Second Chances
A Trip Down Memory Lane Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Second Chances: A Trip Down Memory Lane

M - Words: 4,499 - Last Updated: Jan 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jun 21, 2012 - Updated: Jan 25, 2013
438 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: There's more flashback in this one


He'd made a mistake. This was a massive mistake. That's why he was sitting alone in the Lima Bean right now. Because Blaine had come to his senses and realized how stupid this was. They couldn't so this. Why would Blaine want to anyway? Kurt was Kurt, and no matter how much Kurt envied Blaine for it, Blaine was perfect. He could see why Rachel hated him so much. Kurt groaned. Rachel. He was betraying her right now. By being here, or at least he would if Blaine knew the meaning of the word punctuality.
"Okay," Kurt said to himself. "If he's not here in five minutes I'm leaving. It's obviously a sign from…" he made a gesture, not wanting to say God since he didn't really believe in him. "…something," he finally spluttered out. "That this was a bad idea and I'm an idiot, and Blaine is a douche, and Rachel was right, and I'm so obviously crazy because I'm sitting alone in a coffee shop talking to myself." He huffed and sat back in the comfortable chair glaring at the wall.


Kurt watched the door.


He sipped his coffee.


He watched the clock.



He tapped the table with his manicured nails.


"This is ridiculous. I'm worrying myself over nothing, over a nobody. Oh shit, the barrister's looking at me like I'm crazy." Kurt ducked his head and did his best to stop glaring at the clock that resided above the poor girl's, who was just wondering why the gorgeous young man was staring daggers at her, head.


"I feel stupid…he's not coming. He's not coming I should just go." He looked back at the clock that's hands seemed to move painstakingly slowly. "Five more seconds. That's it then I'm gone."


"This is ridiculous I'm behaving like a thirteen year old girl with a crush on Nick Jonas. That's it I'm leaving." Kurt stood to leave, when the bell on the door chimed. Kurt turned to look, his stomach flopping in anticipation, and he was not disappointed.

"Hey Kurt!" Blaine said with a smile walking over to his table. "I am so sorry I'm late, Warblers practice ran a little late. Wes is like a drill sergeant." He shook his head laughing, but stopped when he say that Kurt was standing. "Why are you standing?"

Kurt laughed nervously thinking of a lie. "I just…umm..." Kurt was never at a loss for words. Ever. What was it about this boy that made his head spin and his tongue tie itself in knots? "I was just going to make an attempt at guessing your coffee order," Kurt said shrugging. Blaine gave him an amused quizzical look so he kept on talking.

"You just seem like a guy who has a regular, so I thought I'd try and guess it."

"And you were going to start without me?" Blaine asked putting on a mock hurt expression. "How rude."

"Well that's what you get for being late." Blaine stuck his tongue out at him playfully, and dropped his leather satchel next to the empty chair. "So what were you going to choose?"

"I don't know yet," Kurt said moving past Blaine towards the counter. "Give me a second to look." With Blaine trailing behind him, Kurt walked up to the counter. The Lima Bean was considerably quiet today, so only them, and two other couples occupied the store along with the two barristers. It was nice. While Kurt loved the city and all things busy, sometimes he just needed to be away from crowds of people. And while he loved the buzz and busy vibe that usually flowed through this place, this gentle mellow feel was superb. Especially with his nerves; he needed whatever he could get to ground himself.

Kurt looked at the hand written menu, the many different coffee flavours and types written in the stunning chalk calligraphy. "I'm ready to order," Kurt said to the barrister girl he had scared before. Her name tag read Stacey. "Can I get one Grande Non-Fat Mocha for myself and, one… Medium-drip for my hobbit friend over here."

"Hey!" Blaine said indignantly. He was not a hobbit. Kurt ignored him and moved over to wait for Stacey to finish making their orders so that he could pay. Blaine came to stand next to him.

"So was I right?" Kurt asked.

"About what?" Blaine asked playing dumb.

Kurt nudged his shoulder playfully. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. The scorching cup of delicious drug goodness; did I get it right?"

Blaine laughed at Kurt's description of coffee. "Yes, you did actually." He said still smiling. "How on earth did you know?"

"Years of stalking," Kurt replied with a smirk so that Blaine knew he was joking.

"Well I don't know about you but I take stalking as a complement. It means that you think I'm interesting enough to dedicate all your time to."

"Well you are," Kurt laughed. "You are Blaine Anderson; lead Warbler, head prefect, perfect son, infatuated with all things Disney, Harry Potter, and Broadway. Dapper as an old-fashioned gentleman…Anyone who doesn't think you're interesting must be out of their horribly unfashionable minds."

A light blush lit up Blaine's cheeks. "Well you're not so bad either."

"One Grande non-fat mocha and a medium-drip," Stacey's voice called out as she placed the piping hot cups onto the counter. Kurt nodded and Stacey rang the orders into the cash register. "That'll be $10.41."

Kurt started to take out his wallet when Blaine placed a warm hand on his. "This is on me," he said with a bright smile.

"I couldn't—"

"Oh stop it silly," he interrupted pushing Kurt's hand down so that he would put his wallet away. "It wouldn't be very gentleman like of me to have you pay."

"Lest we forget that I am also a man, and don't need, nor do I particularly want to be treated like a lady."

"Indeed, but who is the 'dapper' one in this relationship?" Kurt started at that. They had never really discussed what they were. This was their first official date so did that mean they were dating now. They hadn't even kissed yet, well there was that almost kiss when they first meet but that doesn't count. Rachel effectively cock-blocked that.

While Kurt was lost in his thoughts Blaine had taken out his wallet, paid, picked up their coffees and was currently heading back to their table. "You coming?" he asked over his blazer clad shoulder. Kurt didn't answer but walked over to Blaine and took his coffee with a soft smile.

"Sorry I was in my own little world for a second there, the word relationship really through me off."

They both sat.

"W-well I d-didn't mean to just…force it on you," Blaine stuttered out. "I mean I just assumed because I like you and you like me and we're on a date and oh my god I just made this all up in my head didn't I, I should just go."

Kurt smiled around the rim of his cup. "You are too adorable," he said grabbing Blaine's arm and pulling him back to his seat. "The ever eloquent Blaine brought to a stuttering mess when asked to validate a relationship. I am highly amused."

"Well I just—I'm embarrassed because obviously I like you much more than you like me."

Not likely, Kurt thought to himself. "But did I ever say I didn't want to be your boyfriend?" Kurt asked cocking his head ever so slightly.

"But you said it through you off—"

"I didn't say it was in a bad way though," Kurt said shaking his head slightly.

"I don't understand," Blaine said softly, looking at Kurt with big, watery, hazel eyes. Kurt placed his hand on top of Blaine's in the centre of the small round table.

"What I'm saying, Blaine Warbler," Kurt said using Rachel's pet name for her brother eliciting a soft smile out of him. "Is that I would love to be in a relationship with you."

Blaine's smile was breathtaking and Kurt couldn't believe that he honestly thought he'd say no. Doesn't he see how gorgeous he is? Not that that's the only reason Kurt said yes. Blaine was smart, and funny, and loved all the same things he did without stepping all over Kurt's individuality. They complemented each other in a beautiful way that Kurt was only beginning to comprehend, and honestly, he wanted to know more. Kurt wanted to know what made Blaine tick and what made him smile that special smile. The one that make his eyes crunch up and his lips spread wide so that the happiness glowed from his face. He wanted to know what his hair felt and looked like without the gel in it. He wanted to know what Blaine's most scared of and what his most precious memory is. More to the point, Kurt wanted to know Blaine Anderson.

"Really?" Blaine asked, sounding breathless and stupefied. Like he didn't believe this day would ever come.

"Really," Kurt replied picking up Blaine's hand and kissing it softly.



Kurt awoke to the sound of muffled voices. He groaned softly and looked beside him; Rachel was still sound asleep, curled around the little teddy-bear Finn had gotten her. It was kind of weird, Rachel dating his brother. Especially when he had to keep his relationship with her bother a secret. But he knew that wasn't entirely her fault and shouldn't blame her for it. But still it was weird, her coming round not to see him, him walking by Finn's room and hearing giggling and whispered words. Having Finn ask him for girl advice because he was Rachel's best friend and knew her like the back of his hand. It was sweet, and he was glad that she was happy, but it's exhausting sometimes.

The voices got louder, snapping Kurt's attention back to them. He listened for a few heartbeats and realized one of them was Blaine. (He would know that voice anywhere). And the other was female so it must be Mrs. Anderson. Smirking to himself, Kurt quietly got off the bed, so as not to disturb Rachel and quickly slipped to the door, sliding out with the agility of a ninja.

Kurt was quite surprised to see Blaine and his mother right outside Rachel's door, both looking furious, but Mrs. Anderson—Jane more so.

"Top of the morning," Kurt said, pretending to tip a hat. Mrs. Anderson sent him a look of pure loathing and he just smiled back, feigning indifference since he knew being ignored got to her the most. Rachel took after her like that.

"If you could excuse us please," Mrs. Anderson said coldly. "But my son and I were having a conversation."

"Well next time don't have it in front of a room filled with sleeping people," Kurt said raising an eyebrow. "Besides this looks serious and if one of you ends up dead I think you should have a mediator for a witness in court."

Mrs. Anderson narrowed her eyes at him. "Is that a threat?" she asked bitingly.

Kurt just continued smiling at her, though his ethereal eyes were just as cold as hers. "I mentioned court didn't I?" Kurt replied. "If it were a real threat or if I had an actual murder plan for you. Believe me when I say I wouldn't get caught, and no one would miss you when you're gone."

"That's it!" Mrs. Anderson said, "Get out of my house!"

"My," Kurt asked crossing his arms and cocking his head. "And here I was under the impression that you and I were such great friends."

"Get. Out." Jane said slowly, pointing towards the stairs. "I am not in the mood to play games with you, Hummel."

"And I'm not in the mood to take orders like I'm a dog," Kurt said shrugging slightly. "Moods are so finicky aren't they?"

"I will not ask again," Jane said glaring daggers and maces and swords, and whatever other sharp weapons at him. But Kurt stood unfazed. God, he hated this woman. And God pissing her off was so much fun.

"But you never really asked in the first place…"

"Blaine!" Mrs. Anderson yelled turning to her son. "Get this boy out of my house." Kurt looked at Blaine one eyebrow raised. Blaine's gaze flickered from his mother back to Kurt again, a million thoughts racing through his mind.

"No," he said jutting his chin out.

"I'm sorry what?" she asked, narrowing her glare on her son.

"I said…I said no," Blaine repeated with more power this time.

"Well I never," Mrs. Anderson replied taking a small step back. "I guess you really are contagious," she spat at Kurt. "And you're infecting my son; how Paul stands your presence I'll never understand."

"Maybe it's because he's not a heartless bitch," Kurt said coolly, not letting any of the hurt he felt show. "Or maybe," he said taking a step closer. "I fucked it into him."

"Excuse me?"

"Maybe I fucked him so hard over his desk that I made him scream for more. Maybe I fucked the bigotry out of him."

Suddenly Kurt felt a rough hand on his elbow. He was pulled roughly back, when he heard the sound of hand connecting with wall. Mrs. Anderson had tried to slap him – not just slap, fucking back hand him with all the fancy rings she wore –into oblivion, and Blaine had pulled him out of the line of fire.

Holy. Shit.

"Blaine, take that boy and get him out of my house or I swear to god..."

"Come on," Blaine hissed pulling Kurt's elbow. "We need to leave now." Kurt followed without complaint because he was still in shock that she had tried to hit him. He had been pushing her to the edge for two years and now she had finally fallen. Rachel was going to be pissed.

It wasn't until they were in Blaine's white Lexus LFA that Kurt snapped out of his shock. "Oh god," he said. "I can't believe she tried to hit my face."

"And I can't believe you said that to her!" Blaine said as he backed out of their four door garage. His knuckles whitened as he gripped the steering wheel as hard as he could.

"I'd apologize," Kurt said moving around, getting comfortable in the soft leather. "But I hate her so…"

"Kurt!" Blaine yelled, jerking to a stop at a red light and running a hand through his un-gelled hair. "Do you not realize what you just did?"

Kurt shrugged, "Made your crazy bitch mother act like a crazy bitch?"

"You made me choose sides." Blaine hissed. "After you told me to stay on parents good side, you made me choose and I had to choose you."

"You didn't have to," Kurt said quietly.

"Yes I did," Blaine replied bitterly, his hands still holding the steering wheel in their death grip. "You wouldn't have forgiven me if I didn't."

"I would have understood though—"

"Understanding and forgiveness are two very different things," Blaine said, taking his eyes off the road a moment to look at Kurt. "You may understand why our relationship ended as badly as it did, but you most definitely haven't forgiven me for it."

Kurt paused before answering, staring at Blaine's profile fighting the impending anger he could feel rising in his chest.

"Have you given me any reason to forgive you?" Kurt asked not in an accusing or emotional way. He asked it like he was asking what was for dinner; normally with a hint of curiosity, and not a single expression flickering across his face to display what he was really feeling. When Blaine showed no sign of responding Kurt continued on. "I know we had this argument, discussion whatever yesterday, but since you obviously have not grasped the gist of what I was saying, I will reiterate for you. You have given me no reason to forgive you. You disappeared for a year after kicking me out of your house, calling me a fag and a freak, taking everything from me, breaking my heart, listening to your mother instead of your heart, saving yourself instead of what we had…" Kurt's voice shook so he stopped talking for a moment to just breathe. "And then," he started again. "You return, and give an apology, and expect me to just forgive you and open my heart to you again?" Kurt made a sound of disgust. "I understand everything, but have not forgiven you. While you Blaine may have forgiven yourself, you obviously do not understand anything or the way I am feeling right now."

The silence in the car was heavy. Kurt couldn't bring himself to look at Blaine, and Blaine being the good driver that he is didn't take his eyes off the road, no matter how badly he wanted to look and hold and be able to show his love for Kurt again. They sat in the silence for another five minutes before Blaine turned and pulled in to a very familiar parking lot.

"The Lima Bean?" Kurt asked, nostalgia rippling through him. "Really?" Blaine shrugged and got out of the car, walking around to open the door for Kurt.

"I'm still in my PJ's," Kurt said pouting. "So are you."

Blaine looked down at himself to realize that what Kurt had said was indeed true. He was still wearing his red t-shirt and red plaid pants. "It doesn't matter," he said leaning against the open door. "It's 7am on a Saturday, nobody will be in there to judge us." It was amazing how he could do this, act like nothing was wrong.

"But I have bed hair," Kurt said stalling for time. He really didn't want to go in there. There were too many memories inside the Lima Bean's four small walls that he really didn't want to deal with. Kurt hadn't been back there since Blaine had left, and he was hoping he never would, Blaine memories were always much too powerful.

"Stop stalling and come on," Blaine said tipping his head towards the shop. "We're both bitchy without caffeine in our veins, and I would very much like to continue this conversation without an angry decaffeinated Kurt." Unable to stall any longer without sounding like a petulant child, Kurt exited the car fixing his hair.

"This is so embarrassing," Kurt grumbled. "I'm in my PJ's."

"Look at this way," Blaine said locking his expensive car twice for good measure. "If anybody dare's make fun of you, you can just tell them how much they cost. Trust me when I say they'll be at least double anything they're wearing."

Unable to stop himself Kurt cracked a grin, and Blaine smiled back before walking towards The Lima Bean. Steeling himself for the nostalgia and awkward conversation that he knew was coming Kurt, followed catching up quickly, until they were walking side by side with a fair amount of space between them.

"After you," Blaine said as he held the door open. The familiar chime sounded through the store and Kurt stepped inside, instantly assaulted with the delicious smell of coffee.

"Oh my god!" A familiar voice screamed happily from behind the counter. "My favourite boys are back!"

"Hey Stacey," Kurt and Blaine said at the same time. Blaine blushed slightly and moved to the counter to speak to the barrister.

"How are y'all doing?" she asked in her southern drawl, her smile bright. "I have missed you."

"Well you know how things have been," Kurt said leaning against the counter. "Awkward and…distant." Her brow scrunched in confusion and she tilted her head looking from Kurt to Blaine. Her dark brown pony tail swished lightly. "Well y'all are back together now right?"

An awkward silence filled the shop as nobody answered the question. Stacey's gaze flickered from both of them amusement and sadness in her gaze. "Alright then," she said leaning on her elbows against the counter. "Well at least y'all are talking again; I haven't seen you together since the break-up."

"Yes," Blaine said running his hands through his hair awkwardly. "That's probably because I went to Italy for a year." Stacey stared at him; her mouth open wide in shock.

"Excuse me?" she finally asked a threat heavy in her voice.

Blaine shuffled his feet nervously, his hand still in his hair and his head down as he stared at the pristine white tiles. "I went to Italy for a year."

"That's funny," Stacey said moving to stand with her hand on her hip. "But I thought you said that you went to Italy for a year and didn't even tell me or you know, have the courtesy to say goodbye." Kurt had to stifle a giggle at how much Blaine looked like a boy being scolded by his mother as he still didn't meet her angry stare.

"W—well," he started. Kurt still found it odd how sometimes Blaine could be this perfectly eloquent dapper prince charmer, and other times he was just a bushy haired dork who stumbled with his words. It was fucking adorable.


Kurt really couldn't afford to be thinking like that. Not now. Not yet.

"I think what he means to say," Kurt cut in from Blaine's rambles. "Is that you heard correctly. He left for Italy without telling you. He didn't tell me either, so it's okay it wasn't just you." The last part came out much more bitterly than he had expected, but if Stacey noticed she didn't say anything.

"He did what now?" Stacey asked crossing her arms. Kurt smiled wryly feeling kind of bad for Blaine. She was a force to be reckoned with when she was in a rage, and honestly, Kurt was surprised he hadn't told Stacey. He knew it was a last minute decision but Stacey was a close friend of both them, and since he and Blaine hadn't been on talking terms them Kurt had assumed he would tell Stacey.

"It's okay," Kurt said placating-ly. "We weren't on talking terms then anyway; I wouldn't expect him to come to my door just to tell me he's leaving. I think once was enough." Blaine looked hurt, and Stacey looked sad. It was amazing how much telling the truth affected people. He knew he had become harsher since the whole thing but that wasn't truly anyone's fault. And while he was still pissed at Blaine, he didn't blame him for the changes in himself. Time and events change people, this was a fact. There was nothing he could do about it. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, time and circumstance made Kurt a cold, harsh, bitch. He had to admit it wasn't pretty sometimes, not when he hurt the ones he loved because he couldn't control his tongue, but sometimes it felt so damn good. People are so afraid to tell the plain hard truth these days that it felt liberating to just say what was on his mind. And if this made him a bitch, so be it.

"I'm sorry," Kurt ended up saying.

"No, no need to apologize," Stacey said. "You didn't say nothin' but the truth. Now Blaine," she said looking at Blaine who looked as if someone had run over his new puppy. "Don't look so down, I ain't blaming you for nothin' yet. Honestly, from what I could weasel out of the both you, you were both in the wrong and both of y'all don't know everybody's full story. So you need to plan a time, to just sit down and talk." She looked both of them directly in the eye; Kurt gave her a sarcastic smile and Blaine nodded. "Good," she said satisfied. "Now I'm assuming y'all came here for some coffee since your relationship is still in tatters."

"Yes ma'am," Blaine said with a mock salute and cheeky grin. "A medium drip for me," Blaine said. He turned to look at Kurt before saying, "And a Grande Non-fat Mocha for my elf friend over here," Blaine finished his order smiling.

"How did you know?" Kurt asked with a secretive grin, unable to not play along.

"Years of stalking," Blaine said with a brush of his hand like it was no big deal. Pains of that memory pounded through Kurt's chest and for a brief moment he was stuck between wanting to laugh and wanting to cry. They had been so happy then; when they first became boyfriends. When they had first started to become each other's everything.

Stacey placed the steaming hot liquid on the counter and made a shooing motion with her hands. "It's on the house," she said still shooing. "So go sit at your table and talk. I know y'all, and that's what you came here to do so go get a move on. It physically hurts to see you guys so distraught."

"I am not distraught," Kurt and Blaine hissed at the same time.

Stacey laughed, "You guys can't fool me. I may be from Texas but I ain't dumb," she said shaking her head. "Blaine, you look like someone punched your puppy in the face and Kurt, you look like a cat being drowned in water. Look," she said her tone turning infinitely more serious, "I know what went down between y'all was some serious shit, but I ain't honestly ever shipped a real life couple as whole heartedly as I have with you too. And it may not seem like it, but I am hurting for the both of you. No I ain't saying get back together, because it's obvious that the both of you are still hurting. But I want you to make peace with each other, so that the both of you can heal."

"No offense," Kurt said coldly, "But we don't need your help."

"If that's the truth then you can close down the Lima Bean," Stacey replied not phased in the least by the annoyance pouring from Kurt. He never did like asking for help, but Stacey was just as truthful as he was. And even if she had to tie him down to the table she would make him listen.

"Kurt," she said. "You need to learn to let go of the past and to forgive. Blaine, you need to let go of your guilt and to stop blaming yourself." Both boys tried to respond but she gave them the hand interrupting their sentences because hello, what the hell kind of grown woman gave the hand anyway? "Don't you try to deny it," she said swishing her ponytail. "You know what? I don't even want to talk to y'all until you've at least made peace with yourselves."


"No, go." Stacey said firmly taking their orders and placing it in their hands. Without any real choice the boys sullenly took their drinks and walked to the door, no longer wanting to talk there. Not with Stacey and her heavy words hovering about.

"Well that was…pleasant," Blaine said as he opened his car door.

"That was classic Stacey," Kurt sighed. "And you know she'll shoot us if we don't at least talk."

"I know," Blaine said quietly. His untouched coffee sat in the cup holder and his hands tapped the steering wheel restlessly.

"Where should we go then?" Kurt asked, "Since your house is out of the picture and my dad will bring out his shot gun if you come anywhere near our property."

They sat in silence until Blaine perked up, "I know where we can go." Without another word to Kurt he put the Lexus into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot


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