Second Chances
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Second Chances: Curtain Call

M - Words: 5,133 - Last Updated: Jan 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jun 21, 2012 - Updated: Jan 25, 2013
318 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Holy hell it's been a very long time I profusely sorry! In my defense I've been distracted with crippling myself and school and Glee but mostly school. Anyway, I got sick (still am sick) so instead of doing any homework I wrote you guys this because it needed to be done. It's the last chapter before the epilogue! And I honestly want to say thank you to all of you lovely reviewers and followers who read this and actually enjoy it and review and stick with me even though I suck at regular updates and I promise I won't be this bad next time, if there is a next time. And stick around because I still have one shots to post. Also, this is the longest thing I have written in the history of ever and to anyone who knows me this is a big fricking deal so thank you for motivating me to write and this is long and rambly I'm sorry it's late and I'm sick and just ugh.To paraphrase; this has been a great (almost) year and thank you all so much, I honestly love you all.Enjoy (:Oh also, emancipation isn't actually allowed in Ohio so I used California's laws and regulations.
Chapter 18
Curtain Call

An hour and twenty minutes later, the house was clean and everybody had evacuated, save for the short curly haired brunette and the people who lived there. The goodbye's had been rushed and Blaine hadn't come up from the basement. Thankfully though, nobody had asked about it since they weren't stupid, and Cooper's melancholy disposition was obvious to anybody who was near him. The brothers weren't brothers anymore, and everyone thought it was better to just leave it be.

Kurt saw everyone out with hugs and smiles and thank you's, and' we'll have a proper hanging out without all the teen angst really soon'. With a final kiss to Tina's cheek, a 'wanky' from Santana, and an awkward three way bro hug from Jeff, Nick, and David, he closed the door and rested his forehead against it with a sigh.
People took so much effort.

He appreciated them though, he did. But the silence in the house was a calming wave compared to all the chatter from before. Kurt liked his space; it had been built into him from the years of bullying, and it was nice to have it back.

He kicked off of the door and turned around to head back downstairs when he saw his dad descending the stairs. "Everyone gone?" he asked raising a brow in a burlier way than Kurt does, but it was obvious where Kurt had inherited the skill.

The son nodded resisting the urge to run his hand through his hair. "Yeah they're gone. Well Blaine's still here."

Burt nodded, "I figured." He stepped off of the last stair and turned towards the kitchen. "I meant what I said, Kurt." He said when Kurt fell into step beside him. "Don't let him go."

Kurt smiled and leaned against the kitchen counter while Burt put the kettle on. "I really don't plan on it."


"I'm surprised though," Kurt said watching his dad as he pulled a mug and a tea bag out of the cupboards. It was their little secret. Burt loved tea. Kurt had gotten him hooked on it three years ago, and Burt had never been the same since. It was amusing, and Kurt watched with amusement as his dad made himself tea of the Jasmine variety. "I didn't think you like Blaine that much."

Burt shrugged and turned to look at Kurt, his baby boy who looked so much like his mother it hurt. "He's a good kid," Burt started. "And he's good for you. I guess you guys can't see what you look like when you're together but it's…there's something there that I can't explain but you…you shine brighter, and his eyes like bleed with love; it is insane how much his eyes say. I didn't doubt it once when he told you he loved you. But you guys are so young, and young love can die fast, and you're boys and boys are idiots and you're human and humans make mistakes. Human boys; we have the ability to screw up even the simplest of things, and I just don't want you to wind up hurt again. But even then that wasn't entirely his fault, and I'd rather you get hurt by somebody who loves you than by some dick who truly doesn't care about you."

Burt looked at Kurt who was looking at him in surprise. Burt rolled his eyes and the kettle whistled signaling that the water was done. He turned to it and poured the hot water into the mug. "But," he said putting the kettle back. "If he does hurt you again, I have a shotgun, an ak-47, and a garage full of men who would do anything for you since they practically helped raise you."

There was a brief silence and then Kurt lunged himself at his dad, giving the man a tight backwards hug as he buried his face into his dad's back.

"I love you daddy," Kurt said squeezing with all his might.

A lump formed in Burt's throat and tears stung at his eyes. He patted his son's hand that was wound around his shoulders softly. "I love you too, kiddo. And for what it's worth…I'm sure your mother would love Blaine, too."

A stifled sob came from Kurt, and Burt unwound the boy's fingers and turned around to hold his son properly. Burt didn't try to stop his son's tears or fill the silence with whispered nothings. He didn't see the point in those things; his son was crying so he would let him cry, and he would hold him because he knew, with the fleeting time and the knowledge that only a parent could have; this would be the last time Kurt would need Burt to hold him for a very long time.


Blaine opened his eyes though they felt dry and itchy. He was warm, there was little light, and a soft hand was draped around his waist.



After Blaine had calmed himself Kurt had gone upstairs and Blaine had had a moment to himself. As a kid he had never liked silence much. It was always so loud and heavy, and it made his thoughts crystal clear without anything to distract him from them. And truth seemed to like the silence since it allowed no room for deception, so his thoughts spiraled to places he didn't want to go very quickly.

It didn't more than a minute of silence to have Blaine in tears again, though he bit his lip so that he wouldn't make a sound, a violent sob threatened to rip itself out his throat. Blindly he fell onto the bed and curled up into a ball not even trying to stop the tears. He no longer had a family, as soon as the paperwork was done he's be on his own. He no longer had a brother, since his mangled heart refused to forgive him. And he barely had a sister because in his attempts to push her away he had pushed her too far. He's just gotten his boyfriend back, but that was about it. Blaine was on his own for the first time in his life, and that was scary.

He curled even more tightly into himself and let the feeling wash over him. His hot tears burned his face and his hands clasped together tightly. That was how he had fallen asleep. Kurt must have come down and lay down with him and Blaine had relaxed into his touch even when he was sleeping.

A small smile spread onto Blaine's face. His neck didn't hurt, his hands were no longer clasped—in fact one of them was intertwined with Kurt's. Besides his itchy face his body felt fine and his spirit a lot calmer. Everything was going to be okay. With Blaine waking up in Kurt's arms, things had to be.

Kurt stirred next to him, so Blaine rolled over to face the pale boy, a smile still on his face. Kurt opened his eyes slowly and blinked twice bringing everything into focus.

"Hello sleepyhead," Kurt said taking in Blaine bedraggled appearance. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better," Blaine replied truthfully. "I feel good."

Kurt smiled and Blaine's heart skipped a beat. "I'm glad to hear that—"

"I love you," Blaine cut him off his smile growing even bigger.

Kurt laughed, "I love you too, silly."

"I know," Blaine said nodding quickly. "I just…I really love you and it feels good to say so I'm going to keep saying it because I need to break myself out of the habit of denying myself beautiful things."

Kurt leaned forward and pressed a gently kiss to Blaine's lips. "I love you," he said his lips grazing Blaine's. It sent a shudder down Blaine's spine but before he could lean in for a deeper kiss Kurt pulled back a bit and looked into Blaine's eyes.

"You are beautiful," Kurt stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the entire world. "And your family is going to miss having your beauty around." Blaine blinked and looked down, not expecting those words to leave Kurt's lips. Kurt cupped Blaine's face in his hand and pushed lightly so that Blaine would look at him again.

"I spoke to my dad and if you're serious about the emancipation, he'd be happy to have you." Blaine blinked at him, this time in disbelief.

"No," he said after a slight pause. "No, I can't do that."

"It's no bother," Kurt argued, his voice soft and pleading. "You basically spent every day here in the summer anyways, and you don't have anywhere else to stay."

"I'd stay in a hotel," Blaine tried to argue.

"And how expensive would that be for two years?" Kurt countered. "You need to save your money for university. And let's be honest, if you stayed in a hotel you'd still be spending all your time here anyways. This way, you can still spend all your time here and dad will be able to keep on eye you to make sure that you're alright. He cares about you, Blaine, and I want you close." Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist and pulled him closer so that they were flush against each other, their foreheads pressed together and both of them looking down.

Blaine exhaled slowly but didn't reply.

"Please?" Kurt asked pouting slightly. "I don't want you eaten by giant hotel cockroaches."

Blaine laughed and rolled his eyes. "I'll think about it," he said his tone sobering immediately. "I just need to talk to Jane first."

Kurt nodded and pulled away giving Blaine a half smile. "I propose we go do that now so that it can be out of the way forever."

Blaine made a face but nodded his agreement. "I suppose so."

"It's okay, I'll be with you every step of the way."

Blaine made another face and Kurt smiled kissing the top of his head. "Come on," Kurt said rolling out of the bed. "It's time to make ourselves presentable."

"We can't meet the Queen of Hell looking like ragamuffins can we?" Blaine said sarcastically.

"No we can't." Kurt agreed ignoring Blaine's sarcasm. "Now go wash your face."

Blaine sighed but rolled out of the other side of the bed and trudged towards the bathroom. He looked down at his crumpled clothes and looked back up for Kurt who was lost somewhere in his closet. "I think I'm going to need some other clothes," Blaine said reproachfully, put out by the fact that he's actually putting effort into this right now.

"Don't worry," Kurt called out. "I'm on it. Now go shower, you know where everything is."

"I thought I just had to wash my face?" Blaine whined.

"I changed my mind," Kurt said. "Now don't make me come out there." Blaine huffed and rolled his eyes, though a smile crept its way onto his face again.

This was the life he had chosen and damn did it feel good.

They pulled up outside Blaine's house two hours later, silence wrapped around them. The mansion loomed dangerously overhead, the home appearing the least homey it's ever been. Kurt turned off the gas and turned to Blaine who stared at the house stoically.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked softly.

Blaine's gaze snapped to him, and it warmed by a hundred degrees. He exhaled and gave a small reassuring smile. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Kurt nodded and squeezed Blaine's hand before slipping out of the car and walking over to the passenger's side. Blaine still hadn't moved.

Kurt opened the door with a hand on his hip. "Hey there Gel Boy," he said raising an eyebrow. "Plan on moving anytime soon?"

The edges of Blaine's mouth twitched but he didn't smile, the finality of everything weighing him down. Kurt held out his hand and Blaine took it, allowing Kurt to pull him out of the car. They stood on the sidewalk together hand in hand facing the house.

"This is the point of no return," Kurt said squeezing Blaine's hand reassuringly. "Are you ready to fly?"

"I might need you to push me, truth be told," Blaine replied.

"I thought you might say that," Kurt said with a nod. "It's show time."

Before Blaine could protest, Kurt ran towards the door dragging Blaine behind him, their hands locked together in Kurt's iron clad grip. Before he knew what was happening, Blaine was on the doorstep, the bell was ringing, and Kurt was fixing his Suit jacket with a smug look on his face.

"I hate you," Blaine scowled.

"No you don't," Kurt replied the least bit offended. He finished his primping and gave Blaine a reassuring smile and kissing his hand that was still in Kurt's. "Everything will be okay."



Santana slunk back into Rachel's still empty seat a while later, a smug smile on her face. "You rendezvous at feeding time in the place of change."

Kurt gave her a bemused look. "I'm sorry what?"

Santana rolled her eyes crossing her arms. "It's code, genius."
"Oh really?" Kurt replied. "I thought the herpes had finally reached your brain and you were talking in tongue."

"You're seriously going to talk to the person who got you a date with that hot piece off ass like that?"

Kurt shrugged, "the date hasn't happened yet."

"Ungrateful people," she murmured under her breath. "They really are the worst."

Kurt rolled his eyes but guilt started to creep in. Santana had put in quite a bit of effort to set this up, not that he had asked her to, but still. Kurt sighed and turned to her raising his eyebrow in question.

"So are you going to repeat that in English or…?"

"Meet him in the pool shed/changing room when everyone goes to eat," she said under her breath, a smile creeping onto her face.

"We're going to do this while everyone's around?" Kurt asked surprised.

"Like I said before," Santana replied batting his concerns away with cool hand flick. "Only Rachel needs to be kept in the dark, and I'm very good at distracting people."

"Every time Rachel's around you for more than five minutes she comes looking for me," Kurt warned. "Be nice."

"Please," Santana retorted sitting up in the lounge chair, he long legs placed on either side. "I can be civil, Kurt. There's a reason Rachel and I are friends after all."

"I wouldn't have called you to friends."

"But you don't know everything," Santana quipped with a smile. She stood up and stretched, looking at Kurt expectantly over her arm. "I'll cover for you when you're gone, so take your sweet time." She bent down and booped Kurt's nose, an affectionate smile on her face. "And don't do anything I wouldn't do."



The doorbell reverberated through the house, each echo sending a shot of nervousness through Blaine. He was scared he wasn't strong enough to do this, but he knew he had to, he needed to, and he's feel all the better for it. He needed to cut his ties to the poison that was his family and start afresh. He almost felt like a drug addict that was checking into rehab, it was time for a new Blaine, and this was the final step.

Jane opened the door with a false smile on her face. "Blaine, darling," she said not opening the door more than her body size, "I've been worried sick."

"We can skip the false pleasantries mother," Blaine said, the anger swirling inside of him so suddenly and so violently it took everything in him not to kick the door open and destroy everything inside the cold house. Maybe then he'd get a reaction that wasn't a cool calculation from the woman who was supposed to be his mother. "I'm here strictly on business, and when it's sorted you'll never see me again."

"Bold words," Jane said her eyes taking in her son's put together appearance in a grey three piece suit with a purple bowtie. She had never seen it before so it had to be new but it wasn't designer. Homemade then, but by whom? It was then that she finally noticed that Blaine was holding someone's hand. She looked left and realized that it was Kurt. A small smile threatened to show but she stopped it, not allowing anything to break her cool passiveness.

"What business could you have here?" She asked cocking her head slightly, gauging her sons reaction. "This is a family after all."

"May we come inside?" Kurt asked before Blaine could reply with something he'd probably regret. "It's hardly comfortable talking on your front porch."

Jane gave Kurt a once over, who looked nothing short of stunning in a simple black suit that fit him perfectly, and his hair coiffed to perfection that even Jane had trouble telling if there was product in it or not. Blaine knew how to pick them.

"Of course," she said with her fake smile that made Blaine's stomach roll. "How rude of me." She stepped back and opened the large door wider allowing Kurt and Blaine slip through. "If this is business," she said to the young boys. "Why don't we go to my office?"

Kurt and Blaine nodded before following the small woman through the house into her large office. Kurt, never being in here before, took in the room slowly quickly noticing how there was nothing in here that personalized it. The room was bare save for a large mahogany desk and two uncomfortable looking suede chairs that faced it.

Jane elegantly walked over to the desk and sat in the big chair behind it. She gestured to the two suede chairs and Kurt and Blaine sat in them, crossing their legs and gearing themselves for this conversation.

A moment passed before Jane spoke, her hands clasped together resting on her crosses legs. "So," she said her eyes flickering between the two of them. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I'm filing for emancipation," Blaine said bluntly cutting straight to the chase. Blaine had the satisfaction of actually taking his mother by surprise. She couldn't hide the look of shock on her face, though it dissipated back into the cool mask almost instantly.

"Oh are you now?" She asked narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Yes I am," Blaine replied, gaining confidence from having shocked her. "I'm done with you and your lies and you trying to control my life. I am the master of my own fate and I don't need you trying to tell me otherwise. So I'm filing for emancipation so that I can be free."

"But…" Jane said a smile playing on the edge of her mouth.

"But I need your permission," Blaine said through gritted teeth, irritated that he's having to ask her for anything.

"I see," she said reclining back into her chair as if she didn't already know this.

"Will you give it?" Blaine pushed.

"I don't see why I should," Jane answered with a shrug. "I don't want you emancipated, and if it means anything, I'm done playing with you now that Cooper's home."

"If you're done with me, why not let me go?" Blaine asked his tone cold and matter-of-fact.

"Well that's obvious," Jane said leaning forwards and placing her elbows on the desk. "You're too valuable for me to let go."

"He is not some possession for you to own." Kurt snapped drawing everyone's attention to him. "He is your son—"

"And he doesn't want to be anymore," Jane interrupted coolly. "I love him so much," she said melodramatically, the sarcasm heavy. "Why would I ever want him to leave?"

"Because you care about him," Kurt said honestly. "Somewhere deep within your Queen Ice Bitch exterior, you love your son. I know you do."

"I never said I didn't," Jane responded calmly, barely batting an eye at Kurt's words. "I doubt you'd believe me if I said that everything I did was out of love."

"Yeah, love for your company," Blaine retorted bitterly. "None of this has ever been about me, from day one. I mean, I wasn't even supposed to be born! It was Cooper and the company, that's it."

Jane rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair. "What is it with my children and the melodrama?" she asked to nobody in particular. "Yes," she said to Blaine. "You were an accident. But I still birthed you, and cared for you, and gave you the best schooling—"

"But you didn't raise me," he growled cutting her off mid-sentence. "You didn't care for me or read me bedtime stories. You didn't give me hugs, or hold me when thunder shook the house. You were barely around, and when you were you gave all your time to Cooper. And you didn't even give me the best schooling, I was moved to Dalton after Sadie Hawkins' because you had to keep up appearances and act like you cared about my safety even a little."

"I raised you to be strong," Jane said with no apology. "Suffering builds character, and love is a weakness the Anderson's can't afford to have."

"Cooper loved me," Blaine said softly, so quietly Jane almost didn't hear him.

"And yet he still left you."

"He raised me in your absence," Blaine said with more assurance.

"Well he couldn't have been very good at it."

"Why?" Blaine challenged boldly, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Because I'm weak? Because I choose to be able to love? Because I hate you!?He raised me to be human," Blaine enunciated. "That's something you wouldn't know anything about."

There was a pause before Jane spoke. The silence was filled with Blaine's deep breaths and pain that was palpable. "You wouldn't believe me if I said I was sorry," Jane said, and it wasn't a question.

"I have no reason to," Blaine retorted crossing his arms.

"Of course not," Jane said as if talking to herself. "You haven't even forgiven Cooper yet."

"How do you know about that?" Blaine asked bodily.

"Dost thou forget?" Jane asked with a wry smile. "I know everything."

"I'm finding that harder and harder to believe these days," Blaine said smoothly no hint of a lie in his voice. "You messed with things you don't understand and this is the repercussion. All your children hate you—"

"Cooper doesn't hate me."

"But he left. And now I want to leave, and we all know Rachel is going straight to New York after graduation. You're a poison in our lives," Blaine said leaning forward and enunciating each word clearly. "And I'm done with you."

Jane hissed. "Ouch," she said mockingly. "That was harsh."

Blaine shrugged. "I figured I'd speak a language that you understand. So," he splayed his hands in question. "Will you allow me to get emancipated?"


"Stop being difficult," Blaine ordered, not amused. "I'm not joking."

"And neither am I. No."

"Mrs. Anderson," Kurt said when he heard Blaine swear under his breath. "You're being unreasonable."

"How so?" she asked with annoyance. "My son wants to leave, I say no."

"You realize Blaine has two parents," a voice said from behind them. Kurt turned to see Paul standing in the doorway looking as irate as Blaine has ever seen him. "And technically, Blaine doesn't even need your signature," he added as he strode into the room like on hell on two feet. "He's just being polite."

"Sweetie," Jane said with a tight smile. "I thought you were in Paris for the week."

"Now I'm not," was all he said in response. "So someone tell me, what's going on here?"

Jane rolled her eyes in annoyance at her husband's interruption. "Blaine's filing for emancipation and was wondering if we would sign our consent," she said blandly as if it was no big deal.

"And you're saying…?"

"No of course!" she declared as if anything else would offend her very being. "Why would I want my son to leave?"

"Well you did spend the last two years pushing him away."

"I did nothing of the sort," Jane said offended. "Honestly, if one more person tells me that—"

"You should probably start to believe it," Kurt deadpanned.

Jane shot him a cold glare, but he matched it one of his own. The ice queen versus the ice princess, who will win?

Paul ignored his wife and addressed Blaine who looked like he was ready to leave. "Do you really want to be emancipated?" Paul asked softly, something akin to hurt creeping into his voice.

"I'm not happy that it's come to this, father," Blaine replied, his father's hot presence melting his coldness. "But I don't have any other choice. I can't be around her," he pointed to his mother who still locked eyes with Kurt, "Any longer. She's like a cancer and she's already done so much damage. It's time for me to cut her out."

"Bittybot," Paul cooed but was cut off when Blaine raised his hand.

"Don't…don't call me that."


"No. I'm not just cutting off ties with her. I'm cutting off from this whole sick twisted family."

"But Blaine—"

"The day Cooper left it's like I stopped existing!" Blaine yelled cutting his father off, the echo reverberating around the room. Nobody spoke. "You just stopped trying, and I understand, it's hard, he's your son, but I'm your son too! …I'm your son too and you didn't want me." Blaine let out a harsh bitter laugh, "Well that's fine," he said getting to his feet. "Because now, I don't want you."

Kurt rose behind him not sure what to say to diffuse the situation, or if there was anything he could say.

"I don't need your signatures," Blaine said stalking towards the door. "This was just an act of good will, but since you're refusing to accept it, I guess I'll see you never."

"Blaine!" Paul called out reaching out for his boy but only able to grasp air. "Please, don't go."

"Let's be honest," Blaine said without turning around. "I've been gone for a while now. This is just me saying goodbye."

Paul lowered his hand and looked down, guilt eating through him. He glanced at his wife who seemed unmoved by the events. He supressed a sigh. Blaine put his hand on the doorknob and twisted, pushing the door open with ease.

"One last thing," Paul called out looking at his youngest son with sadness. "Don't begrudge your brother what he did, he had no other choice. And I know it probably doesn't mean anything, but he came to visit you when you were in the hospital."

Blaine froze, disbelief shocking his system. He turned around eyes narrowed as he looked at his father. "You're lying," he said steadily, his voice low and even.

Paul shook his head putting his hand in his pockets. "No I'm not. He flew out and saw you, but he left before you woke up. It's where he was when Stacey…well when he and Stacey were torn apart."

Blaine stared at him mouth agape. "You're lying."

"Why would I lie?" Paul asked, and he sounded very tired indeed. "You've already made your choice, like I made mine. I was a bad father and for that I am deeply sorry. But Cooper, he isn't a bad brother, and I hope one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive him. He loves you."

Blaine nodded dumbly, unsure what to do with this new information. Kurt took Blaine's hand in his and faced his boyfriend's parents with a solemn expression. "Thank you for telling us," Kurt said to Paul with a head nod. "And thank you for seeing us out of the blue like this. We understand your hesitation, but it's for the best if we avoid each other for a while. Blaine will be staying with me if you decide to pull you heads out of your asses, but since that seems unlikely, we'd appreciate it if you wait for us to get into contact with you. We'll be by this time next week to pick up Blaine's stuff. See you soon, get fucked, and have a great day."

Kurt gave them a sarcastic smile before walking out his boyfriend in tow. They didn't stop walking until they were out the door and the fresh air snapped Blaine back into his senses.

"Holy shit," the shorter boy said with a surprised giggle.

Kurt looked at his boyfriend like he was deranged. "You okay there big boy?"

"You just told my parents to get fucked," Blaine said a giant grin on his face.

"I've also told your mother that I fucked her husband, this isn't really a new thing for me."

Blaine turned to face Kurt and pulled him into a tight embrace. "I fucking love you, did you know that?"

"I've heard it through the grapevine somewhere," Kurt said with a coy smile, hugging his boyfriend back.

"Well," Blaine said pulling back and grinning at Kurt like he'd never seen the boy's face before. "I love you."

Kurt smiled biting his lip tentatively. "I don't deny it," he replied. "But we better get out of here before your mother decides she doesn't love the way I speak to her."

Blaine scoffed and started down the steps. "I'm pretty sure you're the only person in existence who can talk to her like that."

Kurt shrugged and smiled doing a small pirouette. "It's the charm of being me I suppose." Blaine laughed and shook his head, getting into the car as Kurt unlocked it. It was done. He couldn't say he felt better, but he felt lighter. They wouldn't get in the way of his emancipation, though they wouldn't help him with it. It wasn't much but it was all he could ask for. Kurt slid into the car, but his easy smile fell when he saw Blaine deep in thought.

"You okay?" he asked gently, placing his hand on top of Blaine's.

The boy in question nodded looking out his window for one last glance at his house. "Surprisingly, yes." He said with sad eyes but a small smile. "I've always dreamed of leaving, I just never thought it would be so easy."

Kurt bit his lip, choosing his words carefully. "Well I mean, that place was never truly a home to you right? As far as I know you're much more likely to call Dalton home than 55 Conely Street. And now that you've accepted it, letting go is easy."

Blaine nodded and took a deep breath, his eyes watering a little bit. "It just feels weird, I can't believe they'd let me go."
Kurt squeezed his boyfriend's hands comfortingly. "They had to hon, or else you'd never come back."

Blaine nodded, understanding what Kurt was saying though his parent's action still stung. He didn't know what he was complaining about. It's not like he wanted them to pick him and throw him in his room and never let him out, but it just felt weird being let go with just an apology for being a shitty parent. Blaine sighed and shook his head, shaking everything out of his head; his parents, Cooper, his past, and he slowly let his reason coming back.

"I should be celebrating," he said, finally meeting Kurt's concerned gaze. "It's you and me now, us against the world." Blaine grinned and pulled his seatbelt on, his smile lighting up his face. "So Kurt, I've been to ask you something."

Kurt raised his eyebrow in suspicion. "Oh really?" he asked putting the key in the ignition.

"Kurt Hummel," Blaine said the excitement obvious in his voice. "Will you go on a date with me?"

Kurt laughed and drove away from the curb, living the giant house behind them.

"Blaine Warbler, it would be my pleasure."

End Notes: TBC


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That was totally awesome!!! Omg is there any chance of a sequel

Thank you, love, I'm glad you enjoyed it! As of now I wouldn't say so, unless you had any ideas of what would happen next? Blaine and Kurt's story is almost done now that Jane Anderson and her torturous ways are behind them. But if you had any ideas I'd be happy to hear them! There's still an epilogue left so stay tuned for that, and thank yo very much for your review :)Stay gorgeous!