Second Chances
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Second Chances: Hello To You Too

M - Words: 2,899 - Last Updated: Jan 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jun 21, 2012 - Updated: Jan 25, 2013
394 0 3 0 0

Kurt smiled at his reflection. He was dressed down in black skinny jeans and a comfortable grey cashmere sweater, but he felt like himself again. Even if his current self was sad and frustrated beyond repair.

"Come on out Kurt," Mercedes called from the other side of his door. "It's been thirty minutes since the shower stopped, so I know you're ready. Stop wasting time." Kurt rolled his eyes at how well the girl knew him before he took a deep breath and opened stepped into his impeccably neat room.

"Hey 'cedes," he said with a warm smile. "What's new?"

"Don't give me that," Mercedes said with a heavy look. "You and I have a lot of talking to do." The dark skinned girl lay on Kurt's bed staring at the ceiling. Her head lolled lazily to the side so that she could see him. She patted the empty side of the bed next to her with a smile. "Come on boo. I know you've missed me, so get over here."

"Does my dad even know you're here?" Kurt asked as he moved to lie down next to her, thankful that he hadn't taken the time to properly style his hair.

"Of course," Mercedes said with an eye roll. "What kind of person do you think I am? I called him before coming, and don't even try to act like that was a problem. Your dad loves me; he'd be fine with me spending the night. I practically spend every night here anyway."

Kurt nodded, "fair enough." He stopped talking not wanting the conversation to go any further. Mercedes allowed his stall as they sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Kurt," Mercedes finally said.

"What do you want to talk about 'cedes?" Kurt asked grumpily.

"You know what I want to talk about," she said with a pointed look. "You and Blaine."

Kurt rolled onto his side to face Mercedes but he didn't make eye contact. He opted for playing with an invisible piece of thread on his duvet instead.

When Kurt made no move to help the conversation, Mercedes rolled her eyes and continued. "So you guys went back up the sycamore tree," Mercedes said. "And then

what? You never told me in full detail, and obviously it's bad because you haven't been the same since."

"It wasn't bad Mercy," Kurt sighed. "It was fantastic. Wonderful even."

"What did you guys do?" Mercedes asked still trying to catch his eye.

"We talked," Kurt said with a shrug.


"Us." Kurt said finally looking up. "We talked about us and how even though we ended on the shittiest terms possible, he still loves me, and even though it's against my better judgement I still love him too."

"Hold up," Mercedes said holding up her hand. "Blaine still loves you?"

"Yeah," Kurt said with a nod.

"Even though he decided to act a fool and break up with you?"

"Apparently," Kurt breathed, rolling back onto his back.

"And you accept that?" Mercedes asked raising a black brow. It wasn't that she didn't approve. She knew something was up with the break-up, no way a man who was that in love, would just suddenly wake up and decide to break everything around him. But she was worried for Kurt's sake. He has been more than hurt by Blaine, she didn't want to sit around and watch it happen again because the curly haired dork couldn't get his act together.

"I don't accept it, but I believe it," Kurt said staring at the ceiling. "It's just…what bothers me most is that after all this time he still has such a massive effect on me. And that…there is more that he isn't telling me."

Mercedes looked at Kurt who was still staring at the ceiling in puzzlement. "What do you mean?"

"I—he said he still loves me 'cedes," Kurt said his hand finding its way to his heart. "And when we were under the tree he said, I got to keep my family. I got to keep my family, what the hell does that even mean!"

"Easy Kurt," Mercedes said calmingly, putting a gentle hand on her friend's bicep. "Did he say anything else?"

"Yeah," Kurt said with a wry smile on his face. "He said his mother was a crazy bitch."

Mercedes snorted. "We already knew that."

"But when I asked him to explain," Kurt continued. "He said he couldn't and all I needed to know is that he loves me and he's always loved me. And…"

"Uh-huh," Mercedes said urging him forward when he suddenly cut off.

"I told him I still loved him too."

"Okay, and then what?" she asked looking at the ceiling with Kurt, who's gaze hadn't wavered.

"And then we just talked in the tree until it was safe to go home."

"You just talked?" Mercedes asked unbelievingly.

"Yes 'cedes we talked."

"Okay let me get this straight," she said turning to look at Kurt again because really? This boy was ridiculous. "You guys confessed your undying love to each other and then talked for hours with the setting sun as you're golden backdrop—"

"Not exactly in those words but—"

"And you're complaining about this?" Mercedes asked pure disbelief written all over her face. "Are you kidding me?"

"It's not that," Kurt said, sitting up. "It's the fact that I thought we ended the night as like friends, or unlikely companions…"


"And nothing!" Kurt screeched throwing his hands in the air. "It's been two weeks and I haven't heard a single word from him." Mercedes rolled her eyes sitting up too.

"Well did you try to get in contact with him?"

Kurt shook his head slowly, biting softly on his bottom lip. Mercedes tusked in disappointment.

"Then why are you going to begrudge the boy for doing the exact same thing you are?" she asked leaning on her right arm and staring at Kurt. "If anything he has more of a right to."

Kurt looked at her, his big blue eyes filled with sadness. "Why are you taking his side?" he asked more hurt than anything.

Mercedes just rolled her eyes not touched by Kurt's theatrics. "He's made the first move twice now I do believe," Mercedes said holding up two fingers. "And he stuck up to his mother for you when it's a known fact that the woman hates your guts."

"She tried to slap me!"

"And you told her you fucked her husband over his desk," Mercedes deadpanned. "Look," she continued in a softer tone when she saw Kurt's crestfallen face. "I don't mean to sound harsh but I'm me, and you've fallen far so it's going to take a big shove to get you back up again." She paused, making sure she had Kurt's full attention. "But the way I see it, you've more or less made it clear to him that nothing can happen between you two again until you know why the hell he broke up with you in the first place. I know Blaine," Mercedes said. "And once you get behind the sometimes douchey exterior, he is a gentleman. If you say no Kurt, he's going to back off. And that's what he did. The ball's been in your court this entire time."

Kurt slumped back on the bed smashing his head against his soft pillow. "This is all my fault isn't it?"

"Some of it, yes." Mercedes said with a soft pat of his knee. "But you're a boy, what else is to be expected?" Kurt rolled his eyes making his friend laugh.

"It looks someone needs some cheering up!" A familiar southern accent yelled as Kurt's white door was thrown open and Stacey strutted inside flanked by Santana, Tina, Brittany, and…Artie?

"Artie," Kurt asked in shock. "What the hell are you doing here?" Well that came out ruder than expected, but the boy was surprised.

"Way to be happy to see me," Artie, said wheeling towards the bed with Brittany who had planted herself on his lap.

"I'm sorry," Kurt said shaking his head. "My brain must have short circuited because I think I just saw Artie roll into my room. Did I just go crazy?"

Mercedes patted Kurt's head in a patronizing way. "No he's here Kurt. Though I have to be honest with you I'm not sure why…"

"Wow okay guys," Arties said looking offended. "I can feel the love in this room."

"Yeah," Kurt said with a pointed look. "My room."

"I was invited, okay?" He said looking at Stacey who gave Kurt a smirk. "And the girls needed a ride here so I offered."

"How the hell can you drive?" Mercedes started, "You know what." She said shaking her head. "I don't even want to know." And at Artie's devilish grin she was sure she was right. The boy was as innovative. If he wanted to drive, he'd find a way to drive.

"Okay," Stacey said walking up to Kurt and snaking her arm around his waist. "I'm here now so it's time to get the party started."

Kurt raised an eyebrow in alarm. "Party? Aha, No. Does my dad even know you're here?"

Santana rolled her eyes from her placement in the middle of the room where she was laying out her sleeping bag. "Stop your whining gay boy," she said putting her hand on her hip. "We're here, we're not leaving, deal with it."

"I wouldn't argue," Stacey said with a shrug. "It's me and Santana you're up against. Bitch One and Bitch Two. There ain't no way you'll be winning this one honey."

Kurt sighed heavily knowing she was right.

The assholes.


"Ssh! You'll wake him!"

"Isn't that what we're here for?"

"Oh my goodness he is so cute when he's asleep!"


"What, he is!"

"Look guys, I know I invited you here but he broke down and he needs his rest. Let's just chill and be quiet until he wakes up."

"Do you really think we're capable of being quiet?"


"That's what I thought."

"Fine. But only because I know that if I leave you alone for a second you'll give him the most violent awakening."

"Yay, Mama Bear Wes has come out to play!"


Kurt was surprised, for a "Twin Bitch party" it was really laid back and not at all like a party. Everybody was spread out around his room each doing their own thing while music played in the background. Quinn was painting Brittney's toes on the floor by Kurt's bed. Artie was by himself flicking through Kurt's CD'S and actually smiling at some of the titles. But more suspiciously were Mercedes, Santana, and Stacey standing together in the corner of his room talking quietly with their cell-phones out.

They were planning something.

But before Kurt could move to interrupt their careful scheming Tina vacated his private bathroom and came over to him with a small smile on her face.

"Hey Kurt," she said sitting down next to him, propping her back and head against the headboard.

"Hey Tina," he replied.

"It feels like I haven't talked to you in forever."

"I know," Kurt said looking at her with apologetic eyes. "Things got…crazier than I expected."

"Oh I bet," she said with a knowing smile and Kurt just rolled his eyes. He didn't answer so Tina snuggled into his side, looping his arm with hers. He entwined her fingers with his and rested his head on top of hers that lay on his shoulder.

"So," she said after a lengthy pause. "What are you going to do now?"

"Curl up into a ball, watch sad movies, stuff myself with ice-cream and cry?"

"I don't think that's very proactive," Tina said with a smile. "Try again."

"Oh hush," Kurt moved his shoulder, nudging her head slightly. "I know what I have to do, relax."

"Good," Tina said seriously. "I don't like seeing you unhappy."

"If you did then I'd have to call you Karofsky."

"The dick."

Kurt laughed. "Well guess what?"

Tina looked at him in question. "Only one more year and we're out of this horrid place."

"Oh my god," Tina said with a big grin. "You're right."

"What's Kurt right about?" Quinn asked looking up at them from her perch on the floor.

"We only have one year left of hell!" Tina said with a giddy grin.

"I don't know," Quinn said thoughtfully. "That's still a pretty long time."

"That's only twelve months," Tina said.

"Fifty-two weeks," Quinn replied.

"Five-hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes!" Brittany yelled. Kurt looked at her in surprise that she would know such a thing before smiling brightly.

"How do we measure, measure a year?" he sang loudly.

Quinn and Tina smiled at each other, and then jumped up in perfect unison, alternating lines singing to each other.

"In daylight,"

"in sunsets,"

"in midnights,"

"In cups of coffee,"

"in inches,"

"in miles,"

"in laughter,"

"in strife."

Kurt joined in, rolling off the bed and standing on the floor.

"In five-hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes."

Artie shut off the music from the speakers and started Season of Love from where they were in the dong before he joined Tina, Quinn, and Kurt in the last line of the verse.

"How do you measure, a year in the life!"

Santana and Mercedes looked at the three singing teenagers shaking their heads. Kurt ran up to them and took their hands leading them to the middle of the room.

"How about love?" He started.

"How about love?" They repeated back smiling.

"How about love?" Tina, Quinn, and Artie sang.

"Measure in love," they all sang together. "Seasons of love, Seasons of love!"


Blaine awoke to somebody shaking him softly, but he didn't want to wake up. He wanted to lay there and relax in the pool of apathy unconsciousness created. He groaned softly, rolling away from the hand.

"Blaine, wake up."

He rolled some more begging for sleep to drag him under some more. He wasn't ready for the real world yet. It hurt too much.

"Blaine, get up." The voice said again harsher and more recognizable now.

"G'way." Blaine mumbled half-heartedly.

"You know that's not going to happen."

"Yeah," a different voice called. "So get your ass up already."

"Shut-up Jeff," the first voice scolded.

"I'll shut-up when he's awake."

Wait what, Jeff? Where the heck was Blaine then? Opening his eyes slowly for curiosity's sake, Blaine cracked an eye-lid. He saw his night stand and his dark blue he was still in his room them.

"He awakens!" Jeff yelled.

Before Blaine could move to a sitting position or pretend to go back to sleep, Jeff launched himself at him and wrapped Blaine in a massive all-encompassing hug.

"GLOMPED!" the blonde yelled.

"Oh my god, get off of me!" Blaine pushed Jeff's head and arms, but the boy had latched on with a vice-like grip. Blaine wriggled, but he could barely move an inch in each direction. After a few seconds he gave up fighting, lying still on his side facing the wall as Jeff lay sprawled on top of him. Jeff snuggled into him, and Blaine cursed under his breath. A few seconds after Blaine heard the door open.

"Wow," the deep voice said. "That is incredibly heterosexual."

Blaine froze under Jeff's dead weight hating the fact that he couldn't see shit right now. That couldn't be who he thought it was. That wasn't possible. The owner of that voice was far away in China, or Japan, or Egypt, or wherever his mother had stationed him so that he was far away from the family.

"Cooper?" Blaine asked tentatively, hoping and wary.

"The one and only," the voice replied. Blaine shoved Jeff off of him and was standing in two seconds flat. Jeff lay next to him looking stunned to say the least.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Blaine growled.

"Well hello to you too, brother," Cooper said with his classic lopsided smile. He was leaning against the open door with his hands in suit pocket, leg's crossed, eyes sparkling. "Long time no see."

"I said," Blaine jumped off of his bed, striding towards his brother. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Is this the place you want to do this, Blaine?" Cooper asked cocking his head in question.

"What?" Blaine challenged. "Here, in my room, in my house?"

"No." Cooper looked to his left. "Here, in your room, in front of all your friends who have probably never seen you lose your cool a day in their lives."

Blaine looked sharply to the left surprised to see Wes, Jeff, Nick, and David watching the interaction with interest.

"No," Jeff said. "Please continue—Ow!" He cut off when Wes elbowed him hard in the gut, and then gave the two feuding brothers a weak smile.

"Hey Cooper," Wes said walking forward. "It's so nice to see you again."

"You too…" Cooper started.

"Wes," the Asian boy finished.

"Of course."

"But while it's nice that you want to…catch up, with your brother," Wes said coming to a stop next to Blaine who was still shaking in anger and shock and other mixtures of emotions. "We actually have something planned for tonight and need to start getting ready for it now so…"

"I'll get out of your hair, of course," Cooper said nodding his head in Wes's direction. "I'm sorry to interrupt your evening, but," Cooper turned back to Blaine. "You and I really need to talk."

Blaine finally managed to find his voice again. "I have nothing to say to you."

Cooper sighed rolling his eyes. "You really need to stop being so dramatic."

"You seriously think I'm being dramatic?" Blaine asked his always warm and friendly voice suddenly cold as ice. Wes shuddered but Cooper continued unfazed.

"I'm not the bad guy here," the older Anderson said. "Come talk to me when you've cooled down a bit, okay?" He asked in a softer tone. "I really need to talk to you."
Cooper turned to walk away, but was stopped by Blaine's question.

"Does Rachel know you're here?"

He sighed. "I'm not sure I'm at liberty to answer that."

"Does Rachel know you're here?" Blaine asked his voice lower and much more forceful than before.

Cooper turned around looking sad. "Who do you think invited me here?"

End Notes: So Artie and Cooper weren't supposed to show up at all. And by show up I mean in the story as a whole, so we'll see how this progresses with these lovely gate crashers XD


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I love that you brought Cooper into it! Thats because I love the Anderson bros though :)

I am really glad that you enjoyed it :) I have a tad bit of writer's block on this story right now but I'll try to update as soon as possible!Thank you for your kind reviews :]

this whole cooper situation has me confused yet intirgued.