Second Chances
Dreams on a Sycamore Tree Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Second Chances: Dreams on a Sycamore Tree

M - Words: 5,603 - Last Updated: Jan 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jun 21, 2012 - Updated: Jan 25, 2013
408 0 0 0 0


"Hey there, boyfriend," Blaine said with a big grin when Kurt opened the door. They had been official for a week now and Blaine made it his personal ambition to use the word whenever he could. And Kurt never stopped him because it made his heart race and his stomach flop every time he said it.

He and Blaine were boyfriends (insert inappropriate girlish scream here), and it never ceased to amaze Kurt that here in Ohio they could have such an amazing guy. They had hung out every day after that lazing about in the summer sun, though Kurt stayed under the umbrella because he didn't tan; her turned into a lobster. And while these days were fantastic and so very domestic and comfortable, Blaine had asked him out for their first real date as boyfriends and Kurt was excited and nervous. They hadn't shared their first kiss yet and he hoped, desperately in fact, that the horrible mistreatment to his lips might be rectified today.

"Hey yourself," Kurt said smiling and leaning against the door frame. Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt's soft cheek. His lips lingered a little bit longer than needed and his touch sent a shiver down Kurt's spine. Sometimes he just wanted to take Blaine and smash their lips together so that he could finally taste this sweet boy in front of him, but Kurt wanted their first kiss to be perfect, and he could afford wait for that moment.

"You ready to go?" Blaine asked holding his hand out. "It's kind of a long drive and I want to get there as soon as possible."

"You're really not going to tell me where you're taking me?" Kurt asked with a slight pout as he looked down at Blaine.

"Stop it!" Blaine cried slapping his hands over his eyes. "Your demon puppy dog eyes will never work on me, no matter how cute they are!" Kurt laughed and stepped outside, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Alright you win," he said with mock defeat. "Take me away!" Cautiously, Blaine uncovered his eyes and when he saw that Kurt was just being his normal dazzling self he grabbed his hand and walked with him to his car.

"You know I'm in love with your car right?" Kurt said as his eyes raked over the Lexus LFA.

"Ah I see how it is," Blaine said with a stricken expression, "You're only in this relationship for my car!"

Kurt laughed, "Of course! Why else would I date you?" Blaine unlocked the sweet ride and the both sat down.

"Oh, I don't know," Blaine said pulling out of Kurt's drive way. "Maybe because I'm sex on a stick and sing like a dream?" Kurt raised an incredulous brow. "What?" Blaine asked at Kurt's silent judgement. "I know what boy's like!" he started singing, "I know what boys like! I know what boys like, and boys like me!"

Kurt literally face palmed.

"I know what Kurt likes!" Blaine continued making up his own lyrics as he sang at the top of his lungs. "I know what Kurt likes! I know what Kurt likes and Kurt likes me!"

"Or at least he did until you started singing that horrid song," Kurt said shaking his head sadly. "And here I was thinking you were dapper."

Blaine just shrugged. "One can't be dapper all the time; it's not good for the crazy that lies beneath."

"I bet."

"No seriously," Blaine said, shaking his gelled head. "Think about it. If I didn't metaphorically let my hair down—"

"Which you should do," Kurt interrupted. "I imagine your curls must be so soft without any product. Why you use so much is beyond me. The instructions say the size of a pea, Blaine."

"You don't know my hair—"

"And you don't know style," Kurt said staring at the shine of the gel. "Honestly let me style it for you, and you will see the wonders that the size of a pea can do."

Blaine just stuck his tongue out at him. "I don't care what you say," he replied sounding rather childish in the most adorable way. "I know I look fantastic."

"You just keep thinking that," Kurt said with a smile and an eye roll.

"Well it got me you, didn't it?" Blaine asked sincerely, his right hand taking hold of Kurt's where it rested on the arm rest, "Which is the greatest thing I could ever get."

Kurt blushed bright red, tightening his grip on Blaine's hand. "Nah," he said with a shine in his eye. "It was you being sex on a stick that got me. I find things that come with their own sticks are so much more…desirable."

This time it was Blaine's turn to blush as Kurt hid a satisfied smirk. Making Blaine blush was a leisurely pastime for Kurt, it was amazing in a way he couldn't describe. To be able to see the physical affect that he could have on Blaine just by saying a few words was exhilarating and heartwarming all at the same time. When Blaine blushed he was adorable, and the way he'll tuck his head, look away, and then touch his hair was endearing and sweet.

The boys settled into a comfortable silence, broken only by the soft tunes of the radio that they would turn up and sing along to when the song was good.

"Are we there yet?" Kurt asked forty minutes later.

"Almost," Blaine replied with a mini eye roll at his adorably impatient boyfriend. "Five more minutes, and then we'll have to walk for a bit."

"Walk?" Kurt asked raising an eyebrow. "Really?"

"It's not bad," Blaine said looking at Kurt. His eyes raked up his crossed slender legs and rolled his eyes again. "Though I don't know how easy it will be in those boots. Honestly Kurt," he shook his head slightly, "I thought I told you to dress down."

Kurt looked down at his outfit; white skinny jeans, knee high doc martens, red and white checkered dressed shirt, grey sweater and a fedora… "But I am dressed down," Kurt said looking at Blaine in confusion. Blaine just laughed out loud.

"Kurt I'm dressed down." Kurt's eyes took in Blaine's navy blue polo shirt and black pants that were hemmed to end just above the ankle.

"No," Kurt said, "You are dressed like a commoner."

"Coming from the high king himself, I know I've been insulted." Blaine pulled a mock hurt face and pulled the car into a sharp park. Kurt looked around surprise and confusion evident on his face.

"And we are…?" Kurt asked pure distaste in his voice as he took in his surroundings. They had stopped on a dust road that had a few pieces of dead looking shrubbery. Up ahead was a small pathway that led into the forest that lined the side of the road—if he could even call it that.

"Very close to my favourite place in all of Ohio," Blaine said with a smile. "Come on, there's another five minute walk before we get therem but trust me, you will not be disappointed."

Blaine got out of the car and walked around to open the door for Kurt. He was met with a distrusting stare. Blaine rolled his eyes and held out his hand with a big smile.

"Do you trust me?"

"What?" Kurt replied.

"Do you trust me?"


Blaine grabbed his hand.

"Then jump!" He pulled Kurt until he was on his feet and his chest was flush with his. They both burst into a fit of giggles.

"I can't believe you just used Aladdin to get me out of your car," Kurt said in between laughs.

"Well," Blaine said as he tried to get his breath back, random giggles escaping. "Disney is magic."

This set them into another bout of laughter; because even though the joke wasn't really that funny, they were both on such a happy high that it's really all they could do without bursting. Slowly they both managed to contain themselves only to realize just how close they were standing. Almost every single part of them was touching; chest, thighs, hands that had not been let go, now intertwined at their sides. Kurt looked down and Blaine looked up and their eyes locked. Bright glasz locked with shining hazel and for a second all time and space stood still. Electricity seemed to ripple through the air, the boys were hot to the touch, they're hands burning but both much too afraid to let go. Slowly and at the exact same time Kurt and Blaine moved in. Blaine tipped his head up and Kurt tipped his head down. Their eyes fluttered shut and Kurt felt Blaine's lips graze his, as soft as the brush of a feather when;


The sound of the bird broke the spell around them, and time and space continued moving again with a harsh jolt. Blaine jumped back and Kurt's eyes flew open, their hands still weaved together.

An awkward silence ensued.

"Umm…" Blaine began.

"We should go," Kurt interrupted; his pale skin was aflame with blush. He had never been so embarrassed before, and he came to school dressed as Gaga for Christ's sake, though in his opinion, he had looked fabulous.

"Onward ho," Blaine said making an awkward forward motion with his right hand. Kurt gave a small smile and walked in step with Blaine, their hands swinging softly between them.


The path was beautiful. It was five feet wide made of soft dirt that muffled the sound of their footsteps. The glowing sunlight rained down between the leaves, giving the trees and atmosphere around them a pale green hue.

"Who nature could be so beautiful?" Kurt said with a joking smile, bumping his shoulder against Blaine's. "Honestly though," Kurt continued looking around himself in awe. "How did you find this place? I've lived in Ohio all of my life and not once have I even heard of these woods being here."

Blaine shrugged, "This place is like my room of requirements…It found me when I needed it most, and—" Blaine stopped, unsure of how to continue. "Now I come back whenever I need to think…It's my—It's my favourite place in the world." He smiled softly and Kurt's heart melted.

"And you want to share it with me?" he asked softly surprise and something akin to adoration in his tone. Blaine looked at him with his wide hazel eyes.

"Of course I do," he replied with a warm smile. "If this is my favourite place in the world, then you are most definitely my favourite person. It only seems right that you two should meet." The last sentence was said in a conspiratorial whisper and was ended with a playful eye wink. Kurt smiled back, taking Blaine's bait of lightening the mood, even though he knew the curly haired boy had meant every word. It was heartwarming. They had really only known each other for two weeks and had been dating for one, but already Blaine was becoming Kurt's world. He was the first thing he thought of in the morning, and the last thing he thought of at night. Kurt would miss his voice if he had to go more than a day without hearing from him; he lived for his cute text messages and the phone calls good night. It was getting ridiculous, but even if Kurt wanted to, he wouldn't have been able to stop. Blaine had lodged himself into his life, and it seemed like they were both determined to never let go.

His mind tried to warned him often, flaring up dark thoughts in his moments of happiness. Kurt usually supressed the thoughts, but sometimes he couldn't help but listen. He was falling too deep too fast. Kurt knew this, for him not to would just be na�ve. But despite what his brain said, Kurt couldn't stop himself, nor could he protect himself. With the countless hours the boys had been talking they both knew practically everything about each other now, so there was nothing to protect. Blaine knew Kurt inside and out now, if he wanted to break him, he would. But the same went for Kurt; he was responsible for this beautiful boy now. To look after him and treat him right and—wow it sounded like they were married.

"Okay," Blaine said breaking Kurt out of his rambling thoughts. "I'm going to need you to close your eyes."

"Isn't that what all axe murderers say before they kill their victims in the middle of the woods?" Kurt asked with an amused smile.
Blaine just rolled his eyes and mimed shutting his eyes. With an eye roll Kurt did what he was asked. After a few seconds Kurt felt a warm body press up behind him, and soft hands place themselves on his shoulder.

"Trust me," Blaine breathed softly in his ear causing Kurt to let out a shuddered breath.

"Always," he replied, and somehow they both felt the words resound through them. Tying them to a bond they didn't even know had been made.

Guiding him slowly through the forest, Blaine led Kurt—who kept his eyes 100% shut—forwards for another minute or so.

"Okay," Blaine said finally, pulling them to a stop. He went back behind Kurt until their bodies were flush together—chest to back, and covered Kurt's eyes with his own.

"Reach your hand out," Blaine said quietly. He hadn't spoken louder than a whisper since Kurt had closed his eyes, and Blaine's masculine, breathy murmurs sent shivers up Kurt's spine. Slowly and carefully so that he would not lose his balance, Kurt reached out his hand. When he felt what felt like leaves and vines in his hand he took a firm grip. He felt Blaine smile against his neck.

"You may open your eyes." Blaine stepped back freeing Kurt's vision at the same time Kurt pulled the curtain of vines to the right and he gasped at what he saw.
A clearing, not big but quaintly stunning nevertheless. In the centre of the low growing grass stood a magnificent sycamore tree, giant and grand that's branches reached far over the neighbouring trees' tops. Small but colourful wild flowers dotted the grass, and right underneath the tree, to the left of the trunk sat a red and white checkered blanked and a good old fashioned picnic basket.

"Oh my god Blaine!" Kurt said happily, covering his mouth in awe. "What—? I mean—? Gosh you didn't have to do this." Kurt reached out and took Blaine's hand in his, rubbing it tenderly and looking him in the eyes, hoping that they would show how much all of this meant to him.

"But of course I did," Blaine said with a dazzling smile.

"Oh you know I would have been happy with a dinner at Breadstix."

"But I wouldn't be," Blaine said walking Kurt into the clearing and feeling the sunshine rain down on their faces. "You deserve so much more than the normal date spot," Blaine said with such disgust that would have been comical had he not been completely serious. "I mean you like Romance, and heart, and this place is so dear to my heart and there's nothing more romantic than a picnic so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone. Unless you don't like it," Blaine said suddenly starting to worry. "Oh gosh I'm so stupid," he made to run his hand through his hair but seemed to remember that it was gelled before letting it drop limply. "I just assumed and, I'm sorry we should just go. You probably think I'm such a dopey idiot and now I've gone and ruined our first date—"

"Blaine," Kurt said loudly stopping Blaine's rambles, even if they were adorable. "This is absolutely perfect and I'm so touched that you would go through so much trouble to set this up for me."

Blaine looked up at him surprised. "Really?"

Kurt brought Blaine's hand up to his lips and smiled. "Really," before placing an open mouthed kiss on the inside of his wrist; write where the palm ended.

Blaine shivered at the soft warmth of Kurt, and blushed profusely when Kurt returned his hand to him.

"So this must be some room of Requirements," Kurt mused allowed taking in his surroundings again. "Because I'm sure even with detailed directions I would not have been able to find this place."

Blaine shrugged, and walked to the trunk of the tree leaning against it, a knowing smirk gracing his lips; a grand contrast from the blushing boy of just moments before.

"Well our journey isn't over yet," he said.

"Oh no?" Kurt asked raising an eyebrow. "Where more do we have to travel?" Blaine pointed a finger up and smiled as comprehension crossed Kurt's face.

"Nu-uh," Kurt said shaking his head. "I am not climbing that tree."

"But Kuuuurt," Blaine fake whined, sounding like a petulant child. "I need you to complete this journey with me! The ring must be placed in the fire of mount doom."

Kurt rolled his eyes at his boyfriends' nerdiness, but didn't budge. "Just because you're a hobbit doesn't mean you're Frodo," Kurt replied crossing his arms. Blaine pouted sticking out his bottom lip, and tilting his head, staring directly into Kurt's eyes. He made his hazel eyes large and soft, and look so heartbreakingly sad—"Jesus!" Kurt exclaimed throwing his hands in the air. "Fine! But I promise you, one day those damn puppy dog eyes won't work on me."

Blaine grinned like a five year old who had just been giving a lollipop. "I'm not the only when with demon puppy dog eyes." Kurt just flipped him off. Ignoring it Blaine continued speaking, "Trust me, you won't forget it."

"You say the words trust me a lot." Kurt muttered before looking down at his jeans. "Blaaaaaine," he moaned, taking his turn to sound like a whiny little kid. "I'm wearing white jeans."

"Yes but—

"White expensive jeans."

"I told you to dress down!" Blaine exclaimed with an amused smile on his face. "Look," he said when he notices Kurt's sour expression. "You can either take them off,"

Kurt raised an eyebrow, "Or for our second date I'll take you on a shopping spree."

Kurt's mouth fell open. "I'm sorry what?"

"Well I've been thinking about what we should do for our next date and—"

"You want to take me on a shopping spree?" Kurt asked. "I don't think you understand how expensive I am."

Blaine gave a bitter laugh. "And you have no comprehension of how much money I have."

"No." Kurt said with an air of finality in his tone.

"Excuse me?" Blaine asked blinking at the sudden harshness in Kurt.

"I said no," he repeated. "Or rather, we can go shopping, but I'm paying for my own things."

"But Kurt—"

"No but's Blaine," Kurt said with a small smile, the ice leaving his voice. "You've already done so much for me I couldn't possibly take anymore."

"But I want to, I enjoy it."

"And I enjoy watching you climb," Kurt said giving a playful push towards the tree. "I want to see just how well that cute butt of yours can move."

Blaine blushed again, but accepted the end of conversation, though vowing internally not to let it lie. Kurt would get his shipping trip if it was the last thing he did. With a little shake of his toosh, Blaine turned and began to climb up the tree. Kurt followed close behind, muttering profanities about the state of his clothes under his breath.


The climb went smoothly, the thick branches made it easy plus the fact that it seemed like Blaine could do this in his sleep made things go much quicker. The boy gave advice on wear to step, how to be nimble, and told Kurt to be weary of the fire ants. They were killer sometimes.

Finally Blaine stopped on a thick branch near the top of tree. Without hesitation he sat down and looked down for Kurt. "Come on!" He said with a comforting smiling on his face. "You're almost there."

Kurt smiled on the inside. Blaine didn't think he knew how to climb trees. True he hadn't done it and while, and these tight pants limited most of his movements, but once upon a time back in the day, Kurt used to be an avid tree climber. They were the only place he could escape. They made him feel free, and tall; like the birds flying off into the horizon. He visited them a lot after his mother died, but the habit died down when he started high school. But now that he was back in one, and he could feel the sturdy life churning under his hands, Kurt felt free again. Looking up at Blaine, Kurt, careful not let his pants touch anywhere more than necessary, made the final step up to Blaine's branch.

"Isn't it beautiful?" The curly haired boy asked Kurt without looking at him. "I can see everything up here, and it's probably the only peaceful place in this hick town." Following Blaine's line of sight, Kurt saw the beautiful expanse of the rest of the forest, and then the dotted patches that were the rooftops of all the buildings and houses. The sun shone down illuminating everything in its ethereal glow.

"Who knew Lima could actually be…pretty," Kurt said as he settled in next to Blaine, their shoulders just touching. The gentle breeze that comes with being so high up caressed their faces cooling them down, and all at once Kurt found himself smiling.

"This is truly amazing." He breathed, "God," he continued. "I have not been so high up in forever."

Blaine gave him an incredulous surprised look. "You used to climb trees?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah," Kurt nodded. "My mother loved it, and I adored the feeling of being so high, and free, and…untouchable."

"What made you stop?" Blaine asked quietly, looking at Kurt from the corner of his eye, but then his manners kicked in and he added. "But you don't have to answer that if you don't want to, I don't mean to pry."

A small chuckle came from Kurt and he shook his head as an answer. "I honestly…I don't know." He replied. "I know I stopped around my first year of high school, but I can't say why I just…did."

Blaine nodded and nudged his shoulder, "Well now that I know you can climb, you aren't ever going to stop again," he said with a smile. He turned his face to look at Kurt, forgoing the beautiful horizon in favour of beautiful porcelain and astounding now sky star blue eyes. "You sir," Blaine flicked Kurt's nose causing Kurt to wrinkle his nose in the cutest way ever. "Are as a free as those birds, and one day, one very close day you and I, we'll get out of here and soar as high as the world will let us."

Kurt scoffed, "I'll fly as high as I let me, which is all the way to the sun." The both laughed, and Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist, resting his head on his shoulder. He nuzzled his head into Kurt's neck making a sound of contentment.

"I like you," he whispered into the soft expanse of Kurt's neck. His hot breath tickled Kurt's cool skin, and his words sent a thrill down his spine.

"I like you too," he whispered back, tipping his cheek so that it rested upon Blaine's head.

As the two of them sat in a sycamore tree, sunlight pouring around them, as the wind caressed them, Kurt realized he couldn't ask for a more perfect moment. "Blaine?" he asked softly moving so that he could look at the boy still attached to his neck.

"Mm?" Blaine asked lazily looking up.

"Will you kiss me?" Kurt bit his lower lip in a nervous gesture, but he didn't look away from Blaine. The boy in question simply smiled.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Slowly and deliberately both boys moved in and this time the birds didn't disrupt them. The lips melded together softly, moving in perfect unison as Blaine opened his mouth to deepen the kiss. Kurt pulled away first; flushed and breathless, but he didn't move far. Their foreheads leaned against each other as they both fought to get their breath back.

"I," Blaine nipped at Kurt's bottom lip playfully. "Have," he kissed his forehead, "Been," he kissed Kurt's nose, "wanting," he kissed Kurt's right hand, "To do," he kissed Kurt's left hand, "That," he pressed a light kiss to Kurt's lips, leaning back only a fraction so that their lips still brushed. "Forever," he whispered, his mouth moving against Kurt's. Before Blaine knew what was happening, Kurt drew him in for a deep kiss that elicited a moan from one of the two, (though if Blaine had to guess he'd say it came from him).

"Come on," Kurt said with a coy smile, leaning back and putting a distinguishable amount of space between them. "We better eat the picnic before the food spoils in this sun."

"I don't know," Blaine said with a shrug. "I was kind of hoping we could stay up here forever."

"Forever is a long time," Kurt said, ever his practical self.

"Not if it's with you," Blaine replied almost instantaneously. Kurt didn't answer and there was silence for seven seconds before; "Oh gosh that was cheesy," Blaine said with a smile. "You're right we should go eat, I think the height is doing something to my head."

Kurt just smiled and gave Blaine a chaste kiss, "You're cute. Don't ever change."

Blaine gave a mock offended scoff, as he slid down to the branch below. "As if I would. I'm sex on a stick and sing like a dream, remember? The day I stop being that, is the day the world stops spinning."

"And god forbid that should happen—"

"Oh hush," Blaine said, "You're sarcasm is invalid because you know it's true."

"Whatever you say," Kurt said rolling his eyes. "Now keep going, I am starving and I want to see what you packed."

"Aye, aye captain," with a mock salute, and one more kiss because they could now (insert internal fan girl squeal on both their parts), Blaine descended the tree. "See you at the bottom."



"Fuck you and everything you own," Kurt said as the car came to a rough stop on the dust road. "Why the hell would you take me here?"

"Because we need to talk," Blaine said as he pulled the key out of the ignition. "And we could always talk here. It was our place our –"

"Somewhere only we know," Kurt finished in barely more than a whisper. He shook his head and his chestnut hair fell across his face. He brushed it back angrily, a mixture of emotions flickering across his eyes. "You're a real douche bag you know that Blaine?"

"And you're a prissy bitch," he replied causally. "This isn't new information. So are you coming or not?" Kurt defiantly shook his head.

"It's too much. I c-can't…"

"Suit yourself," Blaine said with a shrug before he exited the car.

"Wait," Kurt called. But either Blaine didn't hear him of just ignored him.


Kurt heard the tell-tale sound of the car locking. "Fucker," he huffed under his breath. Looking around Kurt found the manual lock and unlocked the door, letting himself out before slamming the door and storming after Blaine.

"What the hell Blaine!"

Blaine looked over his shoulder at Kurt, who currently resembled hell on legs. If he was afraid he didn't show it instead. Instead he raised a bushy eye-brow and said; "what? I gave you a choice."

"You didn't say it involved locking me in your damn car."

"Oh I'm sorry," Blaine said not looking sorry at all. "I thought you liked my car."

Finally catching up to Blaine, Kurt gave him a disbelieving look. "I can't believe you're being so mean." Blaine scoffed, obnoxiously loudly and actually stopped in his tracks.

"I cannot believe you have the audacity to say that," he said looking as infuriated as he did surprised. "I just—ugh never mind!" he said with a shake of his head. "Let's go," he continued walking again with Kurt in perfect step next to him. They walked on the pathway in between the trees in a cold silence. The pale dawn light shone through the trees giving everything a light glow, though no warmth was felt. Birds flew lazily overhead and a few butterflies fluttered around the pair, nature showing no qualms with the obvious animosity that radiate doff the two boys. Six minutes later and they were in the clearing they had visited so many times before; their tree of dreams.

The sycamore tree was as magnificent as ever, seemingly fluorescent in its bright green luminescence. A pang of pain flashed through Kurt, this was the beginning of their everything. It was the only place that was truly theirs, as far as he could remember nothing bad had ever happened there. Why did Blaine want to taint this place's memories?

"I don't know what the point of this is," Kurt said crossly, not moving as Blaine silently walked up to the tree. "This is crazy let's just go back to the car and talk there."

"Don't you miss flying?" Blaine asked not looking at Kurt, but staring up at the vast branches of the tree scraping the sky. "Don't you miss being free? This world has so many burdens that drag us down when sometimes all we need to do is let them go so that we can soar."

"Blaine?' I don't know what you're talkin—"

"We used to fly together Kurt," Blaine said his voice laced with sadness. "You and I would sing, and dance, and flutter, and be happy, and…we were in love."

"And then you ended it," Kurt spat with venom finally walking to the bushy haired boy. "We were in love and we were happy and you let it end."

"It had to end," Blaine said so sadly it made Kurt's heart hurt. Blaine's head dropped from looking at the sky to stare at the grass and wild flowers growing at his feet.

"For both our benefits."

Kurt laughed without humour. "I think you mean for yours." He came to stand next to Blaine, standing perpendicular to the boy whose head was still bowed. "I gained absolutely nothing from the split."

"That's bullshit!" Blaine said turning sharply to look at Kurt. "You gained Rachel…"

"I always had Rachel."

"That's right," Blaine said. "You've always had my twin sister. My sister, who can barely stand me because I'm such an arrogant prick who always gets what I want."

"It's not like that—" Kurt started lamely.

"You got to keep your happy little family—"

"What?" Kurt asked angry and confused. "What does my family have to do with anything?"

"Your family has to do with everything," Blaine said quietly, all spite gone in his voice. The hollowness of the sound resounded through the clearing, and Kurt shivered.

"I-I don't understand."

"My mother's a crazy bitch," Blaine said without emotion. "More than you know."

"I—" Kurt started, but he didn't know how to continue.

"Forget it," Blaine said looking back at the tree. "I've said too much already."


"All you really need to know," Blaine continues cutting off Kurt again. "Is that I love you. I've always loved you, and whether you believe me or not, I still love you." He looked at Kurt now, whose eyes were brimming with tears of frustration and a year's worth of pent up emotion he didn't know how to express. "It's just…things are so much more complicated than they seem, but just know that I am so so sorry for everything. I am so very sorry for clipping your wings, Kurt. When all I've ever wanted is to see you fly."

Blaine's large hazel eyes were brimming over with tears, and when he blinked, they fell over and spilled down his cheeks. Crying was something Blaine rarely did, and to see the heartbreak so plain on his face was like seeing sunshine bleed. It pushed Kurt over the edge and his tears fell too. Every single piece of him that had belonged to Blaine, the pieces that Kurt had done his very best to supress came erupting out from beneath the surface.

"Blaine," he whispered taking a step so that he and Blaine were face to face. "Please tell me what's going on." Blaine raised a shaky hand and placed it softly on Kurt's cheek using his thumb to wipe Kurt's tears.

"I'm sorry," he replied shaking his head. "But I can't."

Kurt nodded mutely, silently leaning in to Blaine's gentle touch. "You don't know," he started shaking his head slightly. "How much I've wanted to hate you. I've sat and I've cried over every single piece of my heart that you broke. I've screamed at all the hurt that you brought me, but not once could I hate you, not really."

Blaine chuckled darkly. "My welcome back party could have fooled me."

"I hate what you've done to me," Kurt replied moving his head out of Blaine's hand. "I hate how you make me feel. I…I hate how after all this time and after all the pain you've brought me just one of your megawatt smiles has me falling again!" Kurt took a harsh step back looking like he'd just been electrocuted. "I hate how much you've changed me," Kurt continued. "You've made me angry, and bitter, but you've also made me happy, and free and—" Kurt stopped mid rant shaking his head with a humourless laugh. "I hate how you've affected me Blaine, but I could never hate you. I love you too much for that."

Blaine didn't reply and the silence between them was fresh, raw, and as tangible as one of Kurt's cashmere sweaters. Finally Blaine broke the silence.

"I love you too, Kurt. But that's a conversation for another time." Kurt closed his eyes and took a deep breath thankful that even now, Blaine still new exactly what to do and what to say. This wasn't the time for this conversation. It may be the place but neither boy was ready for it to happen.

"Are you ready for one more climb?" Blaine asked, interrupting Kurt's thoughts. The porcelain boy looked at him eyes open semi-wide in surprise.


End Notes: TBC...


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