couldn't believe it. Stacey, Stacey Morgan the only girl who could rival her in bitchy hilarity had almost gotten hitched to this bonafide sex bomb. There was no way in hell she'd let him go without a really good reason, one that Santana was about to find out. She smiled to herself; sometimes she really loved being her.
Cooper lied down again, and Santana joined him, still sure to leave space between them. Guys always had issues with face to face contact when they talked about their feelings so she indulged him in his strange request. Her eyes met the gorgeous night sky, and her breath caught. When was the last time she'd seen the stars so bright?
"Gorgeous isn't it?" Cooper said with a small smile. "Almost as stunning as Stacey."
Santana repressed a gag. "Okay lover boy, what's the deal. Why aren't you too married right now? You're gorgeous, and I know Stacey, she'd tap and keep your ass."
Cooper sighed placing his hands underneath his head again. He kept his eyes trained towards the heavens not really sure where to begin. "It was my fault really. But to explain I should start from the beginning. I met Stacey outside the Lima Bean."
It was early, like too early. The sun was just rising and the fact that Stacey was awake at all was an atrocity. The fact that she was going out to work for her mother was even worse. What kind of woman made her daughter wake up at the crack of dawn during March Break so that she could work? Farmers, that's who, And was Stacey a farmer? Hell no. Just because she had spent most of her life in Texas didn't mean she was a hick. They had only moved up here because her grandpa was sick, and had needed someone to look after him, while refusing to go to a nursing home which her father hadn't wanted to put him in anyway.
She rolled her eyes as she pulled expertly up into the parking lot. She'd have the first few shifts at the Lima Bean before going back to apartment shopping. She hadn't taken into account how expensive living spaces were these days, and since she was going away to university soon, she needed to have a place to live.
She turned off the engine and stepped out of the car, the brisk morning wind caressed her face and she sighed. It would be hard leaving her parents but at the same time it was only one more month until no more high school! It was ridiculous how much she hated that place, especially now that she was graduating with no childhood friends or even slightly decent people. She sighed again and continued on her way, picking up her purse and the keys to the small caf� her mother had recently bought.
"Oh…hello," she said.
There was a boy sitting next to the door. He had never been here before. Stacey would have noticed because the boy was fine with a capital F. His messy hair was jet black and unkempt. A lovely five o'clock shadow adorned his face and his blue eyes were bright and struck her with a surprising intensity. An acoustic guitar lay across his lap and he played it absent mindedly, its melodic sound carrying through the wind.
"Hi," he said with a smile. "I'm sorry if I scared you."
"You didn't." Stacey corrected. "You startled me is all. I've never seen you around before."
The boy shrugged half-heartedly. "I'm never really anywhere for long." That was odd; he couldn't be a year older than Stacey. A foster kid maybe?
Stacey realized she had to open the store but the boy was sitting next to the door. But she looked ridiculous standing in the middle of the parking lot. Moving with purpose, she walked next to him, and paused so that's he could unlock the door.
Guitar boy looked up at her, his eyes shining underneath his ridiculously long lashes. She looked back feeling slightly awkward. "I suppose I'm obliged to invite you in," she said pulling the door open. "So…" she gestured towards the opening.
The boy just shrugged though, shaking his head. "I can't really afford to buy anything, and just taking up space would be rude."
"It's better than staying out here and blocking the entrance," Stacey stated. "People would think we have hoodlum and not come here."
The boy cocked his head in thought before shrugging. "Fair enough." He got to his feet, resting his guitar against the wall. He brushed off his black jeans before holding out his hand. "I'm Cooper by the way."
"Stacey," she reciprocated taking his hand and shaking it firmly. He let her go and smiled.
"Onwards?" he asked.
He picked up his guitar and the backpack he had with him and followed Stacey into the caf�.
"You knew him when you were in high school?" Kurt asked, finding the fact that Stacey went to high school oddly distressing. Obviously she did but that was another life that he wasn't a part of. It's like when parents tell their children, 'I was a kid once.' All they can think is, 'Yeah well you're not now, and I can't imagine it.' Or as the kid's these days would say, 'pics or it didn't happen.'
As far as Kurt was concerned, Stacey had worked at the Lima for her entire life. It was selfish he knew but he was selfish on his best of days, catching him on worse ones wouldn't be any better.
"That's what I said isn't it?"
"And you weren't at least curious as to why a good looking mad had just shown up at your doorstep?" Kurt asked ignoring Stacey.
"Of course I was," she said. "But I was…I don't want to say shyer but I was less brash back then. If he wanted to tell me it would happen."
"And did it?" Stacey rolled her eyes.
"You play guitar?" Santana asked raising an eyebrow.
"Mm," was Cooper's non-committal response. "I taught my brother how to play too, but he's way better than me now."
"You have a brother?"
"That's what I said."
Santana rolled her eyes. "Older or younger?"
"He's six years my junior," Cooper said glancing at the Latina. She probably knew Blaine but he doubted she'd make the connection between them. Blaine didn't talk about him much so she probably didn't even know he existed.
"How old are you anyway?" Santana asked looking at him and locking eyes. Her eyes scoured his face. "You can't be more than twenty-six."
"I'm twenty four," he said.
"So your brother is eighteen," she said looking back at the night sky. "Interesting."
"Is that your age?" he asked. Probably, But then again Stacey was here too so she could be his age, and if she was he'd believe her. She could definitely pass for it.
"I'm not telling you anything about myself," Santana said with a slight warning in her tone.
"You're eighteen then," Cooper said with a smirk. He felt her tense next to him and he knew she was right.
Santana scoffed though, acting like his guess was wrong. "What happened next?" she asked. "You're a hobo on the street who decides to sit outside the Lima Bean. You meet Stacey who invited you in. Then what?"
Cooper lightly ran his hand through his hair. "I don't know," he said with another non-committal shrug. "Life?"
Stacey had her laptop on the counter as she used her break to scour the internet for new apartments in LA. She had been accepted into UCLA and was going to study psychology there. She had seen enough of the victim's her dad had saved to know that people were sick, and some just needed help recovering. And she wanted to help them. Ever since she was little she'd always wanted to help people.
"Sup, Texas?" Cooper asked leaning against the other side of the counter. His guitar was on his back and his ratty backpack was on the floor.
"Not much Guitar Boy," she said shutting her laptop. "The usual, looking for an apartment that I can afford on my own, but as usual, finding none."
"Well L.A is an expensive city."
"I've realized."
"Why don't you live in the dorms?" Cooper asked.
"Because my scholarship doesn't stretch that far, and dorms are fucking expensive," she said with a shrug. Cooper smiled; she was so sweet, not wanting to ask her parents for more than she needed. It was times like these that Cooper wished he wasn't cut-off. Not because he liked to flaunt his money, but because he'd be able to help her. She deserved it.
"What if you got a roommate?" Cooper asked. "Someone to help pay the rent."
"I don't know anyone well enough to ask them to live with me," Stacey said. "And I doubt any of these cow-tippers are leaving the state so much as going to a higher level of education. God I hate it here. I honestly cannot wait to leave."
Cooper smiled, and shrugged in agreement.
"What about you?" she asked after a brief pause. "What are you doing come summer time?" Stacey had learned little about the mysterious boy in front of her except his age and his name. She also knew his favourite coffee order, movie, and colour. As well as that he had a younger brother and sister who were both musically inclined. Nothing that substantial, which was bothersome because she really wanted to know more about this witty stranger. But whenever she tried to ask him questions he deflected them without her even realizing it.
"I don't know," Cooper said resisting the urge to jump up and sit on the counter. "I'll see where the wind takes me I guess."
"I have to ask," Stacey said readjusting her pony-tail. "Have you finished high school?"
Cooper scoffed. "Yes and no."
"What does that mean?"
"That means," Cooper said shrugging off his guitar and placing it gently on the floor next to his bag. "That I have been trained in all the subjects since the time I could talk. I've been able to read since one and a half, and my grades in school were never below 98%. I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging," he said with a cocky smirk that contradicted his statement. "But I was a made genius."
"So basically you don't have your diploma, but you're super smart," Stacey summarized.
"To make it much less fancy, yeah."
Stacey grimaced, "I don't do fancy," she said. "Too many things to distract from the truth. I'm a plain and simple type a gal."
Cooper nodded, "I'll do my best to remember that."
Stacey nodded her approval, before turning around to grab the cloth off the holder. Wetting it she started cleaning the counter, stopping to nudge Cooper's elbows off.
"So what happens if you can't find a place?" Cooper asked watching her clean and feeling slightly useless, not liking the feeling at all.
Stacey shrugged. "I don't want to think about it. It's kind of not an option for me." Cooper nodded thinking to himself. He had a chance here to do something very stupid. If it worked, well he'd better hope he's made the right choice, and if it didn't he could probably say good-bye to their friendship forever.
"I have a proposition for you," Cooper started albeit a little nervously. "Now this may sound crazy and feel free to stop me anytime, but…I know a guy who might be able to hook you up with a place." Stacey raised a brow. "But the rent would be pretty steep and you'd need a roommate. And I was thinking since I have nothing for me here anymore, and I kind of need a place to stay, I was thinking that possibly maybe, I could stay with you and help you pay the rent and all that jazz."
The last bit came out all in one breath but Stacey understood it. Her eyebrow stayed raised but she took a step back giving Cooper the once over. "What're you playing at Guitar Boy?" she asked with distrust.
Cooper raised his hands, "nothing," he said with a small smile. "I mean I know we don't really know each other—"
"At all."
"At all," Cooper added. "But it seems like I'm the only somewhat friend you have here, and I can honestly say you're mine, or at least the only one who can help me. Well we can help each other. But it was just a suggestion, you know, in case you couldn't find anything."
Cooper's semi-awkward rambling came to a stop so he gave a weak smile taking a step back. "Again just a suggestion…"
Stacey paused thinking, surprised at herself that she was honestly thinking this through. Cooper was obviously a mad man/high school dropout who had nothing better to do than lurk her coffee shop all day. Yet he was sweet, and kind, and really obviously smart, plus he had an odd charm to him that made him almost irresistible. But did that mean she wanted to move in with him where only a wall separated her from him for all hours during the day and night. She didn't think so. But still…maybe she'd humour him…just to see.
"I'll think about it," she said causing Cooper to smile. "But I want to take a look at the places 'your friend' has before I make my final decision."
"Fair enough," Cooper agreed.
"And what are we going to do about you?" she asked. "You don't have a job, how are you going to be able to pay?"
"Oh don't worry," Cooper said with dismissal. "I'm me; I'll have found a job in two weeks."
"Strangely enough he was right," Stacey said her eyes slightly out of focus as she relived the memory. "He found a job in a week and a half."
"Wait," Kurt said holding up his hand in the universal sign for stop. "You actually said yes?"
Stacey shrugged. "Desperate times called for desperate measures, and he was always around. I got attached, fucking sue me."
Kurt didn't say anything because he knew the feeling. The Anderson's had a habit on growing on you, just by being in their presence. It was a beautiful, intoxicating number that you under their spell in no time.
"So what was the place like his friend got you?"
Stacey laughed.
"Oh god, it was shit."
"This place looked much better in the pictures," Stacey said with distaste as she and Cooper walked up to the complex. It was old and looked very rundown. Various stages of mold were attached to the scaffolding, and the balconies looked like they were going to collapse any second.
"Don't judge a book by its cover?" Cooper said unsurely, his noise scrunching in dislike. With an audible sigh, Stacey walked up the three steps and pulled open the door to enter the complex.
It smelt like mildew and old people.
"Wow I hate being poor," Cooper grumbled under his breath. They walked up to a rustic elevator that made both of them smile. It was an old school one, made of iron, with the gate that opened and closed instead of mechanical doors.
"I think it's charming," Stacey said sounding breathless.
"Do you think it's running though?" Cooper questioned.
"Why wouldn't it be?"
"Because I haven't seen a sketchier building in my life and I've lived on the streets for a year."
Stacey just rolled her eyes, grabbed his wrist and dragged him over to the machine. "So," he said when they just stood in front of it. "How does it work?"
"It doesn't," a deep voice said to their left. The pair turned to see who had spoken. It was a slim man who wore jeans and a wife-beater that had random brown patches on them. His hair was messy and greasy, and he reeked of alcohol. "Oh," he said upon seeing Stacey. His pale green eyed raked in her body shamelessly and he licked his lips, showing an array of extremely discoloured teeth.
"Hello there gorgeous," he said walking over to them, though his eyes never left Stacey's body. "Mah name's Gary, what's yours?"
"None of your business," Stacey said with firmness. She didn't get a good vibe from this man so she definitely didn't want him knowing her name.
"Oh you gotch yourself a feisty one," he said with a wink to Cooper. Cooper resisted the urge to correct the man. He wasn't dating Stacey but it was probably best he didn't know that. "You better keep an eye on her or I'll swoop in." The man said, licking his lips again. "She looks delicious."
"Okay, goodbye." Stacey said turning and walking up the staircase to her right. Cooper looked back at the man whose eyes stayed glued to her butt, before he shook his head and walked away. He would need to keep an eye on her.
Their apartment was on the third floor and, compared to the exterior and main lobby of the building, really wasn't that bad. There was a fully functioning kitchen with a small table, a living room with a couch, a plasma TV (to Cooper's surprise), and a bookshelf that covered the back wall. The balcony was off of the living room but it looked as rickety as the others. The bedrooms were to the back and were on either side of the bathroom. They were 12ft by 12ft each, and contained a double bed, a desk and closet space. Stacey and Cooper had to say, it wasn't that bad.
"What do you think, Texas?" Cooper asked exiting the bedroom to the right that would be his if they decided to go for it. "Seem decent?"
"Other than the scum that's here, yeah it does."
"You're going to need to be careful when you're walking around here by yourself," Cooper warned. "I don't trust anybody here and I don't want anything to happen to you."
"Aw honey," Stacey cooed. "You do care."
Cooper rolled his eyes. "I'm not joking Stace, that guy was smarmy as fuck and—"
"I know," Stacey cut him off with a small smile. "And I promise to be a big girl and always keep my mace on me. Besides he more or less said he'd keep his hands off me as long as I'm with you." Cooper raised an eyebrow.
"You're officially not allowed to leave." Cooper laughed running up to her and pulling her into a hug. Her arms automatically went around his neck and without a second thought Cooper picked her up and spun her around.
"So this is it," he said putting her down a bit less than gently. "We found our home."
Stacey lightly elbowed him in the ribs. "I call dibs on the bathroom."
"That place reminds me of Lima Heights," Santana said with a revolted face. "Why in the hell did you agree to live there?"
"Desperation," Cooper answered. "Laziness, a tight schedule, I don't know. All that matters is that we did and it may have been the worst mistake of my life." Cooper's sexy face looked tortured before he shook his head, forcing his eyes to focus on the stars.
"So what happened after that?" Santana asked when he didn't continue. Cooper blinked and pulled his gaze away from the sky, looking at Santana with an intensity that she could practically feel. "Then," he said. "….Then we fell in love."
"The days passed by quickly after that," Stacey said with a soft smile. "We moved all our crap in, well mine mostly considering he had like, nothing. And then the summer ended. I started school, he did odd jobs and soon enough we had our schedule. He was an early riser so he'd be up before me and make the coffee. Its smell would make me up then I'd make breakfast while he showered, and we'd eat together. Depending on what time we had to do shit we'd either leave together or he'd escort me down. He never left before me."
Kurt smiled at the raw adorableness of it. It was almost heartbreaking to see. Once upon a time Stacey had been happy, he could see now that the girl he knew was a broken copy of the girl that had been before. She was put back together now, but the cracks were still there and no amount of glue would fix them. Kurt sighed saddened that he hadn't noticed it before. What kind of friend was he?
"I don't know when I fell in love with him," Stacey continued, he southern twang adding a charming melody to the story. "But when I realized it, I was happy as I was scared. I'd never been in love before."
"You'd think that I'd have been the one who instigated our relationship," Cooper said from where he lay. "But no, it was Stacey. I was fixing the lock on the front door when she marched out of her room and demanded that I answer all of her questions with honesty."
"I was fucking terrified," Stacey said with a laugh. "I really didn't want to be rejected but I'm not one to hold on to a self-made dream. It would have been the death of me. So I marched up to him, I marched up to him and said 'Cooper, you're going to tell me what I want to know. And don't you dare try to lie me, because you know I know when you're lying.' And he turned back to me with his smile though he did look slightly worried, and he said 'Of course.' And then I did it." Stacey sighed closing her eyes for a second. "I said, 'Cooper. I think I may be in love you with you, what are your thoughts on that?"
"She said it like she was reading the news," Cooper said with a loving smile. "It's going to be warm today 'what do you think about that?'" He laughed shaking his head, running his hand through his again.
"Well what did you do?" Santana pushed impatiently.
"What else could I do?" Cooper asked. "I picked her up and kissed her."
"Okay wait," Santana said looking at Cooper again, whose eyes were still strained upwards. "You didn't really explain this, why were you out on the street?"
He grimaced before sighing. "I was kicked out of my house about a year before I met Stacey." He said.
"Why? You're obviously not gay and you didn't get anybody pregnant." Santana said with a surprising certainty. "I mean unless you killed somebody I don't see a reason here."
Cooper let out a bitter laugh. "I may as well have," he said. "I killed the old me that my mother loved."
"What did you do?"
"Oh relax," he said with wave of his hand. "Nothing as bad as you think. I just decided to take control of my life, a feat punishable by abandonment apparently."
"So you had nothing?"
"I had my guitar, the clothes on my back, my car, and the cash in my wallet. She cut-off my credit cards, and froze my bank account as well as my cell phone plan. I was utterly alone."
Santana nodded her head understanding completely. It was like when her grandma said she didn't want anything to do with her when she told her she was a lesbian. It hurt but it made her stronger for it, gave her a taste of real life. "That sucks," she said. "I'd say I'm sorry but apologies do not to stop the pain, and you're obviously well off now if that suit is anything to go by."
Cooper raised his eyebrow impressed. "You really are observant aren't you?"
"Only when my life's at stake."
"I've been over this Blaze," Cooper said with an eye roll. "I'm not going to hurt you."
"That's what they always say," Santana said with a shrug. "Now back to the story, you're taking your sweet time with this."
"I already told you it's a long one," Cooper said. "Every small part is important. But it's drawing to its dramatic close now anyway."
"Wow," Kurt said when Stacey opened her eyes again. "You really loved him didn't you?"
Stacey gave a wry smile, pushing herself off of the counter and landing lightly on her feet. "How could I not? He's got the Anderson dapperness, all men and women alike fall for that charm."
Kurt paused and took in Stacey's demeanour, lighter than it was before but much more sad. "Do you still love him?" he asked and he could tell right away that answer was always and irrevocably yes.
Cooper awoke with the soft, end of summer sun like he usually did. The soft wisps of Stacey's hair tickled his nose and he scrunched it, not willing to move his hands from around her waist. They were spooning, Stacey was the little spoon and Cooper had more or less curled himself completely around her. She was warm, and soft, and smelled good, plus he loved her, he really wouldn't have been able to stop if he wanted to.
Torn between staying where he was and getting up to start his day, Cooper lay there for a few minutes before the need to pee finally drew him away from the comforting warmth of Stacey and his bed. Stretching, Cooper walked out of the room and to the bathroom where he did his usual business. Washing his hands and walking out Cooper padded over to the kitchen with full intent to start breakfast, when the landline phone caught his eyes. It was blinking red. There was a message.
That was odd since nobody really called them, and if they did they usually used either his or Stacey's cellphone. With an odd feeling of foreboding Cooper picked up the phone and listened to the message, fully prepared for the worst.
"Cooper," A man's voice said, a voice that Cooper recognized all too well. "I know this your number so for Christ's sake call me back. This is important. I don't know how you got out to L.A but I know you and I know that this can't be the life you want for yourself. You were raised with money in your blood…this life doesn't suit you. Look, just meet me at Rosario's Pizzeria at one thirty and we'll talk okay? I…I miss you."
Cooper stared at the black phone in a mixture of surprise, happiness, and anger. That was his father. His father had called him. How the hell had he gotten his number? Sure they'd exchanged a few letters and e-mails but that didn't mean Cooper wanted to come crawling back. He didn't need their money.
"I need me that fine filly!" A deep voice called form outside the apartment in the corridor. It was loud and boisterous and very obviously drunk, and its statement was met with drunken cheers and laughter. "I bet she's just as feisty in bed as she in person," it slurred and Cooper quivered in anger.
"We should go see if she," a hiccup. "If she needs any help waking up!"
"Yeah!" The voices chorused, and Cooper turned to see the handle of the front door turning.
"Shit," he hissed under his breath. He knew he'd locked it, but that thing had been finicky since they'd moved in. He'd been meaning to get a new one but it was never a top priority in their tight budget. Keeping his footsteps as quiet as possible Cooper grabbed the kitchen knife and walked over to the door. He glanced between the moving handle and the blade in his hand before he took a deep breath, hid the sharp object behind his back, and in a swift movement unlocked and opened the door.
Three men who had obviously been leaning against the entry stumbled in, while the one who had been trying to open the door fell to his knees. He looked up at Cooper and gave him a yellow-toothed smile. "Well hello buddy," he slurred. "Care to h-help an old man up?"
Cooper rolled his eyes at Gary, the first person they'd met when moving in here. He lived only three doors down, a fact that still kept Cooper on edge. "You're thirty-six and just tried to break into my house. Get yourself up." Gary didn't say anything, and instead wobbly got to his thought, shooting daggers at his friends for not helping him.
"Sorry to upset ya," Gary said. "We were just looking to see if yer girlie needed any help."
"If Stacey needed any help it, wouldn't be from you." Cooper said coldly, his ice blue eyes staring the drunken men down. Honestly it was like nine o'clock in the morning, how was it possible that these men were plastered already?
"You never know," Gary said attempting to wag a finger at Cooper but stopping when his hand fell as soon as it rose. "One of these days—"
"The cops will have grounds to arrest you." Cooper deadpanned. "Get out of my house." Obviously the Anderson's demeanour did nothing to bother because the drunken man just smiled a demented smile and turned.
"Come on fellas," he said to his friends who looked worse off than Gary did in the drunk section. "Let's get out of old Cooper's way." In an unsteady line, the drunk men left slamming the door shut behind them.
Bloody hell.
Sighing Cooper returned to the kitchen putting the knife back in its holder. He wanted to get out of here, move to a safer community, especially since he was going to ask Stacey to marry him. If they were going to grow old together he didn't want to always be in a hyper sensitive mode when it came to Stacey's safety. She should be able to sleep without some old drunk bastards trying to sneak in here to do god knows what to her.
Cooper's gaze slid back to the phone and visions of what life would be like with his inheritance money flashed through his mind. He knew in business ten million dollars was nothing, but it would do a lot to help his life. They could move to a place where it was safe, and the neighbourhood was good, that was even closer to UCLA for Stacey. He could finally start his business doing what he wanted to do; help people. He was still figuring out the specifics of it, but the idea of it was well in play. And if all went well he'd be making millions while saving lives by the end of next year.
But could he really go back to his family after they kicked him out with nothing? Cooper sighed and ran his hand through his hair suddenly unsure what to do. The obnoxious voices of the men rang loudly through his ear and before Cooper could stop himself he rang his dad's cell.
Mr. Anderson picked up on the first ring.
"I'm so glad you called," and the relief was palpable, but Cooper refused to believe it.
"Are you playing games with me?" Cooper snapped.
"Of course not."
"So you really want to…help me?"
"Of course son, why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know," Cooper said sarcastically. "Maybe because you've been absent from my life for let's see, five years now?"
Paul sighed and Cooper could imagine him massaging his eyelids. "That really wasn't my choice." He said. "And I'm coming now. Better late than never."
Cooper rolled his eyes and Mr. Anderson sighed again. "Look I was about to call you again actually, something came up and I can't do the one thirty meeting. How does now sound?"
"Are you kidding me?"
"…No? You called me back so I assume you're taking the money. And I know you. Sooner rather than later."
"Then you know you're better late than never crap means nothing to me."
"If you're looking for an apology you're not going to get one over the phone. Rosario's, meet me there in fifteen."
Cooper paused taking one last second to think it over. "Fine." He growled. "Where is it?"
Cooper could practically hear his father smile through the phone as he gave the address.
"Bye son." Paul said in a way that bordered on tender. It pulled on Cooper's heartstrings, playing notes he had chosen to forget.
"Bye," he replied coldly before deftly hanging up the phone. He looked quickly at the clock and saw it was 9:15, he literally had fifteen minutes then. Sighing Cooper silently thanked the gods that Stacey didn't have work or school today. Hopefully he could be gone and back again before she even woke up. Dressing as quickly and silently as possible, Cooper was ready to leave in ten minutes. He wrote Stacey a quick note just in case things took longer than expected. With a quick kiss to his girlfriend's sleeping forehead, Cooper grabbed his wallet and keys, slamming the door closed behind him.
"I have a really bad feeling about this," Santana said as bits and pieces of what she knew flashed through her mind. For some odd reason she couldn't shake the feeling that Cooper didn't know everything.
"Well that was the last time I saw her," Cooper said with such sadness it seemed to pour off of him like rainbows shone off of Kurt.
"Okay, well, why?" Santana asked eager to get to the climax of the story. Shit was getting real and she the more she listened, the more she realized how big and interconnected everything was.
"I honestly…I don't know," Cooper said. "I…I went to meet my father and we talked and set everything up. And then at the end when I was just about to leave he got a phone call that made him go pale. My father didn't show extreme emotion like that, and I mean ever. So obviously I was curious as to what has happened." Cooper paused, swallowing loudly. His next words came out choked, like they physically hurt to say. "It turned out umm…my brother he was in the intensive care unit of the hospital because a couple of guys thought it would be funny to beat up 'the resident fag.'"
Santana raised an eyebrow and her fist shook in anger but that was all the emotion she displayed. "And then what?" she asked gently.
"And then…my father gave me a choice." Cooper said sitting up suddenly, not able to bury his troubles in the stars. Santana copied him scrutinizing his face as he finished his part of the story. "He said that if I came with him now I'd be able to see Blaine just this once, and then obviously I'd have to leave again before my mother saw me. And that meant leaving Stacey. But it was just a few days I thought, she'd be okay. But because I'm an idiot I left my phone on the counter so I used my dad's to text her, and I left her the number so that she could call and scream at me for suddenly leaving as much as she wanted. I was…I was gone for three days and I didn't hear from her. When I got back the apartment was emptied and she was just…gone." Cooper's voice broke on the last word and Santana tentatively placed her hand on his arm.
It was okay now, she knew who he was. "I…" she started. "Is that all you know?"
Cooper looked at her earnest expression and suddenly his stomach flopped. "Yeah," he said with distrust, "That's all I know. Why…do you know something?"
Santana bit her lip and moved her hand from his arm, debating with herself. Should she tell him? It would break his world if she did, but he deserved to know. He had to know why Stacey wasn't there when he returned, and it would explain why she was as angry with him as she is. Sighing deeply Santana looked back at Cooper, surprised by how hard this was for her.
"There's something I'm going to tell you," Santana said slowly. "It's going to hurt, and I know you're going to blame yourself but you need to know that Stacey has healed from it so it's okay."
"What are you talking about?" Cooper asked and for the first time in her life, Santana regretted being the bearer of bad news. With a deep breath and a silent prayer, she let it out.
"Stacey was raped the night you left."
"I woke up and he was gone," Stacey said as she started pacing the kitchen floor. "I didn't think much of it, he had left a note; 'he was running a few errands, he'd be back shortly'. I didn't have anything that day and truly I was glad to have been able to sleep in, so I lounged around in sweatpants and a tank-top all day watching TV, singing obnoxiously loudly, all that jazz. It wasn't until about five that I started to worry and it was five minutes later that I noticed he'd left his fucking cell phone on the counter."
Cooper went cold. He couldn't feel anything. He couldn't see anything. It was like his entire system shut down and he couldn't control any part of him. "She…what?"
Santana nodded solemnly not really wanting to repeat it, the words were so harsh against the cool night air, and saying it solidified the statement made it true. Made it real.
"Oh my god," Cooper keened as he looked at her with wide blue eyes. "Who…" he stopped looking disgusted at himself or at the world Santana couldn't tell, before trying again. "Who was it?"
"Twenty minutes later and I heard somebody playing with the door," Stacey said with a humourless chuckle. "So thinking it was Cooper I opened the door ready to give him the verbal berating of his life. Man was in for a surprise…"
"What the fuck do you think you're doing Gary?" Stacey asked when she opened the door and saw it was Gary who was trying to get in. It sent slimy shivers down her spine when he smiled at her but she kept her cool, feigning calm indifference.
"Would you, sound too cheesy?" he asked.
"Wha—" But before she could answer her question Gary grabbed her face pulling her in for a rough kiss. She fought against him pushing him off in disgust. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!"
She had involuntarily taken a few steps back which allowed the disgusting man entrance into her home. "Just what you've wanted for ages now," Gary said with his sickening smile. He looked at her lips and licked his own causing Stacey to shiver.
"What are you talking about?" she asked wiping her mouth on her arm, anything she could to get the taste of him out her mouth.
"I saw you yesterday" he said taking a step closer causing her to take a step back. "I saw you wearing those booty shorts, teasing me as you came back from your run, with your body all sweaty and your legs all long and, firm." He licked his lips again taking another step forward. Stacey was being cornered into her house. "You were practically begging me to take to you, and now I'm here to do exactly that."
"Gary, stop," Stacey said her voice somehow not shaking even though her heart was palpitating. "You reek of alcohol; you don't want to do this."
"Oh I really do," he said taking another step forward. They were becoming quicker with fewer in between and before she knew it, Stacey was in the living room, about two feet away from the couch. She was getting nervous, where the fuck was Cooper. "Your little boyfriend had flaunted you in front of me for far too long," he said with a hiss. "You are mine," he reached out and grabbed her wrist. "You always were."
"Let go of me," Stacey ordered ripping her hand out of his grip and stepping to the side, away from the couch. "I belong to no one."
"You belong to me," Gary snapped.
"I belong to no one," Stacey repeated. "But I belong with Cooper."
Gary scoffed in anger and distaste. "That idiot has kept us apart for way too long." His eyes raked over Stacey's body. Her tank top was low and tight leaving little to the imagination and her sweatpants were low and baggy. "Mm, look at you," he said undressing her with his eyes where she stood. "You dressed just for me didn't you?"
"You're fucking insane," Stacey spat stepping to the side again, trying to get into the kitchen. "Why would I want anything to do with you, you're revolting."
Gary's gaze darkened and he had Stacey's wrists in a tight grip before she could even cry out. "Let go of me," she hissed. Gary raised an eyebrow and bent her left wrist back at a torturous angle. She cried out in pain and he smiled.
"You should try being nicer to me," he said kissing her fingers. "I appreciate your…spirit, but you don't want it to get you into trouble."
"Fuck you asshole," Stacey growled squirming to get free.
"Soon enough, buttercup," Gary said stroking a finger down her face. "Soon enough." Stacey continued to struggle but the man had an iron grip. "Boys," he called twisting his head back to the door. The unlocked door opened and in came two more men, both more or less identical to Gary but with different hair colours; one was blonde and one was for some odd reason electric blue. The blonde was holding a pair of silver handcuffs while the held a roll of duct tape and some rope. Stacey's eyes widened and pure panic threatened to set in, but she couldn't let it. She needed to keep a clear head. If she could get Gary to let go of her she could get to the kitchen where the knives were.
"Now princess," Gary cooed, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."
"I choose the way where you rot in jail for the rest of your life," Stacey said before delivering a swift kick to his balls. Gary doubled over in pain and let go of her hands. With a cheer of triumph Stacey ran to the kitchen, but Blondie and blue hair moved to intercept her. Blondie grabbed her pony tail jerking her to a painful stop three feet in front of the counter. Gritting her teeth so she didn't cry out in pain Stacey threw her elbow back and smiled in satisfaction when she heard it collide with his nose. The man let go of her, grabbing his nose as blood poured from it. She ran forward and grabbed the carving knife, holding it out in front of her as blue hair stalked towards her.
"I am not afraid to use this," Stacey said but to no hindrance of the man. He kept coming so she took several steps back until they were on opposite sides of the table. Stacey's heart was pounding ad she tried to form a plan. If she made a run for the door there was a chance that she wouldn't make it. But she couldn't fight them; one on one would be tough, three on one would be impossible even with her knife.
Gary groaned and got to his feet, cracking his neck. "Okay you bitch," he said with a vehement smile. "The hard way it is." He stormed over to her from her side of the table, cornering her in. Making a sudden decision, she took two steps and jumped onto the table, trying to make a run for the door.
"Grab her!" Gary yelled. Blue hair grabbed her arm and pulled her off the table. Stacey lashed out with the knife, managing to stick it into the cartilage between his middle and pointer finger. The man screamed in agony and let her go. Stacey wasting no time charged for the door but was stopped by a hard hit to the stomach. All the air got knocked out of her and she doubled over in pain, wheezing.
Blondie, the one who punched her grabbed her pony tail and forced her body to unfold itself. "I think we've had enough fun for today," he said with a laugh. His dried blood stained his face causing a startling contrast to his pale clammy skin below. His eyes were bright with what looked like excitement and they seemed to bore through Stacey with an uncanny certainty.
"Let me go," Stacey clawed at his hands, having let go of the knife when she was punched in the stomach.
"Now, now," Gary said picking up the knife and placing it on the table behind blondie. "None of that. Alex," he snapped to the man with blue with hair. "She's almost more trouble than she's proving worth get the handcuffs."
Blue hair—Alex, nodded and got the handcuffs though he still looked to be in a great amount of pain. Blondie turned her around and grabbed her wrists, holding them in place as Stacey fought his grip with all she was worth. Cold metal closed around her arms with an air of finality, and the panic inside her grew tenfold.
"Please," she begged tears starting to form in her eyes. "You don't have to do this I'll give you whatever you want just let me go."
"But this is what I want," Gary said licking his lips as he spoke. "You like this, begging for mercy." Stacey nearly puked but she kept it down, instead aiming a kick at Alex. She almost got him but he grabbed he foot and pulled on it hard. She lost her balance and fell on her back. The wind got knocked out of her again, and her eyes swam. Her head was pounding and she couldn't breathe.
"Duct tape." She heard Gary order and the sound of duct tape ripping filled the apartment. Before she could get her composure back she felt strong hands grab her feet which she kicked and moved as hard as she could.
"Keep still," a voice ordered. Her eyes were still blurred so she couldn't see who was holding her. A hand grabbed her chin, "Keep still," it ordered, "Or I swear I will kill you right now."
Stacey froze her heart racing. Gary wouldn't kill her, he…he hadn't worn a mask. He would have worn one if he wanted to hide his identity. But he didn't have a murder weapon on him, or is he did she hadn't seen it yet. Stuck, not sure what to do, Stacey stayed frozen as the men duct taped her feet together.
"Okay," Gary said with a smarmy smile, "It's time to get the party started. He clapped his hands and the Blondie and Alex picked her up. She started struggling again having made her choice. She would rather die than be defiled by these men. She couldn't let Cooper see her like this. Oh god Cooper…this could kill him. Struggling some more, she tried to get out of their strong grips but it was too hard when she no longer had use of her arms and legs.
Without word Blondie and Alex mercilessly threw her onto the bed she had previously shared with Cooper. She landed face first and the reality of it finally hit her. They were going to rape her. The panic roared to life like a fiery beast inside of her and she couldn't breathe. She started hyperventilating and fears started to form in her eyes. No, she scolded herself. No matter what, she wouldn't let these bastards see her cry. Rough hands turned her around and she was met with Gary straddling her midsection.
"I pity you," she said with nothing pure ire in her face and voice.
"Why's that?" Gary asked with an amused smile?
"Because you will burn in hell for all eternity."
"And you'll burn with me," he said the smile never leaving his face. "Because you deserve this you filthy whore."
"Gary," Santana said.
Cooper stood and ran to the side of the porch. Santana didn't see him but she heard the telltale sounds of retching and vomit hitting the ground. She stood up slowly and walked over to him. He was still retching so she rubbed his back softly. Tears fell down his face and Santana's heart kind of broke.
"I'm so sorry," she said, because even though it didn't help, and it didn't do anything to ease Cooper's pains it was all she had to give. Condolences to a night full of broken dreams and broken memories.