Second Chances
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Second Chances: Summer of Broken Dreams

M - Words: 5,170 - Last Updated: Jan 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jun 21, 2012 - Updated: Jan 25, 2013
322 0 0 0 0


Blaine winced, and sighed before realigning his posture and walking in like hadn't just been eaves dropping on his mother's conversation.

"Sit," Jane said waving her hand over the two leather chairs that faced her grand ebony desk. "You're my son, this isn't a business meeting."

"I really wouldn't have known the difference," Blaine said stiffly eyeing the two chairs with mistrust. He'd just walked into the snake's pit, he really couldn't trust anything.

"You're being ridiculous," Jane reprimanded. "Just sit, you won't be comfortable standing like that."

"Oh," Blaine said sarcastically. "I'm so glad that after all this time you care about my comfort." Jane frowned rolling her eyes.

"I know you're pissed but trust me honey, this will be much better for you in the long run."

"What does Cooper have to do with anything?" Blaine asked ignoring her terrible attempt at comfort. He didn't care about her warped thinking about what was right for him; he wanted to know what his absent brother had to with any of this. The name hadn't been uttered in their home since he left. He hadn't even tried to contact them. Blaine thought he had seen Cooper once, when he first woke up in the hospital, but he was most likely hallucinating from al the narcotics he was on. Cooper wouldn't have come even if he had known.

"Of course that's what you care about," Jane said shaking her head. "Cooper has to do with everything," she continued. "But that's all you're getting from me until you complete your task."

Blaine sighed staring his mother down. Their gazes battled heavily, warm hazel against cold, new against old, inherited against original. Eventually Blaine broke his gaze first, unintentional tears welling in his eyes.

He looked back at his mother and she looked at him with pity. "I'd say I'm sorry, but I fear you wouldn't believe me."

Blaine shook his head working his jaw to keep the waver out of his voice. He was on the brink of tears because for a brief moment he had forgotten what he was about to do, and then he remembered and it came crashing down on him again like a thousand tons.

"Of course I wouldn't believe you," Blaine said.

Jane just nodded no remorse on her face. "Leave." She deadpanned.

Blaine gave her a bewildered look confused. "What?"

"Leave," Jane repeated. "I need to make some more phone calls and since this conversation is done, you should leave. Return when you're boyfriendless and ready to take up your responsibilities as the next man of this family."

Blaine opened his mouth to say something but seemed to think better of it. He stood to leave but stopped at the door turning back to look at his mother who was watching him with steady eyes. Anger poured through Blaine and it took everything in him to restrain it.

"I promise you mother," Blaine said his hand balling into fists. "One day you will reap what you sow."

"Is that so?" Jane asked a smirk planting itself on her face.

"Yes," Blaine said with a sad smile. "Because us humans— and no matter what you think you are human—us humans, we lack the grace of angels. And when we fall, we fall hard."

Jane raised an eyebrow.

"Enjoy your victory mother, for the war isn't over yet."



Kurt blanched as everything in him stopped moving. "I-I'm sorry what?" He asked cocking his head as Cooper shuffle uncomfortably in his seat. "What did you just say to me?"

"Umm…Everything is kind of my fault." He repeated not meeting Kurt's eye this time. Before he could even register what was happening, Kurt was in front of him holding his face in his hands a frantic look in his eyes.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

"Look," Cooper said kind of nervous now. "Everything that has happens in my family is more or less my fault. I know that sounds cocky or self-centred or whatever but it's true. I am the centre of everyone's problems and—"

A loud resounding clap filled the room. Cooper hissed as his neck snapped to the side from the force of the hit.

"And you still didn't come back." Kurt whispered, which was a hell of a lot scarier than if he was yelling. The anger that pushed through his voice made it sound like he was yelling. All sounds in the basement stopped.

"It's not that simple, Kurt," Cooper replied massaging his sore cheek. "Ow, by the way."

"Really?" Kurt asked putting his hands on hips. "Returning home is that complicated."

"It is!" Cooper exclaimed running a hand through his hair. "I've been here less than twenty four hours and look at the mess I've made."

"And look at all the messes you made when you were gone." Kurt countered not even batting an eye at Cooper's very red cheek. "You destroyed everything." Kurt's voice broke and a slight sob escaped his throat. He stopped talking and just took a second to breathe.

"If I didn't my mother would have," Cooper said softly watching Kurt break down. "She…I mean technically she's to blame for this, but I'm not here to place blame I—"

"Then what are you here for!" Kurt yelled turning his full bitch glare at him. "What is the purpose of this visit because God knows I don't see one."

"I just want to tell you the truth," Cooper said standing up so that Kurt wasn't looking down on him anymore. "You need to hear it whether you want to or not."

"Why?" Kurt challenged not at all phased by the height change.

"Because," Cooper said running his hand through his hair. "I just want to see my brother happy."

"Then you should have come home," Kurt snapped. "Prevented all of this from happening."

"Contrary to what is obviously popular belief, I deserve to be happy too," Cooper said resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "Coming home would have killed me, and would have let my mother win."

"That's so—"

"Selfish and petty I know," Cooper cut him off. "But Blaine made his choice too." Kurt sighed closing his eyes. "I told you," Cooper said more softly, "I'm not here to play the blame game. It will only ever goes in circles. I want to tell you the truth and the truth is Blaine saved you that day from a fate worse than heartbreak, if I do say so myself."



Kurt awoke in a state of bliss. Sleepy happiness flooded over him and he stretched rolling to his side. Last night had been amazing. Tender, sweet, and so very them Kurt couldn't even begin to fathom it. He bet himself ten bucks he was probably glowing right now, in any other occasion her would have been embarrassed having the word SEX practically painted all over his body but right now he couldn't care less. He loved it even. Blaine and him were as close as ever, and it felt great.

He sighed happily and closed his eyes leaning into his pillow. This had been one great summer for Kurt Hummel.


Kurt reached out and grabbed his phone from the nightstand noticing that it was 12:30 in the afternoon. Wow, sex really did make you sleep. He hadn't slept in past ten since the day he was born. Bringing his eyes back to the messages he gasped in surprise. He had ten missed calls and fifteen messages all from Blaine.
Kurt paled. This could not be good. With anticipation shaking through him Kurt opened the messages.

I love you

I mean it you are just…you are my everything

That came on really strong didn't it?

Baby I'm telling you now that I am so, so sorry.

Wake up, Kurt

Kurt, darling please answer me


Kurt stopped, confused and very scared. His eyes grazed the next couple of messages before he closed the chat and went to his voice mail. He had ten new messages. Not knowing what to expect Kurt pressed play. Blaine's voice flew from the speakers but he didn't sound like himself; Kurt had never heard him like this before.

"Kurt, I…I love you. I feel like I haven't said that enough so I love you I love you I love you I love you. God do I love you. I don't know why I'm doing this, I shouldn't be doing this, it will only make it harder but yeah…goodbye."


Good bye? What the hell was good bye? Why did it sound like Blaine was saying good bye good bye. Kurt skipped to the next message.

"You should learn how to you answer your phone. We need…we need to talk. Call me."


Well that was much more…formal than the first one.

"Kurt, answer your damn phone! I'm running out of time. Call me."

He sounded really angry, what the hell was going on?

"Kurt…just…just come over whenever you get this message, I really need to talk to you."

Blaine wants Kurt to come over? To his house? What planet did Kurt wake up on? The next message was longer and a lot more painful than the rest. He was crying, Blaine was downright sobbing into the phone and it broke Kurt's heart. That's all he heard, that's all there was to the message, just Blaine and his tears that didn't have any right to be there.

Kurt, who was frozen from shock before, leaped into action running around his room to put on some clothes. Something had happened, something terrible, and Blaine needed him so he would go. Kurt knew without a doubt, that if Blaine called him, he would always come running.


To Blaine

From Kurt:

On my way, I love you.


Blaine paced nervously, lead in his stomach and molasses in his veins. The world seemed blurry on the edges, like his mind was trying to take him away from here, from this horrible reality. But he was still here, and his feet were still moving on the carpet, and his body was still heavy, and his heart still felt like it was about to burst, and his eyes felt like they were going to burst into tears at any minute. But on the outside, not including the pacing, he looked as cool as a cucumber.

He still didn't know why he asked Kurt to meet him here and not somewhere where he wouldn't have to live for a few more years. He was masochistic like that he supposed. Sighing deeply he sighed and looked at his watch, Kurt would be here soon.


Kurt drove like the wind, suppressing the thirty minute drive into ten minutes twelve seconds. He still doesn't know how he did it, but at the time it felt like ten minutes twelve seconds too long. He couldn't get the echo of those sobs out of his mind. They had just had a beautiful night together, what could possibly have happened that hurt Blaine like that? Who could have happened? And what was going to happen when Kurt found them.

He pulled up to the mansion and was out of his Navigator and up the stairs ringing the doorbell in a flash. He realized he looked less than appealing dressed in skinny jeans and one of Blaine's Dalton sweaters, but he couldn't care less. He paused and listened. Not hearing any movement in the house he pressed the doorbell again shuffling impatiently on the door step.

Finally the door opens but it's not Blaine, its Mrs. Anderson. Or the She Devil, as Rachel called her.

"Kurt," she said raising an eyebrow and somehow looking down at Kurt even though he was taller than her by quite a few inches.

"Mrs. Anderson," Kurt said politely, though his legs shook to brush by her and go find Blaine.

"How can I help you?" she asked with a smirk and unease ran through the porcelain skinned boy.

"I need to speak to Blaine," Kurt answered. "Please may I come in?" He may be in a rush but Papa didn't raise no fool, manners are important. Especially when talking to your boyfriend's parents.

"Why?" Jane asked cocking her head. "In fact I didn't even know he knew you, I thought you were Rachel's friend."

"We met at a pool party at the beginning of the summer." Kurt replied still resisting the urge to barrel through. He barely registered the fact that he was more or less being interrogated. As far as "first impressions" went, he doubted he was making a good one. "We hit it off and we've been in contact since."

"What does he need your help with?" Kurt raised a brow on the emphasis of the word your, but managed to keep his tongue in check when he replied.

"I don't know," Kurt answered. "But if you let me in I'm sure I'll be able to find out." It came out ruder than expected but Kurt didn't mind. Mrs. Anderson had always put him on edge but right now she was being super suspicious. What was she playing at?

"Of course," she replied with a smile opening the door and allowing Kurt through. "I didn't mean to slow you down, I was merely curious is all."

"Of course," Kurt said with an awkward smile and nod. He slipped of his shoes. "Now if you excuse me," he said in regards to a good bye.

"He's in his room," Jane said staring at Kurt with her honey coloured eyes.

"T-thanks," Kurt answered before turning and walking out of the entry way to the stairs. He turned back and Jane was still watching him a pondering look on her face. Kurt turned back and walked up the stairs creeped out by the encounter and silently wishing that whatever was wrong with Blaine didn't have anything to do with his mother. Though with the family issues Blaine does but doesn't talk about, Kurt wouldn't rule out the option.

He sighed as he hit the second floor.

Fucking rich people.



"How do you think Kurt's taking it?" Rachel asked nervously with her hand in her mouth. She wasn't biting her nails so much as meticulously picking at them with her teeth. It was a bad nervous habit, she knows; stop bothering her it's been a long day.

"I don't know," Stacey said shrugging. "Porcelain's strong—"

"He'll take it like a man," Santana added. Rachel sighed leaning against the open door frame. They were trying to hear the conversation without outright sneaking. This was personal after all. They had heard Kurt's outburst, and Stacey had winced when Cooper had been slapped.

"If he's slapping that can't be very good," Tina said quietly.

"Nah," Jeff said with a smirk. He was lying down on the soft carpet of Kurt's room with his hands behind his head. Nick was staring at him longingly but keeping his distance because damn Jeff couldn't just lie like that! "Kurt's a slapper. You guys are just obviously not as annoying as we are."

David chuckled rolling his eyes. "And by we you mean you."

"You say potato I say useless vegetable."

"Hey!" Artie yelled. "Potatoes are not useless!" Mercedes turned giving him a weird look. "What?" he shrugged no apology on his face. "They are beautiful homey creatures that give us many different dishes and their honour should not be insulted."

"Okay Captain Tater," Santana said calmly. "Settle your fries before I go over there and settle them for you."

"Like we need two fights going on," Mercedes said rolling her eyes.

Artie grumbled in his chair. "I'm not looking for a fight," he corrected. "Just correcting a wrong statement."

"Does anybody else find it weird that we're having an argument about potatoes or is it just me?" Stacey inquired looking around the room.

"We're all a bunch of weirdos," Wes said with a shrug. "What are you going to do?"

"Shove a sock in your mouths if you don't shut up," Santana hissed. "Be quiet, I'm trying to eaves drop over here."

The group collectively rolled their eyes before lapsing into silence. Upstairs was quiet, things were about to get interesting, they could feel it.



Kurt climbed the stairs two at a time, not stopping to take a breath. He walked through the long hallway pass Rachel's room where he almost went on default, but veered last second walking the two doors down and stopping hesitantly outside Blaine's door.

He had never been inside before, it was an odd feeling. He knew he could just walk in but Kurt knocked before he even realized he was doing it. This was Blaine's private space, the only space that was totally and inherently Blaine's; he wanted to be invited in.

After three seconds the door opened slowly and Kurt took in a breath. The door opened completely to reveal Blaine standing there looking put together and as dapper as ever, not an inch of any distress on his features.

"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed happily throwing his arms around the shorter boy's neck. "I'm so glad you're okay!" Kurt burrowed his nose into the place where Blaine's neck and shoulder connected, and Kurt sighed in relief. Blaine was okay, he was warm and solid beneath him. Reveling in his happiness it took Kurt a moment to realize that Blaine hadn't embraced him back. Scrunching up his nose in confusion Kurt stepped back, keeping his arms around Blaine's neck.

"You okay, baby?" he asked scrutinizing his boyfriends face.

Blaine's stoic mask didn't change and Kurt's stomach dropped. Slowly he let go of Blaine complete dread shocking his system. "Blaine?" he asked tentatively.

"We need to talk," Blaine said with a slight smirk that put Kurt on edge. He hadn't seen that face since he'd first met the kid. This couldn't be good. Blaine stepped out of the way opening the door with a dramatic flourish inviting Kurt in.

Kurt didn't take his eyes off of Blaine as he entered the room. Something was off; he wasn't his usual bouncy, energetic, dapper self. This Blaine was calm, stoic, and cold. It was the coldness that bothered Kurt the most, even when Blaine was shutting himself off he was never cold; he just dimmed the flame hiding it a cocoon that too was warm.

Cold aimed to hurt, warmth aimed to heal. Kurt's stomach dropped even more; what was going on?

"Would you like to sit?" Blaine asked pointing to his bed or desk chair. The room was pretty bare for the vast expanse it had. Kurt registered that there was a window seat but he didn't bring it up; he supposed that it was too romantic for what was about to happen. With lead in his heart Kurt sat in the desk chair, crossing his legs.

"Blaine," he said watching the curly haired boy fidget quietly; the only break in the cold front. "You're scaring me…what's going on?"

Blaine looked at him and cocked his head. He licked his lips slightly, a nervous habit he had picked up from Kurt. "Kurt, I need to tell you something. You'll probably hate me after but it's for the best I let you know now before things progress any…further."

"Blaine what—?"

"I never loved you." Blaine said interrupting Kurt's questions. Silence filled the room as Kurt took in what Blaine just said.


"I said," Blaine licked his lips again. "I never loved you. It was all a lie all of this. This relationship this "thing" we had, it was a lie all of it."

Kurt scoffed. "You can't honestly expect me to believe that."

"You don't have a choice," Blaine countered. "It is a fact; I know you're stubborn but don't make yourself a fool."

"I'll be making myself a fool if I choose to believe this. Blaine," Kurt left the chair and knelt in front of Blaine who was sitting on the edge of his bed. "What happened? Who's making you do this? I promise whoever it is we can fight them together just don't give in."

"Nobody's making me say this," Blaine said softly as if reassuring a small child. "It is my choice to clear my conscience. I can't let this go on anymore, you deserve better."

Kurt sighed, not believing for an instant the words leaving Blaine's mouth. He placed his hands on Blaine's cheeks, cupping the mop-haired boy's face in his hands. "Look at me Blaine," Kurt ordered. "Look into my eyes and say those words again and see if I believe them. If you're going to end this fine, but don't lie to me. I know I deserve better than that. Who is it? Your mum, your dad?" Kurt gasped. "Did Rachel find out?"

Blaine ripped Kurt's hands off of his face, throwing them roughly to the side. "This isn't a joke," he almost growled. "This is real. This is happening and you need to accept it." Kurt looked at him in shock at the violent movement. "I, Blaine Anderson don't love you, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. It was all a test, an experiment, from the first time I talked to you."

Kurt looked at him flabbergasted; confused at the information Blaine was telling him. The dapper prince just went on ignoring Kurt's information overload.

"I didn't lie to you when I said my mother didn't like that I was gay, so she gave me a proposition. 'Try it out for the summer; see if it's really what you are or if it's just a phase.'" Blaine shrugged looking Kurt dead in the eye. "Turns out it was just a phase."

Kurt felt like he had just been punched in the gut. "You're lying." He said closing his eyes and taking a step back. "You're lying to my face."

"Why would I do that?" Blaine asked making a face. "What kind of lover lies to their partners faces?"

"Ones who want to protect them from the truth."

"What truth could be worse than this?" Blaine asked licking his lips again. Kurt didn't answer and Blaine gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry it had to be this way but—"

"You're licking your lips," Kurt said his voice unwavering.

Blaine paused. "What?"

"You're licking your lips, you picked it up from me and I only do it when I'm nervous. You're doing it now. You're nervous and you're lying to me, don't try to deny it, plus your hands twitching like you want to run it through your hair. You're lying to me!" Kurt yelled the last part, taking a step towards Blaine his eyes blazing.

"Tell me what's going on."

Blaine's eyes flickered to the door and back to Kurt again, the layer of ice melting just a fraction. "You're crazy," Blaine said. "Look this is hard to believe I know. I laid it on thick. I even went as far as to touch you…intimately." Blaine shuddered at the word and it sent pain shooting through Kurt. "You were a tool Kurt, a tool to serve me a purpose and you worked wonderfully. I am not gay. 100% not gay and you helped me figure it out. Now if you wouldn't mind, I think you should leave."

Silence brewed all around them. Blaine's heart was pounding and Kurt's was slowly breaking. His confidence in the fact that Blaine was lying to him was wavering. How could he say such horrible things to him? Suck Karofsky type things to him. But he couldn't be lying, he couldn't be. Kurt's first time couldn't have been a lie. It was too rare, to true, to precious. Blaine was his, Kurt was Blaine's, they were each other's everything and nothing was going to change that.

"Blaine," Kurt said slowly, his throat feeling tight. "I'm going to ask you one more time. What aren't you telling me?"

"Everything but the lie you want to hear," Blaine said with a shrug. "Look, I didn't want to be harsh but it here it is; the cold, hard, unedited truth. You need to leave, Kurt, because I wouldn't touch your faggy ass again with a ten foot pole. Your entire being disgusts me and I'm so glad that you let me in, because," Blaine took a step towards Kurt so that they were very close and all he had to do was whisper to let his words be heard. "You let me see the real you, all of you, you exposed yourself in the rawest way possible, just so that I can see how disgusting you are from the inside out."

Kurt pushed Blaine away before he realized he had done it. Blaine smiled because he had done it; he had finally pushed Kurt over the edge. But on the inside he was crying out, begging Kurt to see through the ice and cold words to see the burning passion that was lying underneath. But Blaine was a good actor, and he'd been using this role his entire life. He didn't expect Kurt to be able to see through it; not today.

"Fuck you," Kurt hissed tears burning at his eyes. "You speak these poison words to me and my heart cries. Stop! Just tell me what you want."

Blaine sighed, "What does it sound like I want? I want you to move on, to get over this stupid crush you have on me and –"

Blaine was cut off by a stinging pain on his cheek. His head snapped to the side and he tasted blood. "Blaine fucking Anderson," Kurt said shaking his head. "I love you, from the bottom of my heart I love you and that is never going to change."

"Then make it change!" Blaine exclaimed, rubbing his cheek slowly. "Because I'm over you," he laughed bitterly. "It's surprisingly easy to get over things that were never there."

Kurt bit his lip and blinked trying to hold back the tears. He wouldn't cry in front of this monster. Before Blaine could push him away, Kurt grabbed Blaine's face and pulled him into a rough kiss that was all teeth and tongue. Blaine had meant to fight it on contact, but for a brief moment he melted into the kiss. It was the last one he'd get. This was the last time he'd ever have Kurt this close to him, loving him, touching him, because when Blaine takes their lips apart he's about to push Kurt away forever. Steeling himself, Blaine pushed Kurt roughly, so roughly that he stumbled back a little.

"What the hell was that!" Blaine yelled anger blazing in his eyes. Kurt met his angry gaze with strength and a challenge.

"That," he said calmly. "Was a kiss. And you responded. It was a brief moment but you responded you can't even try to deny it." Kurt walked back to Blaine searching the shorter boy's face. "You still love me, you do love me, and no matter what you try to do it will always be there." Kurt stared at Blaine for a few moments before grabbing his head again meaning to pull him in for another kiss. But Blaine was ready for him. He grabbed Kurt's hand with his left arm, and his right hand rose to the side of his head ready to give a massive back-handed slap.

Kurt looked at him in horror. His gaze flickered from the strong raised hand to the angry face of his lover…ex-lover.

"You wouldn't dare," he hissed, trying not to show the utter despair he was in.

"Try me," Blaine retorted making no move to move his hand. "Now get the fuck out of my house, I don't allow faggy freak abominations under this roof." Roughly Blaine let Kurt go and the porcelain boy dropped to the floor, anger, shock, sadness, and confusion raking through his body rendering him useless in his own body.

Blaine had tried to hit him. Blaine.

Kurt looked up slowly, his eyes burning with frustrated and humiliated tears. Blaine looked down at him with no emotion showing on his face. Kurt stood and shook his head a thick scowl growing on his features.

"I weep for you," he said his voice breaking as the tears threatened to overwhelm him. "For the devils in your life must be very strong if they could have broken you so easily." Blaine didn't reply and watched him as he walked towards the door.

Suddenly without warning, Kurt felt a hand on his arm and a voice so pitiful and pleading that if Kurt still had a heart, it would have broken it.

"Kurt," he heard Blaine say. Warily Kurt turned around to see Blaine with so much emotion in his eyes that it physically hurt to look at. No, Kurt thought to himself. This is it; he's done what he wanted he's pushed me away. Fuck him to hell if he thinks he can take me back now.

Ripping his hand out of Blaine's soft grip Kurt whirled around and spat on Blaine's feet. "That," he said with venom. "Is more than what I think of you. Look at it, learn from it, then maybe one day you can be worth half of what that piece of spit is worth you piece of shit."

With those final words Kurt stormed out of the room and down the stairs. He made it to the front door before the finality of what had happened sunk in, and he made it to the car before the Watergates fell and the tears came down long and hard, streaming down his face. Sobs racked his body but he didn't make any noise. Even in the cocoon of his car, all was silent as Kurt Hummel finally broke beyond repair.


Blaine stared at the spit on his socks as the sobs stored in his body. He could feel them but he wouldn't cry, not yet, not until he was sure Kurt was gone. Suddenly his stomach lurched and Blaine ran to the bathroom before he could vomit the contents of his stomach onto the floor. He heaved and heaved and heaved, and when there was nothing left he heaved some more, as tears fell down his face.

Kurt was gone; he had pushed him away and in the worst way possible and he knew there was no turning back. He had done what he had set out to do, Kurt hated him and that was that. Curling into a ball next to the toilet seat, Blaine rested his head against the cold tile, warm tears gliding down his cheeks without him even registering it anymore. He felt oddly hollow, like there was nothing left inside of him. No hope, no happiness, no anger, no dread, just a cool numbness from his head to his toes. He closed his eyes and a banged his head against the wall, slowly at first until they got harder and harder. He stood up suddenly and started viciously beating the wall; kicking it and punching it as hard as he could. He quickly moved to the counter throwing all of his belongings at the wall, watching them shatter into a million pieces just like his heart had. Just like Kurt's heart had. He stopped his mad display and stared at himself in the mirror, his razor in his hand. He was sweating, and breathing heavily; his hair was gelled and his polo shirt clung to his skin.

"I hate you." He said with affirmation to his reflection. "I. Hate. You. I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!"

Blaine threw the razor at the mirror and watched with brief relief as the mirror exploded into a million different pieces flying across the room. The shards flew into him and cut his arms but he didn't feel any pain.

"Good job Blaine," he said to himself his voice as hollow as a drum. "You officially break everything you touch, everything you love. I hope you're proud."

End Notes: TBC...


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